North Korea’s Kim Jong Un reportedly ordered dozens of officials executed after deadly floods


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un may have ordered at least 30 government officials to be executed after the devastating floods over the summer that killed thousands, according to a new report from South Korea.

The South’s TV Chosun reported Tuesday that North Korean authorities sentenced between 20 and 30 people to capital punishment last month for their failure to stop the deadly flooding.

Not to be outdone, Kamala Harris announced today that she would execute 20 to 30 people arrested during the January 6th protests if the climate increases one degree next year. "These climate obstructors need to be dealt with" said Kamala. "These folks need to know climate change is real, and this really is the only way we know how to send that message. Make no mistake, climate change is their fault, just like Covid was their fault for not listening to scientists to take the Covid jab as the virus killed millions"

The UN is hailing both leaders attempt to control the weather as being real hope and change for the future. UN ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield declared that the reduction of carbon footprints with these killings is key to help reduce carbon emissions in the future.

In other news, the UN passed resolution number 1,934,124 condemning Israel for Hamas killing another 5 prisoners they held captive and as they raped and abused them since October of last year. Hundreds of thousands of Israeli protestors have lined the streets in Jerusalem demanding the removal of anyone in the Israeli government that protects them from the same fate as the prisoners.
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That will stop the flooding!
No, it will stop less people from caring about the flooding

In other words, if a hurricane hits a coastline and there is no one left to experience it, does it make a sound?

Un is following the science here. Lisbon Portugal had a tremendous flood in 1755, and the officials there rectified the situation afterwards with a large auto de fe where a large number of people were executed. They haven't had anything that devastating since, what worked in Portugal may well work in North Korea.

North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un may have ordered at least 30 government officials to be executed after the devastating floods over the summer that killed thousands, according to a new report from South Korea.

The South’s TV Chosun reported Tuesday that North Korean authorities sentenced between 20 and 30 people to capital punishment last month for their failure to stop the deadly flooding.

Not to be outdone, Kamala Harris announced today that she would execute 20 to 30 people arrested during the January 6th protests if the climate increases one degree next year. "These climate obstructors need to be dealt with" said Kamala. "These folks need to know climate change is real, and this really is the only way we know how to send that message. Make no mistake, climate change is their fault, just like Covid was their fault for not listening to scientists to take the Covid jab as the virus killed millions"

The UN is hailing both leaders attempt to control the weather as being real hope and change for the future. UN ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield declared that the reduction of carbon footprints with these killings is key to help reduce carbon emissions in the future.

In other news, the UN passed resolution number 1,934,124 condemning Israel for Hamas killing another 5 prisoners they held captive and as they raped and abused them since October of last year. Hundreds of thousands of Israeli protestors have lined the streets in Jerusalem demanding the removal of anyone in the Israeli government that protects them from the same fate as the prisoners.

The Crapper in Chief Joe Biden should hold a pow-wow with Lil' Kim, maybe walk across the DMZ and impress him with his strength, power, and diplomatic skills.


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