North Korean Military Budget aka "The Reagan Revolution! (Tinkle Down Doesn't Work!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Harvard University, mostly recently allied with the Obama Administration, at one time knew about Speaker Tip O'Neill and therefore about Ronald Reagan. That President had been a New Dealer when FDR was in office. Sea-Water spending was no stranger at all to The Ronald Reagan White House. Reagan-Bush would go on to log in the first $1.0 tril. deficit in history.

That spending went to high-tech military procurement. Famously, the youth gang culture of violence would arise under Reagan-Bush. The Unemployment rate would then do-in completely the Bush I, Term I presidency.

Looking for parallels, and validation--Which Harvard, Yale, liberals and Republicans never do: There is now famously becoming North Korea--And in-your-face, horse-trot style, or however it is said. Reagan knew a thing or two about horse-trotting. Billions worldwide would likely have been better-off had even Obama: Really been a Kenyan.

What Percent of GDP do Countries Spend on Their Military?

Any Conservative or Liberal can look to the world's poorest nations, and find among them: The Reagan Revolution, of increase of military spending, in North Korea. Even USA DOD has been able to take note. Like Reagan might have dreamed, 33% and more of North Korean GDP goes to military spending.

Apparently they are not that far away from Reagan-era, broadcast--"Happy to announce the launch in the next five minutes!"

Democracy is like that, for some people! At least the North Koreans know a thing or two about what the Nukes are for! Moslem fanatics, by comparison, mainly take over American jet-liners, and fly the things into delusions of King Kong, climbing up the various buildings of City of New York! Conservatives know about atomization, even: "Now, We know they are everywhere(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many famous founding families dress up like Reservation Indians(?), maybe claiming ownership of newer casinos: Subsequent Amendment Two(?)!)
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Harvard University, mostly recently allied with the Obama Administration, at one time knew about Speaker Tip O'Neill and therefore about Ronald Reagan. That President had been a New Dealer when FDR was in office. Sea-Water spending was no stranger at all to The Ronald Reagan White House. Reagan-Bush would go on to log in the first $1.0 tril. deficit in history.

That spending went to high-tech military procurement. Famously, the youth gang culture of violence would arise under Reagan-Bush. The Unemployment rate would then do-in completely the Bush I, Term I presidency.

Looking for parallels, and validation--Which Harvard, Yale, liberals and Republicans never do: There is now famously becoming North Korea--And in-your-face, horse-trot style, or however it is said. Reagan knew a thing or two about horse-trotting. Billions worldwide would likely have been better-off had even Obama: Really been a Kenyan.

What Percent of GDP do Countries Spend on Their Military?

Any Conservative or Liberal can look to the world's poorest nations, and find among them: The Reagan Revolution, of increase of military spending, in North Korea. Even USA DOD has been able to take note. Like Reagan might have dreamed, 33% and more of North Korean GDP goes to military spending.

Apparently they are not that far away from Reagan-era, broadcast--"Happy to announce the launch in the next five minutes!"

Democracy is like that, for some people! At least the North Koreans know a thing or two about what the Nukes are for! Moslem fanatics, by comparison, mainly take over American jet-liners, and fly the things into delusions of King Kong, climbing up the various buildings of City of New York! Conservatives know about atomization, even: "Now, We know they are everywhere(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many famous founding families dress up like Reservation Indians(?), maybe claiming ownership of newer casinos: Subsequent Amendment Two(?)!)

dear, I'm so sorry but that is not coherent English.
Dennis Rodman Has In common with Barack Obama--That Harvard University probably thinks like they think(?), and comments like they comment, or maybe. . . .raps like. . . .well(?)!

Now, if everyone was able to understand Barack Obama, and if everyone was able to understand Dennis Rodman, and if everyone was able to understand Tip ONeill, and if everyone was able to vomit in unison--at most of the remarks of Ronald Reagan: Then surely a message board post can qualify as being comprehensible(?)! His Vice President would later even go on to greatness as the fellow who through up on the Leader of all Japan(?). Neither Rodman nor Obama have been able to follow up on that one! Surely there have been opportunities presented(?)!

Reagan did know a thing or two about radio. Radio had helped Ronald Reagan become a star. So when Ron went onto radio, and announced that the Soviet Union would be nuked in the next several minutes--Then everyone else in the world: Suddenly learned that everything that happened in the Reagan Administration was really just as bogus as that.

Hugo Chavez would later on even be able to smell the scent of George Bush II, Terms I and II, and the United Nations! And that was after the janitorial crew had cleaned it up.

Harvard University has yet to concede that some matters in the world are actually bogus. People graduate from there. . . .and offer proof.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state--Then surely General George Armstrong Custer is among , "The Great Ones," according to the folks at NRA(?)!)
Mainly, for now anyone can ask Dennis Rodman about the parallels between the Military Largesse of North Korea versus the Military Largesse of Ronald Reagan!

Never in history has there been so much "Entrepreneurial Spirit," government funded, in either economy! Just look at all the high tech new offerings created in both nations of spirit-driven entrepreneurship! USA DOD is even paying attention to them both(?). . .or maybe CIA. . . .or maybe Vladimir Putin!

Even the Republicans will say that about the Obama Administration! The federally funded Entrepreneurial Spirit is everywhere--and in fact, they want it all stopped, even now(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(When it comes to the well-regulated militia, NRA supported, at Little Big Horn: Then anyone knows that the lone survivor was a horse--and that there was one Commanche who knew enough to never say one word about it(?)!)

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