Non Cliquity Clack Club

Actually...I kinda like the idea of swapping it out once every two weeks or so. But then we have to ask the mods to do it for us. And..who looks at the front page here alla time anyway? Some folks are carrying the logo in their siggies, so they would have to swap it out too. So it depends on them, actually. And leave the bear in the OP. Less work for mods.

What say you folks to that idea? And anyone can choose a bi weekly/montly new logo and we vote on it or something. But remember..we still have to inform those who use it in siggies. THEY have to do the swapping.

I agree that there is no need to change the OP. I have no problem swapping my siggie images. In fact swapping every so often is probably a good idea since a new one might catch someone's eye and bring them here. Having the old one isn't a problem either since they still all come to the same place.
How about two bears playing checkers on a porch near an outdoor fireplace in the patio of Cheers where the expresso machine is? :lol:


Not all of them reduce well but here they are in my signature block. I linked them up in case you decided to use one of them.
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Cliques stands out. That one REALLY represents what NCCC is about.
But..the birds would be clearer if the words over them were bigger. I can do that with my paintshoppro. IF that is one to be considered. Remember...if we all agree to swap out the logo biweekly or monthly...we will need a lot of logos on standby from each member.
And Pacer? Might wanna put in a small schpeel like:

Click the pics below to go to social threads.

That way, folks know they are clickable and not just pics you have on there for funzies.
Not all of them reduce well but here they are in my signature block. I linked them up in case you decided to use one of them.

You can take the porch out, to free things up a bit. It's inactive.
Thank you, BDBoop, but that's not necessary. We're allowed 10 text lines for the siggie and I am under that even if the pics flowed onto another line. People still post in the porch occasionally so I'll leave it.
Pacer..noobs don't know. I guess I should have said that in my post becasue that is who I was thinking about when I suggested what I suggested.
And Pacer? Might wanna put in a small schpeel like:

Click the pics below to go to social threads.

That way, folks know they are clickable and not just pics you have on there for funzies.

I think that it is a learning experience. Most people who use the internet on a regular basis know that if the mouse changes then it is a clickable link. I don't have a problem with writing something in the siggie but I prefer that people discover it for themselves. That way they will know what it means the next time. I keep the Cheers image first because it almost invites clicking on. The others they can figure out for themselves once they grasp the concept. :)
Anywho...back to voting the newest suggestions.....

Mine is for the very red slashed Cliques. THAT is what this thread is named after all, isn't it? No cliques. Everyone getting along. So...

Gracie votes for next new logo as Red No Clique supplied by Deri.

Anyone else want to give input on what has been supplied so far?
And Pacer? Might wanna put in a small schpeel like:

Click the pics below to go to social threads.

That way, folks know they are clickable and not just pics you have on there for funzies.

I think that it is a learning experience. Most people who use the internet on a regular basis know that if the mouse changes then it is a clickable link. I don't have a problem with writing something in the siggie but I prefer that people discover it for themselves. That way they will know what it means the next time. I keep the Cheers image first because it almost invites clicking on. The others they can figure out for themselves once they grasp the concept. :)

Sounds like a weiner to me! (winner). :lol:
Okay, shall we put it to another vote or will someone simply arbitrarily pick one?

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