Non Cliquity Clack Club

Well, that shows that I'm not on enough or don't do a good enough job of finding threads. Thanks for pointing out the dark side-see those siggy lines work. I love fantasy stuff. I'll go check it out.

Post #4 represents you. :) The first several posts, I recognized various members.

Love that one, it's great. I like #3 too just because I'm a GOT fan.
It's a good thread. I look often. And no, I am not stealing any. But I can't promise I won't pin a few in my pinterest. Like the one you just posted.

No worries. I'm stealing like a madwoman - none of these are mine. This is my current favorite link:

MaryKate on Pinterest



Wow, thanks for this. Her fantasy boards are great.
Sitting here, playing Google Chrome games, listening to Golden Girls and for some time I have been turning the channel as soon as GG's comes on. I used to love this show but I never really paid attention to just how insulting they are. Ma is constantly dissing her daughter and it's ok because she had a stroke. Ok. Not. Blanche is a ho. Um, ok.
Rose reminds me of my sister in law, so I dislike her intensely. Talk about stupid. Both could be sisters. And Dorothy is a snide bully. All four of them suck...and I never really saw it. Until recently. So ..time to change the channel.
Xylophone! Nice one, too! And a highboy dresser and a shitload of brass. W00T! (Yard sale finds today by hubby).

He just left for another sale. Out in the boondocks on a ranch. Hope he finds lots of scrap metal!
Gracie, you forgot to put a space between the Eye Candy image and Cheers. :) Not that it matters. :)
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Gracie, you forgot to put a space between the Eye Candy image and Cheers. :) Not that it matters. :)

I know. Oh well. Not sure how long I will leave them all up anyway. At least until it irritates a few more folks. biggie on the no space.

Meanwhile....I just took some pics of the back yard for funzies. Today is a lovely day and I thought it time to take newer pics instead of rainy scenes, lol.




I do love my living room. :)
I need to rake under the tree (second pic). And I probably need to water again. Thanks for liking my living room, Pacer. :)
Meanwhile...I am done. Kaput. Fini. Over. Slammin' that door shut and locking it.

And on to an better today and tomorrow!
Gracie, you forgot to put a space between the Eye Candy image and Cheers. :) Not that it matters. :)

I know. Oh well. Not sure how long I will leave them all up anyway. At least until it irritates a few more folks. biggie on the no space.

Meanwhile....I just took some pics of the back yard for funzies. Today is a lovely day and I thought it time to take newer pics instead of rainy scenes, lol.




I do love my living room. :)

Great job, Gracie!

Can you come over and do mine next? :D
Can I live in it? If so..I will be right over. ;)

Been out there since I posted the pics. I needed to dust and vac the carpet. (rake).
And...clouds are rolling in. The umbrella behind the swing is now gone. I put it in the shed. Couldn't pull it shut during high winds where it was, so now there is nothing there except the top of the swing.

And I can smell my oven baked dinner cooking in da oven.....chicken legs and scalloped taters and hubby gets his nasty peas :lol:
Can I live in it? If so..I will be right over. ;)

Been out there since I posted the pics. I needed to dust and vac the carpet. (rake).
And...clouds are rolling in. The umbrella behind the swing is now gone. I put it in the shed. Couldn't pull it shut during high winds where it was, so now there is nothing there except the top of the swing.

And I can smell my oven baked dinner cooking in da oven.....chicken legs and scalloped taters and hubby gets his nasty peas :lol:

Mmmmm, smells delicious. We are having cottage pie and peas for supper tonight. What do you have against peas? They are about as innocuous a green veggie as it is possible to get. Then again, there are peas and there are petite pois. Mrs Te insists upon the latter. I know that because she rolls her eyes and sighs if I buy the wrong ones at the supermarket. :lol:
Peas. Ewww. Icky. Blech. Hate peas. And asparagus. Eww. EWWW.
Gracie, you forgot to put a space between the Eye Candy image and Cheers. :) Not that it matters. :)

I know. Oh well. Not sure how long I will leave them all up anyway. At least until it irritates a few more folks. biggie on the no space.

Meanwhile....I just took some pics of the back yard for funzies. Today is a lovely day and I thought it time to take newer pics instead of rainy scenes, lol.




I do love my living room. :)

Great yard! I've been thinking about laying down bricks. Tired of dealing with the lawn.

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