Nobody Thought Of This Before?????

"...there is the argument that Trump's policies have nothing to do with the American prosperity burst. Politico's economics reporter recently published a column insisting that the "GOP tax cut is not why (the) economy is booming." He contemptuously added, "Economist are rolling their eyes at candidates' claims (that Trump's policies inspired faster growth)." Which economists?

As it happens, this is the same gang that was dead wrong about the likelihood of growth in the first place. Now they argue that the tax cuts are just kicking in and can't account for the increased economic activity. But this ignores the anticipatory effect: Businesses are anticipating the tax bill's lower rates on their profits and investments and making decisions accordingly."
Putting America First Has Made USA No. 1

"Economist Paul Krugman predicts a 'global recession with no end in sight' if Trump wins

Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman predicts a "global recession with no end in sight" if Donald Trump is elected president"
Economist Paul Krugman predicts a 'global recession with no end in sight' if Trump wins

"Steven Rattner: If ‘Trump Wins You Will See a Market Crash of Historic Proportions’"
Steven Rattner: If ‘Trump Wins You Will See a Market Crash of Historic Proportions’
Classic lie of omission. Only show goods traded, exclude services.

The lie of omission is a favorite of propagandists.

Yes this what you far left drone trolls do, glad you can finally admit to it!

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
It has been explained to you here in this thread on this page that you are counting goods only and omitting services. Why to you ignore facts like that? Like the little girl asked Forest Gump, are you stupid?

Because service jobs, in general, are poor paying jobs. We get about 1% of our global trade from Canada. They get almost a third of theirs from us. Guess who's been footing the bill for them to get our stuff cheap. Correctomundo, our workers.

Canada is the biggest importer of US goods. And not to worry, Canada slapped tariffs on a bunch of our stuff, so it won't be as cheap. Our workers shouldn't be worried. Or should they? You tell me. :biggrin:

Canada already has a busload of tariffs on our stuff. 200+% on our dairy products already. The EU already has a tariff on US made autos that is five times what ours is against them. The US has always had to pay ridiculous tariffs.
Canada's dairy industry is small, if they don't have tariffs, they disappear. Being a food security issue, we let them have it.
Classic lie of omission. Only show goods traded, exclude services.

The lie of omission is a favorite of propagandists.

Yes this what you far left drone trolls do, glad you can finally admit to it!

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
It has been explained to you here in this thread on this page that you are counting goods only and omitting services. Why to you ignore facts like that? Like the little girl asked Forest Gump, are you stupid?

Because service jobs, in general, are poor paying jobs. We get about 1% of our global trade from Canada. They get almost a third of theirs from us. Guess who's been footing the bill for them to get our stuff cheap. Correctomundo, our workers.

Your population is 10 times what ours is. Your stuff isn’t cheap.

The “services” we’re buying are legal services, accounting services, management consulting services, IT services. Not low paying at all.
When we stop printing money, you can tell us about economics and liberty.

Until then, you sound like you're just reciting some pablum you heard on The Five.

Who's "us"????

Stand on your own two feet.

Lady, I will make you look so incompetent that your head will spin. And in front of all of your friends. Be careful what you ask for.

Until then, consider my previous suggestion.
no you won't. not even close.
I've always thought of America as having a role to that had to do with liberty and freedom, leading the way against the Left and the oppression and slaughter it is infamous for......

But not one of supporting the rest of the world financially!!!!




Donald J. Trump

PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, “US Tariffs were kind of insulting” and he “will not be pushed around.” Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy!

7:04 PM - Jun 9, 2018

3. Verdict: True

Canada has a quota system for imports, and above a certain volume, it imposes high dairy tariffs ranging from 201.5 percent to 313.5 percent. Before those quotas are met, dairy products enter Canada duty-free or subject to much lower rates.

4. Trump is right that Canada imposes very high tariffs on dairy products that limit U.S. participation in the Canadian market, though the exact percentages vary depending on the product and when it is imported.

Canada heavily regulates its dairy industry with a supply management system that impacts production and sets target prices for dairy products. As a part of that system, it uses set tariff rate quotas (TRQ) for imports. Dairy products imported before a quota on a product is met are subject low tariffs or no tariffs, while products imported after the quota are subject to tariffs ranging from 201.5 percent to 313.5 percent.

“As a whole, the 270 percent figure though represents a strong ballpark for the various exorbitant tariff rates that limit US dairy access to the Canadian market,” Shawna Morris, trade policy vice president at the U.S. Dairy Export Council, told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an email.

5. ...Canada implemented a new “Class 7” dairy pricing regulation last year that set prices for milk protein concentrates at the lower U.S. price, causing Canadian business to buy less ultrafiltered milk from U.S. suppliers.
Wisconsin lost 500 dairy farms last year."
FACT CHECK: Does Canada Charge A 270% Tariff On US Dairy?


An American President for Americans.

You truly are too stupid to be one person.

The tariffs on American dairy products exist BECAUSE Canadian Dairy Farmer PAY for their quota. American exporters do not. The tariffs level the playing field for Canadian producers and allow out dairy farmers to have stable income and prices.

Even the Wisconsin Dairy Farmers Association is in favour of Canadian Dairy tariffs as good for both countries.

If you had even the least bit of understanding about trade you’d know that, instead of parroting Trump’s ignorance and stupidly in trade, you’d be learning the reasons behind what people are doing. I suggest you try reading up of the Canadian Milk Marketing Board, and how it works so you do publically embarrass your stupid self again.

Added to which there was a provision in the TPP whereby American Dairy imports would be increased. But Trump pulled out of the TPP.

Oh, and the US has a trade surplus with Canada but that’s about to end. We’re boycotting “Made in the USA”.
people you just can't make this shit up. omfg. I can't believe you wrote this lady. I can't.
Classic lie of omission. Only show goods traded, exclude services.

The lie of omission is a favorite of propagandists.

Yes this what you far left drone trolls do, glad you can finally admit to it!

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
It has been explained to you here in this thread on this page that you are counting goods only and omitting services. Why to you ignore facts like that? Like the little girl asked Forest Gump, are you stupid?

Because service jobs, in general, are poor paying jobs. We get about 1% of our global trade from Canada. They get almost a third of theirs from us. Guess who's been footing the bill for them to get our stuff cheap. Correctomundo, our workers.

Canada is the biggest importer of US goods. And not to worry, Canada slapped tariffs on a bunch of our stuff, so it won't be as cheap. Our workers shouldn't be worried. Or should they? You tell me. :biggrin:

Canada already has a busload of tariffs on our stuff. 200+% on our dairy products already. The EU already has a tariff on US made autos that is five times what ours is against them. The US has always had to pay ridiculous tariffs.

Once again Trump lies to you about American Trade and you swallow it without question.

EU Says Trump's Car Tariff Plan Isn't Only Unproductive, It's Also 'Not Based on Facts'

And again I post information that proves the tariff on milk products isn’t a bad thing. You right wingers should learn to read links.

Three vapid posts.

Yeah, see, the thing is that I just don't care about your feelings. You're not entitled to having your feelings addressed. So, let's put your arbitrary victim status card away for the moment.

Alrigh, then. Let's do it this way.

You mentioned freedom and liberty in your initial copypasta.

Please explain to us what is so free about fair trade. Tell us what you think is the conservative view and why you think tariffs are patriotic.

Your own words, please.

well there is some level setting needed here. see, can't be free trade is another country is charging your country's businesses a tarrif to export goods. So, that isn't fair if you country isn't tarrifing the other country's businesses products. So to be fair, you counter the other country's tarrif with one of your country's own. Now, you have discussions and you tell the other country how stupid it is that both are imposing tarrifs. your country says take your tarrifs off and I'll take my country tarrifs off. then we get free trade. It's simple. surprising you don't get it.
Yes this what you far left drone trolls do, glad you can finally admit to it!

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
It has been explained to you here in this thread on this page that you are counting goods only and omitting services. Why to you ignore facts like that? Like the little girl asked Forest Gump, are you stupid?

Because service jobs, in general, are poor paying jobs. We get about 1% of our global trade from Canada. They get almost a third of theirs from us. Guess who's been footing the bill for them to get our stuff cheap. Correctomundo, our workers.

Canada is the biggest importer of US goods. And not to worry, Canada slapped tariffs on a bunch of our stuff, so it won't be as cheap. Our workers shouldn't be worried. Or should they? You tell me. :biggrin:

Canada already has a busload of tariffs on our stuff. 200+% on our dairy products already. The EU already has a tariff on US made autos that is five times what ours is against them. The US has always had to pay ridiculous tariffs.

Once again Trump lies to you about American Trade and you swallow it without question.

EU Says Trump's Car Tariff Plan Isn't Only Unproductive, It's Also 'Not Based on Facts'

And again I post information that proves the tariff on milk products isn’t a bad thing. You right wingers should learn to read links.


I'll trust a car magazine more than I will ever trust a politician.

Free-Trade Cars: Why a U.S.–Europe Free-Trade Agreement Is a Good Idea

The standard tariff for importing cars to the U.S. is 2.5 percent of their value. For pickup trucks and commercial vans, the tariff is a whopping 25 percent. Individual European countries don’t charge import duties, but the European Union charges a flat rate of 10 percent on imported automobiles. In simple terms, tariffs are taxes. They’re paid to governments by the businesses that import and export products and are factored into the prices we pay. Virtually every country in the world charges tariffs to some degree. With the proposed TTIP in place, the tariffs on cars and about a billion other products exchanged across the Atlantic would almost definitely disappear.

Free-Trade Cars: Why a U.S.|Europe Free-Trade Agreement Is a Good Idea | Feature | Car and Driver
"In the years before the 2016 election, about 3 in 10 voters described the economy as good or great. This year, 7 in 10 do. That surge in optimism began immediately after Trump's election and hasn't subsided. The same trend is true for the confidence of small businesses and manufacturing businesses. Up, up and away.

Perhaps the best news of all is to think that maybe Trump's critics are right that the economic thrust from the tax cut hasn't even kicked in yet. If that's true, then buckle up, because we're in for a hell of a ride."
Putting America First Has Made USA No. 1

"...I just don't care about your feelings."


Seems you are unaware of what 'vapid' means. are unaware of so very many things.....

Ma'am you neglected my questions. There were only the two to start our lively debate.
"The left is quickly running out of excuses for why Donald Trump's economic policies have caused a boom rather than the bust that they predicted with such great certainty.

Last year, when the U.S. economy began to percolate with faster growth, the media and other Trump haters argued that this simply reflected a pickup in worldwide growth: Trump was riding the wave of what economists were calling "synchronized growth."

But now what do they have to say? The latest indicators are that, as a Wall Street Journal headline reported on June 3: "Global Economic-Growth Story Fades." Japan's growth rate is estimated to have slowed to slightly negative in the first quarter. The European Union was at an anemic 0.4 percent. The pace of global growth is expected to be much slower over the next two years, according to the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

Then there is the outlier: the United States. "
Putting America First Has Made USA No. 1

Just the opposite of the United States under Franklin Roosevelt, when Europe came out of the Depression before America did....

The League of Nations collected data from many nations throughout the 1930s onindustrial production, unemployment, national debt, and taxes.
How did Roosevelt's United States compare with other countries?

In all four of these key indexes the United States did very poorly, almost worse than any other nation in the study.

Most European nations handled the Great Depression better than the United States.
World Economic Survey: Eighth Year, 1938/1939 (Geneva: League of Nations, 1939) p.128, quoted in "New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America," by Burton W. Folsom Jr

So...not only did the "great" Emperor Franklin the First manage to extend and magnify the depression, but he couldn't compete with the leaders of most European nations.

Just imagine....if FDR had been as good a manager as Trump is.

He is living off of what Obama started, take away all regulations and the businesses will boom themselves right out of business. If might be good for you elites, but the working class have not noticed, since the working class has always worked, and have not depended on the stock market and passive income.

"He is living off of what Obama started,...."

Let's check:

Let's give you a dozen chances to prove you aren't a lying low-life Liberal:

1... in today’s recovery — the slowest in the modern era going back to 1947 — private capital investment has lagged badly. ... so has the jobs situation, with 92 million dropping out of the workforce altogether. A labor-participation rate of 62.8% and an employment-to-population rate of 58% are historic lows indicative of the anemic jobs recovery. Big Business Swings Behind a Mantra of Growth - The New York Sun

2. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

["BET Founder: Trump’s economy bringing black workers back into the workforce"

BET Founder: Trump's economy bringing black workers back into the workforce]

3. . "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

4. . In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton."Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

5. "Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing
It's not only the just-released University of Michigan consumer confidence report and February retail sales on Thursday that surprised economists and investors with another dose of underwhelming news. Overall, U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six years." Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing

6. . "That basic math is why middle class incomes have been in decline under Obama. The Census Bureau reports that since Obama became President 7 years ago, real median household income has fallen by $1,300 a year. Heritage Foundation Chief Economist Steve Moore explained in testimony before the Ways and Means Committee, “At 2 percent growth the economy doesn’t spin off enough jobs to increase wages, and tax revenues grow much too slowly to balance the budget.”
The recession officially ended more than 6 years ago. Wages and incomes have always grown in recoveries, not declined. Moreover, the American historical record is the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery. The economy is supposed to boom in a recovery to catch up with its long term economic growth trendline. But over 6 years after the recession ended, that still has not happened. Instead, what we have gotten under President Obama is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression." Realizing The Super Bowl Of American Economic Growth

7. "Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth. "

8. The Obama Administration is aggressively exploiting regulation to achieve its policy agenda, issuing 157 new major rules at a cost to Americans approaching $73 billion annually....twice the annual average of his predecessor George W. Bush. And much more regulation is on the way, with another 125 major rules on the Administration’s to-do list, including dozens linked to the Dodd–Frank financial regulation law and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Red Tape Rising: Five Years of Regulatory Expansion

9. . "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..."

10. . "Obamacare health insurance co-ops surged past the $1 billion mark in losses this week, making history of sorts.The insolvencies, totaling $1.36 billion, mean that the co-ops have burned through more than half of the original $2 billion appropriatedin 2010 for the program under the Affordable Care Act. The funds were loaned to the start-up co-ops in 2012 and were to be repaid in 15 years, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which manages Obamacare.

...13 of the 23 federally-financed Obamacare co-ops have officially failed in only two years. Most are in the process of default as insurance regulators attempt to pay customer’s medical bills, cover medical providers and pay other creditors.
Obamacare Co-Op Mess Causes $1.3 Billion In Losses

11. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

12. ".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. On January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On January 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion. That's why most people say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt, more than any other president."
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt? dunce.

Scouring the internet for blog posts and right wing opinion pieces on the economy is a bullshit response. I can google and come up with a similar number of pieces which say the opposite and the sources will be far more credible.

And you’re off-topic. This is a thread about dairy tariffs not the Obama economy

"Scouring the internet for blog posts and right wing opinion pieces on the economy is a bullshit response. I can google and come up with a similar number of pieces which say the opposite and the sources will be far more credible."

Which one are not credible???

1... in today’s recovery — the slowest in the modern era going back to 1947 — private capital investment has lagged badly. ... so has the jobs situation, with 92 million dropping out of the workforce altogether. A labor-participation rate of 62.8% and an employment-to-population rate of 58% are historic lows indicative of the anemic jobs recovery. Big Business Swings Behind a Mantra of Growth - The New York Sun

2. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama
Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

["BET Founder: Trump’s economy bringing black workers back into the workforce"

BET Founder: Trump's economy bringing black workers back into the workforce]

3. . "Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession
. ...the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey ....indicate that the real (inflation-adjusted) median annual household income in America has fallen by 4.4 percent during the "recovery," after having fallen by 1.8 during the recession.
Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the 'Recovery' as During the Recession

4. . In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton."Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

5. "Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing
It's not only the just-released University of Michigan consumer confidence report and February retail sales on Thursday that surprised economists and investors with another dose of underwhelming news. Overall, U.S. economic data have been falling short of prognosticators' expectations by the most in six years." Surprise: U.S. Economic Data Have Been the World's Most Disappointing

6. . "That basic math is why middle class incomes have been in decline under Obama. The Census Bureau reports that since Obama became President 7 years ago, real median household income has fallen by $1,300 a year. Heritage Foundation Chief Economist Steve Moore explained in testimony before the Ways and Means Committee, “At 2 percent growth the economy doesn’t spin off enough jobs to increase wages, and tax revenues grow much too slowly to balance the budget.”
The recession officially ended more than 6 years ago. Wages and incomes have always grown in recoveries, not declined. Moreover, the American historical record is the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery. The economy is supposed to boom in a recovery to catch up with its long term economic growth trendline. But over 6 years after the recession ended, that still has not happened. Instead, what we have gotten under President Obama is the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression." Realizing The Super Bowl Of American Economic Growth

7. "Even if you leave out the first quarter of 2009—when the recession that started in December 2007 was still ongoing--President Barack Obama has presided over the lowest average first-quarter GDP growth of any president who has served since 1947, which is the earliest year for which the Bureau of Economic Analysis has calculated quarterly GDP growth. "

8. The Obama Administration is aggressively exploiting regulation to achieve its policy agenda, issuing 157 new major rules at a cost to Americans approaching $73 billion annually....twice the annual average of his predecessor George W. Bush. And much more regulation is on the way, with another 125 major rules on the Administration’s to-do list, including dozens linked to the Dodd–Frank financial regulation law and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare. Red Tape Rising: Five Years of Regulatory Expansion

9. . "...take-home pay for many American workers has effectively fallen since the economic recovery began in 2009, according to a new study by an advocacy group that is to be released on Thursday.

The declines were greatest for the lowest-paid workers in sectors where hiring has been strong — home health care, food preparation and retailing — even though wages were already below average to begin with in those service industries.

“Stagnant wages are a problem for everyone at this point, but the imbalance in the economy has become more pronounced since the recession,”..."

10. . "Obamacare health insurance co-ops surged past the $1 billion mark in losses this week, making history of sorts.The insolvencies, totaling $1.36 billion, mean that the co-ops have burned through more than half of the original $2 billion appropriatedin 2010 for the program under the Affordable Care Act. The funds were loaned to the start-up co-ops in 2012 and were to be repaid in 15 years, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which manages Obamacare.

...13 of the 23 federally-financed Obamacare co-ops have officially failed in only two years. Most are in the process of default as insurance regulators attempt to pay customer’s medical bills, cover medical providers and pay other creditors.
Obamacare Co-Op Mess Causes $1.3 Billion In Losses

11. Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years." President Obama's Growth Gap Hits $1.31 Trillion | Investor's Business Daily

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Hedge fund billionaire calls Obama economy 'amazing'

12. ".... calculating how much the debt increased during Obama's two terms. On January 20, 2009, when he was sworn in, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On January 20, 2017, it was $19.947 trillion. That's why most people say Obama added $9 trillion to the debt, more than any other president."
How Much Did Obama Add to the Nation's Debt?

Ready to admit that I am 100% correct, and you are 100% wrong?

Out of your 12 Articles, you have 3 legitimate sources. But again you’ve posted half truths.

The Obama recovery was hamstring by a Congress and a Senate which wouldn’t pass anything. It could have been a lot better recovery had the Bush tax cuts been allowed to expire in 2011.

Economic growth would have greatly improved with investments in infrastructure. It would have provided good paying construction jobs, and made the US a stronger contender for international investment.

Health care costs, low quality of public education, and crumbing infrastructure are barriers to companies relocating to the US. In short: First World, middle class executives dont want to move to the US.
A Congress and a Senate? You are kidding right? We have a House of Representatives and a Senate. Together they make a Congress!
You are wasting your time. Instead of answers to your challenges you will get a statement that all her posts are 100% accurate and proven with her cut and paste. You will also get another half page or more of either reused or maybe even new cut and paste to deflect away from answering your challenge.

I'm particularly patient.

But I do have to get some work done this morning.

I'll check back on her later on.

Check on what???

The OP stated, and proved, that Trump was correct about the 270% tariff by Canada.

Isn't that what brought you out from under your rock, isn't it?

If you have some other point to make, start a thread about same.
The 270% tariff number is a distortion and therefore a falsehood. Canada controls the amount of milk and some milk products with a system of quotas. Milk and milk products are only taxed at the high tariff number after they reach the quota.

The dairy tariff issue is a complicated one, but the blanket claim of a 270% tariff is a big enough distortion to make it a false statement. Over 330 metric tons of processed milk goes to Canada without a tariff and there is not a limit on raw milk. Separate quotas apply to other dairy products such as butter.

You have to quote the Talking Points Soros feeds you

Soros also feeds Trump.
Lady, I will make you look so incompetent that your head will spin. And in front of all of your friends. Be careful what you ask for.

Until then, consider my previous suggestion.


You are now the owner of two of the most vapid posts of the day.

They're also true.

Ever time I read one of your postings I cringe. You're no less of a statist than those whom you label as such.

There's nothing patriotic about tariffs.

You voluntarily subscribed to this thread....yet, have not been able to focus on any point therein.

You come across as a dunce.....but, you're probably tired of everyone telling you that.

You started a thread with half a truth and try to build an argument based on half the truth. It’s like trying to sit on a one-legged stool. You pretty quickly find yourself on the floor looking stupid.

Yes there is a tariff on American dairy products. That doesn’t mean it’s unfair to American farmers because it isn’t. There’s a balancing quota payment by Canadian Dairy farmers to sell to the Marketing Board. All pay a fee to the Board.

This system have stabilized our markets and our farm incomes. American farmers agree the system is fair.

You want to play in our markets, you play the home team’s rules. You want to open a hospital or a clinic in Canada, you’re free to do so, but you have to comply with The Canada Health Act. You don’t get to extra bill, and you have to live with single payer health care.

You can’t ask for access to Canadian markets, without playing by the rules of the market. You don’t get to ship cheap goods into Canada and destroy our dairy farmers. Not going to happen.

In Canada, our people come first. Trudeau is taking care of that. Canadians are doing their part by boycotting US goods.

Trump has opened trade wars on seven different fronts. Any General will tell you that you focus on one battle at a time. Added to which there are no ambassadors, advisors or aides to work towards trade deals and treaties.

Trump has proven himself time and time again to be a faithless negotiator. He says one thing and then hours later, he does the opposite.

The did this on DACA and the Democrats. He did it gun control with the mass shooting survivors and the NRA. He did to Mitch McConnell and the immigration bill, and he did it to the G6 leaders - agreeing with the joint statement and then reneging when he got on the plane.

Who would negotiate with Trump? It’s easy to see why he’s gone bankrupt 7 times. Chaos, confusion, no grasp of details, no patience, total incompetence. And he changes his mind depending on who he talked to last.

Enemy of democratically elected allies, friend of murderers and dictators.[/QUOTE]
So if Canada wants to sell goods in the US you play by our rules! Seems fair to me. We will tax your asses at the same rate you tax ours! I too will choose not to buy anything from Canada. Doing my part for the USA.
Classic lie of omission. Only show goods traded, exclude services.

The lie of omission is a favorite of propagandists.

Yes this what you far left drone trolls do, glad you can finally admit to it!

Trade in Goods with Canada

TOTAL 2018 98,918.1 103,472.1 -4,554.0

Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Canada
It has been explained to you here in this thread on this page that you are counting goods only and omitting services. Why to you ignore facts like that? Like the little girl asked Forest Gump, are you stupid?
What services are you talking about? That dumb assed computer system that obummer bought to sign up obummer care patients? Fucking thing was broken when Canada sold it to him . Obummer was as dumb as a plucking box of rocks.
Lady, I will make you look so incompetent that your head will spin. And in front of all of your friends. Be careful what you ask for.

Until then, consider my previous suggestion.


You are now the owner of two of the most vapid posts of the day.

They're also true.

Ever time I read one of your postings I cringe. You're no less of a statist than those whom you label as such.

There's nothing patriotic about tariffs.

You voluntarily subscribed to this thread....yet, have not been able to focus on any point therein.

You come across as a dunce.....but, you're probably tired of everyone telling you that.

You started a thread with half a truth and try to build an argument based on half the truth. It’s like trying to sit on a one-legged stool. You pretty quickly find yourself on the floor looking stupid.

Yes there is a tariff on American dairy products. That doesn’t mean it’s unfair to American farmers because it isn’t. There’s a balancing quota payment by Canadian Dairy farmers to sell to the Marketing Board. All pay a fee to the Board.

This system have stabilized our markets and our farm incomes. American farmers agree the system is fair.

You want to play in our markets, you play the home team’s rules. You want to open a hospital or a clinic in Canada, you’re free to do so, but you have to comply with The Canada Health Act. You don’t get to extra bill, and you have to live with single payer health care.

You can’t ask for access to Canadian markets, without playing by the rules of the market. You don’t get to ship cheap goods into Canada and destroy our dairy farmers. Not going to happen.

In Canada, our people come first. Trudeau is taking care of that. Canadians are doing their part by boycotting US goods.

Trump has opened trade wars on seven different fronts. Any General will tell you that you focus on one battle at a time. Added to which there are no ambassadors, advisors or aides to work towards trade deals and treaties.

Trump has proven himself time and time again to be a faithless negotiator. He says one thing and then hours later, he does the opposite.

The did this on DACA and the Democrats. He did it gun control with the mass shooting survivors and the NRA. He did to Mitch McConnell and the immigration bill, and he did it to the G6 leaders - agreeing with the joint statement and then reneging when he got on the plane.

Who would negotiate with Trump? It’s easy to see why he’s gone bankrupt 7 times. Chaos, confusion, no grasp of details, no patience, total incompetence. And he changes his mind depending on who he talked to last.

Enemy of democratically elected allies, friend of murderers and dictators.[/QUOTE]

"[Trump:] Enemy of democratically elected allies, friend of murderers and dictators."

I'm sure you are aware of how painful this is for me to have to remind you of this.....but:

Under Hussein Obama, the United States was the lead benefactor of Islamic terrorism

The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shia…and with the Iran deal, we got answer.

Barack Obama was ushering in the age of the ‘Iranian Nuclear Bomb’ and fueling Iran’s war machine.

.... Obama, in addition to slowing the rise of the oceans, also made the world a safer place to be by funding the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism while not restricting their ballistic missile program and, at the same time, supporting Hezbollah.
The best friend the homicidal maniacs in charge of Iran ever had was Barack Hussein Obama.

...of course, by 'painful,' I mean ecstatically elating.
Check on what???

The OP stated, and proved, that Trump was correct about the 270% tariff by Canada.

Isn't that what brought you out from under your rock, isn't it?

If you have some other point to make, start a thread about same.

Ma'am, I was content under my rock until you made an amateur attempt at patriotizing tariffs.

Now. I've patiently attempted lively debate with you on the topic. In fact, I've repeated myself as a courtesy to you. However, you've made no attempt to acknowledge anything I've asked of you on the subject. It's not very nice, you know.

I assume that you yield here? You just haven't even acknowledged anything I've offered for debate. It's okay if you do. It's the wise thing to do. It really is.

With regard to starting another topic, I've no interest in it. There's nothing to be had.

Of course, if I am mistaken and you are still interested in picking up where we left off, I'll provide you the courtesy of where that was. It was post #33.

Let me know. I'll be in the neighborhood. Because I really like to learn. It's one of my favorite things to do.
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Check on what???

The OP stated, and proved, that Trump was correct about the 270% tariff by Canada.

Isn't that what brought you out from under your rock, isn't it?

If you have some other point to make, start a thread about same.

Ma'am, I was content under my rock until you made an amateur attempt at patriotizing tariffs.

Now. I've patiently attempted lively debate with you on the topic. In fact, I've repeated myself as a courtesy to you. However, you've made no attempt to acknowledge anything I've asked of you on the subject. It's not very nice, you know.

I assume that you yield here? You just haven't even acknowledged anything I've offered for debate. It's okay if you do. It's the wise thing to do. It really is.

With regard to starting another topic, I've no interest in it. There's nothing to be had.

Of course, if I am mistaken and you are still interested in picking up where we left off, I'll provide you the courtesy of where that was. It was post #33.

Let me know. I'll be in the neighborhood. Because I really like to learn. It's one of my favorite things to do.



Donald J. Trump

PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, “US Tariffs were kind of insulting” and he “will not be pushed around.” Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy!

7:04 PM - Jun 9, 2018

3. Verdict: True

Canada has a quota system for imports, and above a certain volume, it imposes high dairy tariffs ranging from 201.5 percent to 313.5 percent. Before those quotas are met, dairy products enter Canada duty-free or subject to much lower rates.

4. Trump is right that Canada imposes very high tariffs on dairy products that limit U.S. participation in the Canadian market, though the exact percentages vary depending on the product and when it is imported.

Canada heavily regulates its dairy industry with a supply management system that impacts production and sets target prices for dairy products. As a part of that system, it uses set tariff rate quotas (TRQ) for imports. Dairy products imported before a quota on a product is met are subject low tariffs or no tariffs, while products imported after the quota are subject to tariffs ranging from 201.5 percent to 313.5 percent.

“As a whole, the 270 percent figure though represents a strong ballpark for the various exorbitant tariff rates that limit US dairy access to the Canadian market,” Shawna Morris, trade policy vice president at the U.S. Dairy Export Council, told The Daily Caller News Foundation in an email.

5. ...Canada implemented a new “Class 7” dairy pricing regulation last year that set prices for milk protein concentrates at the lower U.S. price, causing Canadian business to buy less ultrafiltered milk from U.S. suppliers.
Wisconsin lost 500 dairy farms last year."
FACT CHECK: Does Canada Charge A 270% Tariff On US Dairy?

100% true, accurate and correct or not?
irrelevant copypasta is irrelevant

Again. You mentioned freedom and liberty in your initial copypasta about tariffs. This clearly was an effort to patriotize tariffs.

Please explain to us what is so free about fair trade. Tell us what you think is the conservative view and why you think tariffs are patriotic.

And again, your own words, please. Show us that conservative wisdom of yours.

We'll wait. Again. For like the fourth time.

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Guys, I don't think your role model has an original thought of her own here. Heck, she won't even debate. She keeps copypasting some irrelevant pablum that's not even relevant to the discussion I'm attempting with her. I thought I was supposed to be catching a smackdown here.

Get your crap together. Team up if you have to, I don't care. Do something.

Statistchic, if you're not going to acknowledge my questions, and share with us what it is that you think is so free about fair trade and what it is that's so patriotic about tariffs, at least have the fortitude to say so and quit wasting my time.

I thought you were the champ. It's what your friends said.
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