Noboby hates Andrew Cuomo more than I do...but allegations should never ruin anybody, we don't work like that in the U.S.

It's not assault, it's harrassment. When the guy is your boss, you don't feel free to tell him to get lost in the way you might if it was an acquaintance, or some guy at a bar. The boss holds your livelihood in his hands. Most prudent people don't want to insult or piss off that person. It's not an equal power relationship, and therefore not kosher. There are plenty of other fish in the sea without hitting on employees. I get he was just being a horndog. It's not okay when they work for you.
Fair enough.
And he should resign but not for this.
Trumpers about Cuomo allegations: Why are Dems ignoring this??? Why do Dems have double standards about allegations?? blah blah

Also Trumpers: The Dems are stupid for demanding Cuomo resign
that is the understatement the dems have double standards.
It's not assault, it's harrassment. When the guy is your boss, you don't feel free to tell him to get lost in the way you might if it was an acquaintance, or some guy at a bar. The boss holds your livelihood in his hands. Most prudent people don't want to insult or piss off that person. It's not an equal power relationship, and therefore not kosher. There are plenty of other fish in the sea without hitting on employees. I get he was just being a horndog. It's not okay when they work for you.
Fair enough.
And he should resign but not for this.
Yeah, I don't know much about the nursing home thing. There seems to be a case to be made either way. But that's up to the people of New York to decide.
Another women just accused of harassment
Andrew Cuomo's hands had been on my body—my arms, my shoulders, the small of my back, my waist
President Biden anyone?
Which is fucking hilarious. Biden is ok but cuomo must go! :lol:
Fucking disingenuous twats
Tell me the last time Biden dived under someone's blouse. This is a bad one.

Biden was accused of shoving his fingers in a womans vagina.
Remember the secret service story i told you about? Grabbed her boobs. Right there. In front of everyone. And we KNOW that happened.
This thread is about Cuomo and I thought we were talking about sexual harrassment in the workplace?
You asked when he did it so i answered.
Both ARE the work place. Both were under him.
You're right. Except that woman's allegations weren't credible and if Biden had that woman's breast in his hand, it wasn't in a private room, under her shirt. If he did it in front of the woman's husband, it was probably an accident.
Why werent they credible? She had witnesses!
Yeah accidents often lead to employees assaulting their boses.

Her "witness's" had a few things in common. They didn't witness anything. And, she didn't actually name names in her conversations.

In fact, her "police report" filed only after she made these allegations, didn't mention Biden by names. She doesn't have a single record of the complaint she supposedly filed on the political side. But you are perfectly willing to call her credible but not Blasey Ford, despite the weaknesses in both? When the target is a Dem, the charge magically becomes...credible. When the target is a Republican, like Trump - you demand credible proof. Unlike when you accuse Biden of being and pedophile and sexually assaulting children (baseless) ... you may not "be a Republican" but you sure fight hard for their side. Whether the complaints against Cuomo have credibility - remains to be seen, but wouldn't surprise me. IMO, fudging nursing home deaths is enough.
And of course! you just make shit up again. I have defended him. Almost all he did was try to have sex.
Biden got accused of shoving his hand in taras vagina. And lets not forget the other link.
Hell, lets not forget all the women that accused biden of "sexual assault" think he has more than cuomo.

I'm not making up anything. I looked at your posts.

Two women accused Biden of sexual assault. One - the teenage girl who claimed, along with her mother, that he made an inappropriate comment about her breasts at a party. Problem was...the date given for the party was a date Biden was out of town. So she tried another date. He wasn't there either.

I pointed out the many short comings in Tara Reade's accusations, most specifically - that she didn't actually name names - either when she talked to her "witnesses" (and referred to her attacker as a "high up political figure) or - most notably - when she finally filed a police report. So why are you so willing to believe it uncritically? You ought to be believing Blasey Ford then. Basically, I think something happened to both women to make an impression - but there is no evidence to say the people they claim did it, did nor does it seem in character of the men (though with Ford, they were a bunch of drunken partying minors at the time). But - you'll believe anything if it's against Biden right?
Wrong. Its 8
All the times Biden was accused of behaving inappropriately with women (
I never did say i believed it. I am using those allegations to call out the disingenuous outrage from democrats.
My second post in the thread : A strait male tries to get laid and all hell breaks lose LOL
So, yes, you were making shit up.
Did you read yiur own article? 8 women...ya,, but other than Reade their complaints were toucing inappropriately or violating their personal space, not sexual assault.

For someone who "doesnt believe it, you sure post aboout pedo sexual assaulter Joe an awful lot....and not a word about Trump and his daughter. I mean...thetd ARE photos right? And that is all you need right?
And biden DOES touch children inappropriately. There is video. There is nothing to discuss

There is your interpretation of a video. TNHarley

In all this time - no complaints, not from parents, or kids. No charges. But hey - that's enough evidence for you to accuse some one of being pedo. Now, did you say the same thing after seeing all those pictures of Trump fondlilng his daughter Ivanka? You DO apply the same standards of evidence right?
The children were freaked out, coyote. There wasnt anything to interpret.
IDC downplay it. You voted for a pervert. Period. :dunno:
Again, you putting your own spin on a snip of video that nay or may not be acurate. I woyld expect a freaked out child to vocalize and a oarent to say something.

You clarified that no actual evidence is needed to label someone a pervert if it is a Dem.
And biden DOES touch children inappropriately. There is video. There is nothing to discuss

There is your interpretation of a video. TNHarley

In all this time - no complaints, not from parents, or kids. No charges. But hey - that's enough evidence for you to accuse some one of being pedo. Now, did you say the same thing after seeing all those pictures of Trump fondlilng his daughter Ivanka? You DO apply the same standards of evidence right?
The children were freaked out, coyote. There wasnt anything to interpret.
IDC downplay it. You voted for a pervert. Period. :dunno:
Again, you putting your own spin on a snip of video that nay or may not be acurate. I woyld expect a freaked out child to vocalize and a oarent to say something.

You clarified that no actual evidence is needed to label someone a pervert if it is a Dem.
putting my own spin on this?

Trust me, I'd love to see him hang in public for his alignment with the left but this #MeToo bullshit is BULLSHIT!
I'll admit though...I enjoy watching the Left fuck themselves and eat their own.
They simply can't get out of their own way.

Allow me to explain: You're a dinosaur who thinks it's okay to sexually harass/assault women, and there should be no repercussions from this behavior. It totally explains why you are a Trump cultist.
Cuomo is Trump?? lmao


And biden DOES touch children inappropriately. There is video. There is nothing to discuss

There is your interpretation of a video. TNHarley

In all this time - no complaints, not from parents, or kids. No charges. But hey - that's enough evidence for you to accuse some one of being pedo. Now, did you say the same thing after seeing all those pictures of Trump fondlilng his daughter Ivanka? You DO apply the same standards of evidence right?
The children were freaked out, coyote. There wasnt anything to interpret.
IDC downplay it. You voted for a pervert. Period. :dunno:
Again, you putting your own spin on a snip of video that nay or may not be acurate. I woyld expect a freaked out child to vocalize and a oarent to say something.

You clarified that no actual evidence is needed to label someone a pervert if it is a Dem.
putting my own spin on this?
View attachment 468265

Yup. Now, let's see if your spin is consistent.
Another women just accused of harassment
Andrew Cuomo's hands had been on my body—my arms, my shoulders, the small of my back, my waist
President Biden anyone?
Which is fucking hilarious. Biden is ok but cuomo must go! :lol:
Fucking disingenuous twats
Tell me the last time Biden dived under someone's blouse. This is a bad one.

xiden dont have to. it just lets its hand run all over little girls
mary-o homo...his fucked up father trashed NY, and the retards then elect this corrupt, wannabe. these cuomo homos need to die...slowly. including the wannabe reporter. come on shit stain chris, your job is to report news, not run away from it because it implicates a retarded family member. you are a worthless piece of shit, also chris homo. cant do your job, get the fuck out,shit stain
all of you cuomo homos need 2 be shot
And biden DOES touch children inappropriately. There is video. There is nothing to discuss

There is your interpretation of a video. TNHarley

In all this time - no complaints, not from parents, or kids. No charges. But hey - that's enough evidence for you to accuse some one of being pedo. Now, did you say the same thing after seeing all those pictures of Trump fondlilng his daughter Ivanka? You DO apply the same standards of evidence right?
The children were freaked out, coyote. There wasnt anything to interpret.
IDC downplay it. You voted for a pervert. Period. :dunno:
Again, you putting your own spin on a snip of video that nay or may not be acurate. I woyld expect a freaked out child to vocalize and a oarent to say something.

You clarified that no actual evidence is needed to label someone a pervert if it is a Dem.
putting my own spin on this?
View attachment 468265

Yup. Now, let's see if your spin is consistent.

View attachment 468266
great pic...can you show the ones where xidens hands are molesting the little girls? you are nothing but a brain dead, commie, demonRAT that cant get over TRUMP....go back under your bed and hide.
It really is insignificant compared to the nursing home scandal. Those kinds of decisions are always made for monetary reasons. No normally functioning person would put people with Covid into a nursing home. If they dig into that money trail, people will go to jail, including this asshole. The other four governors who issued similar orders are dems, so you are seeing these harassment charges against Cuomo being covered like a mass murder and a media blackout on the nursing home deaths. The other four are Whitmer of Michigan, Newsom of California, Wolf of Pennsylvania and Murphy of New Jersey.
And biden DOES touch children inappropriately. There is video. There is nothing to discuss

There is your interpretation of a video. TNHarley

In all this time - no complaints, not from parents, or kids. No charges. But hey - that's enough evidence for you to accuse some one of being pedo. Now, did you say the same thing after seeing all those pictures of Trump fondlilng his daughter Ivanka? You DO apply the same standards of evidence right?
The children were freaked out, coyote. There wasnt anything to interpret.
IDC downplay it. You voted for a pervert. Period. :dunno:
Again, you putting your own spin on a snip of video that nay or may not be acurate. I woyld expect a freaked out child to vocalize and a oarent to say something.

You clarified that no actual evidence is needed to label someone a pervert if it is a Dem.
putting my own spin on this?
View attachment 468265

Yup. Now, let's see if your spin is consistent.

View attachment 468266
You keep trying to deflect with a comparison of a mans child vs a strangers child when it is obviously not wanted.
I mean, really? A daughter sitting on her fathers knee makes him a pervert? LOL GTFO
I agree.. but he should be impeached for the nursing home scandal. In the very least.
Limp wrists are willing to ruin your entire life for trying to fuck a woman. Its crazy!

There is a problem with this attitude. If men and banks want women in the work force, you have to make it safe for women to work there. Sexual harassment is disgusting and horrible and women all end up leaving where such men work. We aren't in the work force to be your prey. You think we work so you can "try to fuck a woman"??

Sexual predators.
...but allegations should never ruin anybody, we don't work like that in the U.S.

Democrats do. That is all they try to do is ruin people, with allegations. They spent four+ years trying to ruin Trump with . . . . allegations. It's up to Andy now to fight it, prove it wrong or resign. The damage may already be done.
Trust me, I'd love to see him hang in public for his alignment with the left but this #MeToo bullshit is BULLSHIT!
I'll admit though...I enjoy watching the Left fuck themselves and eat their own.
They simply can't get out of their own way.

I think you make a good point about the Left not able to get out of their own way, and eating their own. This is happening, vicious leftwing infighting and also extreme overreach, like trying to push trannies on everyone as something real. Or forcing people to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding. They go way too far, is what you mean by can't get out of their own way. They want open borders, and now unaccompanied minors are flooding in thru Mexico literally in the thousands -- all children, and the Democrats pushed for this. The mask craziness, the engineered collapse of American businesses and schools.

Maybe we should let them destroy themselves. Don't try to stop the nastiness and insanity, just let them go on further and further till it all falls by itself.
And biden DOES touch children inappropriately. There is video. There is nothing to discuss

There is your interpretation of a video. TNHarley

In all this time - no complaints, not from parents, or kids. No charges. But hey - that's enough evidence for you to accuse some one of being pedo. Now, did you say the same thing after seeing all those pictures of Trump fondlilng his daughter Ivanka? You DO apply the same standards of evidence right?
The children were freaked out, coyote. There wasnt anything to interpret.
IDC downplay it. You voted for a pervert. Period. :dunno:
Again, you putting your own spin on a snip of video that nay or may not be acurate. I woyld expect a freaked out child to vocalize and a oarent to say something.

You clarified that no actual evidence is needed to label someone a pervert if it is a Dem.
putting my own spin on this?
View attachment 468265

Yup. Now, let's see if your spin is consistent.

View attachment 468266
You keep trying to deflect with a comparison of a mans child vs a strangers child when it is obviously not wanted.
I mean, really? A daughter sitting on her fathers knee makes him a pervert? LOL GTFO

:lmao: Thanks for that excellent example of hypocrisy, I knew you wouldn't disappoint. (and btw you DO realize most instances of child sexual assault are done by a family member?)

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