Nobody is infringing on Ann Coulter's right to free speech

If you obstruct people in any way from attending her talks, you are infringing.

If you shout her down while she's trying to speak, you are infringing.

If you threaten violence when she speaks, you are infringing.

If you refuse to let her speak, you are infringing.

If you intimidate her or anyone else in any way, you are infringing.

If you deflect and spin for those who do the above, you are complicit.

This issue has proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that the Regressive Left does not support freedom of speech and expression.

See also: Heckler's veto
Just look at all the stupid ridiculous books this neo-Nazi witch has published. Ann Coulter

Nobody can say with a straight face that her right to free speech is being infringed simply because protestors caused her to be disinvited from speaking at U.C. Berkley.

Being invited to speak at a University is a privilege, not a right. No one ever invites me to speak at universities and I'm a lot smarter and articulate than Coulter.

If she dares, she can place a soap box on the campus parking lot, stand on it, and spout her racist garbage to her heart's content.

However, she will not do that because she is a coward who hides behind security guards.
because protestors caused her to be disinvited from speaking at U.C. Berkley.
That seems to be the definition of infringing free speech.
So in your estimation faction A has the right to voice their opinions regarding the faction B's free speech, but faction B is not to be given reciprocal free speech voicing their opinions on faction A's? There's several names for that type of thinking.

She's allowed to express her opinion. Click on the link. Nobody has stopped her from publishing all those books. You can not...with a straight face claim Ann Coulter's right to free speech is infringed when she has been able to publish book after book.
Get some help understanding the written word. What I wrote about was the principle of reciprocity re: speech, not Coulters written propaganda!
a neo-Nazi racist

Since when ?


Since it became convenient for him to advance his agenda against liberal values.

These numb nuts live in a child's world of labels. They are too ignorant to understand what various political terms actually mean, and so simply slap on a label to anything that does not march in lockstep with their leftist authoritarianism. Once applying the label, they simply dig in their heels and take the opposite position.

One of the most salient examples of this has to do with Islamism. They label the opposition to this revolting ideology as right wing, and so go out of their way to defend it. Who cares if it represents the very antithesis of liberalism, as they are too stupid to understand whet is or s not liberal in the first place.

All they know is what they are expected to either support or rail against as they have been conditioned by the social pressure of all their little peeps.
Just look at all the stupid ridiculous books this neo-Nazi witch has published. Ann Coulter

Nobody can say with a straight face that her right to free speech is being infringed simply because protestors caused her to be disinvited from speaking at U.C. Berkley.

Being invited to speak at a University is a privilege, not a right. No one ever invites me to speak at universities and I'm a lot smarter and articulate than Coulter.

If she dares, she can place a soap box on the campus parking lot, stand on it, and spout her racist garbage to her heart's content.

However, she will not do that because she is a coward who hides behind security guards.

Seriously? You typed that with a straight face?
rethuglicans sure got their dumbo parrot base all in a tizzy with this bullshit "free speech" PROPAGANDA :uhoh3:


Ann Coulter’s decision to cancel a speech at Berkeley because of the possibility of violent protest will no doubt be cast as another violation of “free speech.” Alas, the idea of free speech has progressively been expanded way beyond its original meaning.

Free speech is meant to prevent censorship, to allow people to express any ideas in public, however unpopular or unsettling. It does not imply that these ideas must be expressed anywhere, anytime, under any conditions.
What's wrong with the left these days? They can't even argue a point without resorting to drooling bigotry. On one hand the argument is that Ann Coulter's right to free speech isn't being infringed when Berkeley threatens violence and rioting and on the other hand the idiotic left wing argument is that Coulter is a neo-Nazi witch who deserves to be assaulted.
Just look at all the stupid ridiculous books this neo-Nazi witch has published. Ann Coulter

Nobody can say with a straight face that her right to free speech is being infringed simply because protestors caused her to be disinvited from speaking at U.C. Berkley.

Being invited to speak at a University is a privilege, not a right. No one ever invites me to speak at universities and I'm a lot smarter and articulate than Coulter.

If she dares, she can place a soap box on the campus parking lot, stand on it, and spout her racist garbage to her heart's content.

However, she will not do that because she is a coward who hides behind security guards.


Report: Obama Said Coulter Should Be Allowed to Speak at Berkeley - Breitbart

Well I disagree with Obama.

Besides, there is a difference between being invited and allowed to speak somewhere and having your right to free speech being infringed upon.

Oh shit.

This guy disagrees with Obama.

Snowflakes, SWARM SWARM SWARM!!!

Attack this guy who dares disagree with Kenyan Jesus!!

He is a racist if he disagrees with Obama!
The right to free speech is not absolute. The constitution says Congress shall pass no laws infringing on free speech. However, free speech has consequences. If you say something outrageous, you can expect other people to express their free speech rights. That is all these protestors are doing. Shouting her down and threatening violence are their way of expressing free speech.

Say you are walking down the street and come across a man and his wife. You make fun of the wife's hairdo. Yeah, you have the right to do that but you can expect consequences. The husband might just punch you in the mouth.

Like I said, let Ann Coulter stand on a soap box in the parking lot. See what happens.

Here is the text of the First Amendment

The amendment as adopted in 1791 reads as follows:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.



verb (used with object), abridged, abridging.

1. to shorten by omissions while retaining the basic contents:
to abridge a reference book.

2. to reduce or lessen in duration, scope, authority, etc.; diminish; curtail:
to abridge a visit; to abridge one's freedom.

3. to deprive; cut off.
Just look at all the stupid ridiculous books this neo-Nazi witch has published. Ann Coulter

Nobody can say with a straight face that her right to free speech is being infringed simply because protestors caused her to be disinvited from speaking at U.C. Berkley.

Being invited to speak at a University is a privilege, not a right. No one ever invites me to speak at universities and I'm a lot smarter and articulate than Coulter.

If she dares, she can place a soap box on the campus parking lot, stand on it, and spout her racist garbage to her heart's content.

However, she will not do that because she is a coward who hides behind security guards.

You are an Idiot who is no worthy go lick Ms, Coulter's shoes.

You are coward who hides behind the anonymity of the internet.

Face to face with her, she would slap you into reality, literally and figuratively, where you belong.

Now, list YOUR best selling books, YOUR best appearences on TV, YOUR excuses for existence and YOUR qualifications to justify your outrageous claims.

FJO, so you are not hiding behind the anonymity of FJO.?


No, I am not. That is my real life initials.
rethuglicans sure got their dumbo parrot base all in a tizzy with this bullshit "free speech" PROPAGANDA :uhoh3:


Ann Coulter’s decision to cancel a speech at Berkeley because of the possibility of violent protest will no doubt be cast as another violation of “free speech.” Alas, the idea of free speech has progressively been expanded way beyond its original meaning.

Free speech is meant to prevent censorship, to allow people to express any ideas in public, however unpopular or unsettling. It does not imply that these ideas must be expressed anywhere, anytime, under any conditions.

Hey, Ravi -- looks like you are so enamored with the notion of free speech that you go under two different names, here!
OH PLEASE the liberal establishment wants to enforce one world view on campus, their view, and silence any opposing views that's a direct attack on Coulter's 1st amendment rights and the students who invited her to speak.

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