Non Cliquity Clack Club

I burned my damn feet! Who woulda thunk standing outside HERE in this neck of the woods, that just watering the lawn barefoot, I would get two blisters on my pinky toes and the top of my feet bright red? Dayum! I knew it was hot hot it was uncomfortable....but getting a sunburn on my feet for the short amount of time I was out there watering? Really?

Good thing I have aloe growing in my garden. Just rubbed a shitload of it all over my poor tootsies. They HURT!

A client of mine gave me an aloe plant for my birthday last November. It's still growing strong and I love to use that stuff for wounds and such.

BTW, my sister and BIL have a huge veggie garden and grow enough to eat all of their vegetables and also to can for each winter. It's a really good deal.
Thank you. I like the one I picked out. Hope everyone else is ok with it too. It suits.
I like the one you picked too, Gracie. :)

While I love the facepalm polar bear I was wondering if Pacer couldn't do something with the book sculpture as the image for the NCCC? We do need a library in the Lounge and this could be the right place for it. Informal place with art, music, books, sculpture, painting, etc.

While I love the facepalm polar bear I was wondering if Pacer couldn't do something with the book sculpture as the image for the NCCC? We do need a library in the Lounge and this could be the right place for it. Informal place with art, music, books, sculpture, painting, etc.
I agree Derideo and how about changing the name of the place to something original like "The Library". :lol:
While I love the facepalm polar bear I was wondering if Pacer couldn't do something with the book sculpture as the image for the NCCC? We do need a library in the Lounge and this could be the right place for it. Informal place with art, music, books, sculpture, painting, etc.
I agree Derideo and how about changing the name of the place to something original like "The Library". :lol:

No, I don't want a name change because that is the genius of the NCCC name. It just happened and it works perfectly. :lol:
This club can be anywhere....the park, the backyard, the block, the pool, where ever we choose to take it....Gracie said it was ours......and I'll be back later to relax......but first.....

Good morning drifter. What do you think of Derideo's suggestion to use the book sculpture as the image for the NCCC and this place could be used to share art and music and books, etc.
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Good morning drifter. What do you think of Derideo's suggestion to use the book sculpture as the image for the NCCC and this place could be used to share art and music and books, etc.

I don't want to change the NCCC at all. I just like the artistic and book aspects that Gracie embraces and feel that the sculpture is more representative. I was making the comparison to libraries because they encompass all of these cultural aspects of our lives. Plus Gracie has just created her own personal library and is stocking it with a very eclectic collection.
Good morning drifter. What do you think of Derideo's suggestion to use the book sculpture as the image for the NCCC and this place could be used to share art and music and books, etc.

I don't want to change the NCCC at all. I just like the artistic and book aspects that Gracie embraces and feel that the sculpture is more representative. I was making the comparison to libraries because they encompass all of these cultural aspects of our lives. Plus Gracie has just created her own personal library and is stocking it with a very eclectic collection.
Yes, sorry, Derideo.
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I think it would be cool to change the nccc picture logo once a month and have various people contribute to it so everyone gets to pick a photo and it rotates.
just checking-in b4 I go out.

Best social thread on the board, bar-none :) [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION]
Morning folks!

NCCC is not used often but when it's awesome! It is YOUR thread and the majority speaks. So...if you want a library pic or books pic or swap the logo around every month or so...that's up to you guys.

You will just have to clear it with a mod cuz they are the ones that will have to go in and edit the logo.

I leave it to you guys. :)
I think I just met my new roomie.

Polite, quiet, good job he has been at for the past 3 years. He is coming back tonight around 8ish to meet the other roomie. Which will be a big help cuz he has a very heavy accent and she can help when he stumbles cuz his english good but the pronunciation isn't clear to these old ears. And he is her age, so now she will have someone to share pizza with, lol.

I would like to rent to him. But I have another gal that wants to look too,'s still in the air.
I think I just met my new roomie.

Polite, quiet, good job he has been at for the past 3 years. He is coming back tonight around 8ish to meet the other roomie. Which will be a big help cuz he has a very heavy accent and she can help when he stumbles cuz his english good but the pronunciation isn't clear to these old ears. And he is her age, so now she will have someone to share pizza with, lol.

I would like to rent to him. But I have another gal that wants to look too,'s still in the air.

What happened with the gamer, Gracie....I thought you were going to rent the room to him?

Oh well, I'm going to have to rush out, again, going to Choir practice, but I will be back later on tonight... See ya!

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