Northern hemisphere potentially in great danger as Fukushima radiation spikes to unimaginable levels


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger As Fukushima Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels

Radiation inside one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power facility has reached an “unimaginable” level according to experts. Because so much nuclear material from Fukushima escaped into the Pacific Ocean, there are many scientists that believe that it was the worst environmental disaster in human history, but most people in the general population seem to think that since the mainstream media really doesn’t talk about it anymore that everything must be under control. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. In fact, PBS reported just last year that “it is incorrect to say that Fukushima is under control when levels of radioactivity in the ocean indicate ongoing leaks“. And now we have just learned that the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it.


Not much can be done other than to warn people , too many don't care, to many don't think it's true because their almighty governmental parents tell them it's ok go back to sleep now...........
View attachment 110892

Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger As Fukushima Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels

Radiation inside one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power facility has reached an “unimaginable” level according to experts. Because so much nuclear material from Fukushima escaped into the Pacific Ocean, there are many scientists that believe that it was the worst environmental disaster in human history, but most people in the general population seem to think that since the mainstream media really doesn’t talk about it anymore that everything must be under control. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. In fact, PBS reported just last year that “it is incorrect to say that Fukushima is under control when levels of radioactivity in the ocean indicate ongoing leaks“. And now we have just learned that the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it.


Not much can be done other than to warn people , too many don't care, to many don't think it's true because their almighty governmental parents tell them it's ok go back to sleep now...........

"the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it".....Does not equal......"Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger "
"the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it".....Does not equal......"Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger "
All the same, I've stopped buying any seafood product that comes from the Pacific Ocean.
Would be ironic if Japan nuclear-ly poisons the U.S west coast......after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
I noticed in the picture; That most of it is going South East. Then, seemingly at random; one dark red band, defying the flow of the others, and heads straight to California...

Free medication for all? Japan's radiation leak an economic boon for radiation treatment patients!

In related news, Atlantic seafood prices soar as pacific poison terror grips fine restaurant owners nationwide. 80% of Alaskan flights during summer fishing season canceled amid the panic. Alaskans send note to OPEC telling them to have mercy.
Since this is a blog, I went to news sources to check it out. If anything, the situation at the reactors themselves is worse than indicated. A three foot hole in the bottom of the reactor vessel, and very little of the fuel rods anywhere to be found. Whether the intense radiation will get to the ocean, seems no one can yet tell. If it does, that is going to be the end of building nukes pretty much around the world.

Fukushima nuclear reactor radiation at highest level since 2011 meltdown

High radiation levels at Fukushima reactor is bad, bad news

Highest radiation reading since 3/11 detected at Fukushima No. 1 reactor | The Japan Times

Radiation Levels in the Fukushima Reactor Are Soaring Unexpectedly

Free medication for all? Japan's radiation leak an economic boon for radiation treatment patients!

In related news, Atlantic seafood prices soar as pacific poison terror grips fine restaurant owners nationwide. 80% of Alaskan flights during summer fishing season canceled amid the panic. Alaskans send note to OPEC telling them to have mercy.
Perhaps before demonstrating that one is a stupid ass, you should actually research the story. It is a serous concern.
Time for me to do my humanitarian duty... I guess I'll offer to take in 3 Japanese refugees. Female. Between age 21, and 25. And some say Republicans have no heart...
"the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it".....Does not equal......"Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger "
All the same, I've stopped buying any seafood product that comes from the Pacific Ocean.

Of course you did.......because you have no concept of risk.
Concept of risk. Interesting.

Ocean Pollution in the Arctic -

“The Inuit of the world become the net recipients of the by-products of industry and the pesticides that are used”, Sheila explained. “ We get all the negative impacts of this. Contaminants remain here in the Arctic in high concentrations at the bottom of the Arctic sink where our marine mammals live and eat.”

“Tests showed that there were 8 – 10 times higher of these Persistent Organic Pollutants showing up in the fatty tissues of the marine mammals of the Arctic and then because we are marine mammal eaters of seal, whale and walrus, it was showing up 8 – 10 times higher in the body burdens of Inuit and in particular in the nursing milk of our mothers.”

Of all cultures, the Inuit people of the Arctic have been most strongly affected by ocean contamination. They are faced with the dilemma of giving up their traditional ways of eating or consuming animals that contain high concentrations of toxic chemicals. Hunting and fishing provide the Inuit with a sustainable and independent way of life and are important elements of their 4,000-year-old culture.

The animals of the Arctic now have extremely high concentrations of toxins in their body fat. Beluga Whales, ringed seals, narwhal and polar bears are carrying a huge toxic burden and experiencing the terrible effects of these chemicals.

In the mid-1980’s scientists began to find elevated levels of toxic chemicals known as POPs (persistent organic pollutants) in the blood and fat tissues of the Inuit and other people of the Arctic. Scientists say the toxins can cause cancer, damage reproductive and neurological organs, injure immune systems and cause learning disabilities.

The fish we eat are at the top of the food chain, so contaminants like the POP's and radiation will be concentrated in them. The current off of Japan sweeps around and comes down the West Coast. And the fish, like salmon, follow that current.
Radiation levels inside a damaged reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station are at their highest since the plant suffered a triple meltdown almost six years ago.

The facility’s operator, Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco), said atmospheric readings as high as 530 sieverts an hour had been recorded inside the containment vessel of reactor No 2,…

The recent reading, described by some experts as “unimaginable”, is far higher than the previous record of 73 sieverts an hour in that part of the reactor.

A single dose of one sievert is enough to cause radiation sickness and nausea; 5 sieverts would kill half those exposed to it within a month, and a single dose of 10 sieverts would prove fatal within weeks.

Tepco also said image analysis had revealed a hole in metal grating beneath the same reactor’s pressure vessel. The one-metre-wide hole was probably created by nuclear fuel that melted and then penetrated the vessel after the tsunami knocked out Fukushima Daiichi’s back-up cooling system.

Official reports are not saying that the core has escaped the containment vessel and are claiming that no radiation has escaped the reactor, but later in the article admit that they don’t really know where the core is. If it is true that radiation levels are rising, that is probably not a good thing.

Breaking: Fukushima Reactor #2 pressure vessel breached, rising to “unimaginable” levels of radiation. | Health Nut News

Infowars is hardly a credible source for that kind of news, or any other kind for that matter.
Granny says, "Dat's right...

... dat radiation gonna poison us all...

... an' den we all gonna die."
Infowars is hardly a credible source for that kind of news, or any other kind for that matter.

And you know I come after you smart asses when you use INFOWARS as your bs excuse to deny the facts.......
You know every time you jerks offs say that chit I got you on every turn.


The study followed children born in California, Alaska, Washingto, Hawaii, and Oregon between 1 and 16 weeks after the horrific meltdown at Fukushima back in March 2011. Published in the Open Journal of Pediatricsby researchers affiliated with the Radiation and Public Health Project, the information further lends credence to previous documentation regarding the way in which radioactive fallout ended up on US soil.


Elevated airborne beta levels in Pacific/West Coast US States and trends in hypothyroidism among newborns after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown


Free medication for all? Japan's radiation leak an economic boon for radiation treatment patients!

In related news, Atlantic seafood prices soar as pacific poison terror grips fine restaurant owners nationwide. 80% of Alaskan flights during summer fishing season canceled amid the panic. Alaskans send note to OPEC telling them to have mercy.
Perhaps before demonstrating that one is a stupid ass, you should actually research the story. It is a serous concern.

I didn't say it wasn't - in fact if you read the last two sentences that's pretty serious for Alaskan's - we have a shit ton of people up here who's entire annual income comes from fishing, and our sport fishing tourists bring in a ton too. Something like 60% of our people up here's income is tied to fishing and tourism. So we seriously need OPEC to raise oil prices or we'll have to dip into state savings.
View attachment 110892

Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger As Fukushima Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels

Radiation inside one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power facility has reached an “unimaginable” level according to experts. Because so much nuclear material from Fukushima escaped into the Pacific Ocean, there are many scientists that believe that it was the worst environmental disaster in human history, but most people in the general population seem to think that since the mainstream media really doesn’t talk about it anymore that everything must be under control. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. In fact, PBS reported just last year that “it is incorrect to say that Fukushima is under control when levels of radioactivity in the ocean indicate ongoing leaks“. And now we have just learned that the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it.


Not much can be done other than to warn people , too many don't care, to many don't think it's true because their almighty governmental parents tell them it's ok go back to sleep now...........

Another ARTICLE that just came out a few days ago on this.............

Record High Fatal Radiation Levels, Hole in Reactor Detected at Crippled Fukushima Nuclear Facility

Record high radiation levels that’s lethal even after brief exposure have been detected at a damaged reactor at the Fukushima power plant in Japan. Specialists also found a hole, likely caused by melted nuclear fuel.

New Fukushima Trouble - LewRockwell
View attachment 110892

Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger As Fukushima Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels

Radiation inside one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power facility has reached an “unimaginable” level according to experts. Because so much nuclear material from Fukushima escaped into the Pacific Ocean, there are many scientists that believe that it was the worst environmental disaster in human history, but most people in the general population seem to think that since the mainstream media really doesn’t talk about it anymore that everything must be under control. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. In fact, PBS reported just last year that “it is incorrect to say that Fukushima is under control when levels of radioactivity in the ocean indicate ongoing leaks“. And now we have just learned that the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it.


Not much can be done other than to warn people , too many don't care, to many don't think it's true because their almighty governmental parents tell them it's ok go back to sleep now...........

"the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it".....Does not equal......"Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger "

The part you missed They are dying and kids are being born all fkd up......................

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