North Carolina Premiums To Rise

Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina yesterday announced premiums would rise due to the fact that only 32% of the new enrollees under the age of 34 signed up for healthcare under the ACA. In order for premiums not to rise, they would have needed 50% to be 34 or younger. What happened to the promise that families would save $2500 per year under the ACA?

Blue Cross: Older, sicker sought coverage under health law ::

Chapel Hill, N.C. — The people who signed up for health coverage with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina through the Affordable Care Act's online marketplace are older and sicker than expected, which could mean higher premiums in the future, the insurer said Thursday.

Blue Cross was one of only two companies to offer plans in North Carolina through the online marketplace, and as of May 1, 232,000 people were on Blue Cross marketplace plans. Seventy percent of them didn't have coverage through Blue Cross previously, the company said.

Initial Blue Cross projections called for 50 percent of the marketplace customers to be 34 years old or younger, but after the enrollment period ended on March 31, the company found that only 32 percent of the people who signed up under the federal health care law fit that profile. Forty percent are ages 35 to 54, and 29 percent are 55 or older.

"What happened to the promise that families would save $2500 per year under the ACA? "

When and compared to what?

Watch the video

[ame=]Obama Promises To Lower Health Insurance Premiums by $2,500 Per Year - YouTube[/ame]

MY question to you is did you watch the video???? did you hear the word promised mention ??? I know I didn't hear it ... with your own video here, you proved my point ... he said as much as $2500,00 ... he said up to $2500.00 ... but not once in the video did he say he promises us 2500.00 each a year ... so my question to you is, are you saying this to distort what was said by the president, because you don't like anything dem/liberal, or do you have a comprehension problem ???
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina yesterday announced premiums would rise due to the fact that only 32% of the new enrollees under the age of 34 signed up for healthcare under the ACA. In order for premiums not to rise, they would have needed 50% to be 34 or younger. What happened to the promise that families would save $2500 per year under the ACA?

Blue Cross: Older, sicker sought coverage under health law ::

Chapel Hill, N.C. — The people who signed up for health coverage with Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina through the Affordable Care Act's online marketplace are older and sicker than expected, which could mean higher premiums in the future, the insurer said Thursday.

Blue Cross was one of only two companies to offer plans in North Carolina through the online marketplace, and as of May 1, 232,000 people were on Blue Cross marketplace plans. Seventy percent of them didn't have coverage through Blue Cross previously, the company said.

Initial Blue Cross projections called for 50 percent of the marketplace customers to be 34 years old or younger, but after the enrollment period ended on March 31, the company found that only 32 percent of the people who signed up under the federal health care law fit that profile. Forty percent are ages 35 to 54, and 29 percent are 55 or older.

The article doesn't say anything about how health care premiums and costs are or will be except "could mean higher premiums in the future"

Duh! everything has always been higher in the future....

Duh. Why didn't your Messiah say that instead of saying they would decrease by $2500?
first of all Jesus didn't say they would decrease by $2500, and neither did Obama ... he said you can save up to ... he never said you will save 2500 dollars .... I promise ... I challenge you to point out in your video where he said americans I promise you to save 2500 dollars ... he said up too, or as much, that's not I promise... so stop saying things he did say...
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The video answered the question. Quit deflecting. You seem to know nothing.

the video did the exact opposit ... it shows where he said as much as 2500 dollars, or up to 2500 dollars ... but I myself, couldn't find anywhere in the videos, that you offered here, where obama said I promise you will save 2500 dollars ... so you are wrong in your assertion here ... so answer his question

Why did you answer the question with a question? Can't answer the original question? I'll ask it again. What happened o the promise families would save $2500 per year?
heres what happen he never promised it ... thats what happen ...
Why did you answer the question with a question? Can't answer the original question? I'll ask it again. What happened o the promise families would save $2500 per year?

Put that " promise" in context, please. Then we can discuss it honestly.


So he didn't sign a contract and say "I promise", but that's what Americans heard...over and over again. And that's what they expected. Along with "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." And if you like your plan you can keep your plan. Now about the "statement" that Americans would save an average of $2500 a year. It's happening, right?

so what you are saying is you on the right are distorting what he said for what reason??? to pust the conservative agenda... to try and make the president out to be something he isn't...that you on the right try so hard to convince us by distorting what he said ... when Obama says he promises then I will take to to be a promise ... when he says you can save up to or as much that's not a promise to me .... only people with comprehension problems hear what they want to hear and not what is said ...
Put that " promise" in context, please. Then we can discuss it honestly.


So he didn't sign a contract and say "I promise", but that's what Americans heard...over and over again. And that's what they expected. Along with "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." And if you like your plan you can keep your plan. Now about the "statement" that Americans would save an average of $2500 a year. It's happening, right?

No....put the "$2500 per family savings" comment into context, please. What was he referring to when he said that? What exactly was he saying?

forget it he won't point out where he was wrong republicans won't do that

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