Nobody is above the law, Sheriff Joe.

thread is going down. They've run out of serious debate, talking points and now all they have left is juvenile insults and personal attacks on Hillary or Obama, or liberals, or Democrats.

It's a factory reset for the drones
Says the control freak
From your link...Arpaio, who has made national headlines in the past for his uncompromising views against illegal immigration, invited Donald Trump to speak in Phoenix for a campaign rally last weekend that attracted thousands. Trump has attracted controversy for comments he's made about undocumented immigrants from Mexico, calling some of them "rapists" and "killers." Thousands of supporters and protesters attended the event, which had to move locations to accommodate the crowd. Sounds more like the Democrats are criminalizing support of the opposing political party, from the timing...
Judge Snow was appointed by George W. Bush and worked for a judge appointed by Reagan. I guess the way the Trump party has been throwing aside traditional Republicans, they're both Democrats now!
Any judge appointed by a career politician = corrupt
Well, that accounts for all but the ones who are directly elected.
...I have friends who have been profiled, humiliated and harassed simply for being Hispanic...
When you're on the lookout for Illegal Beaners, you aren't going to be stopping many blond-haired, blue-eyed Nordic Aryan types, eh?
And what EXACTLY does that have to do with what I posted? Please...stay on point!
It was ENTIRELY on-point in the context of what you posted... but thank you for playing, anyway. Next contestant, please.
NO, it was irrelevant! You ignored the last paragraph of my post, so I'll repost it for you to gain some understanding, 'Kaaay?

"BTW, Maricopa County is a long way from the Mexican border...look for Phoenix on a map! Besides, Arizona Sheriffs and other LEO's have no legal jurisdiction over direct immigration policing matters. When SCOTUS struck down Arizona's 2010 "Paper's Please" statute (SB 1070) in 2012, the decision essentially stated Arizona's reach had exceeded its grasp via the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and that authority was vested in the National government."
SEE - ARIZONA v. UNITED STATES (8-0 decision, Kagan recused herself)

ALL AZ LEO's have no direct authority to be, "...on the lookout for Illegal Beaners..." as you claim and would be violating federal law if they actually were!

And thank you for presenting as asshole #2 of the day.
Any judge appointed by a career politician = corrupt
Sheriff Joe is a career politician with political goals far beyond simply serving as sheriff. Must be corrupt.
Career politicians hate the guy, he must not be all that bad… LOL
He's that bad alright. People hate him because he's hateful, don't know why all that negativity appeals to you people
Probably has something to do with telling Illegal Aliens -friendly courts to go phukk themselves...
A Sheriff who makes his own law is only good in bad cowboy movies.
A Sheriff who refuses to obey a ruling that obstructs the legitimate enforcement of legitimate law is a Folk Hero to many.
...I have friends who have been profiled, humiliated and harassed simply for being Hispanic...
When you're on the lookout for Illegal Beaners, you aren't going to be stopping many blond-haired, blue-eyed Nordic Aryan types, eh?
And what EXACTLY does that have to do with what I posted? Please...stay on point!
It was ENTIRELY on-point in the context of what you posted... but thank you for playing, anyway. Next contestant, please.
NO, it was irrelevant! You ignored the last paragraph of my post, so I'll repost it for you to gain some understanding, 'Kaaay?...
Don't really care anything about your entire post.

I was counterpoint one aspect of it.
Again the far right think law and honesty only applies to everyone else but not them.
First we have Trump's fact backed history of being a pathological liar and now Sheriff Joe!

FBI urged charges in probe of 'Sheriff Joe,' others

What hypocrites!

Do you think he could do the Hillary Clinton defense? What if he had a friend in the justice Department like Hillary did who agreed not to prosecute her? WOw...what hypocrisy.

I have repeatedly stated I will not be voting for Hillary Clinton, she is the second worse presidential candidate the USA has ever seen, Donald Trump is the worse.
Now, getting back to my post, instead of trying to deflect, why not grow some balls and address Sheriff Joe's charges of abuse of power.
...I have friends who have been profiled, humiliated and harassed simply for being Hispanic...
When you're on the lookout for Illegal Beaners, you aren't going to be stopping many blond-haired, blue-eyed Nordic Aryan types, eh?
And what EXACTLY does that have to do with what I posted? Please...stay on point!
It was ENTIRELY on-point in the context of what you posted... but thank you for playing, anyway. Next contestant, please.
NO, it was irrelevant! You ignored the last paragraph of my post, so I'll repost it for you to gain some understanding, 'Kaaay?...
Don't really care anything about your entire post.

I was counterpoint one aspect of it.
Your "counterpoint" was made moot, undecided, irrelevant even before you wrote it, fool, as I already showed, but you have a desire to be shown again evidently and bring on more embarrassment, so here you go, slick!!
NO, it was irrelevant! You ignored the last paragraph of my post, so I'll repost it for you to gain some understanding, 'Kaaay?

"BTW, Maricopa County is a long way from the Mexican border...look for Phoenix on a map! Besides, Arizona Sheriffs and other LEO's have no legal jurisdiction over direct immigration policing matters. When SCOTUS struck down Arizona's 2010 "Paper's Please" statute (SB 1070) in 2012, the decision essentially stated Arizona's reach had exceeded its grasp via the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and that authority was vested in the National government."
SEE - ARIZONA v. UNITED STATES (8-0 decision, Kagan recused herself)

ALL AZ LEO's have no direct authority to be, "...on the lookout for Illegal Beaners..." as you claim and would be violating federal law if they actually were!

And thank you for presenting as asshole #2 of the day.
What don't you understand about ARIZONA v. UNITED STATES and State LEO's directly working immigration issues being unconstitutional? It was a unanimous decision by the sitting High Court!

You'll be in need of a clown suit asshole #2!
No one is above the law? Right, tell that to the illegal alien population that is thriving. Ethnic profiling is wrong. Just because a large group of people act like negatived racial stereotypes, heaven forbid anyone NOTICE or be able to address that...instead, outlaw reality. That will make everything better. Hear no evil, see no evil, think no evil. Be a good monkey.

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