Not dead a day and The Obamanation intends to nominate successor for Scalia on Supreme Court: CNN

In 1960, however, the Senate passed a sense of the Senate resolution, introduced by Senator Philip A. Hart (D), which stated that recess appointments should not be made to the Supreme Court ‘except under unusual circumstances and for the purpose of preventing or ending a demonstrable breakdown in the administration of the Court’s business.’ ”
They didn't pass a law that prevents recess appointments. They created a loophole you could drive a truck through. :cool-45:
In 1960, however, the Senate passed a sense of the Senate resolution, introduced by Senator Philip A. Hart (D), which stated that recess appointments should not be made to the Supreme Court ‘except under unusual circumstances and for the purpose of preventing or ending a demonstrable breakdown in the administration of the Court’s business.’ ”
They didn't pass a law that prevents recess appointments. They created a loophole you could drive a truck through. :cool-45:
pretty much. He can do it if he wants
President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.

that's his job, loon. :cuckoo:

and do try to get the president's name right,
Is it wrong I'm glad scalia is dead? The only time I can recall being happier to hear someone died was Osama bin laden.
not at all, Ive said all along that if obama came up that way I would throw parties
Since bush appointed Roberts and alito the supreme Court has been in the pocket of big business. This is great news for we the people
Up to this point Congress is been way too compliant with Barry, there needs to be much more obstruction...
President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.
You're right...79 year old men don't just drop dead for no reason...very suspicious!!!

I think someone poured a whole pint of time in his water.
President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.

that's his job, loon. :cuckoo:

and do try to get the president's name right,
Is it wrong I'm glad scalia is dead? The only time I can recall being happier to hear someone died was Osama bin laden.
not at all, Ive said all along that if obama came up that way I would throw parties
Since bush appointed Roberts and alito the supreme Court has been in the pocket of big business. This is great news for we the people
great news would be for justices to rule on the constitution and not on party lines like they have been
President Barack Obama intends to nominate a Supreme Court justice after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia created a vacancy, CNN reported on Saturday, citing unnamed sources.;_ylt=AwrC1C1Vy79WYCUAetrQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg-- ^

Scalia was in Texas to HUNT. Obviously mentally AND physically fit. In a very real sense, the Republic literally hangs and depends on this man. So how the hell does he die so suddenly? Not even suggesting foul play (well MAYBE!), just wondering what his doctors were doing/thinking.

that's his job, loon. :cuckoo:

and do try to get the president's name right,
Is it wrong I'm glad scalia is dead? The only time I can recall being happier to hear someone died was Osama bin laden.
not at all, Ive said all along that if obama came up that way I would throw parties
Since bush appointed Roberts and alito the supreme Court has been in the pocket of big business. This is great news for we the people
great news would be for justices to rule on the constitution and not on party lines like they have been
Even Sandra day O'Connor spoke about stare decisis after Roberts and alito and scalia started overturning presidence.

And she was a Reagan appointee
Abortion could be made illegal if another conservative is appointed. This is a great day for America. And maybe citizens united will get overturned.
Abortion could be made illegal if another conservative is appointed. This is a great day for America. And maybe citizens united will get overturned.
why not just do away with the supreme court since its become such a damn joke over the last 40 years
I could see Barry trying to overturn the second amendment...
I would like to say I could see an armed revolt in this country if he did, but the reality is that everyone would wait for someone else to start it.
so, I, and everyone else would just sit back like little bitches and let it happen.
Let me get this straight. Scalia was admired for his strict adherence to the literal constitution of the United States. According to the constitution, the President appoints justices to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Why are Conservatives, who admired Scalia the most and justly for his commitment to the constitution, so quick to repress the constitution by opposing the enumerated powers of the President in appointing a Justice?

What's the Conservative priority? Strong adherence to the constitution, or amassing no political power? Where are the Conservative constitutionalists?
Let me get this straight. Scalia was admired for his strict adherence to the literal constitution of the United States. According to the constitution, the President appoints justices to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Why are Conservatives, who admired Scalia the most and justly for his commitment to the constitution, so quick to repress the constitution by opposing the enumerated powers of the President in appointing a Justice?

What's the Conservative priority? Strong adherence to the constitution, or amassing no political power? Where are the Conservative constitutionalists?
if you dont understand the answer to what you just asked, you are part of the reason whats happening is happening.
obama is not looking for a justice that will follow the constitution, he is looking for those that will follow his personal desires.
Let me get this straight. Scalia was admired for his strict adherence to the literal constitution of the United States. According to the constitution, the President appoints justices to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Why are Conservatives, who admired Scalia the most and justly for his commitment to the constitution, so quick to repress the constitution by opposing the enumerated powers of the President in appointing a Justice?

What's the Conservative priority? Strong adherence to the constitution, or amassing no political power? Where are the Conservative constitutionalists?
Barry's judgement sucks ass...
Conservatives don't see the hypocrisy in their own stance. "We love Scalia because he was such a strict Constitutionalist". "We are going to stop the president from exercising his Constitutional authority".

Schizophrenia usually doesn't recognize itself in the mirror.
Conservatives don't see the hypocrisy in their own stance. "We love Scalia because he was such a strict Constitutionalist". "We are going to stop the president from exercising his Constitutional authority".

Schizophrenia usually doesn't recognize itself in the mirror.
Barry's judgment sucks ass...

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