Nobody is above the law, Sheriff Joe.

Wasn't Sheriff Joe one of those like Trump who spent months investigating Obama's presidential legitimacy to only come up with nothing? Yeah, reelect this fucking guy.
Shit, the country is full of crazy elected officials. Why break the pattern now? :dunno:

You believe the elected officials are that different than people like you?

Your opinion is pathetic
"People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wasn't Sheriff Joe one of those like Trump who spent months investigating Obama's presidential legitimacy to only come up with nothing? Yeah, reelect this fucking guy.
Shit, the country is full of crazy elected officials. Why break the pattern now? :dunno:

You believe the elected officials are that different than people like you?

Your opinion is pathetic
"People do not seem to realize that their opinion of the world is also a confession of character." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wow, suddenly you seem defensive....... Yup, definite case of Politicalosis. Don't worry the symptoms will abate after the first Monday in November. :thup:
From your link...Arpaio, who has made national headlines in the past for his uncompromising views against illegal immigration, invited Donald Trump to speak in Phoenix for a campaign rally last weekend that attracted thousands. Trump has attracted controversy for comments he's made about undocumented immigrants from Mexico, calling some of them "rapists" and "killers." Thousands of supporters and protesters attended the event, which had to move locations to accommodate the crowd. Sounds more like the Democrats are criminalizing support of the opposing political party, from the timing...
Judge Snow was appointed by George W. Bush and worked for a judge appointed by Reagan. I guess the way the Trump party has been throwing aside traditional Republicans, they're both Democrats now!
Any judge appointed by a career politician = corrupt
Nah Dev, it's that you state the obvious and somehow think you're being smart and clever..... Now that's hysterically funny!!!! :lmao:
Go troll elsewhere you tired old coot.

You really are a big bore
Ahhhh, is Dev butt hurt........? Poor wittle waif. Is it time to change your diapers? Smells like it. :thup:
What else is hysterically funny is you admonishing me for trolling..........

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
From your link...Arpaio, who has made national headlines in the past for his uncompromising views against illegal immigration, invited Donald Trump to speak in Phoenix for a campaign rally last weekend that attracted thousands. Trump has attracted controversy for comments he's made about undocumented immigrants from Mexico, calling some of them "rapists" and "killers." Thousands of supporters and protesters attended the event, which had to move locations to accommodate the crowd. Sounds more like the Democrats are criminalizing support of the opposing political party, from the timing...
Judge Snow was appointed by George W. Bush and worked for a judge appointed by Reagan. I guess the way the Trump party has been throwing aside traditional Republicans, they're both Democrats now!
Any judge appointed by a career politician = corrupt
Sheriff Joe is a career politician with political goals far beyond simply serving as sheriff. Must be corrupt.
Sheriff Joe is a career politician with political goals far beyond simply serving as sheriff. Must be corrupt.
The crazy ole cocksucker --- with a pink panty fetish --- will probably drop dead before he ever makes it to court for his hearing.
Sheriff Joe is a career politician with political goals far beyond simply serving as sheriff.
Well he is about to become a career convict
He's 84 years old, fucker would never serve a day in real jail for anything short of murder.
If they actually got him on something he would suddenly be in very ill health and much too frail for jail. At best he would get house arrest.
i just read the stephan lemons hit piece, the hack writer has been at this for awhile, smearing sheriff Joe.

this is an extension of obama's war on cops, the cops that enforce the laws.

we are still unclear from this whether or not crossing the border from mexico is illegal, the libs want it to be fine. the Kate's law people like me don't. Trump says either we a country or we don't.

but it's not fine. sheriff joe is doing his job. a lot of this story is rooted in obama's fake identity.

Arpaio says that's not over, i agree.
If you lived in Maricopa County AND took an objective look at Sheriff Arpaio's record BEFORE Obama became POTUS, you'd know that his inappropriate and sometimes unlawful conduct and administration of the MCSO goes back to the 1990's. I have friends who have been profiled, humiliated and harassed simply for being Hispanic who's families have lived in these environs lawfully since before Arizona was granted Statehood.

I won't claim he is totally fucked, because there is at least one program he instituted years ago within the County proper that is a crime stopper along with a true service to the community at large; the Posse program. It's essentially voluntary community policing program without police powers. After a regime of training, they are armed with a standard Sherriff's Office SUV cruiser, radio and emergency gear! They cruise the communities, act as observers and emergency first responders. An excellent program.

Beyond that one bright spot in his record, Arpaio has evolved into an aging failure. He's up for election in November so we'll see if that 84 yo has much support after six (6) terms already and all the political capitol he has wasted being a bigoted asshole! My guess is there are still enough like minded bigoted rednecks in the county to keep him in office in spite of the sword dangling over his head currently by the Justice Dept!

BTW, Maricopa County is a long way from the Mexican border...look for Phoenix on a map! Besides, Arizona Sheriffs and other LEO's have no legal jurisdiction over direct immigration policing matters. When SCOTUS struck down Arizona's 2010 "Paper's Please" statute (SB 1070) in 2012, the decision essentially stated Arizona's reach had exceeded its grasp via the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and that authority was vested in the National government.
God bless, Sheriff Joe... stay strong... keep up the good work...
Nah, Joe is going to follow Baca

First we had this jerk facing justice "Former Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca withdrew his guilty plea Monday to a charge of lying during an FBI investigation into the county’s jails, opting instead to take his chances at a high-stakes trial." -- Hopefully he gets the book thrown at him during sentencing, and we get the next biggest asswipe in law enforcement facing justice.

Judge Refers Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio for Criminal Prosecution
“When a federal court finds that a law enforcement official has lied to the court in an effort to cover up misconduct, and willfully flouted court orders, that official must be held to account.”

What a fraud

Ex-L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca pleads not guilty to new obstruction charges
Many see Sheriff Joe Apaio as guilty of no more than flouting court orders that are NOT in the best interests of the Republic and its People.

And, if that is true, then, he has a very broad latitude in the Court of American Public Opinion.

Think of the Nuremburg War Cries Trials.

There, it became an accepted maxim of international law, that Soldiers are obliged to disobey immoral and illegal orders.

Same thing here, in a different context, even if such 'civil disobedience' in this context isn't acknowledged as valid under international law.

Disobeying (or covering-up the disobeying) of court orders that are not in the best interests of the Republic and its People.

That gets the guy Robin Hood status, amongst a vast percentage of the American Public.

It's all about perceptions - and the miserable judicial activist types who force people to act against the best interests of the country and who not enforce immigration law.
i just read the stephan lemons hit piece, the hack writer has been at this for awhile, smearing sheriff Joe.

this is an extension of obama's war on cops, the cops that enforce the laws.

we are still unclear from this whether or not crossing the border from mexico is illegal, the libs want it to be fine. the Kate's law people like me don't. Trump says either we a country or we don't.

but it's not fine. sheriff joe is doing his job. a lot of this story is rooted in obama's fake identity.

Arpaio says that's not over, i agree.
If you lived in Maricopa County AND took an objective look at Sheriff Arpaio's record BEFORE Obama became POTUS, you'd know that his inappropriate and sometimes unlawful conduct and administration of the MCSO goes back to the 1990's. I have friends who have been profiled, humiliated and harassed simply for being Hispanic who's families have lived in these environs lawfully since before Arizona was granted Statehood.

I won't claim he is totally fucked, because there is at least one program he instituted years ago within the County proper that is a crime stopper along with a true service to the community at large; the Posse program. It's essentially voluntary community policing program without police powers. After a regime of training, they are armed with a standard Sherriff's Office SUV cruiser, radio and emergency gear! They cruise the communities, act as observers and emergency first responders. An excellent program.

Beyond that one bright spot in his record, Arpaio has evolved into an aging failure. He's up for election in November so we'll see if that 84 yo has much support after six (6) terms already and all the political capitol he has wasted being a bigoted asshole! My guess is there are still enough like minded bigoted rednecks in the county to keep him in office in spite of the sword dangling over his head currently by the Justice Dept!

BTW, Maricopa County is a long way from the Mexican border...look for Phoenix on a map! Besides, Arizona Sheriffs and other LEO's have no legal jurisdiction over direct immigration policing matters. When SCOTUS struck down Arizona's 2010 "Paper's Please" statute (SB 1070) in 2012, the decision essentially stated Arizona's reach had exceeded its grasp via the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and that authority was vested in the National government.
When you're on the lookout for Illegal Beaners, you aren't going to be stopping many blond-haired, blue-eyed Nordic Aryan types, eh?
i just read the stephan lemons hit piece, the hack writer has been at this for awhile, smearing sheriff Joe.

this is an extension of obama's war on cops, the cops that enforce the laws.

we are still unclear from this whether or not crossing the border from mexico is illegal, the libs want it to be fine. the Kate's law people like me don't. Trump says either we a country or we don't.

but it's not fine. sheriff joe is doing his job. a lot of this story is rooted in obama's fake identity.

Arpaio says that's not over, i agree.
If you lived in Maricopa County AND took an objective look at Sheriff Arpaio's record BEFORE Obama became POTUS, you'd know that his inappropriate and sometimes unlawful conduct and administration of the MCSO goes back to the 1990's. I have friends who have been profiled, humiliated and harassed simply for being Hispanic who's families have lived in these environs lawfully since before Arizona was granted Statehood.

I won't claim he is totally fucked, because there is at least one program he instituted years ago within the County proper that is a crime stopper along with a true service to the community at large; the Posse program. It's essentially voluntary community policing program without police powers. After a regime of training, they are armed with a standard Sherriff's Office SUV cruiser, radio and emergency gear! They cruise the communities, act as observers and emergency first responders. An excellent program.

Beyond that one bright spot in his record, Arpaio has evolved into an aging failure. He's up for election in November so we'll see if that 84 yo has much support after six (6) terms already and all the political capitol he has wasted being a bigoted asshole! My guess is there are still enough like minded bigoted rednecks in the county to keep him in office in spite of the sword dangling over his head currently by the Justice Dept!

BTW, Maricopa County is a long way from the Mexican border...look for Phoenix on a map! Besides, Arizona Sheriffs and other LEO's have no legal jurisdiction over direct immigration policing matters. When SCOTUS struck down Arizona's 2010 "Paper's Please" statute (SB 1070) in 2012, the decision essentially stated Arizona's reach had exceeded its grasp via the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution and that authority was vested in the National government.
When you're on the lookout for Illegal Beaners, you aren't going to be stopping many blond-haired, blue-eyed Nordic Aryan types, eh?
And what EXACTLY does that have to do with what I posted? Please...stay on point!

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