Northern hemisphere potentially in great danger as Fukushima radiation spikes to unimaginable levels

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Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger As Fukushima Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels

Radiation inside one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power facility has reached an “unimaginable” level according to experts. Because so much nuclear material from Fukushima escaped into the Pacific Ocean, there are many scientists that believe that it was the worst environmental disaster in human history, but most people in the general population seem to think that since the mainstream media really doesn’t talk about it anymore that everything must be under control. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. In fact, PBS reported just last year that “it is incorrect to say that Fukushima is under control when levels of radioactivity in the ocean indicate ongoing leaks“. And now we have just learned that the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it.


Not much can be done other than to warn people , too many don't care, to many don't think it's true because their almighty governmental parents tell them it's ok go back to sleep now...........

"the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it".....Does not equal......"Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger "

One of the videos I watched said the Japanese send in a robot probe to monitor the leak and it got fried in an hour. There should be a worldwide effort to dump thousands of tons of lead into the site to try to start containing it
View attachment 110892

Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger As Fukushima Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels

Radiation inside one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power facility has reached an “unimaginable” level according to experts. Because so much nuclear material from Fukushima escaped into the Pacific Ocean, there are many scientists that believe that it was the worst environmental disaster in human history, but most people in the general population seem to think that since the mainstream media really doesn’t talk about it anymore that everything must be under control. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. In fact, PBS reported just last year that “it is incorrect to say that Fukushima is under control when levels of radioactivity in the ocean indicate ongoing leaks“. And now we have just learned that the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it.


Not much can be done other than to warn people , too many don't care, to many don't think it's true because their almighty governmental parents tell them it's ok go back to sleep now...........

"the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it".....Does not equal......"Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger "

One of the videos I watched said the Japanese send in a robot probe to monitor the leak and it got fried in an hour. There should be a worldwide effort to dump thousands of tons of lead into the site to try to start containing it

Australia has alot of lead ore deposits...hmmm
View attachment 110892

Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger As Fukushima Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels

Radiation inside one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power facility has reached an “unimaginable” level according to experts. Because so much nuclear material from Fukushima escaped into the Pacific Ocean, there are many scientists that believe that it was the worst environmental disaster in human history, but most people in the general population seem to think that since the mainstream media really doesn’t talk about it anymore that everything must be under control. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. In fact, PBS reported just last year that “it is incorrect to say that Fukushima is under control when levels of radioactivity in the ocean indicate ongoing leaks“. And now we have just learned that the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it.


Not much can be done other than to warn people , too many don't care, to many don't think it's true because their almighty governmental parents tell them it's ok go back to sleep now...........

"the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it".....Does not equal......"Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger "

One of the videos I watched said the Japanese send in a robot probe to monitor the leak and it got fried in an hour. There should be a worldwide effort to dump thousands of tons of lead into the site to try to start containing it

Yeppers it did melt, but you see how little sheep are. Maybe when cancer hits they'll realize how real it is, then again some are so freaking gullible to authority knows all and what they say goes... It's just a big mess and people who think the Gov. is their parents who love and protect them have lived in fkn lalal land.
We can't dump lead, that's toxic to fishies (and the peeps who eat them) too. I have to presume Japan has a plan, it's not like they're not eating these same fish, and I'd imagine if anyone has a safe material to seal it with it'd be them.
View attachment 110892

Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger As Fukushima Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels

Radiation inside one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power facility has reached an “unimaginable” level according to experts. Because so much nuclear material from Fukushima escaped into the Pacific Ocean, there are many scientists that believe that it was the worst environmental disaster in human history, but most people in the general population seem to think that since the mainstream media really doesn’t talk about it anymore that everything must be under control. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. In fact, PBS reported just last year that “it is incorrect to say that Fukushima is under control when levels of radioactivity in the ocean indicate ongoing leaks“. And now we have just learned that the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it.


Not much can be done other than to warn people , too many don't care, to many don't think it's true because their almighty governmental parents tell them it's ok go back to sleep now...........

"the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it".....Does not equal......"Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger "

One of the videos I watched said the Japanese send in a robot probe to monitor the leak and it got fried in an hour. There should be a worldwide effort to dump thousands of tons of lead into the site to try to start containing it

Yeppers it did melt, but you see how little sheep are. Maybe when cancer hits they'll realize how real it is, then again some are so freaking gullible to authority knows all and what they say goes... It's just a big mess and people who think the Gov. is their parents who love and protect them have lived in fkn lalal land.

La La Land has been nominated for twelve Acadamy Awards.
We can't dump lead, that's toxic to fishies (and the peeps who eat them) too. I have to presume Japan has a plan, it's not like they're not eating these same fish, and I'd imagine if anyone has a safe material to seal it with it'd be them.

They've had a plan , it's called get sick, die, get cancer die, keep your mouth shut or die.............

The workers are not even skilled at the plant nobody wants to work there only those who are desperate are working there.
View attachment 110892

Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger As Fukushima Radiation Spikes To ‘Unimaginable’ Levels

Radiation inside one of the damaged reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power facility has reached an “unimaginable” level according to experts. Because so much nuclear material from Fukushima escaped into the Pacific Ocean, there are many scientists that believe that it was the worst environmental disaster in human history, but most people in the general population seem to think that since the mainstream media really doesn’t talk about it anymore that everything must be under control. Unfortunately, that is not true at all. In fact, PBS reported just last year that “it is incorrect to say that Fukushima is under control when levels of radioactivity in the ocean indicate ongoing leaks“. And now we have just learned that the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it.


Not much can be done other than to warn people , too many don't care, to many don't think it's true because their almighty governmental parents tell them it's ok go back to sleep now...........

"the radiation level inside reactor 2 is so high that no human could possibly survive being exposed to it".....Does not equal......"Northern Hemisphere Potentially In Great Danger "

One of the videos I watched said the Japanese send in a robot probe to monitor the leak and it got fried in an hour. There should be a worldwide effort to dump thousands of tons of lead into the site to try to start containing it

Yeppers it did melt, but you see how little sheep are. Maybe when cancer hits they'll realize how real it is, then again some are so freaking gullible to authority knows all and what they say goes... It's just a big mess and people who think the Gov. is their parents who love and protect them have lived in fkn lalal land.

La La Land won twelve Acadamy Awards.

Fox News: Breaking… “New fuel leaks have been discovered” at Fukushima — “Experts believe melted fuel is leaking” — Radiation levels could be over 5,000 sieverts — “Wow, this is a crazy story”… it only continues to get worse (VIDEO)
Fox News: Breaking… “New fuel leaks have been discovered” at Fukushima — “Experts believe melted fuel is leaking” — Radiation levels could be over 5,000 sieverts — “Wow, this is a crazy story”… it only continues to get worse (VIDEO) « – Energy News
TV Reporter: “Woah! Dead whales!” Record high number of deaths in Hawaii — “Carcasses scattered throughout islands” in Pacific — Sick and starving animals a ‘mystery’ to experts — “Possible health effects” from Fukushima radiation off coast (VIDEO)
KGMB, Jan 17, 2017 (emphasis added): Officials investigate record number of humpback whale deaths… Six humpback whale carcasses have washed up onto Hawaii shores since November. That’s double the number typically found in a season, which runs from November to May… The previous record [of five] whale carcasses found in Hawaii waters was in 2013… Biologists aren’t sure what’s behind the increase in deaths. “It is higher than usual. It’s almost double this early in the season for what we’d get in a whole season,” said [NOAA's] David Schofield… Since November, whale carcasses have been scattered throughout the main Hawaiian islandsBiologists are investigating to see if the whales starved or if there’s a problem with the ocean’s health
TV Reporter: “Woah! Dead whales!” Record high number of deaths in Hawaii — “Carcasses scattered throughout islands” in Pacific — Sick and starving animals a ‘mystery’ to experts — “Possible health effects” from Fukushima radiation off coast (VIDEO) « – Energy News
ALERT: Collapse imminent at Fukushima — TV: Officials find large section under reactor is “unstable… about to collapse” — “Bad, bad news… Time to reconsider that trip to the east coast of Japan” (VIDEOS)

This is all just so fake even JAPAN news reports on it

NHK World, Feb 3, 2017 (emphasis added): The operator of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is examining if it can go ahead with a plan to deploy a robot into one of the damaged reactors at the facility… An analysis of the images found that the radiation level inside the vessel was up to 530 sieverts per hour. Officials speculate that fuel debris–a mixture of nuclear fuel and melted parts of the reactor’s facility–may be emitting strong radiation
inside the vessel… Last week’s probe found that part of a metal grating just beneath the reactor was missing. The robot was supposed to move around on the grating. The image analysis also found that an around one square-meter section near the missing segment is about to collapse.

NHK World transcript, Feb 3, 2017: “[Tepco] is facing more setbacks. Tepco has found unstable grating near a rector that will make it difficult to conduct further surveillance to help it decommission the plant… They found a section the size of a square meter is about to collapse. They had already found holes in other sections… A nuclear power expert suggests that will make it difficult for workers to locate the fuel.”
6 whales? Wow!

While I do mourn for those whales and express sympathy to their loved ones, the conspiracy nuts are really reaching on this one. In 1994 200 whales washed up dead on Hawaiian beaches, and in 1999-2001 more than 600 were found beached along the pacific coast.

Maybe it's time to move this to the conspiracy forum?
It takes about five feet of varied material to filter the radio active particles out of the water. Natural wells surround with tall grasses, sandy loam, a layer of finely crushed granites, dirt and clays are the best bet. Some prairie grasses will suck up more radio active particles in them than others (I am not sure what you would do with the grass after it hit a certain level). The issue with wells are most are poisoned with chemicals now and they require other type treatments to remove them. Plus the wells would need to be surrounded in order to receive full benefits of a filtering process.

TV Reporter: “Woah! Dead whales!” Record high number of deaths in Hawaii — “Carcasses scattered throughout islands” in Pacific — Sick and starving animals a ‘mystery’ to experts — “Possible health effects” from Fukushima radiation off coast (VIDEO)
KGMB, Jan 17, 2017 (emphasis added): Officials investigate record number of humpback whale deaths… Six humpback whale carcasses have washed up onto Hawaii shores since November. That’s double the number typically found in a season, which runs from November to May… The previous record [of five] whale carcasses found in Hawaii waters was in 2013… Biologists aren’t sure what’s behind the increase in deaths. “It is higher than usual. It’s almost double this early in the season for what we’d get in a whole season,” said [NOAA's] David Schofield… Since November, whale carcasses have been scattered throughout the main Hawaiian islandsBiologists are investigating to see if the whales starved or if there’s a problem with the ocean’s health
TV Reporter: “Woah! Dead whales!” Record high number of deaths in Hawaii — “Carcasses scattered throughout islands” in Pacific — Sick and starving animals a ‘mystery’ to experts — “Possible health effects” from Fukushima radiation off coast (VIDEO) « – Energy News
A bunch were found down off the South American coast too.
6 whales? Wow!

While I do mourn for those whales and express sympathy to their loved ones, the conspiracy nuts are really reaching on this one. In 1994 200 whales washed up dead on Hawaiian beaches, and in 1999-2001 more than 600 were found beached along the pacific coast.

Maybe it's time to move this to the conspiracy forum?
Why because you desire to deny the truth?
Oh but don't worry about anything because Obama raised the safety levels so now we are all safe. and as usual YOU WON'T SEE MSM REPORTING ON THIS , BARELY WILL THEY PUT ALL THIS INFORMATION OUT... isn't so convenient how nice and sick ppl will become, and the big pharma and their radiation treatments will get filthy rich over the naiveness of zombies who either have no ---------- idea this is going on, or fail to realize they just aren't being told... What a shame people are so -------- dumbed down they would rather risk the health of their children and not research this information....................... They'd rathe assume it's all fine because PRESIDENT IDIOT ( OBAMA) HAS BEEN TELLING YOU IT'S ALL FINE SINCE 2011...

VIDEO: US states hit with “extremely large peaks” of Fukushima radioactive material – “Significant amount” of plutonium released for months – Radioactivity from plant “measured globally” and blanketed entire Northern Hemisphere

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster has been the second most serious crisis of a nuclear power plant in the human history[*]. The release period lasted over two months emitting a significant amount of radioiodine, radioxenon and radiocaesium as well as other isotopes such as plutonium. Besides the local to regional scale impacts of soil and water pollution, isotopes released into the atmosphere could be measured globally. Total atmospheric release was estimated to be 14000–15300 PBq of radioxenon and 340–800 PBq of other isotopes. The radioactive plume in the atmosphere moved towards the Pacific, reached North America in five days and Europe in eight days… Fukushima-derived radioiodine and radiocaesium could be identified in the entire Northern Hemisphere… The zonal jet stream transported the plume across North America within one day in a narrow band over the Northern USA. This line as well as further Fukushima-derived plumes arriving at the West Coast were the initial state of the
regional dispersion dominated by low and middle tropospheric winds. Early detections were reported between 17 and 19 March from three stations in Central and Southern USA: Ashland, KS, Chapel Hill, NC and Melbourne, FL. Kansas and North Carolina were reached by a fast moving cold front at the detection time, however, Florida was dominated by a subtropical high pressure system until 21 March. The plume arrived to Orlando, FL, located in a distance of 100 km from Melbourne, FL, only on 25 March with a much lower peak concentration. Other North American stations reported arrival times between 20 and 25 March except those located at the zonal jet stream path. During this period, the homogenization was driven by fast moving low pressure systems with strong horizontal and vertical turbulence as well as precipitation. These effects resulted in fast transport and dilution of the pollutants with arrival times ranging only 5 days but peak concentrations between 0.44 and 31.08 mBq m−3 for particulate 131I… The large regional variability of peak concentrations within the USA was captured, and model results remained in the same order of magnitude with measurements with the exception of two extremely large peaks in Utah and Indiana.

* Note: Many experts consider Fukushima as the “most serious crisis of a nuclear power plant in the human history”, for example:


America has to have new ships to replace all those that they sold due to the safety concerns (because of the radio activity in them) that were stationed at Japan. That is probably considered a conspiracy by deniers of truth also.
6 whales? Wow!

While I do mourn for those whales and express sympathy to their loved ones, the conspiracy nuts are really reaching on this one. In 1994 200 whales washed up dead on Hawaiian beaches, and in 1999-2001 more than 600 were found beached along the pacific coast.

Maybe it's time to move this to the conspiracy forum?
Why because you desire to deny the truth?

HALF these jack asses that deny this are so uninformed they haven't got any idea how every power plant in the US are leaking and have been... These zombies fall for the biggest bs their little leader fills their brain dead heads with, pretty sad so many can't even use their own heads and research it all............

Maybe they can take a long swim in the ocean though..... After all they are already doing themselves in. ahahh
6 whales? Wow!

While I do mourn for those whales and express sympathy to their loved ones, the conspiracy nuts are really reaching on this one. In 1994 200 whales washed up dead on Hawaiian beaches, and in 1999-2001 more than 600 were found beached along the pacific coast.

Maybe it's time to move this to the conspiracy forum?
Why because you desire to deny the truth?

HALF these jack asses that deny this are so uninformed they haven't got any idea how every power plant in the US are leaking and have been... These zombies fall for the biggest bs their little leader fills their brain dead heads with, pretty sad so many can't even use their own heads and research it all............

Maybe they can take a long swim in the ocean though..... After all they are already doing themselves in. ahahh
A lot of people would rather believe the lies for whatever reason until it hits them hard.

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