North Korea de-nuking?

Good fucking god. Christ dude, if they are, you are so fucking dense to think it is because of Trump. Obviously the childish insults Un threw at Trump indicates he doesn’t respect nor fear him. How is it not obvious that South Korea and China aren’t the actual people achieving this? It’s so goddamn stupid you think these neighboring countries couldn’t achieve this.

So if it does happen, who are you going to credit, DumBama? In the past, you've given him credit for everything else.
You people are so dense lol. No one in the US gets any credit for it. It’s so stupid you think South Korea and China couldn’t do it on their own. They are definitely smarter than you are.

They can't be that smart because they've never done it before.

What other President has ever responded to a nuclear threat like "My red button is bigger and it works!" before? Nobody.

China told imp that he isn't messing around with an American professional politician. Trump is the real thing. He's a person you have to take very seriously. He's not going to do a Clinton; sign a worthless piece of paper so he can run back to his MSM claiming victory.
Oh Christ Trump’s childish rhetoric didn’t do jack shit besides escalate the tension. How are you assholes in denial about that? In the last few months, SK and NK’s have been more diplomatic with each other. They are actually communicating. Obviously that dialogue would involve de-nuclearization. Stop pretending only the US can solve the world’s problems.
Good fucking god. Christ dude, if they are, you are so fucking dense to think it is because of Trump. Obviously the childish insults Un threw at Trump indicates he doesn’t respect nor fear him. How is it not obvious that South Korea and China aren’t the actual people achieving this? It’s so goddamn stupid you think these neighboring countries couldn’t achieve this.

So if it does happen, who are you going to credit, DumBama? In the past, you've given him credit for everything else.
You people are so dense lol. No one in the US gets any credit for it. It’s so stupid you think South Korea and China couldn’t do it on their own. They are definitely smarter than you are.

They can't be that smart because they've never done it before.

What other President has ever responded to a nuclear threat like "My red button is bigger and it works!" before? Nobody.

China told imp that he isn't messing around with an American professional politician. Trump is the real thing. He's a person you have to take very seriously. He's not going to do a Clinton; sign a worthless piece of paper so he can run back to his MSM claiming victory.
Oh Christ Trump’s childish rhetoric didn’t do jack shit besides escalate the tension. How are you assholes in denial about that? In the last few months, SK and NK’s have been more diplomatic with each other. They are actually communicating. Obviously that dialogue would involve de-nuclearization. Stop pretending only the US can solve the world’s problems.

i never said that. I'm standing by the fact if not for Trump, none of this would be taking place. Everybody before Trump kicked the can down the road. The can kicking stops with Trump. He's applying pressure to China and he's applying pressure to Kim Dung.

Yes, he is escalating tensions. That's the point. That's how you get things accomplished and that's how you show people you mean business.
Good fucking god. Christ dude, if they are, you are so fucking dense to think it is because of Trump. Obviously the childish insults Un threw at Trump indicates he doesn’t respect nor fear him. How is it not obvious that South Korea and China aren’t the actual people achieving this? It’s so goddamn stupid you think these neighboring countries couldn’t achieve this.

So if it does happen, who are you going to credit, DumBama? In the past, you've given him credit for everything else.
You people are so dense lol. No one in the US gets any credit for it. It’s so stupid you think South Korea and China couldn’t do it on their own. They are definitely smarter than you are.

They can't be that smart because they've never done it before.

What other President has ever responded to a nuclear threat like "My red button is bigger and it works!" before? Nobody.

China told imp that he isn't messing around with an American professional politician. Trump is the real thing. He's a person you have to take very seriously. He's not going to do a Clinton; sign a worthless piece of paper so he can run back to his MSM claiming victory.
Oh Christ Trump’s childish rhetoric didn’t do jack shit besides escalate the tension. How are you assholes in denial about that? In the last few months, SK and NK’s have been more diplomatic with each other. They are actually communicating. Obviously that dialogue would involve de-nuclearization. Stop pretending only the US can solve the world’s problems.

i never said that. I'm standing by the fact if not for Trump, none of this would be taking place. Everybody before Trump kicked the can down the road. The can kicking stops with Trump. He's applying pressure to China and he's applying pressure to Kim Dung.

Yes, he is escalating tensions. That's the point. That's how you get things accomplished and that's how you show people you mean business.
Stop pretending the entire world cowers in fear from the US. China nor Russia fear the US. They both do whatever they want.

And no, Un hasn’t even spoken to Trump directly. He has however spoken with officials from China and SK.
So if it does happen, who are you going to credit, DumBama? In the past, you've given him credit for everything else.

No, moron.....If ( a very dubious IF) any credit is due, it should be given to China and South Korea, and NOT to a reality show host with no fucking clue where Korea even is on the map.
So if it does happen, who are you going to credit, DumBama? In the past, you've given him credit for everything else.
You people are so dense lol. No one in the US gets any credit for it. It’s so stupid you think South Korea and China couldn’t do it on their own. They are definitely smarter than you are.

They can't be that smart because they've never done it before.

What other President has ever responded to a nuclear threat like "My red button is bigger and it works!" before? Nobody.

China told imp that he isn't messing around with an American professional politician. Trump is the real thing. He's a person you have to take very seriously. He's not going to do a Clinton; sign a worthless piece of paper so he can run back to his MSM claiming victory.
Oh Christ Trump’s childish rhetoric didn’t do jack shit besides escalate the tension. How are you assholes in denial about that? In the last few months, SK and NK’s have been more diplomatic with each other. They are actually communicating. Obviously that dialogue would involve de-nuclearization. Stop pretending only the US can solve the world’s problems.

i never said that. I'm standing by the fact if not for Trump, none of this would be taking place. Everybody before Trump kicked the can down the road. The can kicking stops with Trump. He's applying pressure to China and he's applying pressure to Kim Dung.

Yes, he is escalating tensions. That's the point. That's how you get things accomplished and that's how you show people you mean business.
Stop pretending the entire world cowers in fear from the US. China nor Russia fear the US. They both do whatever they want.

And no, Un hasn’t even spoken to Trump directly. He has however spoken with officials from China and SK.

Not yet, but he wants to speak with Trump directly and said so. Why is that if things are going fine without Trump?

SK has always wanted peace with the North but the North would have nothing to do with it until Trump entered the picture. Once those NK citizens start to starve, they will do anything to eat including trying to get into places like China and SK. A hungry man is a desperate man.

Neither want to deal with that problem, and sanctions starve the people--not the government. In spite of his power, Kim does have to fear a retaliation from the people. A NK revolution is something that none of NK allies wants to see.

According to the Associated Press, the US has started moving planes, ships, and troops closer to North Korea. Three B-2 bombers are now positioned in Guam, a US territory with military bases only 2,200 miles away from country. That’s significant: The B-2is the Air Force’s most advanced bomber — and it can carry nuclear weapons. The Air Force also sent six nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to Guam.

On top of that, the USS Carl Vinson is on its way toward the western Pacific Ocean. The Navy says it’s for a regularly scheduled deployment, but North Korea may still find the move threatening. That’s because an aircraft carrier can, well, carry aircraft. Think of them as floating airports that the US can place near almost any country it wants. The US can put multiple attack planes on it, moving them much closer to their potential targets in North Korea should war break out.

There’s already another US aircraft carrier based in Japan, and a third may soon be heading toward the region as well. If all three of these carriers near North Korea at once, the country may start to feel nervous. After all, that would signal that the US has threesea-based airports ready for use in case of war.

The US military is preparing for a possible war against North Korea

But no, new negotiations have nothing to do with Trump.
You people are so dense lol. No one in the US gets any credit for it. It’s so stupid you think South Korea and China couldn’t do it on their own. They are definitely smarter than you are.

They can't be that smart because they've never done it before.

What other President has ever responded to a nuclear threat like "My red button is bigger and it works!" before? Nobody.

China told imp that he isn't messing around with an American professional politician. Trump is the real thing. He's a person you have to take very seriously. He's not going to do a Clinton; sign a worthless piece of paper so he can run back to his MSM claiming victory.
Oh Christ Trump’s childish rhetoric didn’t do jack shit besides escalate the tension. How are you assholes in denial about that? In the last few months, SK and NK’s have been more diplomatic with each other. They are actually communicating. Obviously that dialogue would involve de-nuclearization. Stop pretending only the US can solve the world’s problems.

i never said that. I'm standing by the fact if not for Trump, none of this would be taking place. Everybody before Trump kicked the can down the road. The can kicking stops with Trump. He's applying pressure to China and he's applying pressure to Kim Dung.

Yes, he is escalating tensions. That's the point. That's how you get things accomplished and that's how you show people you mean business.
Stop pretending the entire world cowers in fear from the US. China nor Russia fear the US. They both do whatever they want.

And no, Un hasn’t even spoken to Trump directly. He has however spoken with officials from China and SK.

Not yet, but he wants to speak with Trump directly and said so. Why is that if things are going fine without Trump?

SK has always wanted peace with the North but the North would have nothing to do with it until Trump entered the picture. Once those NK citizens start to starve, they will do anything to eat including trying to get into places like China and SK. A hungry man is a desperate man.

Neither want to deal with that problem, and sanctions starve the people--not the government. In spite of his power, Kim does have to fear a retaliation from the people. A NK revolution is something that none of NK allies wants to see.

According to the Associated Press, the US has started moving planes, ships, and troops closer to North Korea. Three B-2 bombers are now positioned in Guam, a US territory with military bases only 2,200 miles away from country. That’s significant: The B-2is the Air Force’s most advanced bomber — and it can carry nuclear weapons. The Air Force also sent six nuclear-capable B-52 bombers to Guam.

On top of that, the USS Carl Vinson is on its way toward the western Pacific Ocean. The Navy says it’s for a regularly scheduled deployment, but North Korea may still find the move threatening. That’s because an aircraft carrier can, well, carry aircraft. Think of them as floating airports that the US can place near almost any country it wants. The US can put multiple attack planes on it, moving them much closer to their potential targets in North Korea should war break out.

There’s already another US aircraft carrier based in Japan, and a third may soon be heading toward the region as well. If all three of these carriers near North Korea at once, the country may start to feel nervous. After all, that would signal that the US has threesea-based airports ready for use in case of war.

The US military is preparing for a possible war against North Korea

But no, new negotiations have nothing to do with Trump.

1) Obama stepped up military drills as well. It’s always been the standard.

2) South Korea have had multiple peaceful negotiations in the past. There’s just always something that happens that raises tensions again.
Yet, none of you praised Obama for making a deal with Iran and 5 other countries with the IAEA involved. Trump and most of the GOP want to rip it up. No deals will be made. Only a crazy fool will make a deal with Trump and the GOP.
You mean the deal that gave Iran permission to go nuclear?
No the deal that keeps Iran without nukes, they get inspected. And on a side note, who says they should not have nukes? We do.

Yeah, they get inspected. They inspect themselves and only after they get several months to hide the evidence that they have been cheating.

1) Obama stepped up military drills as well. It’s always been the standard.

Outside of military practice, no he hasn't unless you can prove it. DumBama has never been a threat to NK.

2) South Korea have had multiple peaceful negotiations in the past. There’s just always something that happens that raises tensions again.

And yet no tensions now? I thought you said earlier that Trump elevated tensions.

As I said, SK always did want peace but NK had no reason to give it to them. Even lately when Trump suggested he give SK and Japan nukes, they both refused because they didn't want to get in the middle of it.

The pressure from Trump instigated this call from Kim Dung to have discussions with the US. Trump's sanctions are the most severe ever and Kim knows Trump is not playing games. That's why he quit firing rockets.

I understand it kills you to give Trump any credit, but by doing so, your partisanship is on full display. And if Trump settles this nuke matter of NK, you will still never give him credit because you don't have the guts to admit when Trump is successful.
I'll wait until inspectors have unrestricted access and then I'll still have my doubts. I spent almost 2 years in South Korea and we had entire bases carved into mountains I can only imagine what kind of deep hidey holes the North has. I also don't trust China

It's well known that NK has an entire country under their country. They have underground cities where escape is possible in the event of war.

Our military and Trump are well aware of this, so it's not like we are going into discussions blind.
Good fucking god. Christ dude, if they are, you are so fucking dense to think it is because of Trump. Obviously the childish insults Un threw at Trump indicates he doesn’t respect nor fear him. How is it not obvious that South Korea and China aren’t the actual people achieving this? It’s so goddamn stupid you think these neighboring countries couldn’t achieve this.

So if it does happen, who are you going to credit, DumBama? In the past, you've given him credit for everything else.
You people are so dense lol. No one in the US gets any credit for it. It’s so stupid you think South Korea and China couldn’t do it on their own. They are definitely smarter than you are.

They can't be that smart because they've never done it before.

What other President has ever responded to a nuclear threat like "My red button is bigger and it works!" before? Nobody.

China told imp that he isn't messing around with an American professional politician. Trump is the real thing. He's a person you have to take very seriously. He's not going to do a Clinton; sign a worthless piece of paper so he can run back to his MSM claiming victory.
Oh Christ Trump’s childish rhetoric didn’t do jack shit besides escalate the tension. How are you assholes in denial about that? In the last few months, SK and NK’s have been more diplomatic with each other. They are actually communicating. Obviously that dialogue would involve de-nuclearization. Stop pretending only the US can solve the world’s problems.
And you are lost if you don't think that the US is not part of the driving factor here.

The vitriolic lashing out at the mere mention of Trump doing something right and ignoring the glaring fact that the US is right in the middle of this does nothing to help your position.
This is not the first time that they have maid claims like this. NK had lied about it every damn time.

I have no reason to believe that the current regime is any more honest about this time than before.

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