North Korea has the Hydrogen bomb~thanks Bill Clinton

North Korea didn't have a nuclear bomb until Bush became president.

Iran didn't have a single working centrifuge when Bush became president but had many thousands when he left office.

So that means it's Clinton's and Obama's fault.

What is it with you Liberals' inability to think outside the twisted Bush 'box'?

'NK didn't have a nuke until Bush was President'. So, what are you saying, that the day Bush took office NK suddenly shit a nuclear weapons?! No thinking about HOW their nuke came about, just that they suddenly had one under Bush? The fact that the appeasing Bill Clinton giving them a nuclear power plant, including the uranium, played no part in their acquisition of a nuke?

It's the same way with 9/11/01 - '9/11/01 happened under Bush'. According to Liberals, a bunch of terrorists woke up one morning, threw some things together, quickly threw a sophisticated plan together, and carried it out. According to Liberals, the MONTHS / Year + of training, planning, and getting things ready under Clinton - who was pre-occupied playing 'hide the cigar' with an intern and being used by one of 'victims' - never happened. Terrorists attending flight school to learn to FLY but NOT LAND didn't alert his administration that something might be coming up at all.

Yup..... 'Buuuuuuuuusssssshhhh' is all that matters to brain-dead Libs.
NK has 'no problem' with the Chinese. Every time they begin running low on food and fuel they rattle their sabers and the Chinese negotiate with the west to get them re-supplied.
North Korea didn't have a nuclear bomb until Bush became president.

Iran didn't have a single working centrifuge when Bush became president but had many thousands when he left office.

So that means it's Clinton's and Obama's fault.

Well, yeah but...but....

What's that saying again?

Insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results.

Read some where last week Obama wants to censure or something over Iran testing ballistic missiles.
Dontcha worry yer li'l heart. Trumps going to build a missile defense shield and make North Korea pay for it !
If I'm understanding this correctly, it's Bill clintons fault he didn't start a world war.
North Korea Claims H-Bomb Success
How Obama and the Clintons laid the groundwork for the pariah state to get nukes.
January 7, 2016
Matthew Vadum


Communist North Korea sent geopolitical shockwaves around the planet yesterday by claiming to have conducted a successful test of a powerful hydrogen bomb.

After Syria's civil war, the rise of Islamic State, and the useless nuclear nonproliferation pact with the mullahs of Iran, the North Korean detonation is just the latest foreign policy catastrophe on President Barack Hussein Obama's watch. It was made possible by his inept former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and before that by her husband former President Bill Clinton.

Interestingly, even when North Korea is being deadly serious about something -- well, just about any subject, really -- its pronouncements come across as overheated and cartoonish.

The so-called Democratic People’s Republic of Korea claims its new "H-bomb of justice" can be loaded onto a missile and delivered to targets outside its borders. Of course, "H-bomb of justice" sounds like something out of a comic book or a sci-fi movie, say perhaps the 1970 flick, Beneath the Planet of the Apes in which mutant humans deified a nuclear missile, referring to it as the holy "Bomb Almighty" and lauding "the Fellowship of the Holy Fallout."

But just because the North Koreans come across as goofy, awkward, and prone to crude propaganda doesn't mean they're lying about their nuclear reach.

Republicans, including GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, blame Hillary, now the Democratic Party's frontrunner, for the situation in North Korea. Trump said Communist China "should solve that problem" or face trade policy retaliation from the U.S. Mrs. Clinton herself said North Korea committed a "dangerous and provocative act" that should be answered with more sanctions and improved missile defenses.

Official North Korean government news agency KCNA said dictator Kim Jong-un ordered the nuclear test at 10 a.m. local time on Wednesday as part of an “all-out charge to bring earlier the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche," the name of North Korea's peculiar, religion-like brand of Marxism.


North Korea Claims H-Bomb Success

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