Not all whites......

“The problem with white supremists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America.

White supremists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremists you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”

You guys are quick to cry about how it's not all whites, but any white person here who does not repeat the white racism is denigrated by all who cry about how we blacks should say not all whites before each post. The qoute above is from a white poster who used to come here. This is evidence once again to show you that we blacks are not blaming all whites for shit. And it is going to be the last time this is done.

The clock has hit 0:00 on the game you guys have played.

But you guys will show us what the problem is and who is the cause.

...and people like you will quickly place ALL white people into the same mold, thus making you part of the problem as well.
Why do I have to define a percentage? 1 is too many.

It's easy for a white person to ask for numbers so they can say it's not that bad, but until you actually face that racism, you do not understand how terrible and life altering even 1 racist can be. So don't ask me that dumb ass question. The fact is white racism is a problem that needs to stop. You are white and can stop it far better than I can but you don't want to take the personal responsibility you have to end it. Then whites like you try telling us about personal responsibility. What a joke!

You seem to be avoiding any responsibility here.
When you claim not to see someones race you are basically saying I deign not to see you and all the experiences based on race that contributed to constructing who you are.
If we all stop judging each other based on each other's race, racism will end. Otherwise we simply perpetuate racism and bigotry.
In theory that would seem like it would work. In reality we know thats a pipe dream. How are you going to convince some white racist that his fear of inadequacy is all in his head?
That "theory" is the target we should want to reach. We certainly will not get there by doing the opposite.
I have no interest in pretending I am not Black. I think of all the targets color blindness is probably the dumbest. People by nature categorize things. I dont care if someone is white, mexican, asian etc. I do have an appreciation of what that means to people in those different categories. I think it makes way more sense to just stop being a racist than pretend you cant see a difference that defines the experiences that make up who a person is.
If I see you and another black person, I do not know that both of you are defined by the same experiences because both of you are black. Being "color blind" does not literally mean not seeing the color of your skin. Being color blind means giving everyone the same opportunity to define who they are regardless of race/skin color.

Letting race define who you are perpetuates racism. My race, in an of itself, has very little to do with who I am.
This is why I said colorblindness is dumb. If you see two Black people together, you can make an educated guess that our Blackness has given us similar experiences. If you need further clarification to get more specific you just ask.

Sorry but me liking that I am Black doesnt make white people racist. White people liking to be racist is what makes them racist.
“The problem with white supremists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America.

White supremists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremists you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”

You guys are quick to cry about how it's not all whites, but any white person here who does not repeat the white racism is denigrated by all who cry about how we blacks should say not all whites before each post. The qoute above is from a white poster who used to come here. This is evidence once again to show you that we blacks are not blaming all whites for shit. And it is going to be the last time this is done.

The clock has hit 0:00 on the game you guys have played.

But you guys will show us what the problem is and who is the cause.

It’s the same thing as someone saying you people, and referring to blacks...disrespectful. The majority of people reading the OP are probably whites, and are going to react. But that was the intention of the OP. White supremists are not trying to stand up for whites. They are assholes who represent less than 1% of the white population, and are in jail. They don’t exist in regular society. Sure, they are probably some in the Deep South way back in the woods. The majority of white Americans have had no more contact with them, then seeing them on TV when they march occasionally. The movie Black Klansman that recently came out, showed what assclowns they are. Denzel’s son starred in the movie, and was awesome. It has some serious issues from history, but shows how stupid they were. They also hate Jews more than blacks. They got played by a black detective, who had a Jewish detective infiltrate them posing as a white supremist who joined them. Any of these groups are fringe idiots, that no one takes for real. They are viewed as terrorist groups by law enforcement. If not kept an eye on, they do at times infiltrate military and parts of the government, such as street gangs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not all whites....just the whites that disagree with IM2.

No, Whites like you who are truly racist.
If not all whites, what percentage of whites do you believe to be racist?

Why do I have to define a percentage? 1 is too many.

It's easy for a white person to ask for numbers so they can say it's not that bad, but until you actually face that racism, you do not understand how terrible and life altering even 1 racist can be. So don't ask me that dumb ass question. The fact is white racism is a problem that needs to stop. You are white and can stop it far better than I can but you don't want to take the personal responsibility you have to end it. Then whites like you try telling us about personal responsibility. What a joke!
If 1 percent are racist, then that would mean 99% are not racist. Those numbers would be awesome considering the human condition.

I suspect you don't want to answer my question because you believe most white people to be racists. If not true, just answer the question.
As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!

You have not been told that. You have be shown what is called aversive racism. That is where you say race doesn't matter while you hold racist views. And that is what you and most whites here do.
Should race matter?

Whites have made race an issue from day 1. And because whites have there are certain advantages whites crated for themslves that you will still have if we decide tomorrow that we all can't see race. Then the excuse will be its about merit and you guys just don't have the experience or money. And we won't have experience or money because race was a issue. So until the damage from white racism is fixed, to include economic disparity, race is going to matter.

Racism is not only about looking at somebodys skin color and making judgements. We are talking abut a system whereby power and resources have been allocated and controlled based on race. This is why I keep talking about law and policy.
If we all stop judging each other based on each other's race, racism will end. Otherwise we simply perpetuate racism and bigotry.
In theory that would seem like it would work. In reality we know thats a pipe dream. How are you going to convince some white racist that his fear of inadequacy is all in his head?
That "theory" is the target we should want to reach. We certainly will not get there by doing the opposite.
I have no interest in pretending I am not Black. I think of all the targets color blindness is probably the dumbest. People by nature categorize things. I dont care if someone is white, mexican, asian etc. I do have an appreciation of what that means to people in those different categories. I think it makes way more sense to just stop being a racist than pretend you cant see a difference that defines the experiences that make up who a person is.
If I see you and another black person, I do not know that both of you are defined by the same experiences because both of you are black. Being "color blind" does not literally mean not seeing the color of your skin. Being color blind means giving everyone the same opportunity to define who they are regardless of race/skin color.

Letting race define who you are perpetuates racism. My race, in an of itself, has very little to do with who I am.
This is why I said colorblindness is dumb. If you see two Black people together, you can make an educated guess that our Blackness has given us similar experiences. If you need further clarification to get more specific you just ask.

Sorry but me liking that I am Black doesnt make white people racist. White people liking to be racist is what makes them racist.
Making such an educated guess is often negatively called stereotyping or racial profiling.
“The problem with white supremists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America.

White supremists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremists you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”

You guys are quick to cry about how it's not all whites, but any white person here who does not repeat the white racism is denigrated by all who cry about how we blacks should say not all whites before each post. The qoute above is from a white poster who used to come here. This is evidence once again to show you that we blacks are not blaming all whites for shit. And it is going to be the last time this is done.

The clock has hit 0:00 on the game you guys have played.

But you guys will show us what the problem is and who is the cause.

It’s the same thing as someone saying you people, and referring to blacks...disrespectful. The majority of people reading the OP are probably whites, and are going to react. But that was the intention of the OP. White supremists are not trying to stand up for whites. They are assholes who represent less than 1% of the white population, and are in jail. They don’t exist in regular society. Sure, they are probably some in the Deep South way back in the woods. The majority of white Americans have had no more contact with them, then seeing them on TV when they march occasionally. The movie Black Klansman that recently came out, showed what assclowns they are. Denzel’s son starred in the movie, and was awesome. It has some serious issues from history, but shows how stupid they were. They also hate Jews more than blacks. They got played by a black detective, who had a Jewish detective infiltrate them posing as a white supremist who joined them. Any of these groups are fringe idiots, that no one takes for real. They are viewed as terrorist groups by law enforcement. If not kept an eye on, they do at times infiltrate military and parts of the government, such as street gangs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, it's not the same thing and whites are racists who are not members of a white supremacist group. OBTW, Trump took white supremacist groups off the terrorist watch list.
As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!

You have not been told that. You have be shown what is called aversive racism. That is where you say race doesn't matter while you hold racist views. And that is what you and most whites here do.
Should race matter?

Whites have made race an issue from day 1. And because whites have there are certain advantages whites crated for themslves that you will still have if we decide tomorrow that we all can't see race. Then the excuse will be its about merit and you guys just don't have the experience or money. And we won't have experience or money because race was a issue. So until the damage from white racism is fixed, to include economic disparity, race is going to matter.

Racism is not only about looking at somebodys skin color and making judgements. We are talking abut a system whereby power and resources have been allocated and controlled based on race. This is why I keep talking about law and policy.
Actually, you say very little about current law and policy. What changes should be made to current laws and policies? Can people disagree with you about any of those laws or policies without being racist?
“The problem with white supremists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America.

White supremists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremists you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”

You guys are quick to cry about how it's not all whites, but any white person here who does not repeat the white racism is denigrated by all who cry about how we blacks should say not all whites before each post. The qoute above is from a white poster who used to come here. This is evidence once again to show you that we blacks are not blaming all whites for shit. And it is going to be the last time this is done.

The clock has hit 0:00 on the game you guys have played.

But you guys will show us what the problem is and who is the cause.

...and people like you will quickly place ALL white people into the same mold, thus making you part of the problem as well.

The OP shows I don't do that. So try again.
...and people like you will quickly place ALL white people into the same mold, thus making you part of the problem as well.

The OP shows I don't do that. So try again.[/QUOTE]

No you clearly lumped everyone together into a stereotype when you said "you guys".
As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!

You have not been told that. You have be shown what is called aversive racism. That is where you say race doesn't matter while you hold racist views. And that is what you and most whites here do.
Should race matter?

Whites have made race an issue from day 1. And because whites have there are certain advantages whites crated for themslves that you will still have if we decide tomorrow that we all can't see race. Then the excuse will be its about merit and you guys just don't have the experience or money. And we won't have experience or money because race was a issue. So until the damage from white racism is fixed, to include economic disparity, race is going to matter.

Racism is not only about looking at somebodys skin color and making judgements. We are talking abut a system whereby power and resources have been allocated and controlled based on race. This is why I keep talking about law and policy.
We live under a predominately capitalistic system in many blacks have become extremely successful and powerful.
“The problem with white supremists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America.

White supremists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremists you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”

You guys are quick to cry about how it's not all whites, but any white person here who does not repeat the white racism is denigrated by all who cry about how we blacks should say not all whites before each post. The qoute above is from a white poster who used to come here. This is evidence once again to show you that we blacks are not blaming all whites for shit. And it is going to be the last time this is done.

The clock has hit 0:00 on the game you guys have played.

But you guys will show us what the problem is and who is the cause.

It’s the same thing as someone saying you people, and referring to blacks...disrespectful. The majority of people reading the OP are probably whites, and are going to react. But that was the intention of the OP. White supremists are not trying to stand up for whites. They are assholes who represent less than 1% of the white population, and are in jail. They don’t exist in regular society. Sure, they are probably some in the Deep South way back in the woods. The majority of white Americans have had no more contact with them, then seeing them on TV when they march occasionally. The movie Black Klansman that recently came out, showed what assclowns they are. Denzel’s son starred in the movie, and was awesome. It has some serious issues from history, but shows how stupid they were. They also hate Jews more than blacks. They got played by a black detective, who had a Jewish detective infiltrate them posing as a white supremist who joined them. Any of these groups are fringe idiots, that no one takes for real. They are viewed as terrorist groups by law enforcement. If not kept an eye on, they do at times infiltrate military and parts of the government, such as street gangs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, it's not the same thing and whites are racists who are not members of a white supremacist group. OBTW, Trump took white supremacist groups off the terrorist watch list.

You obviously have no education or experience to back up the rhetoric you continue to post. That’s why no one takes you seriously. There are other hobbies,that don’t involve playing a victim and being angry. You don’t actually know any white people, other than those who respond to the propaganda you continue to spew. It doesn’t matter who is on or off whatever list you reference. Obama stirred this crap up, instead of taking the high road. Of course Farakan and Sharpton, are not exactly good influences. Law enforcement work together, and target any and all security risks. Information is shared with the goal of stopping threats. May 2019 be a better year for you, and your obsessive thoughts quiet. Peace.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!

You have not been told that. You have be shown what is called aversive racism. That is where you say race doesn't matter while you hold racist views. And that is what you and most whites here do.
Should race matter?

Whites have made race an issue from day 1. And because whites have there are certain advantages whites crated for themslves that you will still have if we decide tomorrow that we all can't see race. Then the excuse will be its about merit and you guys just don't have the experience or money. And we won't have experience or money because race was a issue. So until the damage from white racism is fixed, to include economic disparity, race is going to matter.

Racism is not only about looking at somebodys skin color and making judgements. We are talking abut a system whereby power and resources have been allocated and controlled based on race. This is why I keep talking about law and policy.
Actually, you say very little about current law and policy. What changes should be made to current laws and policies? Can people disagree with you about any of those laws or policies without being racist?

Your disagreements with me have nothing to do with the facts, it's just you being white and saying it doesn't happen because you say so.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are th e least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism. Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

You try limiting the discussion of law and policy to current times when past and current policy has been the problem. That excuse of it's in the past is not going work with me. It's only used by whites like you in regards to race. If we go to the politics section, all kinds of references to past policies and how we need to follow them or how they impact us today are made. And NO ONE tells those doing it how they live in past or they must discuss current policy.

You can disagree all you want but the evidence will show your disagreements are not valid. And really, you aren't being called a racist because you disagree with me. You are being called a racist because you hold racist views and have made racist statements.

As 'blacks' and 'whites' are the same inside, they have to both be 'color' blind in order to be perceived the same in the outside world.
Those of us who have always been that way are now confused that some people react to our skin color as they did not in the past.
We worked with 'black' people, 'white' people, Italians, Greeks, Poles, Irish.... schooled with them, partied with them, dated them with no confrontations based on 'race'.
The only thing 'black' friends ever remarked about me was that I didn't see subtle racism shown against them in front of me (never by me). In these cases, I observed that the interpretation of the situation was ambiguous; it might have been racist or it might have been accidents perception. That is entirely understandable.
What we don't understand is the unnecessarily virulent attitude from just about all sides over these minor identifying characteristics.
We don't like people who are purposefully dumb about race.
I agree. But I've been told on this board that white people that claim to be color blind are actually racist!

You have not been told that. You have be shown what is called aversive racism. That is where you say race doesn't matter while you hold racist views. And that is what you and most whites here do.
Should race matter?

Whites have made race an issue from day 1. And because whites have there are certain advantages whites crated for themslves that you will still have if we decide tomorrow that we all can't see race. Then the excuse will be its about merit and you guys just don't have the experience or money. And we won't have experience or money because race was a issue. So until the damage from white racism is fixed, to include economic disparity, race is going to matter.

Racism is not only about looking at somebodys skin color and making judgements. We are talking abut a system whereby power and resources have been allocated and controlled based on race. This is why I keep talking about law and policy.
We live under a predominately capitalistic system in many blacks have become extremely successful and powerful.

That is not true.

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it and solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

“The problem with white supremists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America.

White supremists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremists you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”

You guys are quick to cry about how it's not all whites, but any white person here who does not repeat the white racism is denigrated by all who cry about how we blacks should say not all whites before each post. The qoute above is from a white poster who used to come here. This is evidence once again to show you that we blacks are not blaming all whites for shit. And it is going to be the last time this is done.

The clock has hit 0:00 on the game you guys have played.

But you guys will show us what the problem is and who is the cause.

It’s the same thing as someone saying you people, and referring to blacks...disrespectful. The majority of people reading the OP are probably whites, and are going to react. But that was the intention of the OP. White supremists are not trying to stand up for whites. They are assholes who represent less than 1% of the white population, and are in jail. They don’t exist in regular society. Sure, they are probably some in the Deep South way back in the woods. The majority of white Americans have had no more contact with them, then seeing them on TV when they march occasionally. The movie Black Klansman that recently came out, showed what assclowns they are. Denzel’s son starred in the movie, and was awesome. It has some serious issues from history, but shows how stupid they were. They also hate Jews more than blacks. They got played by a black detective, who had a Jewish detective infiltrate them posing as a white supremist who joined them. Any of these groups are fringe idiots, that no one takes for real. They are viewed as terrorist groups by law enforcement. If not kept an eye on, they do at times infiltrate military and parts of the government, such as street gangs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

No, it's not the same thing and whites are racists who are not members of a white supremacist group. OBTW, Trump took white supremacist groups off the terrorist watch list.

You obviously have no education or experience to back up the rhetoric you continue to post. That’s why no one takes you seriously. There are other hobbies,that don’t involve playing a victim and being angry. You don’t actually know any white people, other than those who respond to the propaganda you continue to spew. It doesn’t matter who is on or off whatever list you reference. Obama stirred this crap up, instead of taking the high road. Of course Farakan and Sharpton, are not exactly good influences. Law enforcement work together, and target any and all security risks. Information is shared with the goal of stopping threats. May 2019 be a better year for you, and your obsessive thoughts quiet. Peace.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your little temper tantrums don't change anything. I am better educated than you, and I almost broke a rib laughing when you say I don't actually know any white people. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Most Americans Oppose White Supremacists, But Many Share Their Views: Poll | HuffPost
Not all whites....just the whites that disagree with IM2.

No, Whites like you who are truly racist.
If not all whites, what percentage of whites do you believe to be racist?

Why do I have to define a percentage? 1 is too many.

It's easy for a white person to ask for numbers so they can say it's not that bad, but until you actually face that racism, you do not understand how terrible and life altering even 1 racist can be. So don't ask me that dumb ass question. The fact is white racism is a problem that needs to stop. You are white and can stop it far better than I can but you don't want to take the personal responsibility you have to end it. Then whites like you try telling us about personal responsibility. What a joke!
If 1 percent are racist, then that would mean 99% are not racist. Those numbers would be awesome considering the human condition.

I suspect you don't want to answer my question because you believe most white people to be racists. If not true, just answer the question.

I answered the question.

Most Americans Oppose White Supremacists, But Many Share Their Views: Poll | HuffPost
“The problem with white supremists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America.

White supremists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremists you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”

You guys are quick to cry about how it's not all whites, but any white person here who does not repeat the white racism is denigrated by all who cry about how we blacks should say not all whites before each post. The qoute above is from a white poster who used to come here. This is evidence once again to show you that we blacks are not blaming all whites for shit. And it is going to be the last time this is done.

The clock has hit 0:00 on the game you guys have played.

But you guys will show us what the problem is and who is the cause.

It’s the same thing as someone saying you people, and referring to blacks...disrespectful. The majority of people reading the OP are probably whites, and are going to react. But that was the intention of the OP. White supremists are not trying to stand up for whites. They are assholes who represent less than 1% of the white population, and are in jail. They don’t exist in regular society. Sure, they are probably some in the Deep South way back in the woods. The majority of white Americans have had no more contact with them, then seeing them on TV when they march occasionally. The movie Black Klansman that recently came out, showed what assclowns they are. Denzel’s son starred in the movie, and was awesome. It has some serious issues from history, but shows how stupid they were. They also hate Jews more than blacks. They got played by a black detective, who had a Jewish detective infiltrate them posing as a white supremist who joined them. Any of these groups are fringe idiots, that no one takes for real. They are viewed as terrorist groups by law enforcement. If not kept an eye on, they do at times infiltrate military and parts of the government, such as street gangs.

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No, it's not the same thing and whites are racists who are not members of a white supremacist group. OBTW, Trump took white supremacist groups off the terrorist watch list.

You obviously have no education or experience to back up the rhetoric you continue to post. That’s why no one takes you seriously. There are other hobbies,that don’t involve playing a victim and being angry. You don’t actually know any white people, other than those who respond to the propaganda you continue to spew. It doesn’t matter who is on or off whatever list you reference. Obama stirred this crap up, instead of taking the high road. Of course Farakan and Sharpton, are not exactly good influences. Law enforcement work together, and target any and all security risks. Information is shared with the goal of stopping threats. May 2019 be a better year for you, and your obsessive thoughts quiet. Peace.

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Your little temper tantrums don't change anything. I am better educated than you, and I almost broke a rib laughing when you say I don't actually know any white people. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Most Americans Oppose White Supremacists, But Many Share Their Views: Poll | HuffPost

You just keep posting [emoji90] by racists ,[emoji23] and playing victim. At least you are referencing these sources, because you can’t come up with any thoughts of your own. Happy new year.

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“The problem with white supremists although their intention is to stand up for whites and make things better for whites they actually do the opposite and make things much worse for whites in America.

White supremists instead of uniting us they divide us and by their ignorant actions just intensify hatred and divisions between whites, blacks, and Latinos. I hear the complaints of many of my friends who are black and Hispanic and even from my own wife who is half American Indian and part Mexican.

Thank you so much ignorant white supremists you make living in this country as a white man a lot harder due to your own stupidity.”

You guys are quick to cry about how it's not all whites, but any white person here who does not repeat the white racism is denigrated by all who cry about how we blacks should say not all whites before each post. The qoute above is from a white poster who used to come here. This is evidence once again to show you that we blacks are not blaming all whites for shit. And it is going to be the last time this is done.

The clock has hit 0:00 on the game you guys have played.

But you guys will show us what the problem is and who is the cause.
Its Supremacist not Supremist you incompetent moron.Anyways...continue with your Anti White racist tirade.

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