None of you are rich. Why are you defending billionaires?

I know quite a few "very wealthy" people personally. They are ok folks and they pull their pants on the same way I do in the mornings. The only difference between us is they have more toys.

Money buys everything, not just toys. If your kid has an ugly smile - money can fix that.

Yeah, there should be a law against that.

The poor and the Middle-Class needs to be able to get rid of ugly smiles too.

Not just the rich.

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I know quite a few "very wealthy" people personally. They are ok folks and they pull their pants on the same way I do in the mornings. The only difference between us is they have more toys.

Money buys everything, not just toys. If your kid has an ugly smile - money can fix that.

Yeah, there should be a law against that.

The poor and the Middle-Class needs to be able to get rid of ugly smiles too.

Not just the rich.



They are poor.

They've got nothing to smile about.
The top 500 richest Americans control more wealth than the bottom 50% of wage earners combined. How is that fair? That's how things are run in Rwanda. The bottom wage earners scramble from day to day actually producing while the absolute minority gets the money.

If you raise taxes on the lower income wage earners, you diminish their capacity to spend. there are many more in the bottom percentages of wage earners than, obviously, the absolute richest. How can the rich create demand? They are too few in number to consume enough goods to open new means of production. The lower wage earners represent the vast majority of consumers. Consumer spending drives demand. And demand drives job growth.

If you have to have the difference between the US and Rwanda spelled out and explained to you, then you're too willfully pig-stupid to even be worth the air it would take to talk to you.
Why? In Rwanda, the very few own everything while the very many own nothing. If the wealth of the United States continues to be consolidated among the very few, what, pray tell, could possibly make the difference between the system in Rwanda and the system here?

How did the wealth get so concentrated among the very few here? Take a hint: Supply Side Economic policies.

Nosmo just don't understand. You are not allowed to compare America to Rwanda when discussing wealth disparity. But the right is allowed to compare America to Greece when discussing national debt...
ask obama why he defends the rich.

Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor

According to Federal Election Commission figures compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Goldman Sachs' political action committee and individual contributors who listed the company as their employer donated $994,795 during 2007 and 2008 to Obama's presidential campaign, the second-highest contribution from a company PAC and company employees.
Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor - CNN
The group that pays nothing gets to enjoy what America has to offer without paying for any of it while the group paying for it all gets to foot the bill.

The kicker is that those pay for nothing think they are entitled to someone elses money fo live.
"The group?" What "group?"

What you've said apparently sounds good to the brainwashed sheep who agree with your transparently vague observation. So for benefit of those of us who are not so easily bamboozled by repetitious right-wing propaganda, please enlighten us as to specifically what "group(s)" you are talking about.

Can it be the bankers and Wall Street sharpies who looted the Treasury and then were bailed out by us when they lost our money by gambling with toxic stocks? That's one "group" which gets to enjoy what America has to offer without paying for any of it while the "group" paying for it gets to foot the bill.
ask obama why he defends the rich.

Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor

According to Federal Election Commission figures compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Goldman Sachs' political action committee and individual contributors who listed the company as their employer donated $994,795 during 2007 and 2008 to Obama's presidential campaign, the second-highest contribution from a company PAC and company employees.
Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor - CNN

What happen to all the people in this thread?
Because they're kool-aid drinkers. They've been told that rich people "give" them jobs, and they actually believe this.

The peasant grows the grain
The peasant's wife bakes the bread
The lord, who owns the fields, takes all the bread
Of which he gives back to the peasant enough to avoid starvation
The peasant is expected to be grateful

how many poor men have you worked for?
I'm not sure if your question is an intentionally deceptive propaganda effort or if you have been brainwashed because you're too slow to see what's getting past you.

While there is a wealthy class, which is in a position to hire, and a poor class which is not, there also is a middle class, which, before being undermined by monopolistic corporate aggression, was the Nation's major collective employer in its millions of small businesses.

My father was a locksmith. Before he opened his own shop he worked for another locksmith who employed him and another fellow. After opening his own shop my father always had one other man working for him.

My uncle operated a butcher shop and hired another butcher full time and a second part-time on Saturdays.

My barber has another barber working in his shop.

These and many, many more examples of small businesses that I know of are operated by middle class persons who hire other middle class persons and I'm sure you know of just as many, if nor more. Yet you don't hesitate to toss out such a speciously misleading question.

The poor inhabit a distinctly separate category. Some of them work at menial, low-paying jobs and some of them are for one reason or other incapable of working at all. So to ask whether the poor hire others is not only misleading it is absurdly irrelevant. But by no means are the rich the only employers.
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No one is under taxed...!!!!

The problem is in DC.....​



It's amazing. Our government took 2.15 Trillion dollars from the American people last year. And these politicians claim we haven't paid enough and refuse spend only what we have.

There is zero reason we shouldn't have a balanced budget this year.
When George W. Bush was appointed President in 2000 he inherited a well balanced budget with an appreciable projected surplus from the Clinton administration. Bush immediately went on a profligate spending spree which included conducting a major military engagement (the Iraq invasion and occupation) while he substantially lowered taxes on his "base" of "haves and have-mores" -- none of which he included in his budget.

That is why the budget is out of balance. It is well-known that lowering taxes while financing a war is economic suicide --

Starting a war while lowering taxes - Google Search

-- yet that, and more, is exactly what Bush did. So you need to learn some facts before laying blame.
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I know quite a few "very wealthy" people personally. They are ok folks and they pull their pants on the same way I do in the mornings. The only difference between us is they have more toys.

Money buys everything, not just toys. If your kid has an ugly smile - money can fix that.

Money can't fix stupid. As soon as the Democrats figure this out, we will be better off because they can start thinking about a realistic way to fix the mess they have created.
No one is under taxed...!!!!

The problem is in DC.....​



It's amazing. Our government took 2.15 Trillion dollars from the American people last year. And these politicians claim we haven't paid enough and refuse spend only what we have.

There is zero reason we shouldn't have a balanced budget this year.
When George W. Bush was appointed President in 2000 he inherited a well balanced budget with an appreciable projected surplus from the Clinton administration. Bush immediately went on a profligate spending spree which included conducting a major military engagement (the Iraq invasion and occupation) while he substantially lowered taxes on his "base" of "haves and have-mores" -- none of which he included in his budget.

That is why the budget is out of balance. It is well-known that lowering taxes while financing a war is economic suicide --

Starting a war while lowering taxes - Google Search

-- yet that, and more, is exactly what Bush did. So you need to learn some facts before laying blame.

HORSESHIT where do you think the money in social security went to?
I know quite a few "very wealthy" people personally. They are ok folks and they pull their pants on the same way I do in the mornings. The only difference between us is they have more toys.

Money buys everything, not just toys. If your kid has an ugly smile - money can fix that.

Money can't fix stupid. As soon as the Democrats figure this out, we will be better off because they can start thinking about a realistic way to fix the mess they have created.
They think money will replace individual responsibility. It's a great hook for the perpetually stupid.
ask obama why he defends the rich.

Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor

According to Federal Election Commission figures compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Goldman Sachs' political action committee and individual contributors who listed the company as their employer donated $994,795 during 2007 and 2008 to Obama's presidential campaign, the second-highest contribution from a company PAC and company employees.
Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor - CNN

bump one time
ask obama why he defends the rich.

Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor

According to Federal Election Commission figures compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Goldman Sachs' political action committee and individual contributors who listed the company as their employer donated $994,795 during 2007 and 2008 to Obama's presidential campaign, the second-highest contribution from a company PAC and company employees.
Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor - CNN

bump one time
Crony Capitalist...big surprise.
RDean - we know why you defend Socialism. You don't want your Food Stamps taken away from you. Don't worry, once Perry is elected, people of your ilk will be cut off at the knees.

You are always making remarks insinuating that liberals don't work and collect every free dollar they can. Prove it. What is your source of reference?? If you don't have one, maybe you shouldn't make outrageous statements like that.

Can't speak for anyone but myself, but I started working a part time job when I was 16 years old. And I was still in school. When I finished school I got a good job and stayed with the company almost 30 years. Received several promotions and raises. I have a pension, social security, and a 401-K. How about you?? I'd love to know. YOU are probably the bum!!! I picture you to look just like the picture in your avi. Yuck!!

Hey dumb shit - the idiot RDean makes BLANKET statements regarding Conservatives every day. I threw one in about Liberals in the middle of this BS thread to illustrate how assinine this tactic is.

Mind your own fucking business and lighten the fuck up, Alice.

And it's none of your damned business what I am worth or what I look like - so FOAD.

What RDean does or doesn't do has nothing to do with anything. What you're really saying is that you're talking through your ass. And you can't prove a damn word of your stupid, uninformed remarks. So like I said, maybe you should just keep your mouth shut.

You sure are touchy. And for the record, I was not asking what you look like. I don't really care. I just said that I picture you looking like your avi. But you got so pissed, I figure your looks must be as ugly as your personality.

I did ask what you have done with your life as far as earning an income. Now that REALLY pissed you off. Why?? You make remarks about other people's income, right?? Could it be that you haven't done so well in that department??? Clould it be that you're the one living off the government?? Again, then maybe you should shut up about other people, little man.
ask obama why he defends the rich.

Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor

According to Federal Election Commission figures compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Goldman Sachs' political action committee and individual contributors who listed the company as their employer donated $994,795 during 2007 and 2008 to Obama's presidential campaign, the second-highest contribution from a company PAC and company employees.
Goldman Sachs was top Obama donor - CNN

bump one time
Crony Capitalist...big surprise.

obama gave them our money so they could give it to some forigen banks. Isn't that nice of obama?:cuckoo:
I for one am not defending Billionaires. If you want to raise taxes on billionaires cool, I am with you. What I want to make sure of is that people making between 200k a year and say about 800k a year are not over burdened, as this group includes the vast Majority of Small Businesses that employe most of us.

You guys like to play word game, you ask for tax increases on people making over 200k, and then say were defending Billionaires when we don't support it.

Why wouldn't you defend billionaires? What has any billionaire done the requires defending, worked hard and made a lot of money? Don't they have the same rights you have?

After we throw billionaires to the wolves, then they'll be coming after the millionaires and then the rest of us. Once you accept the principle that some people are sacrificial animals, then we all become fair game.

Was just trying to focus on the real Problem at hand. Which is Obama and Democrats trying to classify anyone who makes over 200k as "Millionaires and Billionaires".

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