Non Cliquity Clack Club

Gracie, I reduced the two Eye Candy icons to be the same height as the rest of your images. Here they are.

Thanks..but I like the stacked view. :)

Yes, looks good.
I am not suggesting Gracie unstack them. The upper two images are considerably bigger than the bottom images. If she reduced them to the same height as the rest and stacked them, it would look beautiful. Right now, it looks top heavy.
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Thanks..but I like the stacked view. :)

Yes, looks good.
I am not suggesting Gracie unstack them. The upper two images are considerably bigger in height than the bottom images. If she reduced them to the same height as the rest and stacked them, it would look beautiful.

Pacer, you are getting to be a real expert at these sig-line thingys. Ever think about opening up a sig-line shop?

Here, something like:

"Come on down to the NCCC and then to Cheers! and then, when yer blasted out of your head, swing by Pacers Sig-Paradise and put a new shiny bumper on your USMB car!!!"

Yes, looks good.
I am not suggesting Gracie unstack them. The upper two images are considerably bigger in height than the bottom images. If she reduced them to the same height as the rest and stacked them, it would look beautiful.

Pacer, you are getting to be a real expert at these sig-line thingys. Ever think about opening up a sig-line shop?

Here, something like:

"Come on down to the NCCC and then to Cheers! and then, when yer blasted out of your head, swing by Pacers Sig-Paradise and put a new shiny bumper on your USMB car!!!"

I'll install BDBoop's thread and then send it to you. Which row did you want her image to be in?
I like how yours looks Pacer. Can you send the code you have right now so I can copy and paste in my sig? I guess we will be twinsies. However..I think Boops Dark Side should be included. I like fantasy.

[MENTION=31258]BDBoop[/MENTION]....which pic do you want as a logo?

I'll have to get back to you, but it's not a lounge thread so not a logical fit. As well, I trust pacer to choose ... great eye on that one! ;)
I'll install BDBoop's thread and then send it to you. Which row did you want her image to be in?

I'll just keep the logos I have for now. I just don't know how to get the space between the two top logos like yours is.
I'll install BDBoop's thread and then send it to you. Which row did you want her image to be in?

I'll just keep the logos I have for now. I just don't know how to get the space between the two top logos like yours is.
I sent you the codes. BDBoop is having a power nap.

Boop tried to have a power nap. Boop was unsuccessful. I'm going to be living on the Dark Side tonight, too tired to do much besides search Pinterest and whimper. Thanks be to all that's holy it is Friday night, and calls should be light.
Then perhaps you should find a light side? That way you have the Dark Side and the Light Side. Two. LIke I have EC1 and EC2. No reason you can't have more than one.
Not being mean. Just tryin' to help. Looking at and searching for uplifting things does help. I should know. ;)

No, the light is just mixed in with the dark, as I feel it should be. Two sides of the same coin. :)


Did everyone say they wanted the library books fountain as a logo? I see the polar bear is gone.

I'd like it to be a vote on what folks want. :)
Actually, we should put it to a vote. It's the democratic way. You did say the thread belongs to everyone so everyone should have a say with regard to the suggestion.

Vote A - Books -
- (Derideo) "We do need a library in the Lounge and this could be the right place for it. Informal place with art, music, books, sculpture, painting, etc. I don't want to change the NCCC at all. I just like the artistic and book aspects that Gracie embraces and feel that the sculpture is more representative. I was making the comparison to libraries because they encompass all of these cultural aspects of our lives. Plus Gracie has just created her own personal library and is stocking it with a very eclectic collection."

Vote B - Polar Bear -
- (Gracie) "...the polar bear because it goes with the theme of this thread not being any particular group and the books make it look like it's book discussion....and it isn't. It's for everyone for any subject that is not affiliated with any particular "group" of people. Hence...polar bear, face palm."

Let us know what you think. :)

(A list of members who have participated in the last few days)

[MENTION=28132]Dot Com[/MENTION]

Miss Statalina would probably prefer the bear, so in her name, I go with the bear.

Day late, dollar short, Stat. :lol:

I know, I know, story of your life. ;)

BDBoop, I reduced the OP pic for the Dark Side and installed it into my siggie. It doesn't reduce well. Is there another pic you would rather have or is the existing one fine the way it is?
Well, that shows that I'm not on enough or don't do a good enough job of finding threads. Thanks for pointing out the dark side-see those siggy lines work. I love fantasy stuff. I'll go check it out.
BDBoop, I reduced the OP pic for the Dark Side and installed it into my siggie. It doesn't reduce well. Is there another pic you would rather have or is the existing one fine the way it is?

Fine as is. It's really unique (compared to the rest of what we have in there.)
Well, that shows that I'm not on enough or don't do a good enough job of finding threads. Thanks for pointing out the dark side-see those siggy lines work. I love fantasy stuff. I'll go check it out.

Post #4 represents you. :) The first several posts, I recognized various members.

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