Non Cliquity Clack Club

Wish I had more bricks now. Soon as hubby finds a stack at a yard sale, some of the lawn it going to disappear. The only one that actually ran on it, rolled in it, played in it was Gracie. And Pretties. Karma likes to graze but it's a huge lawn and all I need is a small section for her when she feels like being a cow. And..too hard to keep up with it. Plus all the watering. I want everything in pots. Sitting on bricks.

Meanwhile..I am stuffed. I had a roasted chicken leg, a glass of chocolate milk and about a cup of scallop taters. Way too much for me but I eated it and it was nummy. :)

However, I want a nap now and don't dare. So..I am watching Jaws instead. ;)
I'm going to pull an animal spirit card tonight for this place. Dayum.

Is mercury in retrograde or something?
I think it's very calm here, having lots of fun in the iconic photos thread.
Ewww. Ewww. Asparagus!! Barf. And spinach. If i smell spinach cooking..I literally gag and sometimes barf for reals.
Ewww. Ewww. Asparagus!! Barf. And spinach. If i smell spinach cooking..I literally gag and sometimes barf for reals.

Not a fan of cooked spinach either but I love raw spinach leaves. I often use spinach leaves as a base for a salad without using any lettuce at all. Raw spinach is highly nutritious.
Ewww. Ewww. Asparagus!! Barf. And spinach. If i smell spinach cooking..I literally gag and sometimes barf for reals.

Not a fan of cooked spinach either but I love raw spinach leaves. I often use spinach leaves as a base for a salad without using any lettuce at all. Raw spinach is highly nutritious.

That it is - but I love spinach in any form, and any dish. Ever had burger trittini? A bit like lasagna with no pasta. Spinach instead.
Don't know what I missed, we were all having a wonderful time in the Iconic Photos thread. :thup:
Just noticed this most excellent thread. I thought it was about keyboards that make that wonderful cliquity clack sound on each keystroke.

Just noticed this most excellent thread. I thought it was about keyboards that make that wonderful cliquity clack sound on each keystroke.


I actually have an app that does that. I don't like the sound it makes for backspace though. The one on yWriter5 (my novel app) is awesome. :thup:
Just noticed this most excellent thread. I thought it was about keyboards that make that wonderful cliquity clack sound on each keystroke.


I actually have an app that does that. I don't like the sound it makes for backspace though. The one on yWriter5 (my novel app) is awesome. :thup:

I have one of those keyboards, thing is built like a tank.
Peas. Ewww. Icky. Blech. Hate peas. And asparagus. Eww. EWWW.

Mmmmmm peas ... especially raw. Mmmmmm asparagus ... great in salads with avocado and cucumber. Delicious!:D

I have an asparagus bed, and the newer plants produce skinnier asparagus, so I use them in salads. They taste great.

I like almost all vegetables. I like: Arugula, Artichoke, Asparagus , Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot, Broad Bean, Green Bean, Runner Bean, Beetroot, Black-eyed pea (all legumes), Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots Cauliflower, Chickpea, Celery, Corn, Zucchini, Cucumber, Ginger, Endive, Garlic, Parsley, Kale, Lettuce, Leeks, Lentils, Winter and Summer squash, Bean Sprouts, Onions, Peas, Pepper, Potato (white and sweet), Pumpkin, Radish, Snow Pea, Soybean, Spinach, Tomato, Watercress, Water Chestnut, Yam. There may be others, but these for sure. Oh, and Carrot Cake. That’s a vegetable, right? 
Mmmmmm peas ... especially raw. Mmmmmm asparagus ... great in salads with avocado and cucumber. Delicious!:D

I have an asparagus bed, and the newer plants produce skinnier asparagus, so I use them in salads. They taste great.

I like almost all vegetables. I like: Arugula, Artichoke, Asparagus , Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot, Broad Bean, Green Bean, Runner Bean, Beetroot, Black-eyed pea (all legumes), Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots Cauliflower, Chickpea, Celery, Corn, Zucchini, Cucumber, Ginger, Endive, Garlic, Parsley, Kale, Lettuce, Leeks, Lentils, Winter and Summer squash, Bean Sprouts, Onions, Peas, Pepper, Potato (white and sweet), Pumpkin, Radish, Snow Pea, Soybean, Spinach, Tomato, Watercress, Water Chestnut, Yam. There may be others, but these for sure. Oh, and Carrot Cake. That’s a vegetable, right? 

I prefer most of my veggies raw vs cooked with a few notable exceptions like potatoes. Not a big fan of peppers. Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage cooked actually make me gag for some reason but I really enjoy cole slaw and raw broccoli is fine so go figure. :dunno:

You left out horse chestnuts and mushrooms. I love horse chestnuts in Chinese stir fried vegetable dishes. Grilled Portabella mushrooms with garlic and cheddar cheese are awesome.


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