Nobody is above the law, Sheriff Joe.

We hear about Hillary's supposed "crimes" all the time, but it looks like Sheriff Joe might finally have his actions catch up to him. Should have retired in Hawaii.. Judge seeks criminal contempt charges against Sheriff Joe Arpaio - Joe Arpaio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oh he's asking people for what a criminal......we'll just call him a sanctuary sheriff he can ignore federal laws......
He's trying to ignore a Federal judge. That's a whole different ball of wax. Ignore a law and you might go to jail. Ignore a judge and you'll definitely go to jail.
...I have friends who have been profiled, humiliated and harassed simply for being Hispanic...
When you're on the lookout for Illegal Beaners, you aren't going to be stopping many blond-haired, blue-eyed Nordic Aryan types, eh?
And what EXACTLY does that have to do with what I posted? Please...stay on point!
It was ENTIRELY on-point in the context of what you posted... but thank you for playing, anyway. Next contestant, please.
yeah he helps no one.....
Joe Arpaio‏@RealSheriffJoe Aug 6

What a great honor to receive an award of appreciation at the 25th Anniversary of the Buddhist Temple Murders

This is how liberals treat criminals...Get people off on technicalities...then drag it out even longer.....thanks libs...this is why we need to kill murderers, for closure, so this shit doesn't happen....the 9th circuit will prob say he has a right to parol.....fucking bastards.

Waddell, Arizona Buddhist temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Legal proceedings: 1993–2014[edit]
Both men were charged with the crime of armed robbery and first-degree murder and convicted in 1994, Doody by a jury and Garcia by a plea deal. They received several lifetimes in prison.[1][5] On the basis that his confession had been improperly obtained, Doody's conviction was overturned in 2008 by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals and again in 2011.[3][3] The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the decision of the Circuit Court.

Doody's second trial resulted in a mistrial in 2013.[1]

The third trial concluded in January 2014 and found Doody guilty on all counts, including the nine murders. The jury based its findings on Garcia's testimony and circumstantial evidence. Doody was sentenced to 281 years in prison.[5]
From your link...Arpaio, who has made national headlines in the past for his uncompromising views against illegal immigration, invited Donald Trump to speak in Phoenix for a campaign rally last weekend that attracted thousands. Trump has attracted controversy for comments he's made about undocumented immigrants from Mexico, calling some of them "rapists" and "killers." Thousands of supporters and protesters attended the event, which had to move locations to accommodate the crowd. Sounds more like the Democrats are criminalizing support of the opposing political party, from the timing...
Judge Snow was appointed by George W. Bush and worked for a judge appointed by Reagan. I guess the way the Trump party has been throwing aside traditional Republicans, they're both Democrats now!
Any judge appointed by a career politician = corrupt
Sheriff Joe is a career politician with political goals far beyond simply serving as sheriff. Must be corrupt.
Career politicians hate the guy, he must not be all that bad… LOL
He's that bad alright. People hate him because he's hateful, don't know why all that negativity appeals to you people
It's all about perceptions

We are a nation of laws, not douchey perceptions
And when a law is perceived to be against the best interests of the Republic and its People,folks will oftentimes engage in civil disobedience.

And when that civil disobedience is perceived as righteous and in the best interests of the Republic and its People...

Folks perceive that the disobeying party(ies) are folk heroes, and support and celebrate that civil disobedience...

Which is more 'douchy' ???

The sissy who would let-in everyone who wants in?

Or the man who takes a stand, says "No" to open borders, and does what is needed to slow down the tidal wave of invaders?

My money is on the former.

As can be said for most Thinking Americans.
From your link...Arpaio, who has made national headlines in the past for his uncompromising views against illegal immigration, invited Donald Trump to speak in Phoenix for a campaign rally last weekend that attracted thousands. Trump has attracted controversy for comments he's made about undocumented immigrants from Mexico, calling some of them "rapists" and "killers." Thousands of supporters and protesters attended the event, which had to move locations to accommodate the crowd. Sounds more like the Democrats are criminalizing support of the opposing political party, from the timing...
Judge Snow was appointed by George W. Bush and worked for a judge appointed by Reagan. I guess the way the Trump party has been throwing aside traditional Republicans, they're both Democrats now!
Any judge appointed by a career politician = corrupt
Sheriff Joe is a career politician with political goals far beyond simply serving as sheriff. Must be corrupt.
Career politicians hate the guy, he must not be all that bad… LOL
He's that bad alright. People hate him because he's hateful, don't know why all that negativity appeals to you people
Probably has something to do with telling Illegal Aliens -friendly courts to go phukk themselves...
Any judge appointed by a career politician = corrupt
So all of the judges appointed by Thomas Jefferson were corrupt?

You should have your own history blog

He was not a career politician, He was a founder read up on history. Dip shit
You believe many of the founders were not career politicians?


you had to be educated in a public school down south

Actually many of the founders were businessmen and addition to being politicians.......not like you dems who always work on the govt payroll from graduation to death.
Really? And many if not most of the leading funders were lawyers
Any judge appointed by a career politician = corrupt
So all of the judges appointed by Thomas Jefferson were corrupt?

You should have your own history blog

He was not a career politician, He was a founder read up on history. Dip shit
You believe many of the founders were not career politicians?


you had to be educated in a public school down south
Hence "founders", they where forming and making the country... Career politicians do nothing "for" the country - their self interest is in their federal government.
Far worse, a federally controlled Indian reservation school in western South Dakota.
From your link...Arpaio, who has made national headlines in the past for his uncompromising views against illegal immigration, invited Donald Trump to speak in Phoenix for a campaign rally last weekend that attracted thousands. Trump has attracted controversy for comments he's made about undocumented immigrants from Mexico, calling some of them "rapists" and "killers." Thousands of supporters and protesters attended the event, which had to move locations to accommodate the crowd. Sounds more like the Democrats are criminalizing support of the opposing political party, from the timing...
Judge Snow was appointed by George W. Bush and worked for a judge appointed by Reagan. I guess the way the Trump party has been throwing aside traditional Republicans, they're both Democrats now!
Any judge appointed by a career politician = corrupt
Sheriff Joe is a career politician with political goals far beyond simply serving as sheriff. Must be corrupt.
Career politicians hate the guy, he must not be all that bad… LOL
He's that bad alright. People hate him because he's hateful, don't know why all that negativity appeals to you people
Nothing lower than a career politician...
Hence "founders", they where forming and making the country... Career politicians do nothing "for" the country - their self interest is in their federal government.
Far worse, a federally controlled Indian reservation school in western South Dakota.
Hey dopey, many were in colonial offices before, and in state legislatures later. They were career politicians, and many of them were in it for themselves and their fortunes. Some like Adams and Jefferson and Monroe and Washington and Morris and others were serious men, they were the leaders. But many others were profiteers. Even the men who joined the military and congressional committees during the war.

You're old enough you should know more than junior high school myths
Judge Snow was appointed by George W. Bush and worked for a judge appointed by Reagan. I guess the way the Trump party has been throwing aside traditional Republicans, they're both Democrats now!
Any judge appointed by a career politician = corrupt
Sheriff Joe is a career politician with political goals far beyond simply serving as sheriff. Must be corrupt.
Career politicians hate the guy, he must not be all that bad… LOL
He's that bad alright. People hate him because he's hateful, don't know why all that negativity appeals to you people
Probably has something to do with telling Illegal Aliens -friendly courts to go phukk themselves...
A Sheriff who makes his own law is only good in bad cowboy movies.
Any judge appointed by a career politician = corrupt
Sheriff Joe is a career politician with political goals far beyond simply serving as sheriff. Must be corrupt.
Career politicians hate the guy, he must not be all that bad… LOL
He's that bad alright. People hate him because he's hateful, don't know why all that negativity appeals to you people
Probably has something to do with telling Illegal Aliens -friendly courts to go phukk themselves...
A Sheriff who makes his own law is only good in bad cowboy movies.

Sanctuary sheriff.....he can do what he wants just like sanctuary cities!
i just read the stephan lemons hit piece. this hack writer has been at it for awhile. this is an extension of obama's war on cops that enforce the laws. we are still unclear from this whether or not crossing the border from mexico is illegal, the libs want it to be fine. but it's not fine. sheriff joe is doing his job.
It's not about whether a border crossing was illegal, but disobeying a judge's order. What if Hillary refused to answer the questions from JW that a judge has ordered?

No the real question is, can a judge order a law enforcement officer to not perform his sworn duty?
Hence "founders", they where forming and making the country... Career politicians do nothing "for" the country - their self interest is in their federal government.
Far worse, a federally controlled Indian reservation school in western South Dakota.
Hey dopey, many were in colonial offices before, and in state legislatures later. They were career politicians, and many of them were in it for themselves and their fortunes. Some like Adams and Jefferson and Monroe and Washington and Morris and others were serious men, they were the leaders. But many others were profiteers. Even the men who joined the military and congressional committees during the war.

You're old enough you should know more than junior high school myths
They were capitalists, the American way... Making the American Dream - capitalism.
Career politicians/socialists have the opposite agenda, making an overbearing control freak socialist government. Dip shit

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