Not everything is going Obama's way....


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Everything done by the Obama administration has been carefully planned, to the quiet usurping of our rights to the debacle known as Obamacare. Things are going the way they are supposed to go. The only thing that wasn't planned is the apparent lack of cooperation by the media to keep the lid on the negative and exaggerate the positive. It just isn't natural for people to practice propaganda and many reporters were actually used to digging for the truth. Of course, it was easy when the other party was in charge, but they quickly changed their ways once their party took control. Now, it seems, that their old habits are creeping back and I say it's about time.

Lately, some in the media have gone back to the old way of reporting, which is to say that they are actually reporting things and finding the courage to ask tough questions. Maybe some have grown tired of taking dictation and might even have lost their trust after it came to light that the Obama administration was spying on reporters. We've also learned that the Obama administration has threatened reporters who have the nerve to tell the truth.

The campaign to discredit all media who doesn't toe the line has been fairly successful in the past. The mindless lefties start posting "Faux news" on command and anyone who reports that Obama is anything less than a perfect messiah is quickly labeled "rightwing" and instantly subjected to the same ridicule as other enemies of the state.

Over the last few years, there have been small instances where the media got out of line and asked a question that wasn't pre-approved by the administration or even mildly criticized Obama. There have since been many reports of behind the scenes and off the record ass chewings and threats made to those reporters who forgot their place.

It's refreshing to simply see questions being asked, but the latest headlines give the impression that we still have a chance to enjoy our rights, such as freedom of speech. My guess is that there is still hell to pay for those who do it, but if we gain momentum and continue acting like real Americans, we can still beat those who are set to take away our basic freedoms.

Several recent articles critical of Obama have quickly disappeared. No doubt the folks at AttackWatch are still scouring the web and other sources to find political dissention and stomp it out. If we outnumber them, we can win. While some useful idiots are completely useless to those of us wanting to save our country, there are still many patriots and a silent majority that be awakened to answer the call of the free.

For now, take a little solace in the fact that dyed-in-the-wool liberal reporters have managed to break the rules and spoke out in an honest way to the people. They'll pay dearly for this, have no doubt, but let's show support by way of letters to the editors to encourage more of this refreshing honesty.

CNN Anchor: Obama Administration Not Afraid to Threaten Jobs of Journalists Who Actually Do Their Job

COSTELLO: And Will really does have a point. Because I felt it first hand when I was, you know, reporting on the presidential race. I mean President Obama’s people can be quite nasty. They don’t like you to say anything bad about their boss, and they’re not afraid to use whatever means they have at hand to stop you from doing that, including threatening your job.

As the Washington Post reported earlier, the Department of Justice spied on the Associated Press and Fox News reporter James Rosen. Maybe Obama’s favorable coverage is not all because of what a swell guy he is, after all…
CNN Anchor: Obama Administration Not Afraid to Threaten Jobs of Journalists Who Actually Do Their Job | Independent Journal Review

Dem Strategist: ‘Party Is F****d’

Ron Fournier, an honest liberal at National Journal, reported Monday that a senior Democrat strategist, with close ties to the White House, sent him an email over the weekend. The subject line was “Dem Party Is F****d.” The substance of the email was the ongoing failures with ObamaCare. Not the website problems, however. The looming problem for the Democrat party is the actual impact of the program.
Dem Strategist: 'Party Is F****d' |

NBC News calls Obama out for lying about Obamacare

NBC News reports that buried in ObamaCare regulations was an estimate stating that “a reasonable range for the percentage of individual policies that would terminate is 40 percent to 67 percent.”

The Obama administration has known the entire time that Americans would lose their insurance, yet campaigned on the idea that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”
Watch the White House's 'Truth' Video That Turns Out to Be a Complete Sham | Independent Journal Review

MSNBC runs damaging montage. Is Obama aware of anything that goes on in his administration?

MSNBC Runs Devastating Montage: Is Obama Just An Onlooker In His Own White House? | Independent Journal Review
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Everything done by the Obama administration has been carefully planned, to the quiet usurping of our rights to the debacle known as Obamacare. Things are going the way they are supposed to go. The only thing that wasn't planned is the apparent lack of cooperation by the media to keep the lid on the negative and exaggerate the positive. It just isn't natural for people to practice propaganda and many reporters were actually used to digging for the truth. Of course, it was easy when the other party was in charge, but they quickly changed their ways once their party took control. Now, it seems, that their old habits are creeping back and I say it's about time.

Lately, some in the media have gone back to the old way of reporting, which is to say that they are actually reporting things and finding the courage to ask tough questions. Maybe some have grown tired of taking dictation and might even have lost their trust after it came to light that the Obama administration was spying on reporters. We've also learned that the Obama administration has threatened reporters who have the nerve to tell the truth.

The campaign to discredit all media who doesn't toe the line has been fairly successful in the past. The mindless lefties start posting "Faux news" on command and anyone who reports that Obama is anything less than a perfect messiah is quickly labeled "rightwing" and instantly subjected to the same ridicule as other enemies of the state.

Over the last few years, there have been small instances where the media got out of line and asked a question that wasn't pre-approved by the administration or even mildly criticized Obama. There have since been many reports of behind the scenes and off the record ass chewings and threats made to those reporters who forgot their place.

It's refreshing to simply see questions being asked, but the latest headlines give the impression that we still have a chance to enjoy our rights, such as freedom of speech. My guess is that there is still hell to pay for those who do it, but if we gain momentum and continue acting like real Americans, we can still beat those who are set to take away our basic freedoms.

Several recent articles critical of Obama have quickly disappeared. No doubt the folks at AttackWatch are still scouring the web and other sources to find political dissention and stomp it out. If we outnumber them, we can win. While some useful idiots are completely useless to those of us wanting to save our country, there are still many patriots and a silent majority that be awakened to answer the call of the free.

For now, take a little solace in the fact that dyed-in-the-wool liberal reporters have managed to break the rules and spoke out in an honest way to the people. They'll pay dearly for this, have no doubt, but let's show support by way of letters to the editors to encourage more of this refreshing honesty.

CNN Anchor: Obama Administration Not Afraid to Threaten Jobs of Journalists Who Actually Do Their Job

COSTELLO: And Will really does have a point. Because I felt it first hand when I was, you know, reporting on the presidential race. I mean President Obama’s people can be quite nasty. They don’t like you to say anything bad about their boss, and they’re not afraid to use whatever means they have at hand to stop you from doing that, including threatening your job.

As the Washington Post reported earlier, the Department of Justice spied on the Associated Press and Fox News reporter James Rosen. Maybe Obama’s favorable coverage is not all because of what a swell guy he is, after all…
CNN Anchor: Obama Administration Not Afraid to Threaten Jobs of Journalists Who Actually Do Their Job | Independent Journal Review

Dem Strategist: ‘Party Is F****d’

Ron Fournier, an honest liberal at National Journal, reported Monday that a senior Democrat strategist, with close ties to the White House, sent him an email over the weekend. The subject line was “Dem Party Is F****d.” The substance of the email was the ongoing failures with ObamaCare. Not the website problems, however. The looming problem for the Democrat party is the actual impact of the program.
Dem Strategist: 'Party Is F****d' |

NBC News calls Obama out for lying about Obamacare

NBC News reports that buried in ObamaCare regulations was an estimate stating that “a reasonable range for the percentage of individual policies that would terminate is 40 percent to 67 percent.”

The Obama administration has known the entire time that Americans would lose their insurance, yet campaigned on the idea that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”
Watch the White House's 'Truth' Video That Turns Out to Be a Complete Sham | Independent Journal Review

MSNBC runs damaging montage. Is Obama aware of anything that goes on in his administration?

MSNBC Runs Devastating Montage: Is Obama Just An Onlooker In His Own White House? | Independent Journal Review

You are looking at this all wrong. Just imagine if the glitches were not there yet the turn out for signing on was really low. That would make the legislation look retarded.

This is all part of the plan. This way they can blame the glitches on the low turn out in signing on and the press is just playing along.

The real question is, can the Obama administration effectively demonize private insurance companies for them dropping coverage and raising rates? He promised that we could still keep our insurance, but he never promised that insurance companies could still offer the same coverage once confronted with this legislation. (wink, wink)

Are Americans stupid enough to buy this and push for a single payer system? My guess is yes!!!
That MSNBC clip is amusing.

MSNBC can't quite come out and report on it ... they're still hedging by saying it's what Republicans are saying. That gives them some cover if their viewers complain. But it was close to reporting, so bless their hearts!
Romney care signup wasn't much faster than this, in the beginning. It will happen near the deadline, so if this is fixed by the end of November, won't make much difference...sorry, hater dupes...
Everything done by the Obama administration has been carefully planned, to the quiet usurping of our rights to the debacle known as Obamacare. Things are going the way they are supposed to go. The only thing that wasn't planned is the apparent lack of cooperation by the media to keep the lid on the negative and exaggerate the positive. It just isn't natural for people to practice propaganda and many reporters were actually used to digging for the truth. Of course, it was easy when the other party was in charge, but they quickly changed their ways once their party took control. Now, it seems, that their old habits are creeping back and I say it's about time.

Lately, some in the media have gone back to the old way of reporting, which is to say that they are actually reporting things and finding the courage to ask tough questions. Maybe some have grown tired of taking dictation and might even have lost their trust after it came to light that the Obama administration was spying on reporters. We've also learned that the Obama administration has threatened reporters who have the nerve to tell the truth.

The campaign to discredit all media who doesn't toe the line has been fairly successful in the past. The mindless lefties start posting "Faux news" on command and anyone who reports that Obama is anything less than a perfect messiah is quickly labeled "rightwing" and instantly subjected to the same ridicule as other enemies of the state.

Over the last few years, there have been small instances where the media got out of line and asked a question that wasn't pre-approved by the administration or even mildly criticized Obama. There have since been many reports of behind the scenes and off the record ass chewings and threats made to those reporters who forgot their place.

It's refreshing to simply see questions being asked, but the latest headlines give the impression that we still have a chance to enjoy our rights, such as freedom of speech. My guess is that there is still hell to pay for those who do it, but if we gain momentum and continue acting like real Americans, we can still beat those who are set to take away our basic freedoms.

Several recent articles critical of Obama have quickly disappeared. No doubt the folks at AttackWatch are still scouring the web and other sources to find political dissention and stomp it out. If we outnumber them, we can win. While some useful idiots are completely useless to those of us wanting to save our country, there are still many patriots and a silent majority that be awakened to answer the call of the free.

For now, take a little solace in the fact that dyed-in-the-wool liberal reporters have managed to break the rules and spoke out in an honest way to the people. They'll pay dearly for this, have no doubt, but let's show support by way of letters to the editors to encourage more of this refreshing honesty.

CNN Anchor: Obama Administration Not Afraid to Threaten Jobs of Journalists Who Actually Do Their Job

COSTELLO: And Will really does have a point. Because I felt it first hand when I was, you know, reporting on the presidential race. I mean President Obama’s people can be quite nasty. They don’t like you to say anything bad about their boss, and they’re not afraid to use whatever means they have at hand to stop you from doing that, including threatening your job.

As the Washington Post reported earlier, the Department of Justice spied on the Associated Press and Fox News reporter James Rosen. Maybe Obama’s favorable coverage is not all because of what a swell guy he is, after all…
CNN Anchor: Obama Administration Not Afraid to Threaten Jobs of Journalists Who Actually Do Their Job | Independent Journal Review

Dem Strategist: ‘Party Is F****d’

Dem Strategist: 'Party Is F****d' |

NBC News calls Obama out for lying about Obamacare

NBC News reports that buried in ObamaCare regulations was an estimate stating that “a reasonable range for the percentage of individual policies that would terminate is 40 percent to 67 percent.”

The Obama administration has known the entire time that Americans would lose their insurance, yet campaigned on the idea that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”
Watch the White House's 'Truth' Video That Turns Out to Be a Complete Sham | Independent Journal Review

MSNBC runs damaging montage. Is Obama aware of anything that goes on in his administration?

MSNBC Runs Devastating Montage: Is Obama Just An Onlooker In His Own White House? | Independent Journal Review

You are looking at this all wrong. Just imagine if the glitches were not there yet the turn out for signing on was really low. That would make the legislation look retarded.

This is all part of the plan. This way they can blame the glitches on the low turn out in signing on and the press is just playing along.

The real question is, can the Obama administration effectively demonize private insurance companies for them dropping coverage and raising rates? He promised that we could still keep our insurance, but he never promised that insurance companies could still offer the same coverage once confronted with this legislation. (wink, wink)

Are Americans stupid enough to buy this and push for a single payer system? My guess is yes!!!

If the young people don't sign up, then it won't be Obama's fault...I just don't know how the likes of Stewart, Johansson, Beyonce, etc. will be able to sleep at night if they fail America.:D
Romney care signup wasn't much faster than this, in the beginning. It will happen near the deadline, so if this is fixed by the end of November, won't make much difference...sorry, hater dupes...

Every month it will make a difference -- every month as people write out their check for their unaffordable insurance.

That's a whole lot of reminders, and those aren't going to let up before election time.
Everything done by the Obama administration has been carefully planned, to the quiet usurping of our rights to the debacle known as Obamacare. Things are going the way they are supposed to go. The only thing that wasn't planned is the apparent lack of cooperation by the media to keep the lid on the negative and exaggerate the positive. It just isn't natural for people to practice propaganda and many reporters were actually used to digging for the truth. Of course, it was easy when the other party was in charge, but they quickly changed their ways once their party took control. Now, it seems, that their old habits are creeping back and I say it's about time.

Lately, some in the media have gone back to the old way of reporting, which is to say that they are actually reporting things and finding the courage to ask tough questions. Maybe some have grown tired of taking dictation and might even have lost their trust after it came to light that the Obama administration was spying on reporters. We've also learned that the Obama administration has threatened reporters who have the nerve to tell the truth.

The campaign to discredit all media who doesn't toe the line has been fairly successful in the past. The mindless lefties start posting "Faux news" on command and anyone who reports that Obama is anything less than a perfect messiah is quickly labeled "rightwing" and instantly subjected to the same ridicule as other enemies of the state.

Over the last few years, there have been small instances where the media got out of line and asked a question that wasn't pre-approved by the administration or even mildly criticized Obama. There have since been many reports of behind the scenes and off the record ass chewings and threats made to those reporters who forgot their place.

It's refreshing to simply see questions being asked, but the latest headlines give the impression that we still have a chance to enjoy our rights, such as freedom of speech. My guess is that there is still hell to pay for those who do it, but if we gain momentum and continue acting like real Americans, we can still beat those who are set to take away our basic freedoms.

Several recent articles critical of Obama have quickly disappeared. No doubt the folks at AttackWatch are still scouring the web and other sources to find political dissention and stomp it out. If we outnumber them, we can win. While some useful idiots are completely useless to those of us wanting to save our country, there are still many patriots and a silent majority that be awakened to answer the call of the free.

For now, take a little solace in the fact that dyed-in-the-wool liberal reporters have managed to break the rules and spoke out in an honest way to the people. They'll pay dearly for this, have no doubt, but let's show support by way of letters to the editors to encourage more of this refreshing honesty.

CNN Anchor: Obama Administration Not Afraid to Threaten Jobs of Journalists Who Actually Do Their Job

COSTELLO: And Will really does have a point. Because I felt it first hand when I was, you know, reporting on the presidential race. I mean President Obama’s people can be quite nasty. They don’t like you to say anything bad about their boss, and they’re not afraid to use whatever means they have at hand to stop you from doing that, including threatening your job.

As the Washington Post reported earlier, the Department of Justice spied on the Associated Press and Fox News reporter James Rosen. Maybe Obama’s favorable coverage is not all because of what a swell guy he is, after all…
CNN Anchor: Obama Administration Not Afraid to Threaten Jobs of Journalists Who Actually Do Their Job | Independent Journal Review

Dem Strategist: ‘Party Is F****d’

Dem Strategist: 'Party Is F****d' |

NBC News calls Obama out for lying about Obamacare

NBC News reports that buried in ObamaCare regulations was an estimate stating that “a reasonable range for the percentage of individual policies that would terminate is 40 percent to 67 percent.”

The Obama administration has known the entire time that Americans would lose their insurance, yet campaigned on the idea that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.”
Watch the White House's 'Truth' Video That Turns Out to Be a Complete Sham | Independent Journal Review

MSNBC runs damaging montage. Is Obama aware of anything that goes on in his administration?

MSNBC Runs Devastating Montage: Is Obama Just An Onlooker In His Own White House? | Independent Journal Review

You are looking at this all wrong. Just imagine if the glitches were not there yet the turn out for signing on was really low. That would make the legislation look retarded.

This is all part of the plan. This way they can blame the glitches on the low turn out in signing on and the press is just playing along.

The real question is, can the Obama administration effectively demonize private insurance companies for them dropping coverage and raising rates? He promised that we could still keep our insurance, but he never promised that insurance companies could still offer the same coverage once confronted with this legislation. (wink, wink)

Are Americans stupid enough to buy this and push for a single payer system? My guess is yes!!!

I also wonder if the glitches are meant to delay the shock some people will have. A close friend of Michelle Obama got the no-bid contract for the website and they spent a staggering $634 million. I'd still like to see an itemized bill detailing where all that money went. Seriously, a teenage computer geek could do better for a few hundred bucks. Perhaps the deal was that the website be made poorly on purpose and what you say makes perfect sense. I don't believe anything is left to chance and there is a reason for each and everything that happens.

However, enough people are getting letters in the mail from their insurers and they are being dropped left and right. No amount of spinning will take people's attention away from their own problems. Even the media is reporting, but they have no choice considering the large number of people outraged that they were lied to about keeping what they like.

I do think it's all designed so the government can push single payer. Many admitted that is what they want and if they had come up with reform that actually worked, their dream of total socialized medicine would be over.
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Obama Care is designed in such a way that it needs young healthy people to sign up to fund this.
Yet Obama Care has it set up so that young people don't have to buy it because they can be on their
parents plan.

How can the Democrat party and the Obama lovers here defend this?
Obama Care is designed in such a way that it needs young healthy people to sign up to fund this.
Yet Obama Care has it set up so that young people don't have to buy it because they can be on their
parents plan.

How can the Democrat party and the Obama lovers here defend this?

LOL. Good point. And among the young people who aren't covered by their parents, millions may go on Medicaid or have heavily subsidized policies under the ACA.
Romney care signup wasn't much faster than this, in the beginning. It will happen near the deadline, so if this is fixed by the end of November, won't make much difference...sorry, hater dupes...

Signing up isn't the only issue. The bigger issue all the people that have had good plans for years are finding they are being eliminated or priced out of range.
Where many citizens will find themselves due to Obamacare.

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