Not all cultures are equal and it is because of religion

285 Indian girls shed 'unwanted' names - Yahoo! News

Read the article above.

You do not see girls named "unwanted" in the west (ESPECIALLY, THE US) and it is because these nations are influenced by Christianity.

You Christian haters can yammer all you want, but the fact is you see this attitude toward women outside of the influence of Christianity.

India, the ME, China (and yes even in the old Soviet Union). Women don't come second in these societies, they come DEAD LAST.

Yet, "feminists" who claim to be for the plight of women turn a blind eye to these women's plight to only focus on supposed chauvanism in the US.

Why? Because they are cowards for one. You can't get stoned by a bunch of 12th Century thugs if you pretend there isn't a problem.

It's a lot less dangerous to pretend you are standing up for somen in comparative safety than to take on the real problems women face in this world.

Second, liberals hate Christianity. Oh, they try have it both ways with faux churchs that ordain gay pastors and the like. But, I'm talking REAL Christianity from the Bible.

Yes, I know there is going to be come idiot citing what Paul says about women keeping silence in the church, yadda yadda yadda.

But if one examines how women were treated OUTSIDE the Christian Church (in pagan society) and how they were treated inside the Church, then you would see the real difference.

The fact is women were drawn to Christianity because of how it elevated women.

Is the West's record perfect on treatment of women? OF COURSE NOT! No one is arguing it is.

But you have to go back hundreds of years to find examples (in the West) that compare to how women are treated TODAY in countries outside of the Christian influence of the West.

That's why multiculturalism is a joke. Not all cultures are good. Not all cultures are equal, and they shouldn't be treated as such.

This is the funniest thing I have read in years. Do you need someone else to tell you to breath?

Really? I guess you dont know much about asian culture and how it feels women do you?

"Asia" is home to a great many cultures, and yes I am familiar with several of them. The fact that you assume they are all the same is proof enough that you commented out of ignorance.

I am familiar with several as well.... so its not commenting out of ignorance.

If you were really familiar and not simply biased, you would not have made such an empty and inaccurate generalization.
"Asia" is home to a great many cultures, and yes I am familiar with several of them. The fact that you assume they are all the same is proof enough that you commented out of ignorance.

I am familiar with several as well.... so its not commenting out of ignorance.

If you were really familiar and not simply biased, you would not have made such an empty and inaccurate generalization.

I am not biased at all. Nor is it empty or inaccurate.
You might as well go ahead and list what cultures you think you are talking about and get it over with.
Only if they are slaves

. *** When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished.* If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property.* (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

So, Christianity does not sanction the beating of women like in Islime, after all.

Must be because Jesus was not a woman-hater and raper like Mahomet.

Mohammad had 13 wives. There is no evidence that Jesus even liked women

Yes there is. There is evidence suggesting Mary Magdalene was his lover and not only that his chief disciple and possibly if I am remembering correctly the one who he felt should take over after him.

This comes from a British tv series where a Christian Minister went and found lots of old papers - like the lost gospels and so on.

The way found in these texts presents a different history and a different Christianity to what the West inherited from Constantine ;)
Only if they are slaves

. *** When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished.* If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property.* (Exodus 21:20-21 NAB)

So, Christianity does not sanction the beating of women like in Islime, after all.

Must be because Jesus was not a woman-hater and raper like Mahomet.

Mohammad had 13 wives. There is no evidence that Jesus even liked women

but there didnt want to include those books in the bible
The successful and sophisticated ignore fairy tales.
See TED dot com for more .

Except for the billions living in Western countries based on the Torah [:proclaim Liberty Throughout The Land"].:clap2:

You opt out, doofus.
What keeps me, a person who finds all religions and god stories silly, from viewing women as subordinate? My "christian influence"?
How does the Catholic Church treat women? How many female priests do you have?

Christianity has a long history of women being subservient to men and the Bible has very few passages saying women are the equal of men

Save me your holier than thou nonsense
Don't pretend to understand what the Bible saays when you do not believe in it in the first place. The Bible says women are equal.
How does the Catholic Church treat women? How many female priests do you have?

Christianity has a long history of women being subservient to men and the Bible has very few passages saying women are the equal of men

Save me your holier than thou nonsense
Don't pretend to understand what the Bible saays when you do not believe in it in the first place. The Bible says women are equal.


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