Nobody Thought Of This Before?????

Once again the far left does not know what they speak of:

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

That looks like a deficit now matter how any far left drone wants to spin it..
Your link only shows trade in goods. It does not show trade in services.

We have a trading surplus with Canada.

Once again, Koshbot does not know of what it speaks.

See how the far left acts when you show them actual facts and not far left religious dogma?

There is a deficit and they think it is a surplus!
Once again the far left does not know what they speak of:

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

That looks like a deficit now matter how any far left drone wants to spin it..
Your link only shows trade in goods. It does not show trade in services.

We have a trading surplus with Canada.

Once again, Koshbot does not know of what it speaks.

See how the far left acts when you show them actual facts and not far left religious dogma?

There is a deficit and they think it is a surplus!
I destroyed you in my next post, Koshbot.

Wakey wakey!

You poor thing.
Classic lie of omission. Only show goods traded, exclude services.

The lie of omission is a favorite of propagandists.
Once again the far left does not know what they speak of:

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

That looks like a deficit now matter how any far left drone wants to spin it..
Your link only shows trade in goods. It does not show trade in services.

We have a trading surplus with Canada.

Once again, Koshbot does not know of what it speaks.

See how the far left acts when you show them actual facts and not far left religious dogma?

There is a deficit and they think it is a surplus!

There’s a surplus. Only an idiot thinks otherwise. Trade includes goods and SERVICES.

You’re trying to cherry pick the numbers so you have an excuse to try to kick Canada around and because your President is too stupid to look up facts before opening his mouth.

Don’t be like Dumb Donald. Use the correct numbers and don’t look like a total fool. I guess it’s too late for that but you could at least come across as reasonable and uninformed instead of too stupid to be one person.
Once again the far left does not know what they speak of:

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

That looks like a deficit now matter how any far left drone wants to spin it..
Your link only shows trade in goods. It does not show trade in services.

We have a trading surplus with Canada.

Once again, Koshbot does not know of what it speaks.

See how the far left acts when you show them actual facts and not far left religious dogma?

There is a deficit and they think it is a surplus!

There’s a surplus. Only an idiot thinks otherwise. Trade includes goods and SERVICES.

You’re trying to cherry pick the numbers so you have an excuse to try to kick Canada around and because your President is too stupid to look up facts before opening his mouth.

Don’t be like Dumb Donald. Use the correct numbers and don’t look like a total fool. I guess it’s too late for that but you could at least come across as reasonable and uninformed instead of too stupid to be one person.

See how the far left will ignore the facts, they see a surplus when there is a deficit.

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
Canada can find another buyer for their oil.

For your reading displeasure:

"Report: US is now world’s largest oil reserve....America has surpassed Saudi Arabia and Russia in oil reserves, a new report says...."
Report: US is now world’s largest oil reserve but global supply still small

Soooo.....why is it you always root against America????

It was always thus. The oil shenanigans started in the days of Carter. That's when the wells in Texas stopped pumping.
Once again the far left does not know what they speak of:

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada

That looks like a deficit now matter how any far left drone wants to spin it..
Your link only shows trade in goods. It does not show trade in services.

We have a trading surplus with Canada.

Once again, Koshbot does not know of what it speaks.

See how the far left acts when you show them actual facts and not far left religious dogma?

There is a deficit and they think it is a surplus!
I destroyed you in my next post, Koshbot.

Wakey wakey!

You poor thing.

Says the far left drone that thinks a negative is a surplus!
Check on what???

The OP stated, and proved, that Trump was correct about the 270% tariff by Canada.

Isn't that what brought you out from under your rock, isn't it?

If you have some other point to make, start a thread about same.
The 270% tariff number is a distortion and therefore a falsehood. Canada controls the amount of milk and some milk products with a system of quotas. Milk and milk products are only taxed at the high tariff number after they reach the quota.

The dairy tariff issue is a complicated one, but the blanket claim of a 270% tariff is a big enough distortion to make it a false statement. Over 330 metric tons of processed milk goes to Canada without a tariff and there is not a limit on raw milk. Separate quotas apply to other dairy products such as butter.

You have to quote the Talking Points Soros feeds you
Ya, it's the fault of the Nazi Jew you knuckleheads are obsessed with.

I'll eschew the description you've chosen, but Soros IS the Democrat Party.

1. The Shadow Party was born July 17, 2003, at Soros’s estate. It created the largest and most powerful juggernaut in American history. Present were Madeleine Albright, John Podesta, John Pope (director of the Sierra Club), Andy Stern (SEIU), among others. The basic structure of the Shadow Party was a network of seven 527 organizations.

a. “… the network of nonprofit activist groups organized by George Soros and others to mobilize resources -- money, get-out-the-vote drives, campaign advertising and policy initiates -- to elect Democratic candidates and guide the Democratic Party towards the left. The Internet fund-raising operation is a key component. The Shadow Party in this sense was conceived and organized principally by Soros, Hillary Clinton and Harold Ickes. Its efforts are amplified by, and coordinated with, key government unions and the activist groups associated with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). The key organizers of these groups are veterans of the Sixties left.”

Oh no, not the Soros Boogeyman Man! Oh the Horror!!!! Only a total idiot believes the “Soros as the grand Puppertmaster” conspiracy theory.

You watched too many Saturday morning cartoon shows. The guys who are trying to take over the world are Vladimir Putin, Xi, and the other “Presidents for life”. Trump is helping them do it.
Even Roseanne has apologized for the comments she made about Soros.
Canada can find another buyer for their oil.

Of course they can. That's OK though, we have loads of oil in the Dakotas and Montana that we can access now that obummer isn't shutting them down.
The US has a trade surplus with Canada.

"But, whether this is true depends on whom you ask. Both the U.S. and Canada say they are running trade surpluses with each other. from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."
Trump Claims the U.S. Has a Trade Deficit With Canada. That’s Not So Clear
Trump is a liar. Not really against him or anything, but he is a liar.

No more so than any other politician. There is however a very large difference. Obummers lies harmed people. Trumps lies only harm him.
Classic lie of omission. Only show goods traded, exclude services.

The lie of omission is a favorite of propagandists.

Yes this what you far left drone trolls do, glad you can finally admit to it!

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
It has been explained to you here in this thread on this page that you are counting goods only and omitting services. Why to you ignore facts like that? Like the little girl asked Forest Gump, are you stupid?
Classic lie of omission. Only show goods traded, exclude services.

The lie of omission is a favorite of propagandists.

Yes this what you far left drone trolls do, glad you can finally admit to it!

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
It has been explained to you here in this thread on this page that you are counting goods only and omitting services. Why to you ignore facts like that? Like the little girl asked Forest Gump, are you stupid?

Because service jobs, in general, are poor paying jobs. We get about 1% of our global trade from Canada. They get almost a third of theirs from us. Guess who's been footing the bill for them to get our stuff cheap. Correctomundo, our workers.
Classic lie of omission. Only show goods traded, exclude services.

The lie of omission is a favorite of propagandists.

Yes this what you far left drone trolls do, glad you can finally admit to it!

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
It has been explained to you here in this thread on this page that you are counting goods only and omitting services. Why to you ignore facts like that? Like the little girl asked Forest Gump, are you stupid?

Yes we know that you do not support an FDR style President, even though FDR was your GOD.

Once again there is a deficit, no matter how the far left wants to spin it.

The facts show a deficit.

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0
Canada can find another buyer for their oil.

Of course they can. That's OK though, we have loads of oil in the Dakotas and Montana that we can access now that obummer isn't shutting them down.
What are you talking about? The Bakken fields and Dakota oil ran high in output since 2006 and peaked in 2012 under Obama. Which fields are you claiming Obama shut down. Hell, he increased energy production with drilling and fracking and turned America into a high producing energy nation after years of being dependent on foreign oil. We became exporters once again under Obama.
The US has a trade surplus with Canada.

"But, whether this is true depends on whom you ask. Both the U.S. and Canada say they are running trade surpluses with each other. from Statistics Canada says the U.S. had a $14.6 billion trade deficit for goods and services with its neighbor to the north in 2016, according to Bloomberg."
Trump Claims the U.S. Has a Trade Deficit With Canada. That’s Not So Clear
Trump is a liar. Not really against him or anything, but he is a liar.

No more so than any other politician. There is however a very large difference. Obummers lies harmed people. Trumps lies only harm him.
He said people's healthcare would get better. It's getting worse, harming a lot of people.
Check on what???

The OP stated, and proved, that Trump was correct about the 270% tariff by Canada.

Isn't that what brought you out from under your rock, isn't it?

If you have some other point to make, start a thread about same.
The 270% tariff number is a distortion and therefore a falsehood. Canada controls the amount of milk and some milk products with a system of quotas. Milk and milk products are only taxed at the high tariff number after they reach the quota.

The dairy tariff issue is a complicated one, but the blanket claim of a 270% tariff is a big enough distortion to make it a false statement. Over 330 metric tons of processed milk goes to Canada without a tariff and there is not a limit on raw milk. Separate quotas apply to other dairy products such as butter.

You have to quote the Talking Points Soros feeds you
Ya, it's the fault of the Nazi Jew you knuckleheads are obsessed with.

I'll eschew the description you've chosen, but Soros IS the Democrat Party.

1. The Shadow Party was born July 17, 2003, at Soros’s estate. It created the largest and most powerful juggernaut in American history. Present were Madeleine Albright, John Podesta, John Pope (director of the Sierra Club), Andy Stern (SEIU), among others. The basic structure of the Shadow Party was a network of seven 527 organizations.

a. “… the network of nonprofit activist groups organized by George Soros and others to mobilize resources -- money, get-out-the-vote drives, campaign advertising and policy initiates -- to elect Democratic candidates and guide the Democratic Party towards the left. The Internet fund-raising operation is a key component. The Shadow Party in this sense was conceived and organized principally by Soros, Hillary Clinton and Harold Ickes. Its efforts are amplified by, and coordinated with, key government unions and the activist groups associated with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). The key organizers of these groups are veterans of the Sixties left.”

Oh no, not the Soros Boogeyman Man! Oh the Horror!!!! Only a total idiot believes the “Soros as the grand Puppertmaster” conspiracy theory.

You watched too many Saturday morning cartoon shows. The guys who are trying to take over the world are Vladimir Putin, Xi, and the other “Presidents for life”. Trump is helping them do it.

1. One part, called “America Votes” was referred to by one of its staffers as a “monster coalition” coordinating all of the left-wing grassroots groups including ACORN, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Sierra Club and the American Federation of Teachers and the SEIU. Soros contributed $23,700,000 in 2004.

a. As of 2004, an alphabetical list of Shadow Party groups included the following: Air America Radio; America Coming Together; America Votes; American Constitution Society; American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; American Federation of Teachers; Anshell Media; Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now; Association of Trial Lawyers of America; Band of Progressives; Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence; Campaign for a Progressive Future; Campaign for America's Future; Center for American Progress; Clean Water Action; Communication Workers of America; The Constitution Project; DASH PAC; Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund; Democracy for America; Democratic Governors Associations; Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee; Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee; Dog Eat Dog Films; EMILY's List; Environment 2004; Gore/Lieberman Recount Committee; Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees International Union; the Human Rights Campaign; INdTV; International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; Joint Victory Campaign 2004; Laborers International Union of North American; League of Conservation Voters; New Democrat Network; The Media Fund; Media Matters for America; Million Mom March; Moving America Forward;; Music for America; National Association for the Advancement of Colored People; NARAL Pro-Choice America; National Education Association; National Grassroots Alliance; National Jewish Democratic Council; National Treasury Employees Union; New American Optimists; New Democrat Network; Partnership for America's Families; People for the American Way; Phoenix Group; Planned Parenthood; Pro-Choice Vote; Service Employees International Union; Sheet Metal Workers International Association; Sierra Club; The Thunder Road Group; United Food & Commercial Workers Union; United Progressive Alliance; USAction; Vagina Votes; Voices for Working Families; Vote for Change; Young Voter Alliance; and 21st Century Democrats. See also FrontPage Magazine - The Shadow Party: Part II Continued 2
Classic lie of omission. Only show goods traded, exclude services.

The lie of omission is a favorite of propagandists.

Yes this what you far left drone trolls do, glad you can finally admit to it!

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
It has been explained to you here in this thread on this page that you are counting goods only and omitting services. Why to you ignore facts like that? Like the little girl asked Forest Gump, are you stupid?

Because service jobs, in general, are poor paying jobs. We get about 1% of our global trade from Canada. They get almost a third of theirs from us. Guess who's been footing the bill for them to get our stuff cheap. Correctomundo, our workers.

Canada is the biggest importer of US goods. And not to worry, Canada slapped tariffs on a bunch of our stuff, so it won't be as cheap. Our workers shouldn't be worried. Or should they? You tell me. :biggrin:
Classic lie of omission. Only show goods traded, exclude services.

The lie of omission is a favorite of propagandists.

Yes this what you far left drone trolls do, glad you can finally admit to it!

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
It has been explained to you here in this thread on this page that you are counting goods only and omitting services. Why to you ignore facts like that? Like the little girl asked Forest Gump, are you stupid?

Because service jobs, in general, are poor paying jobs. We get about 1% of our global trade from Canada. They get almost a third of theirs from us. Guess who's been footing the bill for them to get our stuff cheap. Correctomundo, our workers.

Canada is the biggest importer of US goods. And not to worry, Canada slapped tariffs on a bunch of our stuff, so it won't be as cheap. Our workers shouldn't be worried. Or should they? You tell me. :biggrin:

Canada already has a busload of tariffs on our stuff. 200+% on our dairy products already. The EU already has a tariff on US made autos that is five times what ours is against them. The US has always had to pay ridiculous tariffs.

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