None of Your Business....


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
For some dam reason, the class warriors are very selective in their outrage about salaries and benefits for our top performers. Everyone seems to be involved in CEO pay -- but very few are willing to attack Ben Rothleisburger or Angus T. Jones for making 100s or even 1000s of times the average American wage.

Who is Angus T. Jones?

Do Television Stars Make Too Much Money?

Of course, we've heard it all before with arguments over athletes' salaries and pop musicians, but when Angus T. Jones, the 17-year-old star of "Two and a Half Men," renewed his contract for an astounding $300,000 per episode, it starts to feel a little bit ridiculous.

And Jones' salary pales in comparison to co-star Charlie Sheen, whose latest contract could net him almost $100 million dollars next season. That's more than 2000 times the real median salary of a working American male.

Not bad for a gig that only takes 5 months out of the year. Kinda wimpy labor compared to a CEO managing 100,000 employees at 130 separate biz units globally 24/7/365. No breaks for THOSE guys.

It's really None of Your Business (NYOB) what CEO are paid. Just like it's NYOB what the annual purse of the PGA Tour is.. Or even the historical trends of paying top performers expanding in EVERY sector of the economy... The rate of increase for CEO is NOT an anomaly.. Take the NBA for instance.


So Plot THAT against average annual worker salary and stuff it. (or dunk it -- your choice).

You outraged that the folks in the ticket booth are only making $18/hour? Let's hear it. But it's NYOB what Lebron James makes.

From Sports Illustrated ---

Sports Illustrated...

1. Tiger Woods: $127,902,706 million
2. Phil Mickelson: $62,372,685 million
3. LeBron James: $40,455,000 million
4. Floyd Mayweather Jr.: $40,250,000 million
5. Kobe Bryant: $35,490,625 million
6. Shaquille O'Neal: $35,000,000 million
6. Alex Rodriguez: $35,000,000 million
8. Kevin Garnett: $31,000,000 million
9. Peyton Manning: $30,500,000 million
10. Derek Jeter: $30,000,000 million
11. Dale Earnhardt, Jr.: $27,221,970 million
12. Allen Iverson: $27,109,375 million
13. Kevin Durant: $25,950,000 million
14. Jeff Gordon: $25,926,687 million
15. Ben Roethlisberger: $25,200,000 million
16. Dwyane Wade: $25,041,250 million
17. Tracy McGrady: $25,014,187 million
18. Carmelo Anthony: $22,541,250 million
19. Tim Duncan: $22,514,187 million
20. Manny Ramirez: $22,500,000 million

How does THAT stack up to CEO pay?

Here's some facts..

1) CEO pay increases correlate nearly perfectly with the increase in capitalization for the largest corporations. Meaning that growth in compensation can largely be explained by massive mergers and acquisitions and increased scope of responsibility.

2) Corporate leadership is a PUNISHING jobs. Does not even begin to resemble the limited job description and requirements of a Union job. You'd be lucky to get a day off without several scheduled hours of work or international commuting.

3) Whether companies are smoothing rolling along or faced with disaster -- it's NOYB whether CEO goes up or down. If the SF 49ers have a BAD year -- should they pay MORE for players, coaches or less? Often a company in decline HAS to seek out the big buck talent. There is no choice.

4) What the CEO/worker salary ratio is doesn't really matter. What MATTERS is whether those workers are doing equitably with counterpart jobs in places outside of the Forbes 100 companies. MOST workers don't worry about CEO salary. The argument is limited to a select few GYNORMOUS companies.

You might be a stockholder. Then it's your business. You might be an employee. Then it's your business. But just like the fact that Phil Mickelson is NOT stealing from you and neither is Hugh Laurie -- It's NOYB what corporations pay for top talent.
Hollywood makes millions on just one movie and they support the left . Soros is a billionaire and he is ok but the banks CEO nope they cant have that type of money. They ( the left) are so hypocritical

Kinda annoyed you used Big Ben as your example . Huge Steelers fan here.. J/K by the way
The main beef is that the uber-elite pay off Washington policymakers to line their pockets and manipulate the economy in their favor.

That's a dishonest and unfair practice, on all fronts, and it's kept the Middle Class & small businesses out of the competition.

There's nothing wrong with being upset with that. It's actually tanking our economy, and so yea............people should be pissed the fuck off
It's all about skill level.

For example, Derek Jeter could do a better job at running a corporation than the CEO of that corporation could do playing shortstop for the Yankees.
The main beef is that the uber-elite pay off Washington policymakers to line their pockets and manipulate the economy in their favor.

That's a dishonest and unfair practice, on all fronts, and it's kept the Middle Class & small businesses out of the competition.

There's nothing wrong with being upset with that. It's actually tanking our economy, and so yea............people should be pissed the fuck off

How is the outrageous INFLATION of NBA salaries keeping "the Middle Class and small biz out of the competition"???? Or for that matter -- how is a $50Mill CEO comp pkg stealing from you? Can you run Apple? Can you drive in NASCAR?

And for the record -- it's GOVT regulation that CAUSING that growth in the largest corporations. Regulations aimed at THEM simply hobbles the economies ability to replace smaller more competitive enterprises in the economy when the major corporations gobble them up..
For some dam reason, the class warriors are very selective in their outrage about salaries and benefits for our top performers.
(That's "not hardly", for you English-challenged Bush-fans.)


Our outrage is due to the taxes they DON'T pay.

[ame=]Maddow: GOP plan to extend tax cuts for the rich - YouTube[/ame]

It's time to return to the.....

....Clinton Rate$!!!!!

"The vast majority of taxpayers saw no change in their income taxes as a result of the 1993 law. CBO estimates that most households paid only $38 more per year, as a result of the 4.3 cent per gallon increase in the gas tax."​
Hollywood makes millions on just one movie and they support the left . Soros is a billionaire and he is ok but the banks CEO nope they cant have that type of money. They ( the left) are so hypocritical

Kinda annoyed you used Big Ben as your example . Huge Steelers fan here.. J/K by the way

Heck - I'm not picking on your Steelers. They haven't stolen from me since they beat the Titans last Sunday...

:lol: :lol:
The main beef is that the uber-elite pay off Washington policymakers to line their pockets and manipulate the economy in their favor.

That's a dishonest and unfair practice, on all fronts, and it's kept the Middle Class & small businesses out of the competition.

There's nothing wrong with being upset with that. It's actually tanking our economy, and so yea............people should be pissed the fuck off

How is the outrageous INFLATION of NBA salaries keeping "the Middle Class and small biz out of the competition"???? Or for that matter -- how is a $50Mill CEO comp pkg stealing from you? Can you run Apple? Can you drive in NASCAR?

And for the record -- it's GOVT regulation that CAUSING that growth in the largest corporations. Regulations aimed at THEM simply hobbles the economies ability to replace smaller more competitive enterprises in the economy when the major corporations gobble them up..

Your first paragraph, I neither said n'or implied any of those things. WTF were you responding to? def wasn't me.

It would help if you stopped pulling fake arguments out of thin air to massage your ego and actually read what I wrote.
The main beef is that the uber-elite pay off Washington policymakers to line their pockets and manipulate the economy in their favor.

That's a dishonest and unfair practice, on all fronts, and it's kept the Middle Class & small businesses out of the competition.

There's nothing wrong with being upset with that. It's actually tanking our economy, and so yea............people should be pissed the fuck off

You have less than no idea what you're talking about. Stop snorting the Kool Aid, it makes you look bad and you;re better than that
But, but, but........corporations are eeeeevvvvviiiiillllll!!!
Evil is a fairy-tale concept.

Only small-children & poorly-educated religious-fundamentalists believe such horseshit.

Grow up.​
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The main beef is that the uber-elite pay off Washington policymakers to line their pockets and manipulate the economy in their favor.

That's a dishonest and unfair practice, on all fronts, and it's kept the Middle Class & small businesses out of the competition.

There's nothing wrong with being upset with that. It's actually tanking our economy, and so yea............people should be pissed the fuck off

You have less than no idea what you're talking about. Stop snorting the Kool Aid, it makes you look bad and you;re better than that

I dont give a fuck what you think I know kook
The main beef is that the uber-elite pay off Washington policymakers to line their pockets and manipulate the economy in their favor.

That's a dishonest and unfair practice, on all fronts, and it's kept the Middle Class & small businesses out of the competition.

There's nothing wrong with being upset with that. It's actually tanking our economy, and so yea............people should be pissed the fuck off

How is the outrageous INFLATION of NBA salaries keeping "the Middle Class and small biz out of the competition"???? Or for that matter -- how is a $50Mill CEO comp pkg stealing from you? Can you run Apple? Can you drive in NASCAR?

And for the record -- it's GOVT regulation that CAUSING that growth in the largest corporations. Regulations aimed at THEM simply hobbles the economies ability to replace smaller more competitive enterprises in the economy when the major corporations gobble them up..

Your first paragraph, I neither said n'or implied any of those things. WTF were you responding to? def wasn't me.

It would help if you stopped pulling fake arguments out of thin air to massage your ego and actually read what I wrote.

Your words (that I quoted) were in reference to biz execs as the "uber-elite" who dishonest and corrupt.. Basically the same attack that USUALLY mentions their salaries and comp pkgs. You just convieniently left that part OUT this time time because of the thread topic didn't you?

The class war rhetoric about compensation is short-sighted and hypocritical when it comes to MOST millionaires and billionaires. You want to punish ALL those millionaires billionaires --- then say so.. All I'm doing is to point out that's it's NOYB what their compensation is.. We can argue the rest later..
This is nothing but a self serving emotional tirade, devoid of anything having to actually do with what you all are whining about. When was the last time a Pro Athlete or Actor went running to the government to bail them out with tax money? Pro athletes do not run the show, they are employees. In pro sports, the most highly paid pro athletes are hired by the owners of the company, and a generous portion of the total earnings are directed into their paychecks.

The outcry over high CEO pay is an entirely different scenario. In most other businesses in this country the total earnings of companies have increasingly been more directed toward paying the top rungs of the latter over the past couple decades, while a lesser and lesser share of the earnings are being used to provide salaries and wages for the bottom of the ladder. In other words, top level execs are less willing to pay their underlings respectable wages. And then, when times get tough, they cut available working hours, and cut jobs altogether. But they sure aren't thinking to cut their own pay.

Our business climate of today is increasingly focus, obsessed really, with pinching pennies at the bottom of the ladder, so that those higher up the ladder can make tens, hundreds, or even millions more. And yet, they still come running to the government for a bailout when they've bankrupted their company with the tremendous slice of the pie they are taking. And then turn around and pay themselves bonsues while laying off more people.

The complaint against the high pay of CEOs in the modern business climate has NOTHING to do with how much they make. It's about how much they CUT FROM OTHER PEOPLE, while keeping everything for themselves.
How is the outrageous INFLATION of NBA salaries keeping "the Middle Class and small biz out of the competition"???? Or for that matter -- how is a $50Mill CEO comp pkg stealing from you? Can you run Apple? Can you drive in NASCAR?

And for the record -- it's GOVT regulation that CAUSING that growth in the largest corporations. Regulations aimed at THEM simply hobbles the economies ability to replace smaller more competitive enterprises in the economy when the major corporations gobble them up..

Your first paragraph, I neither said n'or implied any of those things. WTF were you responding to? def wasn't me.

It would help if you stopped pulling fake arguments out of thin air to massage your ego and actually read what I wrote.

Your words (that I quoted) were in reference to biz execs as the "uber-elite" who dishonest and corrupt.. Basically the same attack that USUALLY mentions their salaries and comp pkgs. You just convieniently left that part OUT this time time because of the thread topic didn't you?

The class war rhetoric about compensation is short-sighted and hypocritical when it comes to MOST millionaires and billionaires. You want to punish ALL those millionaires billionaires --- then say so.. All I'm doing is to point out that's it's NOYB what their compensation is.. We can argue the rest later..

No, my words began with reference to those who bribe Legislators............not random faceless rich people as you implied that I mentioned. Try again.

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