Not all whites......

You’ve worked with White professionals who wanted to make their product better?
Good for you!
Not sure what that has to do with white boys whining all the damn time?
I whine when I see other people’s shitty work.
You whine when you see other people period.
Can I use that witticism?!
Why? do you plan on making a speech after you stop whining?
I enjoy you making yourself look foolish.
Not sure what that has to do with white boys whining all the damn time?
I whine when I see other people’s shitty work.
You whine when you see other people period.
Can I use that witticism?!
Why? do you plan on making a speech after you stop whining?
I enjoy you making yourself look foolish.
I enjoy the thought of you waiting for that to happen.
I whine when I see other people’s shitty work.
You whine when you see other people period.
Can I use that witticism?!
Why? do you plan on making a speech after you stop whining?
I enjoy you making yourself look foolish.
I enjoy the thought of you waiting for that to happen.
You’re so manly I hear women get pregnant just being in the same zip code as you.
You whine when you see other people period.
Can I use that witticism?!
Why? do you plan on making a speech after you stop whining?
I enjoy you making yourself look foolish.
I enjoy the thought of you waiting for that to happen.
You’re so manly I hear women get pregnant just being in the same zip code as you.
I also enjoy when you are confused and in search of an intelligent retort to my post. :laugh:
Can I use that witticism?!
Why? do you plan on making a speech after you stop whining?
I enjoy you making yourself look foolish.
I enjoy the thought of you waiting for that to happen.
You’re so manly I hear women get pregnant just being in the same zip code as you.
I also enjoy when you are confused and in search of an intelligent retort to my post. :laugh:
But you’re just so manly...when you’re not whining.
Then again, when are you not screaming racism?
As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!
When you claim not to see someones race you are basically saying I deign not to see you and all the experiences based on race that contributed to constructing who you are.
If we all stop judging each other based on each other's race, racism will end. Otherwise we simply perpetuate racism and bigotry.
As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!
When you claim not to see someones race you are basically saying I deign not to see you and all the experiences based on race that contributed to constructing who you are.
If we all stop judging each other based on each other's race, racism will end. Otherwise we simply perpetuate racism and bigotry.
In theory that would seem like it would work. In reality we know thats a pipe dream. How are you going to convince some white racist that his fear of inadequacy is all in his head?
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As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!
When you claim not to see someones race you are basically saying I deign not to see you and all the experiences based on race that contributed to constructing who you are.
If we all stop judging each other based on each other's race, racism will end. Otherwise we simply perpetuate racism and bigotry.
In theory that would seem like it would work. In reality we know thats a pipe dream. How are you going to convince some white racist that his fear of inadequacy is all in his head?
That "theory" is the target we should want to reach. We certainly will not get there by doing the opposite.
As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!
When you claim not to see someones race you are basically saying I deign not to see you and all the experiences based on race that contributed to constructing who you are.
If we all stop judging each other based on each other's race, racism will end. Otherwise we simply perpetuate racism and bigotry.
In theory that would seem like it would work. In reality we know thats a pipe dream. How are you going to convince some white racist that his fear of inadequacy is all in his head?

There isn't a white alive that should fear or feel inadequate around you.

You talk a game....that's it. Your entire persona on here is some fantasy you've created and anyone watching sees right through you.
“The problem with white supremists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America.

White supremists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremists you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”

You guys are quick to cry about how it's not all whites, but any white person here who does not repeat the white racism is denigrated by all who cry about how we blacks should say not all whites before each post. The qoute above is from a white poster who used to come here. This is evidence once again to show you that we blacks are not blaming all whites for shit. And it is going to be the last time this is done.

The clock has hit 0:00 on the game you guys have played.

But you guys will show us what the problem is and who is the cause.

You focus entirely too much on race.

Until you say that to your white buddies here, don't say shit to me. This is the race and racism section.
As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!
When you claim not to see someones race you are basically saying I deign not to see you and all the experiences based on race that contributed to constructing who you are.
If we all stop judging each other based on each other's race, racism will end. Otherwise we simply perpetuate racism and bigotry.
In theory that would seem like it would work. In reality we know thats a pipe dream. How are you going to convince some white racist that his fear of inadequacy is all in his head?
That "theory" is the target we should want to reach. We certainly will not get there by doing the opposite.
I have no interest in pretending I am not Black. I think of all the targets color blindness is probably the dumbest. People by nature categorize things. I dont care if someone is white, mexican, asian etc. I do have an appreciation of what that means to people in those different categories. I think it makes way more sense to just stop being a racist than pretend you cant see a difference that defines the experiences that make up who a person is.
As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!
When you claim not to see someones race you are basically saying I deign not to see you and all the experiences based on race that contributed to constructing who you are.
If we all stop judging each other based on each other's race, racism will end. Otherwise we simply perpetuate racism and bigotry.
In theory that would seem like it would work. In reality we know thats a pipe dream. How are you going to convince some white racist that his fear of inadequacy is all in his head?

There isn't a white alive that should fear or feel inadequate around you.

You talk a game....that's it. Your entire persona on here is some fantasy you've created and anyone watching sees right through you.
I can tell by your insistence that you fear and feel inadequate around me. :rolleyes:
As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!

You have not been told that. You have be shown what is called aversive racism. That is where you say race doesn't matter while you hold racist views. And that is what you and most whites here do.
We like reaping what we sow.
Its called the gains of success and hard work.
That's why you rarely ever see white people wasting their live sitting on a porch drinking 40oz bottles of Colt 45.
Left and right, black and white, waste their time telling each other how they should live. People in the center just look for the greater good for all, starting with themselves.

And you have just done the same thing.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!
When you claim not to see someones race you are basically saying I deign not to see you and all the experiences based on race that contributed to constructing who you are.
If we all stop judging each other based on each other's race, racism will end. Otherwise we simply perpetuate racism and bigotry.
In theory that would seem like it would work. In reality we know thats a pipe dream. How are you going to convince some white racist that his fear of inadequacy is all in his head?
That "theory" is the target we should want to reach. We certainly will not get there by doing the opposite.
I have no interest in pretending I am not Black. I think of all the targets color blindness is probably the dumbest. People by nature categorize things. I dont care if someone is white, mexican, asian etc. I do have an appreciation of what that means to people in those different categories. I think it makes way more sense to just stop being a racist than pretend you cant see a difference that defines the experiences that make up who a person is.
If I see you and another black person, I do not know that both of you are defined by the same experiences because both of you are black. Being "color blind" does not literally mean not seeing the color of your skin. Being color blind means giving everyone the same opportunity to define who they are regardless of race/skin color.

Letting race define who you are perpetuates racism. My race, in an of itself, has very little to do with who I am.
As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!

You have not been told that. You have be shown what is called aversive racism. That is where you say race doesn't matter while you hold racist views. And that is what you and most whites here do.
Should race matter?
Not all whites....just the whites that disagree with IM2.

No, Whites like you who are truly racist.
If not all whites, what percentage of whites do you believe to be racist?

Why do I have to define a percentage? 1 is too many.

It's easy for a white person to ask for numbers so they can say it's not that bad, but until you actually face that racism, you do not understand how terrible and life altering even 1 racist can be. So don't ask me that dumb ass question. The fact is white racism is a problem that needs to stop. You are white and can stop it far better than I can but you don't want to take the personal responsibility you have to end it. Then whites like you try telling us about personal responsibility. What a joke!
When you claim not to see someones race you are basically saying I deign not to see you and all the experiences based on race that contributed to constructing who you are.
If we all stop judging each other based on each other's race, racism will end. Otherwise we simply perpetuate racism and bigotry.
In theory that would seem like it would work. In reality we know thats a pipe dream. How are you going to convince some white racist that his fear of inadequacy is all in his head?
That "theory" is the target we should want to reach. We certainly will not get there by doing the opposite.
I have no interest in pretending I am not Black. I think of all the targets color blindness is probably the dumbest. People by nature categorize things. I dont care if someone is white, mexican, asian etc. I do have an appreciation of what that means to people in those different categories. I think it makes way more sense to just stop being a racist than pretend you cant see a difference that defines the experiences that make up who a person is.
If I see you and another black person, I do not know that both of you are defined by the same experiences because both of you are black. Being "color blind" does not literally mean not seeing the color of your skin. Being color blind means giving everyone the same opportunity to define who they are regardless of race/skin color.

Letting race define who you are perpetuates racism. My race, in an of itself, has very little to do with who I am.


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