Nobody's white

Out of my 4 half breed kids, only my daughter looks like me; black hair, dark skin, dark eyes. The other three boys are white, one of them even has blond hair, but they all have facial bone structures of their NA heritage.

Odium, I'm so glad to have taken a shit in your white bowl of milk. :funnyface:
You took white trash with low morals and obvious mental illness off our hands. :) In due time we will solve the problem the right way.
Bring it on, Nazi boy!
You ever read Turner Diaries? Chapter 13 is my favorite. :) Check it out.
I'm well armed. Bring on your little race war. Watch how fast I send hot, copper jacketed 5.56 NATO down range. Most of you Nazi boys are pussies anyway.
Oh goody. I love a good fight. Course all depends on the situation once all non whites and race mixers are called to meet in one place to be shipped to a camp for safe keeping the rest that don't want to listen will be dealt with harshly. No need wasting a good white life on trash and non whites. Just drop a heat seeking missile on the place :D
I hope you do love a good fight instead of talking on the internet. I have a massive supply of R.I.Ps waiting for a place to lodge. Hopefully you send plenty of people before you venture from your bunker.

Last edited:
You took white trash with low morals and obvious mental illness off our hands. :) In due time we will solve the problem the right way.
Bring it on, Nazi boy!
You ever read Turner Diaries? Chapter 13 is my favorite. :) Check it out.
I'm well armed. Bring on your little race war. Watch how fast I send hot, copper jacketed 5.56 NATO down range. Most of you Nazi boys are pussies anyway.
Oh goody. I love a good fight. Course all depends on the situation once all non whites and race mixers are called to meet in one place to be shipped to a camp for safe keeping the rest that don't want to listen will be dealt with harshly. No need wasting a good white life on trash and non whites. Just drop a heat seeking missile on the place :D
I hope you do love a good fight instead of talking on the internet. I have a massive supply of R.I.Ps waiting for a place to lodge. Hopefully you send plenty of people before you venture from your bunker.

I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
Bring it on, Nazi boy!
You ever read Turner Diaries? Chapter 13 is my favorite. :) Check it out.
I'm well armed. Bring on your little race war. Watch how fast I send hot, copper jacketed 5.56 NATO down range. Most of you Nazi boys are pussies anyway.
Oh goody. I love a good fight. Course all depends on the situation once all non whites and race mixers are called to meet in one place to be shipped to a camp for safe keeping the rest that don't want to listen will be dealt with harshly. No need wasting a good white life on trash and non whites. Just drop a heat seeking missile on the place :D
I hope you do love a good fight instead of talking on the internet. I have a massive supply of R.I.Ps waiting for a place to lodge. Hopefully you send plenty of people before you venture from your bunker.

I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
You ever read Turner Diaries? Chapter 13 is my favorite. :) Check it out.
I'm well armed. Bring on your little race war. Watch how fast I send hot, copper jacketed 5.56 NATO down range. Most of you Nazi boys are pussies anyway.
Oh goody. I love a good fight. Course all depends on the situation once all non whites and race mixers are called to meet in one place to be shipped to a camp for safe keeping the rest that don't want to listen will be dealt with harshly. No need wasting a good white life on trash and non whites. Just drop a heat seeking missile on the place :D
I hope you do love a good fight instead of talking on the internet. I have a massive supply of R.I.Ps waiting for a place to lodge. Hopefully you send plenty of people before you venture from your bunker.

I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I hate your race? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Have you read ANYTHING I posted? I married your race! I love white culture and applaud the dominance of Western civilization.

What you don't understand, racist that you are, is that the blessings of Western Civilization, provided by whites, is available for all people who embrace it, that includes me. You see a black man who works hard, obeys the law, raises his family responsibly, and makes something of himself? He did so by rejecting his culture and embracing white culture as I have done. The issue isn't dark skinned people, the issue is clashing cultures. But not every minority rejects white culture and acts like an animal. THINK
I'm well armed. Bring on your little race war. Watch how fast I send hot, copper jacketed 5.56 NATO down range. Most of you Nazi boys are pussies anyway.
Oh goody. I love a good fight. Course all depends on the situation once all non whites and race mixers are called to meet in one place to be shipped to a camp for safe keeping the rest that don't want to listen will be dealt with harshly. No need wasting a good white life on trash and non whites. Just drop a heat seeking missile on the place :D
I hope you do love a good fight instead of talking on the internet. I have a massive supply of R.I.Ps waiting for a place to lodge. Hopefully you send plenty of people before you venture from your bunker.

I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I hate your race? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Have you read ANYTHING I posted? I married your race! I love white culture and applaud the dominance of Western civilization.

What you don't understand, racist that you are, is that the blessings of Western Civilization, provided by whites, is available for all people who embrace it, that includes me. You see a black man who works hard, obeys the law, raises his family responsibly, and makes something of himself? He did so by rejecting his culture and embracing white culture as I have done. The issue isn't dark skinned people, the issue is clashing cultures. But not every minority rejects white culture and acts like an animal. THINK
Embrace it all you like. We don't want people to embrace our culture we want to be left alone to live in a white world ALONE with just our race. Course it could happen like the Northwest books of Harold Covington. A war breaks out with us eventually winning Washington,Oregon,Idaho,Wyoming and parts of California,Montana and we also got Alaska. We allowed the non whites and the race mixers to leave up until the point we took over and raised our flag. I ever need a pick me up I read those 5 books. Great damn books that capture today's sick society so well.
Oh goody. I love a good fight. Course all depends on the situation once all non whites and race mixers are called to meet in one place to be shipped to a camp for safe keeping the rest that don't want to listen will be dealt with harshly. No need wasting a good white life on trash and non whites. Just drop a heat seeking missile on the place :D
I hope you do love a good fight instead of talking on the internet. I have a massive supply of R.I.Ps waiting for a place to lodge. Hopefully you send plenty of people before you venture from your bunker.

I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I hate your race? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Have you read ANYTHING I posted? I married your race! I love white culture and applaud the dominance of Western civilization.

What you don't understand, racist that you are, is that the blessings of Western Civilization, provided by whites, is available for all people who embrace it, that includes me. You see a black man who works hard, obeys the law, raises his family responsibly, and makes something of himself? He did so by rejecting his culture and embracing white culture as I have done. The issue isn't dark skinned people, the issue is clashing cultures. But not every minority rejects white culture and acts like an animal. THINK
Embrace it all you like. We don't want people to embrace our culture we want to be left alone to live in a white world ALONE with just our race. Course it could happen like the Northwest books of Harold Covington. A war breaks out with us eventually winning Washington,Oregon,Idaho,Wyoming and parts of California,Montana and we also got Alaska. We allowed the non whites and the race mixers to leave up until the point we took over and raised our flag. I ever need a pick me up I read those 5 books. Great damn books that capture today's sick society so well.
You're such a bigot you don't even realize there is no "we" when you say "we don't want people to embrace our culture". The truth is, nearly all white people want very much for minorities to embrace their culture and thereby succeed in life. It's what any decent person wants and I already know you people aren't decent. I live in Idaho where you people acted like animals up north in the late 1980's, bombings, killings, death threats against judges. Like any KKK group you ran a reign of terror that scared white folks and minorities alike until the feds stepped in and stomped your little race war. You aren't even old enough to remember it, but you people tried to start your war and white people rejected it.

You don't speak for white people, not even by 1%. White people are decent and kind to minorities like me. You ain't.
I hope you do love a good fight instead of talking on the internet. I have a massive supply of R.I.Ps waiting for a place to lodge. Hopefully you send plenty of people before you venture from your bunker.

I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I hate your race? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Have you read ANYTHING I posted? I married your race! I love white culture and applaud the dominance of Western civilization.

What you don't understand, racist that you are, is that the blessings of Western Civilization, provided by whites, is available for all people who embrace it, that includes me. You see a black man who works hard, obeys the law, raises his family responsibly, and makes something of himself? He did so by rejecting his culture and embracing white culture as I have done. The issue isn't dark skinned people, the issue is clashing cultures. But not every minority rejects white culture and acts like an animal. THINK
Embrace it all you like. We don't want people to embrace our culture we want to be left alone to live in a white world ALONE with just our race. Course it could happen like the Northwest books of Harold Covington. A war breaks out with us eventually winning Washington,Oregon,Idaho,Wyoming and parts of California,Montana and we also got Alaska. We allowed the non whites and the race mixers to leave up until the point we took over and raised our flag. I ever need a pick me up I read those 5 books. Great damn books that capture today's sick society so well.
You're such a bigot you don't even realize there is no "we" when you say "we don't want people to embrace our culture". The truth is, nearly all white people want very much for minorities to embrace their culture and thereby succeed in life. It's what any decent person wants and I already know you people aren't decent. I live in Idaho where you people acted like animals up north in the late 1980's, bombings, killings, death threats against judges. Like any KKK group you ran a reign of terror that scared white folks and minorities alike until the feds stepped in and stomped your little race war. You aren't even old enough to remember it, but you people tried to start your war and white people rejected it.

You don't speak for white people, not even by 1%. White people are decent and kind to minorities like me. You ain't.
Wait and see redskin. Wait and see.
I'm well armed. Bring on your little race war. Watch how fast I send hot, copper jacketed 5.56 NATO down range. Most of you Nazi boys are pussies anyway.
Oh goody. I love a good fight. Course all depends on the situation once all non whites and race mixers are called to meet in one place to be shipped to a camp for safe keeping the rest that don't want to listen will be dealt with harshly. No need wasting a good white life on trash and non whites. Just drop a heat seeking missile on the place :D
I hope you do love a good fight instead of talking on the internet. I have a massive supply of R.I.Ps waiting for a place to lodge. Hopefully you send plenty of people before you venture from your bunker.

I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I hate your race? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Have you read ANYTHING I posted? I married your race! I love white culture and applaud the dominance of Western civilization.

What you don't understand, racist that you are, is that the blessings of Western Civilization, provided by whites, is available for all people who embrace it, that includes me. You see a black man who works hard, obeys the law, raises his family responsibly, and makes something of himself? He did so by rejecting his culture and embracing white culture as I have done. The issue isn't dark skinned people, the issue is clashing cultures. But not every minority rejects white culture and acts like an animal. THINK
What a dumbass...
I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I hate your race? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Have you read ANYTHING I posted? I married your race! I love white culture and applaud the dominance of Western civilization.

What you don't understand, racist that you are, is that the blessings of Western Civilization, provided by whites, is available for all people who embrace it, that includes me. You see a black man who works hard, obeys the law, raises his family responsibly, and makes something of himself? He did so by rejecting his culture and embracing white culture as I have done. The issue isn't dark skinned people, the issue is clashing cultures. But not every minority rejects white culture and acts like an animal. THINK
Embrace it all you like. We don't want people to embrace our culture we want to be left alone to live in a white world ALONE with just our race. Course it could happen like the Northwest books of Harold Covington. A war breaks out with us eventually winning Washington,Oregon,Idaho,Wyoming and parts of California,Montana and we also got Alaska. We allowed the non whites and the race mixers to leave up until the point we took over and raised our flag. I ever need a pick me up I read those 5 books. Great damn books that capture today's sick society so well.
You're such a bigot you don't even realize there is no "we" when you say "we don't want people to embrace our culture". The truth is, nearly all white people want very much for minorities to embrace their culture and thereby succeed in life. It's what any decent person wants and I already know you people aren't decent. I live in Idaho where you people acted like animals up north in the late 1980's, bombings, killings, death threats against judges. Like any KKK group you ran a reign of terror that scared white folks and minorities alike until the feds stepped in and stomped your little race war. You aren't even old enough to remember it, but you people tried to start your war and white people rejected it.

You don't speak for white people, not even by 1%. White people are decent and kind to minorities like me. You ain't.
Wait and see redskin. Wait and see.
Been waiting for over 200
You're such a bigot you don't even realize there is no "we" when you say "we don't want people to embrace our culture". The truth is, nearly all white people want very much for minorities to embrace their culture and thereby succeed in life. It's what any decent person wants and I already know you people aren't decent. I live in Idaho where you people acted like animals up north in the late 1980's, bombings, killings, death threats against judges. Like any KKK group you ran a reign of terror that scared white folks and minorities alike until the feds stepped in and stomped your little race war. You aren't even old enough to remember it, but you people tried to start your war and white people rejected it.

You don't speak for white people, not even by 1%. White people are decent and kind to minorities like me. You ain't.
I'm a white guy. I love my black ancestors. I love all of my black family. I'll have no problem with my descendants marrying yours. The Nazi is almost entirely alone.
You're such a bigot you don't even realize there is no "we" when you say "we don't want people to embrace our culture". The truth is, nearly all white people want very much for minorities to embrace their culture and thereby succeed in life. It's what any decent person wants and I already know you people aren't decent. I live in Idaho where you people acted like animals up north in the late 1980's, bombings, killings, death threats against judges. Like any KKK group you ran a reign of terror that scared white folks and minorities alike until the feds stepped in and stomped your little race war. You aren't even old enough to remember it, but you people tried to start your war and white people rejected it.

You don't speak for white people, not even by 1%. White people are decent and kind to minorities like me. You ain't.
I'm a white guy. I love my black ancestors. I love all of my black family. I'll have no problem with my descendants marrying yours. The Nazi is almost entirely alone.
Your descendants won't be white for long idiot. Course that would mean you need the IQ larger than your shoe size to comprehend that simple fact but hey....breeding the dumb out of the white gene pool is a good idea!
Your descendants won't be white for long idiot. Course that would mean you need the IQ larger than your shoe size to comprehend that simple fact but hey....breeding the dumb out of the white gene pool is a good idea!
Why is that a bad thing? They will be blood of my blood regardless of the color of their skin.
Your descendants won't be white for long idiot. Course that would mean you need the IQ larger than your shoe size to comprehend that simple fact but hey....breeding the dumb out of the white gene pool is a good idea!
Why is that a bad thing? They will be blood of my blood regardless of the color of their skin.

Can't fix stupid. Proceed.
You ever read Turner Diaries? Chapter 13 is my favorite. :) Check it out.
I'm well armed. Bring on your little race war. Watch how fast I send hot, copper jacketed 5.56 NATO down range. Most of you Nazi boys are pussies anyway.
Oh goody. I love a good fight. Course all depends on the situation once all non whites and race mixers are called to meet in one place to be shipped to a camp for safe keeping the rest that don't want to listen will be dealt with harshly. No need wasting a good white life on trash and non whites. Just drop a heat seeking missile on the place :D
I hope you do love a good fight instead of talking on the internet. I have a massive supply of R.I.Ps waiting for a place to lodge. Hopefully you send plenty of people before you venture from your bunker.

I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I hate your race? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Have you read ANYTHING I posted? I married your race! I love white culture and applaud the dominance of Western civilization.

What you don't understand, racist that you are, is that the blessings of Western Civilization, provided by whites, is available for all people who embrace it, that includes me. You see a black man who works hard, obeys the law, raises his family responsibly, and makes something of himself? He did so by rejecting his culture and embracing white culture as I have done. The issue isn't dark skinned people, the issue is clashing cultures. But not every minority rejects white culture and acts like an animal. THINK
Embrace it all you like. We don't want people to embrace our culture we want to be left alone to live in a white world ALONE with just our race. Course it could happen like the Northwest books of Harold Covington. A war breaks out with us eventually winning Washington,Oregon,Idaho,Wyoming and parts of California,Montana and we also got Alaska. We allowed the non whites and the race mixers to leave up until the point we took over and raised our flag. I ever need a pick me up I read those 5 books. Great damn books that capture today's sick society so well.
You're such a bigot you don't even realize there is no "we" when you say "we don't want people to embrace our culture". The truth is, nearly all white people want very much for minorities to embrace their culture and thereby succeed in life. It's what any decent person wants and I already know you people aren't decent. I live in Idaho where you people acted like animals up north in the late 1980's, bombings, killings, death threats against judges. Like any KKK group you ran a reign of terror that scared white folks and minorities alike until the feds stepped in and stomped your little race war. You aren't even old enough to remember it, but you people tried to start your war and white people rejected it.

You don't speak for white people, not even by 1%. White people are decent and kind to minorities like me. You ain't.
Wait and see redskin. Wait and see.
How long is this going to take cave monkey? Will I still be alive to see the day?
TeutonicWarriorChick - Nobody is White

This is the filth being shoved down our kids throats. My kids know DAMN WELL what race they are and any cultural marxist swine would be met with not only physical force but a lawsuit as well for trying to brainwash my kids with this filth.Thank goodness we don't stand for that SHIT here.

While I am of very European descent- almost all English- my skin color is hardly 'white'.

Personally though, if whatever that link says offends you- then it must be pretty good.

Not that I would go to any link you provided without knowing whether or not it was some sick Stormfront porn site or not.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I hate your race? Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Have you read ANYTHING I posted? I married your race! I love white culture and applaud the dominance of Western civilization.

What you don't understand, racist that you are, is that the blessings of Western Civilization, provided by whites, is available for all people who embrace it, that includes me. You see a black man who works hard, obeys the law, raises his family responsibly, and makes something of himself? He did so by rejecting his culture and embracing white culture as I have done. The issue isn't dark skinned people, the issue is clashing cultures. But not every minority rejects white culture and acts like an animal. THINK
Embrace it all you like. We don't want people to embrace our culture we want to be left alone to live in a white world ALONE with just our race. Course it could happen like the Northwest books of Harold Covington. A war breaks out with us eventually winning Washington,Oregon,Idaho,Wyoming and parts of California,Montana and we also got Alaska. We allowed the non whites and the race mixers to leave up until the point we took over and raised our flag. I ever need a pick me up I read those 5 books. Great damn books that capture today's sick society so well.
You're such a bigot you don't even realize there is no "we" when you say "we don't want people to embrace our culture". The truth is, nearly all white people want very much for minorities to embrace their culture and thereby succeed in life. It's what any decent person wants and I already know you people aren't decent. I live in Idaho where you people acted like animals up north in the late 1980's, bombings, killings, death threats against judges. Like any KKK group you ran a reign of terror that scared white folks and minorities alike until the feds stepped in and stomped your little race war. You aren't even old enough to remember it, but you people tried to start your war and white people rejected it.

You don't speak for white people, not even by 1%. White people are decent and kind to minorities like me. You ain't.
Wait and see redskin. Wait and see.
How long is this going to take cave monkey? Will I still be alive to see the day?
I think he is more a single wide trailer money

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