Debate Now Non-Binary Person Makes You Correct Yourself For "Misgendering" Them

Yeah, but religion is a civil right so we just have to tolerate them.

Whatever ... Society had no obligation whatsoever to chase a bunch People down a Rabbit Hole for the sake of Humanity ... :auiqs.jpg:
We don't have to hate on other People ... Just to say ... No.


Whatever ... Society had no obligation whatsoever to chase a bunch People down a Rabbit Hole for the sake of Humanity ... :auiqs.jpg:
We don't have to hate on other People ... Just to say ... No.

Ever since you identified yourself as a Royal trapped in the body of a commoner, I have always made sure to address you as "my queen".
In polite society, I suppose that it’s no skin off my nose to pretend to address a guy who thinks he’s a female as a “she.”

I can say “yes, ma’am” to an obvious male just as I can say “yes, sir” to an obvious female. No need to be unduly rude.

But here? When I speak about such folks, why the hell wouldn’t I refer to them by their actual biological gender?
Ever since you identified yourself as a Royal trapped in the body of a commoner, I have always made sure to address you as "my queen".

Dude ... That's no way to get appointed Royal Executioner ... What are you thinking?
Man ... Back to the stocks with you ... When will these peasant folks learn?

If you are going to identify as a Royal ... You gotta make it believable ... :auiqs.jpg:


Dude ... That's no way to get appointed Royal Executioner ... What are you thinking?
Man ... Back to the stocks with you ... When will these peasant folks learn?

If you are going to identify as a Royal ... You gotta make it believable ... :auiqs.jpg:

Thank you, my queen.
In polite society, I suppose that it’s no skin off my nose to pretend to address a guy who thinks he’s a female as a “she.”

I can say “yes, ma’am” to an obvious male just as I can say “yes, sir” to an obvious female. No need to be unduly rude.

But here? When I speak about such folks, why the hell wouldn’t I refer to them by their actual biological gender?

I see what you're saying, but the only way I would address a biological male as a female is if he actually looked like one. After all, we've probably run into thousands if not millions or billions of people who are transgender and not even realize it.
In polite society, I suppose that it’s no skin off my nose to pretend to address a guy who thinks he’s a female as a “she.”

I can say “yes, ma’am” to an obvious male just as I can say “yes, sir” to an obvious female. No need to be unduly rude.

But here? When I speak about such folks, why the hell wouldn’t I refer to them by their actual biological gender?

Last week in one of our favorite restaurants, we were served by a transgirl. He had a very skinny neck and tight girl jeans with an apron covering the front, so it was not obvious. I wasn't looking that close, because the girl he was representing wasn't very cute. More an Olive Oil type. Until he spoke. That's the Achiles Heel for any tranny trying to pass as cis. After he spoke, I could see he was male.

I called him "ma'am," like I call any female I don't know, and some that I do. Why make an issue, or try to impress with my ability to spot them? My wife said, "I think our server has a cold." I told her no, that was an attempt to sound like a girl.

He's not a girl, but I'm sure any guy who took an interest would know that. Unless it was 1:55 AM and he was pretty drunk.

Last week in one of our favorite restaurants, we were served by a transgirl. He had a very skinny neck and tight girl jeans with an apron covering the front, so it was not obvious. I wasn't looking that close, because the girl he was representing wasn't very cute. More an Olive Oil type. Until he spoke. That's the Achiles Heel for any tranny trying to pass as cis. After he spoke, I could see he was male.

I called him "ma'am," like I call any female I don't know, and some that I do. Why make an issue, or try to impress with my ability to spot them? My wife said, "I think our server has a cold." I told her no, that was an attempt to sound like a girl.

He's not a girl, but I'm sure any guy who took an interest would know that. Unless it was 1:55 AM and he was pretty drunk.
You sure you wasn't looking that close. I noticed that much about our waitress yesterday, but she was pretty hot, I did notice her jeans. Oh my. But your waiter you noticed apron, not cute, olive oil type, skinny neck, thigh noticed. It is ok, we still love you man. Well in a strictly platonic sense of course.
You sure you wasn't looking that close. I noticed that much about our waitress yesterday, but she was pretty hot, I did notice her jeans. Oh my. But your waiter you noticed apron, not cute, olive oil type, skinny neck, thigh noticed. It is ok, we still love you man. Well in a strictly platonic sense of course.
That means the world to me.
No it isn't. Only right-wing people have an issue with giving into other people's delusions.
Not really. A good example is the right's delusion that the 2020 election was stolen. We had an issue giving in to that delusion.
I see what you're saying, but the only way I would address a biological male as a female is if he actually looked like one. After all, we've probably run into thousands if not millions or billions of people who are transgender and not even realize it.
I doubt those numbers! 😂

But let’s get down to basics. What the heck does “woman” even mean? :dunno:

Last week in one of our favorite restaurants, we were served by a transgirl. He had a very skinny neck and tight girl jeans with an apron covering the front, so it was not obvious. I wasn't looking that close, because the girl he was representing wasn't very cute. More an Olive Oil type. Until he spoke. That's the Achiles Heel for any tranny trying to pass as cis. After he spoke, I could see he was male.

I called him "ma'am," like I call any female I don't know, and some that I do. Why make an issue, or try to impress with my ability to spot them? My wife said, "I think our server has a cold." I told her no, that was an attempt to sound like a girl.

He's not a girl, but I'm sure any guy who took an interest would know that. Unless it was 1:55 AM and he was pretty drunk.
Eddie Murphy once got very confused that way. The ho was advertising falsely.
Cool. We why should anyone else give a shit? Why are you ranting? Why aren't you out on the town having fun?
You're all kinds of flip-floppity wafflins there.

In other countries its "hatespeech" punishable by law to "misgender" deluded people by calling them what they actually are.

So yeah, it is a thing because there is a faction that wants to bring that bullshit here.
In polite society, I suppose that it’s no skin off my nose to pretend to address a guy who thinks he’s a female as a “she.”

I can say “yes, ma’am” to an obvious male just as I can say “yes, sir” to an obvious female. No need to be unduly rude.

But here? When I speak about such folks, why the hell wouldn’t I refer to them by their actual biological gender?
I'm not kowtowing to play into the delusions n shit. Now there's a tranny that works at the Biff Burger, and "he" does a good job.

So I'm polite, but I don't be calling that mofo a "she". That's disrespect to women. I might even say "Thank you dear".

It leaves the gender ambiguous.
Any person whether they have a penis or a vagina who wants to be one.
Yep. The woke dictionary at its finest.

Sex and gender are now absolutely divorced from science, facts and reality. It all comes down the their magical thinking:
“We are what we feel.”

If one feels like a Martian, then one IS a Martian. 😶

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