Not even a ticket, they broke up a family.

There is a saying; "Just because you have a right to do a thing, does not mean it's the right thing to do"....and in this case, the moral thing to do. This action was reprehensible, cruel and evil, regardless of the legal justifications.

That what was the left did to Moore, a smear campaign from a accusation 40 years ago..

This guy was a criminal always has been one and broke our laws.

Moore flat out violated the First Amendment--not once but twice. He could have been taken down alone for that. It seems the only reason that there is support for the guy is because the Democrats were douchebags.

Roy Moore - Wikipedia

I actually skimmed through google trying to see what you were talking about, gay marriage and 10 commandments?

I didn't read you link but thanks for pointing it .

That's not a violation of the 1st ...we are a Christian nation.

Noted. Bear asks for link and then refuses to read it. It's a violation.
That what was the left did to Moore, a smear campaign from a accusation 40 years ago..

This guy was a criminal always has been one and broke our laws.

Moore flat out violated the First Amendment--not once but twice. He could have been taken down alone for that. It seems the only reason that there is support for the guy is because the Democrats were douchebags.

Actually the Republican establishment spent over $40 million trying to defeat him, and without Democratic Party voter fraud he would have been elected by the people of Alabama. He never violated the First Amendment, just the opposite, so that narrative fails.

He was removed for violating the Establishment Clause. See the above link.

I read it, and saw zero proof he did any such thing. I saw a collection of politicians violating his rights and making false claims against him, though. You don't know what the establishment clause means, that's all.

Then you clearly do not understand the Establishment clause. He was removed in 2003 for violating the Establishment Clause.

And the following:

2016 suspension from the bench and resignation
On May 6, 2016, the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission (JIC) forwarded a list of six charges of ethical violations by Moore to the Alabama Court of the Judiciary.[63] Moore was suspended from the Alabama Supreme Court pending trial and ruling. Moore faced removal from office over the charges, which were more serious than those which removed him from office in 2003.[64][65] The JIC's complaint charged Moore with violating the Alabama Canon of Judicial Ethics by:[63]

  1. disregarding a federal injunction.
  2. demonstrated unwillingness to follow clear law.
  3. abuse of administrative authority.
  4. substituting his judgment for the judgment of the entire Alabama Supreme Court, including failure to abstain from public comment about a pending proceeding in his own court.
  5. interference with legal process and remedies in the United States District Court and/or Alabama Supreme Court related to proceedings in which Alabama probate judges were involved.
  6. failure to recuse himself from pending proceedings in the Alabama Supreme Court after making public comment and placing his impartiality into question.
On May 27, Moore filed a federal lawsuit against the JIC (Moore v. Judicial Inquiry Commission), alleging that his automatic suspension was unconstitutional.[66][67] On August 4, the federal district court dismissed Moore's suit, ruling that under the abstention doctrine, federal courts generally do not interfere with ongoing state court proceedings.[68][69]

Just more rubbish, a list of witch hunt nonsense. No violation of the establishment clause demonstrated at all, of course, just a political pogrom. The establishment clause never applied to the state governments, for one; it only applies to the Feds, and it doesn't ban Christian beliefs or symbols from public property, even Federal property, and never did. It only applied to declaring a specific denomination's churches as having favored national status by the Federal government, i.e. Anglican or Quakers, etc., not religion. The individual states were free to do so themselves if they so chose to, and of course many did have state favored sects, including taxing powers, for decades after the ratification of the Bill of Rights.
Moore flat out violated the First Amendment--not once but twice. He could have been taken down alone for that. It seems the only reason that there is support for the guy is because the Democrats were douchebags.

Roy Moore - Wikipedia

I actually skimmed through google trying to see what you were talking about, gay marriage and 10 commandments?

I didn't read you link but thanks for pointing it .

You didn't miss anything, just the usual lying about what the establishment clause means, and just another pogrom in the ongoing witch hunt against Christians by the usual collection of deviants and sociopaths to eradicate it and impose a Maoist style cultural dystopia on the U.S.

There isn't anything to lie about. It isn't a witch hunt against Christians.

Yes, it is a witch hunt, and has never been anything else but.
Moore flat out violated the First Amendment--not once but twice. He could have been taken down alone for that. It seems the only reason that there is support for the guy is because the Democrats were douchebags.

Actually the Republican establishment spent over $40 million trying to defeat him, and without Democratic Party voter fraud he would have been elected by the people of Alabama. He never violated the First Amendment, just the opposite, so that narrative fails.

He was removed for violating the Establishment Clause. See the above link.

I read it, and saw zero proof he did any such thing. I saw a collection of politicians violating his rights and making false claims against him, though. You don't know what the establishment clause means, that's all.

Then you clearly do not understand the Establishment clause. He was removed in 2003 for violating the Establishment Clause.

And the following:

2016 suspension from the bench and resignation
On May 6, 2016, the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission (JIC) forwarded a list of six charges of ethical violations by Moore to the Alabama Court of the Judiciary.[63] Moore was suspended from the Alabama Supreme Court pending trial and ruling. Moore faced removal from office over the charges, which were more serious than those which removed him from office in 2003.[64][65] The JIC's complaint charged Moore with violating the Alabama Canon of Judicial Ethics by:[63]

  1. disregarding a federal injunction.
  2. demonstrated unwillingness to follow clear law.
  3. abuse of administrative authority.
  4. substituting his judgment for the judgment of the entire Alabama Supreme Court, including failure to abstain from public comment about a pending proceeding in his own court.
  5. interference with legal process and remedies in the United States District Court and/or Alabama Supreme Court related to proceedings in which Alabama probate judges were involved.
  6. failure to recuse himself from pending proceedings in the Alabama Supreme Court after making public comment and placing his impartiality into question.
On May 27, Moore filed a federal lawsuit against the JIC (Moore v. Judicial Inquiry Commission), alleging that his automatic suspension was unconstitutional.[66][67] On August 4, the federal district court dismissed Moore's suit, ruling that under the abstention doctrine, federal courts generally do not interfere with ongoing state court proceedings.[68][69]

Just more rubbish, a list of witch hunt nonsense. No violation of the establishment clause demonstrated at all, of course, just a political pogrom. The establishment clause never applied to the state governments, for one; it only applies to the Feds, and it doesn't ban Christian beliefs or symbols from public property, even Federal property, and never did. It only applied to declaring a specific denomination's churches as having favored national status by the Federal government, i.e. Anglican or Quakers, etc., not religion. The individual states were free to do so themselves if they so chose to, and of course many did have state favored sects, including taxing powers, for decades after the ratification of the Bill of Rights.
Seems to me our criminal central government is very arbitrary, in applying the nation's laws.

This illegal is but one of what? 20 million plus in the nation. I know they have to start somewhere, but seems a bit absurd.

Had he lived in Chicago, California, or NY it is likely nothing would have happened to him.
That what was the left did to Moore, a smear campaign from a accusation 40 years ago..

This guy was a criminal always has been one and broke our laws.

Moore flat out violated the First Amendment--not once but twice. He could have been taken down alone for that. It seems the only reason that there is support for the guy is because the Democrats were douchebags.

Roy Moore - Wikipedia

I actually skimmed through google trying to see what you were talking about, gay marriage and 10 commandments?

I didn't read you link but thanks for pointing it .

That's not a violation of the 1st ...we are a Christian nation.

Noted. Bear asks for link and then refuses to read it. It's a violation.

A violation?

Lol, I told you I researched it myself while you were copying and pasting wiki ..which I hate reading and never trust.
That what was the left did to Moore, a smear campaign from a accusation 40 years ago..

This guy was a criminal always has been one and broke our laws.

Moore flat out violated the First Amendment--not once but twice. He could have been taken down alone for that. It seems the only reason that there is support for the guy is because the Democrats were douchebags.

Roy Moore - Wikipedia

I actually skimmed through google trying to see what you were talking about, gay marriage and 10 commandments?

I didn't read you link but thanks for pointing it .

That's not a violation of the 1st ...we are a Christian nation.

Noted. Bear asks for link and then refuses to read it. It's a violation.

I do admit that was a cute and funny retort..:)
Moore flat out violated the First Amendment--not once but twice. He could have been taken down alone for that. It seems the only reason that there is support for the guy is because the Democrats were douchebags.

Roy Moore - Wikipedia

I actually skimmed through google trying to see what you were talking about, gay marriage and 10 commandments?

I didn't read you link but thanks for pointing it .

That's not a violation of the 1st ...we are a Christian nation.

Noted. Bear asks for link and then refuses to read it. It's a violation.

A violation?

Lol, I told you I researched it myself while you were copying and pasting wiki ..which I hate reading and never trust.

You did no research. know when you get drunk and then attempt to play that game? The one where you play help me understand I'm just a stupid male game? might want to stick to that.
Moore flat out violated the First Amendment--not once but twice. He could have been taken down alone for that. It seems the only reason that there is support for the guy is because the Democrats were douchebags.

Actually the Republican establishment spent over $40 million trying to defeat him, and without Democratic Party voter fraud he would have been elected by the people of Alabama. He never violated the First Amendment, just the opposite, so that narrative fails.

He was removed for violating the Establishment Clause. See the above link.

I read it, and saw zero proof he did any such thing. I saw a collection of politicians violating his rights and making false claims against him, though. You don't know what the establishment clause means, that's all.

Then you clearly do not understand the Establishment clause. He was removed in 2003 for violating the Establishment Clause.

And the following:

2016 suspension from the bench and resignation
On May 6, 2016, the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission (JIC) forwarded a list of six charges of ethical violations by Moore to the Alabama Court of the Judiciary.[63] Moore was suspended from the Alabama Supreme Court pending trial and ruling. Moore faced removal from office over the charges, which were more serious than those which removed him from office in 2003.[64][65] The JIC's complaint charged Moore with violating the Alabama Canon of Judicial Ethics by:[63]

  1. disregarding a federal injunction.
  2. demonstrated unwillingness to follow clear law.
  3. abuse of administrative authority.
  4. substituting his judgment for the judgment of the entire Alabama Supreme Court, including failure to abstain from public comment about a pending proceeding in his own court.
  5. interference with legal process and remedies in the United States District Court and/or Alabama Supreme Court related to proceedings in which Alabama probate judges were involved.
  6. failure to recuse himself from pending proceedings in the Alabama Supreme Court after making public comment and placing his impartiality into question.
On May 27, Moore filed a federal lawsuit against the JIC (Moore v. Judicial Inquiry Commission), alleging that his automatic suspension was unconstitutional.[66][67] On August 4, the federal district court dismissed Moore's suit, ruling that under the abstention doctrine, federal courts generally do not interfere with ongoing state court proceedings.[68][69]

Just more rubbish, a list of witch hunt nonsense. No violation of the establishment clause demonstrated at all, of course, just a political pogrom. The establishment clause never applied to the state governments, for one; it only applies to the Feds, and it doesn't ban Christian beliefs or symbols from public property, even Federal property, and never did. It only applied to declaring a specific denomination's churches as having favored national status by the Federal government, i.e. Anglican or Quakers, etc., not religion. The individual states were free to do so themselves if they so chose to, and of course many did have state favored sects, including taxing powers, for decades after the ratification of the Bill of Rights.

So........never heard of incorporation, eh?

I actually skimmed through google trying to see what you were talking about, gay marriage and 10 commandments?

I didn't read you link but thanks for pointing it .

That's not a violation of the 1st ...we are a Christian nation.

Noted. Bear asks for link and then refuses to read it. It's a violation.

A violation?

Lol, I told you I researched it myself while you were copying and pasting wiki ..which I hate reading and never trust.

You did no research. know when you get drunk and then attempt to play that game? The one where you play help me understand I'm just a stupid male game? might want to stick to that.

Of course I did research after I asked you, I am a fast damn reader and all it was ...about moore refusing gay marriage and removing the 10 commandments..big deal once again we are a Christian nation and that has nothing to do with the 1st ammendment.
Actually the Republican establishment spent over $40 million trying to defeat him, and without Democratic Party voter fraud he would have been elected by the people of Alabama. He never violated the First Amendment, just the opposite, so that narrative fails.

He was removed for violating the Establishment Clause. See the above link.

I read it, and saw zero proof he did any such thing. I saw a collection of politicians violating his rights and making false claims against him, though. You don't know what the establishment clause means, that's all.

Then you clearly do not understand the Establishment clause. He was removed in 2003 for violating the Establishment Clause.

And the following:

2016 suspension from the bench and resignation
On May 6, 2016, the Alabama Judicial Inquiry Commission (JIC) forwarded a list of six charges of ethical violations by Moore to the Alabama Court of the Judiciary.[63] Moore was suspended from the Alabama Supreme Court pending trial and ruling. Moore faced removal from office over the charges, which were more serious than those which removed him from office in 2003.[64][65] The JIC's complaint charged Moore with violating the Alabama Canon of Judicial Ethics by:[63]

  1. disregarding a federal injunction.
  2. demonstrated unwillingness to follow clear law.
  3. abuse of administrative authority.
  4. substituting his judgment for the judgment of the entire Alabama Supreme Court, including failure to abstain from public comment about a pending proceeding in his own court.
  5. interference with legal process and remedies in the United States District Court and/or Alabama Supreme Court related to proceedings in which Alabama probate judges were involved.
  6. failure to recuse himself from pending proceedings in the Alabama Supreme Court after making public comment and placing his impartiality into question.
On May 27, Moore filed a federal lawsuit against the JIC (Moore v. Judicial Inquiry Commission), alleging that his automatic suspension was unconstitutional.[66][67] On August 4, the federal district court dismissed Moore's suit, ruling that under the abstention doctrine, federal courts generally do not interfere with ongoing state court proceedings.[68][69]

Just more rubbish, a list of witch hunt nonsense. No violation of the establishment clause demonstrated at all, of course, just a political pogrom. The establishment clause never applied to the state governments, for one; it only applies to the Feds, and it doesn't ban Christian beliefs or symbols from public property, even Federal property, and never did. It only applied to declaring a specific denomination's churches as having favored national status by the Federal government, i.e. Anglican or Quakers, etc., not religion. The individual states were free to do so themselves if they so chose to, and of course many did have state favored sects, including taxing powers, for decades after the ratification of the Bill of Rights.
Seems to me our criminal central government is very arbitrary, in applying the nation's laws.

This illegal is but one of what? 20 million plus in the nation. I know they have to start somewhere, but seems a bit absurd.

Had he lived in Chicago, California, or NY it is likely nothing would have happened to him.

Well, they won't go after employers which is the real enabling source as well as ghetto pols needing warm bodies. In any case he did get caught, so how many others got away with the criminal activity doesn't make for a reason to let him go. I agree with you about the criminal syndicates only selectively enforcing whatever laws they feel like enforcing; that is an issue voters refuse to do much about themselves, though. They aren't doing their jobs as citizens by holding their officials to account; they would rather focus on their breakfast meth and this week's cable movies instead of spending any time being citizens.
His arms wrapped around his wife and two teenage children, Jorge Garcia's eyes welled up Monday morning as he looked into their eyes one last time near the entrance to the airport security gate at Detroit Metro Airport.

His wife, Cindy Garcia, cried out while his daughter, Soleil, 15, sobbed into Garcia's shoulder as they hugged. Two U.S. immigration agents kept a close watch nearby.

After 30 years of living in the U.S, Garcia, a 39-year-old Lincoln Park landscaper, was deported on the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday from metro Detroit to Mexico, a move supporters say was another example of immigrants being unfairly targeted under the Trump administration.

Jorge Garcia was brought to the U.S. by an undocumented family member when he was 10 years old. Today he has a wife and two children,, all of whom are U.S. citizens.

Garcia had been facing an order of removal from immigration courts since 2009, but under the previous administration, he had been given stays of removal. But because of the Trump administration's immigration crackdown, Garcia was ordered in November to return to Mexico. His supporters say he has no criminal record — not even a traffic ticket — and pays taxes every year.

After 30 years in U.S., metro Detroit immigrant deported to Mexico

its takes a low life to take a man away from his family, who has been here for 29 years , working, paying taxes and not even a ticket.

Fake news.

You libs assured me that Trump was just talking smack about deporting illegals, that he would not deprive himself or his rich friends of cheap labor.

Why you lie?
There is a saying; "Just because you have a right to do a thing, does not mean it's the right thing to do"....and in this case, the moral thing to do. This action was reprehensible, cruel and evil, regardless of the legal justifications.

Nonsense. Deporting invading foreign criminals is always the right thing to do.

As long as you don't actually act on it, the First Amendment gives you the right to express treasonous positions that take the side of invading foreign criminals against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans, but just because you have the right to do so does not mean that it's the right thing to do.
His arms wrapped around his wife and two teenage children, Jorge Garcia's eyes welled up Monday morning as he looked into their eyes one last time near the entrance to the airport security gate at Detroit Metro Airport.

His wife, Cindy Garcia, cried out while his daughter, Soleil, 15, sobbed into Garcia's shoulder as they hugged. Two U.S. immigration agents kept a close watch nearby.

After 30 years of living in the U.S, Garcia, a 39-year-old Lincoln Park landscaper, was deported on the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday from metro Detroit to Mexico, a move supporters say was another example of immigrants being unfairly targeted under the Trump administration.

Jorge Garcia was brought to the U.S. by an undocumented family member when he was 10 years old. Today he has a wife and two children,, all of whom are U.S. citizens.

Garcia had been facing an order of removal from immigration courts since 2009, but under the previous administration, he had been given stays of removal. But because of the Trump administration's immigration crackdown, Garcia was ordered in November to return to Mexico. His supporters say he has no criminal record — not even a traffic ticket — and pays taxes every year.

After 30 years in U.S., metro Detroit immigrant deported to Mexico

its takes a low life to take a man away from his family, who has been here for 29 years , working, paying taxes and not even a ticket.

It's hard to believe the Democrats won't do anything about this tragedy, such a shame.
Moore flat out violated the First Amendment--not once but twice. He could have been taken down alone for that. It seems the only reason that there is support for the guy is because the Democrats were douchebags.

Roy Moore - Wikipedia

I actually skimmed through google trying to see what you were talking about, gay marriage and 10 commandments?

I didn't read you link but thanks for pointing it .

That's not a violation of the 1st ...we are a Christian nation.

One of the more bizarre creations of the left wrong to have gained any traction is the position that the First Amendment allows, and even requires exactly the sort of censorship and suppression of religious expression that it is rather explicitly written to protect. Disir's false accusation that Mr. Moore violated the First Amendment is based, not on the actual text of the First Amendment, but on this ridiculous left wrong-wing perversion of it.
There is a saying; "Just because you have a right to do a thing, does not mean it's the right thing to do"....and in this case, the moral thing to do. This action was reprehensible, cruel and evil, regardless of the legal justifications.

Actually, it was clearing up a reprehensible, cruel and evil act.

And you don't think giving a guy 8 years to get his shit together isn't enough ?

No wonder this country sucks.
Nonsense. Deporting invading foreign criminals is always the right thing to do. As long as you don't actually act on it, the First Amendment gives you the right to express treasonous positions that take the side of invading foreign criminals against that of your own country and your own fellow Americans, but just because you have the right to do so does not mean that it's the right thing to do.

Your opinion. Justice was NOT served in this particular case. All I've seen here are rationalizations by the right, into serving the "letter of the law" without any consideration to the human aspects here. When it comes to concepts of morally right or wrong, the evangelical right is morally bankrupt.

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