Non Cliquity Clack Club

I have an asparagus bed, and the newer plants produce skinnier asparagus, so I use them in salads. They taste great.

I like almost all vegetables. I like: Arugula, Artichoke, Asparagus , Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot, Broad Bean, Green Bean, Runner Bean, Beetroot, Black-eyed pea (all legumes), Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots Cauliflower, Chickpea, Celery, Corn, Zucchini, Cucumber, Ginger, Endive, Garlic, Parsley, Kale, Lettuce, Leeks, Lentils, Winter and Summer squash, Bean Sprouts, Onions, Peas, Pepper, Potato (white and sweet), Pumpkin, Radish, Snow Pea, Soybean, Spinach, Tomato, Watercress, Water Chestnut, Yam. There may be others, but these for sure. Oh, and Carrot Cake. That’s a vegetable, right? 

I prefer most of my veggies raw vs cooked with a few notable exceptions like potatoes. Not a big fan of peppers. Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage cooked actually make me gag for some reason but I really enjoy cole slaw and raw broccoli is fine so go figure. :dunno:

You left out horse chestnuts and mushrooms. I love horse chestnuts in Chinese stir fried vegetable dishes. Grilled Portabella mushrooms with garlic and cheddar cheese are awesome.


Mushrooms! I absolutely loath mushrooms. It is the one vegetable I definitely won't go near. :mad: You know what they grow them in, right?
I like almost all vegetables. I like: Arugula, Artichoke, Asparagus , Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot, Broad Bean, Green Bean, Runner Bean, Beetroot, Black-eyed pea (all legumes), Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots Cauliflower, Chickpea, Celery, Corn, Zucchini, Cucumber, Ginger, Endive, Garlic, Parsley, Kale, Lettuce, Leeks, Lentils, Winter and Summer squash, Bean Sprouts, Onions, Peas, Pepper, Potato (white and sweet), Pumpkin, Radish, Snow Pea, Soybean, Spinach, Tomato, Watercress, Water Chestnut, Yam. There may be others, but these for sure. Oh, and Carrot Cake. That’s a vegetable, right? 

I prefer most of my veggies raw vs cooked with a few notable exceptions like potatoes. Not a big fan of peppers. Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage cooked actually make me gag for some reason but I really enjoy cole slaw and raw broccoli is fine so go figure. :dunno:

You left out horse chestnuts and mushrooms. I love horse chestnuts in Chinese stir fried vegetable dishes. Grilled Portabella mushrooms with garlic and cheddar cheese are awesome.


Mushrooms! I absolutely loath mushrooms. It is the one vegetable I definitely won't go near. :mad: You know what they grow them in, right?

They are grown in pasteurized mushroom substrate which is "made up of several different organic materials such as wheat, straw, hay, stable bedding, poultry litter, gypsum, corncobs, and high protein supplements such as soybean meal and feather meal."

What do you think other vegetables are grown in? More particularly, what do you think fertilizer is? :)
I prefer most of my veggies raw vs cooked with a few notable exceptions like potatoes. Not a big fan of peppers. Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage cooked actually make me gag for some reason but I really enjoy cole slaw and raw broccoli is fine so go figure. :dunno:

You left out horse chestnuts and mushrooms. I love horse chestnuts in Chinese stir fried vegetable dishes. Grilled Portabella mushrooms with garlic and cheddar cheese are awesome.


Mushrooms! I absolutely loath mushrooms. It is the one vegetable I definitely won't go near. :mad: You know what they grow them in, right?

They are grown in pasteurized mushroom substrate which is "made up of several different organic materials such as wheat, straw, hay, stable bedding, poultry litter, gypsum, corncobs, and high protein supplements such as soybean meal and feather meal."

What do you think other vegetables are grown in? More particularly, what do you think fertilizer is? :)

Nope. I picked mushrooms one year. They are grown in shit. They are grown inside in long buildings with no windows. They look like green houses, but are wooden and have no windows at all. The pickers have to wear miner type hats with a headlight so they can see. The mushrooms are grown in beds on 3 or 4 levels. To get around, the picker puts one leg on the edge of one bed and the other on the parallel bed and walks up the line to the end of the beds at the other end of the building, then climbs up to the next level, and goes back, etc. The soil is at least 50 percent pure shit. The huge piles of steaming shit sit outside the building ready to be used. You see it. You smell it. They are grown in shit.

Perhaps the soil you describe is what organic mushrooms are grown in. All the rest are grown in shit. I picked mushrooms on a mushroom farm. I've been there. I know.

I'm a gardener. I know what fertilizer is. I've used steer manure in my vegetable garden. It is pasteurized. I didn't grow my vegetables in 50% shit. I used steer manure in a very limited way. On the mushroom farm, it is about 50%. I know. I saw it. I smelled it. I wore gloves, but I was in the building with them, leaning over their growing beds all day long to pick them. The soil is heavily manure. I don't know if it is pasteurized because it sat outside the buildings in huge smelly steaming piles waiting to be used.
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I like almost all vegetables. I like: Arugula, Artichoke, Asparagus , Eggplant, Bamboo Shoot, Broad Bean, Green Bean, Runner Bean, Beetroot, Black-eyed pea (all legumes), Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots Cauliflower, Chickpea, Celery, Corn, Zucchini, Cucumber, Ginger, Endive, Garlic, Parsley, Kale, Lettuce, Leeks, Lentils, Winter and Summer squash, Bean Sprouts, Onions, Peas, Pepper, Potato (white and sweet), Pumpkin, Radish, Snow Pea, Soybean, Spinach, Tomato, Watercress, Water Chestnut, Yam. There may be others, but these for sure. Oh, and Carrot Cake. That’s a vegetable, right? 

I prefer most of my veggies raw vs cooked with a few notable exceptions like potatoes. Not a big fan of peppers. Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage cooked actually make me gag for some reason but I really enjoy cole slaw and raw broccoli is fine so go figure. :dunno:

You left out horse chestnuts and mushrooms. I love horse chestnuts in Chinese stir fried vegetable dishes. Grilled Portabella mushrooms with garlic and cheddar cheese are awesome.


Mushrooms! I absolutely loath mushrooms. It is the one vegetable I definitely won't go near. :mad: You know what they grow them in, right?

Yup! :)

Like the old joke about employees being mushrooms. They are kept in the dark and occasionally have shit thrown at them. :badgrin:

But it is only fertilizer which is really no different to that used to grow other vegetables. The nutrients in the soil are converted by the plants into all of those veggies that you listed above. We used to go and collect bags of the stuff and dig it into the beds before every planting season.

But I do understand your revulsion. I suffer from the same when it comes to the items I listed above. Over cooked carrots are the same. By that stage they have lost 90% of whatever goodness they contained and are just a nasty taste as far as I am concerned. But I will happily chomp on raw carrots all day long even if they are grown in the same fertilizer that is used for the mushrooms. :D
Nothing beats a cold raw mushroom with a little salt sprinkled on top!!

Cooked? Ewww.
Never tried it. I outta. Did try some soy milk. It was ok. I guess.
You MADE it? Why? There is a perfectly good grocery store near you, lol.
I just like plain ol pasturized milk. With chocolate in it. ;)
I tried store bought chocolate milk once. It is slimy, not like regular milk with chocolate in it. Best is to get real milk and put powdered chocolate or chocolate sauce in it. I haven't had chocolate milk in ages though. Not something I am any longer interested in.
Nestle Quik powder. In a big glass of cold cold milk. Love it!
Ewww. Ewww. Asparagus!! Barf. And spinach. If i smell spinach cooking..I literally gag and sometimes barf for reals.

Green leafy vegetables - so good for you. I'm glad to say that there is no vegetable that I don't like....I like 'em all. I didn't use to like Brussels Sprouts, but since I started using a recipe for roasted ones, I love them....really do.
Mmmmmm peas ... especially raw. Mmmmmm asparagus ... great in salads with avocado and cucumber. Delicious!:D

I have an asparagus bed, and the newer plants produce skinnier asparagus, so I use them in salads. They taste great.

I love asparagus, especially in fresh pasta dishes. ;)

I do too. I like them raw in salads, and broiled in the oven after rolling them in olive oil. Grilled are even better, rolled in olive oil.

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