"Not a smidgen of corruption at that agency.."Obama..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
President Barack Obama for asserting during an interview with Fox News Channel host Bill O’Reilly that there was not a “smidgen” of corruption at that agency. After citing a number of items of evidence which support the claim that the IRS unfairly targeted conservative groups, attorney Jay Sekulow said that the IRS scandal goes “as high as it gets.”
Not a 'Smidgen' of Corruption? Witnesses Say the IRS Targeting Scandal Is Real - And STILL GOING ON - Fox Nation

"Not a smidgen"...
I listened to these hearings yesterday and came to these questions based on the testimonies:

A) Has Obama seen the FBI/DoJ reports on the IRS?
B) Are the reports complete? No.. because..

After applying for tax-exempt status, Engelbrecht said her organization and manufacturing business received
IRS audits and six separate inquiries from the FBI regarding “domestic terrorism.”
Atop that, her business was inspected and fined by OSHA and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
She speculated that there was a type of government conspiracy aimed at her for founding a tea party organization.
“For decades, I went unnoticed but now find myself on the receiving end of interagency coordination into and against all facets of my life,” she said.
She said Cummings and his staff might have inspired these audits.
”We believe that Rep. Cummings misrepresented his authority as Member of Congress to intimidate me and others associated with me, and which may be responsible for a series of incursions into my personal, organizational and business affairs by various federal agencies, agents and bureaucracies over the past four years,” read Engelbrecht’s official complaint to the Office of Congressional Ethics

Read more: IRS tea party hearing veers into voting rights debate - Rachael Bade - POLITICO.com

The planned rules would strictly limit the ability of 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organizations, including grassroots conservative political action committees, from engaging in voter registration drives, get-out-the-vote efforts, and certain other activities in the months leading up to federal, state, and local elections.
Rep. Dave Camp: IRS Rules Would Put Conservative Groups Out of Business
Did every Far Rightie on USMB miss the story in which the IRS was doing the same thing to progressive groups??

Did every Far Rightie on USMB fail math and not understand why there would be more Tea Bagger groups scrutinized, because more Teatard groups financed by Koch applied for special tax status.

10% of 100 = 10 TeaBrain Groups scrutinized.

10% of 10 =1 progressive groups scrutinized.

Do you people only hear the news that you want to hear?
Did every Far Rightie on USMB miss the story in which the IRS was doing the same thing to progressive groups??

Did every Far Rightie on USMB fail math and not understand why there would be more Tea Bagger groups scrutinized, because more Teatard groups financed by Koch applied for special tax status.

10% of 100 = 10 TeaBrain Groups scrutinized.

10% of 10 =1 progressive groups scrutinized.

Do you people only hear the news that you want to hear?

So that means more conservative groups are targeted according to you?
How many groups were financed by Koch for which you have proof? Documents? Please share..
At the same time let me know what you think of John Podesta's America's Progressives?

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