Norway Teaching Refugees 'Rape is WRONG'

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If men don't know that raping women and treating them like property is wrong, I don't want to be anywhere near the idiots. And the course is voluntary. Seriously? There is a problem with the mindset of refugees and they offer a voluntary lesson on why rape is bad. It should be mandatory and the men should be kept confined. I don't think a class is going to undo what they've learned their entire lives about women being subservient pieces of property. How does a class even begin to address deeply held beliefs?

"Completely voluntary of course.

One of the unfortunate side effects of importing over a million (mostly male) refugees from a misogynist third world hell-hole is that their views of women have a tendency to be ...archaic. We're not talking about a "woman's place is in the home" level of chauvinism, either. This is more of a "women are property" mindset.

With that comes widespread issues of violence and sexual abuse. So Norway is offering asylum seekers a course, in which they will be challenged to master difficult concepts like "rape is wrong."

Now, perhaps you're a good little liberal, and you worry that the government could use this plan to implant all sorts of horrible notions about life in the modern world. Never fear. The classes are completely voluntary. If a refugee doesn't want to learn that rape is bad, he doesn't have to.

That brings us to a couple of exit questions:

1. If the immigrants you're receiving are so colossally backwards that your country needs to offer classes to tell them women have rights, should you really be importing them in the first place?

2. If these refugees are so awful that they think rape is no big deal, how many of them are really going to volunteer for a class that will tell them they're wrong? If this is a legitimate issue, shouldn't the classes be mandatory?

3. If you've been raised to think rape is OK, are you really going to change your ways because some guy in an elbow-patched tweed jacket wags his finger at you?"
My dad went his whole life without killing or raping anyone. Go figure.
That you know of...

Oh, I know. My dad would have never wanted to harm anyone. Now, just because this is how YOU feel, that is not a reflection on other men. Like I told you, you need some therapy for your murderous daydreams.
Killing humanity is a daydream, of a better world.

As for knowing men, you haven't a clue,
I know plenty of men like you. And you all seem to be Democrats for some reason. You hate yourself because you know you are a POS. Then you extend that hatred to all of humanity.
I have a problem with the way society deals with the issue of rape.

You can say that it is wrong all you like, but if men can do it successfully without getting caught, they are not going to buy into that.

If you want to lower the prevalence of rape, you need to arm your wives and daughters and teach them self defense skills. The feminist war of words isn't going to get jack shit accomplished, simply because there is nothing wrong about committing a pleasurable or rewarding crime without consequences. Anyone who says different is full of shit.
I have a problem with the way society deals with the issue of rape.

You can say that it is wrong all you like, but if men can do it successfully without getting caught, they are not going to buy into that.

If you want to lower the prevalence of rape, you need to arm your wives and daughters and teach them self defense skills. The feminist war of words isn't going to get jack shit accomplished, simply because there is nothing wrong about committing a pleasurable or rewarding crime without consequences. Anyone who says different is full of shit.
That will get you pushed right off the pretty panties Christmas card list:

And while true, you won't make any friends saying so, not even me.

AKA, the Sneaky Fucker routine, and it works.
rolls eyes upward.......sigh
Still an infant.

No, people who make stupid statements like you do are the infants. Actually, infants are too cute, so that is insulting to the infants.

Seems like paint doesn't want to talk about the topic.
The topic is: Male = Rapist. The spin, only Muslim males are a problem, I ignore.

It's illegal here in this country, and you don't need 3 male witnesses.
It's illegal now in a country where by law, not long ago, a man could not rape his wife. Such a thing was legally impossible.

And what now? Is it illegal now? I live in the present world.
Yes, after countless generations a man now can be charged with raping his wife, here. The last fix was 20 or so years ago and marriage is how old? Oh right, thousands of years...

Irrelevant to the discussion. WE live here today. The fact is that rape is not socially acceptable here in America. Neither is raping or marrying kids.
In your country rape is still all too common, and not long ago a man could marry a girl, legally, aged..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................10...

In MY country? What country do you live in? Let's take a look at some European countries that have had a recent large influx of "middle eastern" immigrants and how their rape rates have jumped. Shall we?
PaintMyMasjid pretends to be American. He's not.
"Norway Teaching Refugees 'Rape is WRONG'"

Most conservatives need to be taught that composition fallacies are wrong, that bigotry is wrong, and that blaming an entire class of persons for the acts of a few is wrong.
Some good questions here. Should we bring refugees into our country if they have been raised to believe that women are property and that raping them is a right? I am guessing this subject isn't covered in the vetting process.
Some good questions here. Should we bring refugees into our country if they have been raised to believe that women are property and that raping them is a right? I am guessing this subject isn't covered in the vetting process.
If you don't care about women, I guess just invite them all in. I'm horrified that it's even up for freaking debate in a western country. It's clear from this thread there are US men who don't give a monkeys for women. How truly disheartening.
“Men have weaknesses and when they see someone smiling it is difficult to control,” [Muslim refugee Abdu Osman] Kelifa said, explaining that in his own country, Eritrea, “if someone wants a lady he can just take her and he will not be punished,” at least not by the police."

The most important part of the piece, conveniently ignored by the PC Police.

This is your PC-Protected religion folks, you've decided. Rape is okay with them. It's all yours.
If men don't know that raping women and treating them like property is wrong, I don't want to be anywhere near the idiots. And the course is voluntary. Seriously? There is a problem with the mindset of refugees and they offer a voluntary lesson on why rape is bad. It should be mandatory and the men should be kept confined. I don't think a class is going to undo what they've learned their entire lives about women being subservient pieces of property. How does a class even begin to address deeply held beliefs?

"Completely voluntary of course.

One of the unfortunate side effects of importing over a million (mostly male) refugees from a misogynist third world hell-hole is that their views of women have a tendency to be ...archaic. We're not talking about a "woman's place is in the home" level of chauvinism, either. This is more of a "women are property" mindset.

With that comes widespread issues of violence and sexual abuse. So Norway is offering asylum seekers a course, in which they will be challenged to master difficult concepts like "rape is wrong."

Now, perhaps you're a good little liberal, and you worry that the government could use this plan to implant all sorts of horrible notions about life in the modern world. Never fear. The classes are completely voluntary. If a refugee doesn't want to learn that rape is bad, he doesn't have to.

That brings us to a couple of exit questions:

1. If the immigrants you're receiving are so colossally backwards that your country needs to offer classes to tell them women have rights, should you really be importing them in the first place?

2. If these refugees are so awful that they think rape is no big deal, how many of them are really going to volunteer for a class that will tell them they're wrong? If this is a legitimate issue, shouldn't the classes be mandatory?

3. If you've been raised to think rape is OK, are you really going to change your ways because some guy in an elbow-patched tweed jacket wags his finger at you?"

Spot on! :clap2:
Rape is a big problem in the congo too. It's very dangerous for females.
Rape is a big problem wherever.................................................................wait for it,......................................................................................males exist.
Terrorism is a problem wherever................................................................wait for it,......................................................................................muslims exist.
Terrorism is a problem wherever................................................................wait for it,......................................................................................muslims exist.
It ain't just the Sand ******* doin' that, although they are top of the list at the moment. The really odd thing, they aren't actually that good at it. Lack of planning I would guess.

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