North Korea is a brutal regime. We'll handle it


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
Quote by Donald John Trump

Not sure how I feel about this

More and more it seems that war drums are beating on a global scale
Quote by Donald John Trump

Not sure how I feel about this

More and more it seems that war drums are beating on a global scale

Trump learned from Cheney that the best way to stay in power as the entire administration around you is collapsing is to......................start a war.
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I can't imagine putting our future into the hands of either one of them.

Quote by Donald John Trump

Not sure how I feel about this

More and more it seems that war drums are beating on a global scale

What about the other brutal regimes out there? What's he going to do about those? I mean, if he's trying to play the part of the global policeman, then he has to be the policeman everywhere, right?
Quote by Donald John Trump

Not sure how I feel about this

More and more it seems that war drums are beating on a global scale

Trump learned from Cheney that the best way to stay in power as the entire administration around you is collapsing is......................start a war.

We are already de facto at war, if not technically. Domestically and internationally. Have been since the Bush administration. Whether either or both will escalate is anyone's guess.
Don't forget that Cuba is the only N.K. ally in the western hemisphere and possibly the world. Barry Hussein was willing to open the gigantic wealth of the capitalist American system to Cuba without question. Thank God Trump held Cuba to standards that were more in sync with western ideology.
I can't imagine putting our future into the hands of either one of them.

Comparing President Trump to Kim Jung Un. That supports Michael Savage's theory that Liberalism is a mental disorder. You would have to be to make that comparison.

I don't trust either one of them. One is incompetent and one of them is Kim Jong Un.

How could Hillary the Hag lose to that?

She got doused with a bucket of water.
The world got way way more dangerous while the Ultimate Pussy Obama was patting Medvedev on the leg and telling him to tell Mr. Putin that he could be more flexible after the election. (Collusion with Russia to fix an American Election caught on open mike.)

And it got even more dangerous when that same Consummate Pussy made a deal with Iran to give them the money to fund Terrorism all over the middle East...and which guaranteed them a Nuclear weapon...if they would just wait to built it until a few years after he left office. Kick the can down the road.

When Pussies kick the can down the road because they are cowards, the next president and the next generation....has to pay and its it much worse than if it had been dealt with by someone who is not a Pussy...ask Neville Chamberlain.....who smiles in his grave....because at least now...he's only the second worst Pussy of the last hundred years.


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