Non Cliquity Clack Club

I haven't heard from him. Yes, I wanted the gamer guy but I am not going to hold a room for another month then get stuck having to pay that rooms rent because I held it and they never showed up. This guy today has the money, seems nice, and will pay the deposit. He isn't a gamer, but he is quiet and seems pretty mellow.
I think I just met my new roomie.

Polite, quiet, good job he has been at for the past 3 years. He is coming back tonight around 8ish to meet the other roomie. Which will be a big help cuz he has a very heavy accent and she can help when he stumbles cuz his english good but the pronunciation isn't clear to these old ears. And he is her age, so now she will have someone to share pizza with, lol.

I would like to rent to him. But I have another gal that wants to look too,'s still in the air.

good news. That will be good if it all works out.
I haven't heard from him. Yes, I wanted the gamer guy but I am not going to hold a room for another month then get stuck having to pay that rooms rent because I held it and they never showed up. This guy today has the money, seems nice, and will pay the deposit. He isn't a gamer, but he is quiet and seems pretty mellow.

Mellow is good.
Felt like sleeping in but I got up ....still tired how's everyone?

Good afternoon Drifter.....:)

Hey Mertex, how is your day?

Was it you a while back that posted a photo of you and your husband riding motorcycles?

If so that was pretty cool and have you ever been to Sturgis?

Yep, we own a Harley....and no, we have never made it to Sturgis. I don't think my butt could stand's a long way. The farthest we've gone, and it was hard on my butt, was Durango, Colorado, some years back when they had the State Rally there. It was a lot of fun.
Good afternoon Drifter.....:)

Hey Mertex, how is your day?

Was it you a while back that posted a photo of you and your husband riding motorcycles?

If so that was pretty cool and have you ever been to Sturgis?

Yep, we own a Harley....and no, we have never made it to Sturgis. I don't think my butt could stand's a long way. The farthest we've gone, and it was hard on my butt, was Durango, Colorado, some years back when they had the State Rally there. It was a lot of fun.

I was there once but not on purpose, it just happened to be sturgis when I went through.

Did everyone say they wanted the library books fountain as a logo? I see the polar bear is gone.
I'd like it to be a vote on what folks want. :)
Personally, mine is for the polar bear because it goes with the theme of this thread not being any particular group and the books make it look like it's book discussion....and it isn't. It's for everyone for any subject that is not affiliated with any particular "group" of people. Hence...polar bear, face palm.
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Meanwhile....small town and all friend that used to be a roomie here KNOWS this new guys boss and said grab him if all turns out well. So I called the glowing reports. Called his landlord where he and his mother currently live, and they have lived there 8 years and not once have ever been late. So...he is our new roomie! He is going to come by after work and drop off the deposit, will move in June 1st. So...IT'S RENTED!

I called the other pc guy in San Diego and told him I rented it and he said good because he found another place. Gosh. Thanks for telling me! I didn't say that, but I wanted to. Oy.
No courtesy anymore in the world. And here I was gonna hold the room until he could get here on this weekend to look at it. Sheesh.
Meanwhile....small town and all friend that used to be a roomie here KNOWS this new guys boss and said grab him if all turns out well. So I called the glowing reports. Called his landlord where he and his mother currently live, and they have lived there 8 years and not once have ever been late. So...he is our new roomie! He is going to come by after work and drop off the deposit, will move in June 1st. So...IT'S RENTED!

I called the other pc guy in San Diego and told him I rented it and he said good because he found another place. Gosh. Thanks for telling me! I didn't say that, but I wanted to. Oy.
No courtesy anymore in the world. And here I was gonna hold the room until he could get here on this weekend to look at it. Sheesh.

So, it looks like all worked out well for you. Sounds like good news!!!
The owner just called me (not his manager...the owner of the company) and said "he is a good boy. I plan to keep him a VERY long time and just gave him a raise so he doesn't go looking elsewhere. been with me almost 4 years now".
So yep...he's a keeper!
Meanwhile...I have been furiously changing my back yard around again. Moved the swing closer to my back door, swapped some heavy ass pots to the other side of the patio and now I have to move the gate forward so it cuts off all access to my living room (the garden) cuz roomies have the front yard..not the back yard.
I'm pooped again. But...I gotta go water. It's hot again today. Everything is drooping.

Did everyone say they wanted the library books fountain as a logo? I see the polar bear is gone.
I'd like it to be a vote on what folks want. :)
Personally, mine is for the polar bear because it goes with the theme of this thread not being any particular group and the books make it look like it's book discussion....and it isn't. It's for everyone for any subject that is not affiliated with any particular "group" of people. Hence...polar bear, face palm.

Gracie, you can have both in my siggie. I have the NCCC in there twice. Once as the polar bear and again as the library books! :smiliehug:
The owner just called me (not his manager...the owner of the company) and said "he is a good boy. I plan to keep him a VERY long time and just gave him a raise so he doesn't go looking elsewhere. been with me almost 4 years now".
So yep...he's a keeper!

Great news! :) Always good to have a stable tenant.
I agree! Polite, pays on time, full time job, off weekends, a girlfriend he won't let spend the night but will have her over once in awhile for movie day, friends he goes to see but does not bring them home cuz he likes his privacy. Perfect. :)

Thanks for keeping the bear logo. I like the books too, but we have a book forum and I don't want folks to get confused that we talk novels in here cuz we don't unless it is general chitchat with someone bringing up the subject. Yeah, I got my library built and I am out there now and then to browse through the goodies but it isn't my passion. The yard is my passion. Still..that is not NCCC either. This thread is like all the others that are more popular due to members keeping them going....except no cliques are in here. ALL are welcome if they choose to come. Some won't because my name is used as the thread starter (childish), and thats ok if that is how they judge where they post. Me? I don't care who comes here. Door is open for anyone that can co exist and leave agendas behind for awhile. :)
I agree! Polite, pays on time, full time job, off weekends, a girlfriend he won't let spend the night but will have her over once in awhile for movie day, friends he goes to see but does not bring them home cuz he likes his privacy. Perfect. :)

Thanks for keeping the bear logo. I like the books too, but we have a book forum and I don't want folks to get confused that we talk novels in here cuz we don't unless it is general chitchat with someone bringing up the subject. Yeah, I got my library built and I am out there now and then to browse through the goodies but it isn't my passion. The yard is my passion. Still..that is not NCCC either. This thread is like all the others that are more popular due to members keeping them going....except no cliques are in here. ALL are welcome if they choose to come. Some won't because my name is used as the thread starter (childish), and thats ok if that is how they judge where they post. Me? I don't care who comes here. Door is open for anyone that can co exist and leave agendas behind for awhile. :)


Did everyone say they wanted the library books fountain as a logo? I see the polar bear is gone.
I'd like it to be a vote on what folks want. :)
Personally, mine is for the polar bear because it goes with the theme of this thread not being any particular group and the books make it look like it's book discussion....and it isn't. It's for everyone for any subject that is not affiliated with any particular "group" of people. Hence...polar bear, face palm.
I removed the books icon. :)
Meanwhile...I have been furiously changing my back yard around again. Moved the swing closer to my back door, swapped some heavy ass pots to the other side of the patio and now I have to move the gate forward so it cuts off all access to my living room (the garden) cuz roomies have the front yard..not the back yard.
I'm pooped again. But...I gotta go water. It's hot again today. Everything is drooping.

I was doing almost the same thing, today. I rearranged the furniture in the Sun Room, and now that almost all my plants are outside it looks a lot bigger.

I have been working on my flower beds close to the house, blowing away the leaves and planting new plants, and my husband comes out and says "Wow, almost overnight it goes from looking awful to looking beautiful" - overnight? I said - haven't you seen me working out here for several days now.....geez!
Meanwhile...I have been furiously changing my back yard around again. Moved the swing closer to my back door, swapped some heavy ass pots to the other side of the patio and now I have to move the gate forward so it cuts off all access to my living room (the garden) cuz roomies have the front yard..not the back yard.
I'm pooped again. But...I gotta go water. It's hot again today. Everything is drooping.

Gracie, I'll take your heat if you'll take my rain. It's been about 15 degrees below normal and has rained for a week straight. I tried to walk on the grass but sank right in. But I have the sinking in the yard thing solved. I'm going to use my snow shoes. Not only that, my snow shoes are high tech with traction cleats, that means I can aerate the lawn as I stroll across the yard. :D
I love rain. But I would probably get burned out after a week. Sounds like the ground is so now saturated it cannot take any more. Watch for big trees. Weather like that, with soggy ground means the roots have nothing to hold on to and down they may come. Even the really BIG ones.

My yard looks very nice now. I step outside my bedroom door to the yard and walk 5 steps and plop in the swing that is surrounded by potted flowers everywhere. I am pleased. :)

Mertex...Ma and Da had a sunroom in the house I grew up in. Nothing but solid windows and 3 sides...other side went into the dining room. Drapes from ceiling to floor because it was solid glass. I loved that room, but Ma likes dark houses and Da and I loved the light so I was not in there as often as I wanted when I was a kid.

I broke one of those panes once too. My sister locked me out of the house...i think I was about 16, she 18. She refused to let me in and made the big mistake of putting her face up against that pane of glass and planting a kiss on it. She never saw my fist coming...straight through the glass and right in her face. She didn't get hurt except for a bruise from my knuckles cuz all the glass wound up in my fingers and wrists. Still have the scars. I look at them fondly from time to time. ;)

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