Nobody's white

I'm well armed. Bring on your little race war. Watch how fast I send hot, copper jacketed 5.56 NATO down range. Most of you Nazi boys are pussies anyway.
Oh goody. I love a good fight. Course all depends on the situation once all non whites and race mixers are called to meet in one place to be shipped to a camp for safe keeping the rest that don't want to listen will be dealt with harshly. No need wasting a good white life on trash and non whites. Just drop a heat seeking missile on the place :D
I hope you do love a good fight instead of talking on the internet. I have a massive supply of R.I.Ps waiting for a place to lodge. Hopefully you send plenty of people before you venture from your bunker.

I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
They won't even get 11%. They tried to start their race war in my state and nobody backed them up. This is worse than a lost cause. It's a pathetic one.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
You don't see how these statements you make like this are exactly why I have such a hard time seeing the difference between you and him, right? I'm sure he sees white men as gods just as you see black men as gods. My whole point in trying to explain it to you is that we're both simply men. These sorts of ideas are exactly what prevent us from seeing that and accepting that our brothers and sisters and seven billion cousins are all we have in this world.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
You don't see how these statements you make like this are exactly why I have such a hard time seeing the difference between you and him, right? I'm sure he sees white men as gods just as you see black men as gods.
He may be an ass, but he doesn't dream of killing other races. There is no comparison.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
You don't see how these statements you make like this are exactly why I have such a hard time seeing the difference between you and him, right? I'm sure he sees white men as gods just as you see black men as gods.
The only way I can see your point is if I try my best to see bigotry there. I dont get whats racist about saying Odumb is inbred and a coward just because he happens to be white.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
You don't see how these statements you make like this are exactly why I have such a hard time seeing the difference between you and him, right? I'm sure he sees white men as gods just as you see black men as gods.
The only way I can see your point is if I try my best to see bigotry there. I dont get whats racist about saying Odumb is inbred and a coward just because he happens to be white.
The "inbred cowardice of your kind." I totally agree regarding this specific individual. I can't agree with your statement because I know what you meant by that.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
You don't see how these statements you make like this are exactly why I have such a hard time seeing the difference between you and him, right? I'm sure he sees white men as gods just as you see black men as gods.
The only way I can see your point is if I try my best to see bigotry there. I dont get whats racist about saying Odumb is inbred and a coward just because he happens to be white.
The "inbred cowardice of your kind." I totally agree regarding this specific individual. I can't agree with your statement because I know what you meant by that.
You know what I meant? I dont think you do. If you did then would have never said anything about me being racist. I'm assuming you think Odumb is one of a kind or something? If you continue your underlining to include the entire sentence I think that may clear things up for you.

"The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you."
Last edited:
Oh goody. I love a good fight. Course all depends on the situation once all non whites and race mixers are called to meet in one place to be shipped to a camp for safe keeping the rest that don't want to listen will be dealt with harshly. No need wasting a good white life on trash and non whites. Just drop a heat seeking missile on the place :D
I hope you do love a good fight instead of talking on the internet. I have a massive supply of R.I.Ps waiting for a place to lodge. Hopefully you send plenty of people before you venture from your bunker.

I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
They won't even get 11%. They tried to start their race war in my state and nobody backed them up. This is worse than a lost cause. It's a pathetic one.
You talking about those morons at the Aryan Nations? Lol...clowns dressed in Halloween costumes....give me a break. The white men that take this country back won't be dressed in costumes. Just jeans and t shirts maybe camo if we got it. Trying to save our race from genocide is not a pathetic goal but a very lofty and loyal goal.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
You don't see how these statements you make like this are exactly why I have such a hard time seeing the difference between you and him, right? I'm sure he sees white men as gods just as you see black men as gods.
He may be an ass, but he doesn't dream of killing other races. There is no comparison.
Yes I do. I want world domination by the white race. My racial religion/ideology calls for the best and brightest and superior to control the entire world. There is no reason for other races.
I hope you do love a good fight instead of talking on the internet. I have a massive supply of R.I.Ps waiting for a place to lodge. Hopefully you send plenty of people before you venture from your bunker.

I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
They won't even get 11%. They tried to start their race war in my state and nobody backed them up. This is worse than a lost cause. It's a pathetic one.
You talking about those morons at the Aryan Nations? Lol...clowns dressed in Halloween costumes....give me a break. The white men that take this country back won't be dressed in costumes. Just jeans and t shirts maybe camo if we got it. Trying to save our race from genocide is not a pathetic goal but a very lofty and loyal goal.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
You don't see how these statements you make like this are exactly why I have such a hard time seeing the difference between you and him, right? I'm sure he sees white men as gods just as you see black men as gods.
He may be an ass, but he doesn't dream of killing other races. There is no comparison.
Yes I do. I want world domination by the white race. My racial religion/ideology calls for the best and brightest and superior to control the entire world. There is no reason for other races.
SaintMichael may be tricked into believing you are superior but most sane people know it to be the exact opposite. You wouldnt be recessive if you were superior just for starters. Wake me when you clowns get brave enough to come to my neighborhood......all 30 of you.
I always wonder how many they think will be on their side.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
They won't even get 11%. They tried to start their race war in my state and nobody backed them up. This is worse than a lost cause. It's a pathetic one.
You talking about those morons at the Aryan Nations? Lol...clowns dressed in Halloween costumes....give me a break. The white men that take this country back won't be dressed in costumes. Just jeans and t shirts maybe camo if we got it. Trying to save our race from genocide is not a pathetic goal but a very lofty and loyal goal.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
You don't see how these statements you make like this are exactly why I have such a hard time seeing the difference between you and him, right? I'm sure he sees white men as gods just as you see black men as gods.
He may be an ass, but he doesn't dream of killing other races. There is no comparison.
Yes I do. I want world domination by the white race. My racial religion/ideology calls for the best and brightest and superior to control the entire world. There is no reason for other races.
SaintMichael may be tricked into believing you are superior but most sane people know it to be the exact opposite. You wouldnt be recessive if you were superior just for starters. Wake me when you clowns get brave enough to come to my neighborhood......all 30 of you.
Tricked? One only has to look at tide of prevalence in a world history book to see Western Civilization, which is mostly white, is dominant. And I'm thankful because whites are nothing like Odium. They are decent, tolerant folk who want to see minorities like you and I be our very best.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
They won't even get 11%. They tried to start their race war in my state and nobody backed them up. This is worse than a lost cause. It's a pathetic one.
You talking about those morons at the Aryan Nations? Lol...clowns dressed in Halloween costumes....give me a break. The white men that take this country back won't be dressed in costumes. Just jeans and t shirts maybe camo if we got it. Trying to save our race from genocide is not a pathetic goal but a very lofty and loyal goal.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
You don't see how these statements you make like this are exactly why I have such a hard time seeing the difference between you and him, right? I'm sure he sees white men as gods just as you see black men as gods.
He may be an ass, but he doesn't dream of killing other races. There is no comparison.
Yes I do. I want world domination by the white race. My racial religion/ideology calls for the best and brightest and superior to control the entire world. There is no reason for other races.
SaintMichael may be tricked into believing you are superior but most sane people know it to be the exact opposite. You wouldnt be recessive if you were superior just for starters. Wake me when you clowns get brave enough to come to my neighborhood......all 30 of you.
Tricked? One only has to look at tide of prevalence in a world history book to see Western Civilization, which is mostly white, is dominant. And I'm thankful because whites are nothing like Odium. They are decent, tolerant folk who want to see minorities like you and I be our very best.
Tolerance is a deadly virtue...much like stupidity.
See thing is. You may have the numbers (I doubt it) since most will shrink away in the darkness and expect the government to come help them,some ( I think the majority of whites) will support us in beginning because deep down we are saying what MILLIONS think but are afraid to say or think. Overall I say 50-100k of us. Even if I am wrong we want it more than you don't want it. We are willing to die for our beliefs but are you willing to die to defend such a sick society? I doubt it. Even if you are as some say. We want it more than you do. We love our race more than you hate our race. That's all that matters.

It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in the minds of men.
Why do you think we push young folk to join the military? Learn military skills? DUH! We are so much more organized loosely as it may be than people think. It just takes 1 strong leader to put aside the religious and ideological infighting to get us all together as one unit to defend our race.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
They won't even get 11%. They tried to start their race war in my state and nobody backed them up. This is worse than a lost cause. It's a pathetic one.
You talking about those morons at the Aryan Nations? Lol...clowns dressed in Halloween costumes....give me a break. The white men that take this country back won't be dressed in costumes. Just jeans and t shirts maybe camo if we got it. Trying to save our race from genocide is not a pathetic goal but a very lofty and loyal goal.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
You don't see how these statements you make like this are exactly why I have such a hard time seeing the difference between you and him, right? I'm sure he sees white men as gods just as you see black men as gods.
He may be an ass, but he doesn't dream of killing other races. There is no comparison.
Yes I do. I want world domination by the white race. My racial religion/ideology calls for the best and brightest and superior to control the entire world. There is no reason for other races.
SaintMichael may be tricked into believing you are superior but most sane people know it to be the exact opposite. You wouldnt be recessive if you were superior just for starters. Wake me when you clowns get brave enough to come to my neighborhood......all 30 of you.
Tricked? One only has to look at tide of prevalence in a world history book to see Western Civilization, which is mostly white, is dominant. And I'm thankful because whites are nothing like Odium. They are decent, tolerant folk who want to see minorities like you and I be our very best.
Yes tricked. Have you asked yourself the question about who wrote that history book? Basically its psuedo history. Were you aware that they taught in schools for decades that humans originated in europe because of a hoax white people were desperate to believe? Look it up. Piltdown Man.
I've seen government projections on your imagined race war. A whopping 89% of whites will have no part of it. The other 11% will be further decimated by the inbred cowardice of your kind and those that chose to align themselves against you. Weird thing is that in those government projections they say only about 5% of whites could be trusted to be deputized to quell any race war started by Blacks, Mexican, Asians, etc. You guys talk a big game but as we have found with the passing of decades you are just full of hot usual.
They won't even get 11%. They tried to start their race war in my state and nobody backed them up. This is worse than a lost cause. It's a pathetic one.
You talking about those morons at the Aryan Nations? Lol...clowns dressed in Halloween costumes....give me a break. The white men that take this country back won't be dressed in costumes. Just jeans and t shirts maybe camo if we got it. Trying to save our race from genocide is not a pathetic goal but a very lofty and loyal goal.
You don't see how these statements you make like this are exactly why I have such a hard time seeing the difference between you and him, right? I'm sure he sees white men as gods just as you see black men as gods.
He may be an ass, but he doesn't dream of killing other races. There is no comparison.
Yes I do. I want world domination by the white race. My racial religion/ideology calls for the best and brightest and superior to control the entire world. There is no reason for other races.
SaintMichael may be tricked into believing you are superior but most sane people know it to be the exact opposite. You wouldnt be recessive if you were superior just for starters. Wake me when you clowns get brave enough to come to my neighborhood......all 30 of you.
Tricked? One only has to look at tide of prevalence in a world history book to see Western Civilization, which is mostly white, is dominant. And I'm thankful because whites are nothing like Odium. They are decent, tolerant folk who want to see minorities like you and I be our very best.
Tolerance is a deadly virtue...much like stupidity.
Thats not true. If stupidity was deadly you would be dead.
TeutonicWarriorChick - Nobody is White

This is the filth being shoved down our kids throats. My kids know DAMN WELL what race they are and any cultural marxist swine would be met with not only physical force but a lawsuit as well for trying to brainwash my kids with this filth.Thank goodness we don't stand for that SHIT here.
Luckily for you your recessive gene pool will receive much needed diversity to help with your historical inbreeding. Say hello to one of your descendants in the near future.

You would be so horrified when the DNA test came back and it turned out you're like 20% white. xD

She's cute btw.
Ha my new favorite movie is Tucker and Dale vs fave line is, "CHAD! YOU'RE HALF HILLBILLY!" It's the emotional high point of the movie because of course Chad HATES hillbillies....
You talking about those morons at the Aryan Nations? Lol...clowns dressed in Halloween costumes....give me a break. The white men that take this country back won't be dressed in costumes. Just jeans and t shirts maybe camo if we got it. Trying to save our race from genocide is not a pathetic goal but a very lofty and loyal goal.
Your main problem is that you don't understand the people you're calling "your race". Our species originated in Africa. The original humans' skin color was black. Your ancestors were black people.

Yes I do. I want world domination by the white race. My racial religion/ideology calls for the best and brightest and superior to control the entire world. There is no reason for other races.
See, Hitler tried that. He killed a shit ton of white people and ended up shooting himself in a bunker, because he knew the advancing Russian forces wouldn't be so merciful to him. His underlings ended up being hanged for their part in his crimes.

We are one family. That is the fact that a careful study of history gives us. You simply choose to hate and want to murder most of our family. The vast majority of us do not share in your psychopathy and will not allow this to happen.
You talking about those morons at the Aryan Nations? Lol...clowns dressed in Halloween costumes....give me a break. The white men that take this country back won't be dressed in costumes. Just jeans and t shirts maybe camo if we got it. Trying to save our race from genocide is not a pathetic goal but a very lofty and loyal goal.
Your main problem is that you don't understand the people you're calling "your race". Our species originated in Africa. The original humans' skin color was black. Your ancestors were black people.

Yes I do. I want world domination by the white race. My racial religion/ideology calls for the best and brightest and superior to control the entire world. There is no reason for other races.
See, Hitler tried that. He killed a shit ton of white people and ended up shooting himself in a bunker, because he knew the advancing Russian forces wouldn't be so merciful to him. His underlings ended up being hanged for their part in his crimes.

We are one family. That is the fact that a careful study of history gives us. You simply choose to hate and want to murder most of our family. The vast majority of us do not share in your psychopathy and will not allow this to happen.
The stupidity is to much to truly is....I told you yesterday to go learn some facts...just stop while you think you are ahead...
If Odium was an actual example of 'my race' we Europeans would be doomed.

Luckily he is but a stupid, hateful aberration.
I have to say, I have decided, at 51, that I was born black. I anticipate a free ride at the University of Aruba, where the rugby team is called the Syphillitic Conquistadors, and clothing is optional.

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