Not Good: A&E Violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act Letting Phil Robertson Go

? Outspoken people with an agenda that use the media to advocate unpopular issues and to put forth their message is... covered by the Constitution? I am soo confused on this. Didn't we already know this? Particularly lawyers of a popular cable cabal? That says something , that this is even an issue IS the issue.
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? Outspoken people with an agenda that use the media to advocate unpopular issues and to put forth their message is... covered by the Constitution? I am soo confused on this. Didn't we already know this? Particularly lawyers of a popular cable cabal? That says something , that this is even an issue IS the issue.

You have a right to speak out in the media and loudly you just don't have the right to lie about a person in the media it is called defamation and you can sue for that

tapatalk post
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? Outspoken people with an agenda that use the media to advocate unpopular issues and to put forth their message is... covered by the Constitution? I am soo confused on this. Didn't we already know this? Particularly lawyers of a popular cable cabal? That says something , that this is even an issue IS the issue.

You have a right to speak out in the media and loudly you just don't have the right to lie about a person in the media it is called defamation and you can sue for that.

tapatalk post

Wrong button
Everywhere in this and all threads about this issue.

Lying fuck

So -- you can't figure out an answer.

OH we ALL know where and how you lied. Show me the Robertson contracts again you dishonest Hack.


I have never claimed to have the contract, you dishonest hack. What I did was explain how it works. At least to some I explained while to others it sailed over your pointy little heads.

Lying fuck.
Which links in the ROBERTSON's contract morality clause did you have, liar?

You do not know for a fact that the Robertsons have such a clause, you just ASSume it because it is standard, but as has been demonstrated, the Robertsons are not typical, so you have no argument, dip-shit.

It's not "argument", dipshit. It's how the business works and it's the answer to the question "how can the Producer do this" or "why isn't this a Title VII infraction". The Robertsons are "typical" in the cesspool of "reality TV". Are the characters "untypical"? Of course they are. That's exactly why they'd have such a clause. You made the opposite argument from the one you think you made.

And btw absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I've never seen your car but I can safely predict it's got a steering wheel. Duh.

That is right, your claims do not amount to an argument but your presented them as such, you fraud.

"Waaah! I didn't understand what you posted so you're a fraud! Waaaah!"


So even if they had the clause you refer to, you have not proven there is one and your views on what is best for A+E or whatever you are concerned with are irrelevant, you know-it-all fool.

(a) I don't need to; and (b) I never offered any, so they're not only irrelevant but nonexistent. Duh.

You really should learn to read one of these daze.
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Sorry but you're wrong. He was let go for his religious views on homosexuality.

If he had said.......the Bible says homosexuality is wrong and I believe it is wrong, he would not be having these problems

Saying......what is the deal with gays and ass fucking? Wouldn't they rather have a pussy?

Or comparing it to bestiality

Or saying Jim Crow wasn't so bad

Isn't in the bible


Unless of course Christians want to make the argument that their religious dogma teaches that homosexuals should be placed in the same category as terrorists and prostitutes, and that support of segregation comports with those same teachings.

Let us know.
Oh well Obama and his gang love to put people/Americans/tea party in the category with the very groups or things that you mention, but I don't see you crying fowl when that happens.. Hypocrite !
This thread claimed the A&E company was in violation of Title VII.
As it apparently is.

And we showed from the beginning why it was not.

You haven't shown anything other than your opinion to the contrary.

'Fraid we did, Peewee. I and plenty of others demonstrated how PR doesn't qualify as a statutory employee. Plus the old inconvenient morality clause. Like it or lump it, Title VII does not apply. If it does ---- where do you see PR invoking it??


One could easily argue that A+E violated the anti=discrimination laws since they fired Phil for expressing his religious beliefs which amounts to firing him for his religion.

And one would get laughed out of court, if not slapped with sanctions on the spot.

Unless of course you have documentation showing that A&E did that. Where is that documentation? Check your other pocket. The one with the pocket protector.

And once again if A&E did do that -- where's Phil Robertson's court complaint alleging that?

Damn, dropped another one?

It started with a ridiculously ignorant premise based on emotional wishful thinking. And it blew up on its own launch pad.

Nothing blew up on the launch pad other than your attempt to bullshit everyone into thinking there is nothing to this, and there is, even if Robertson chooses to not pursue it.

Unfortunately for you I was exactly right. Must suck to have all those posts lying out there. :lol:
So -- you can't figure out an answer.

OH we ALL know where and how you lied. Show me the Robertson contracts again you dishonest Hack.

But he will keep up with the's all he has.

Oh, and he negged me for pointing it out too, lol, stupid shithead.

I negged you for calling me a liar. And I'll do it again when the time comes. Thanks to your abject moronity the supply of raw material is endless.
The Bible is right, not your stupid bullshit ideology that justifies anything one of your Identity groups says or does, fascist, then goes after any who oppose using tactics of personal destruction to punish them.
You and Robertson have an opinion about what the Bible says, and that opinion isn't shared by all Christians, obviously.

Your last sentence is a little confused, but I would apply it to the real damage that is done by discrimination against those who happen to be same sex oriented.

I'd point out that Robertson would have no problems today if he just followed the Pope's direction.

Does following the Pope's direction on this issue seem like too much of an imposition?

Where do you believe that Roberts contradicts the Popes opinion? You do know Roberts is a Baptist, right?

Phil said he likes vagina and not ass hole, something I would guess the Pope has no opinion on, but would say that vagina is natural and a preference for screwing an asshole is disordered.

Phil did not say these things to offend anyone, he just said he cant understand why anyone would have that preference of colon entry, which is consistent with the new normal of homosexual identity, wouldn't it? Arent heterosexuals supposed to be so 'in' to their kind of sex they cant find other kinds of sex appealing? And to my knowledge there is no evidence Phil thought his words would be published since his PR guy was not present. He got suckered into believing a lying journalist about being off the record, apparently.

When Phil listed what he considered to be sins, I think the Pope would entirely agree; which ones would Pope Francis disagree with Phil on?

BTW, people that call themselves 'Christians' that do not agree with the first chapter of Romans are not Christian, period, and not an Obama period, lol.

Here ya go Peewee:

I haven't vetted the quotes but these are at least as good as that one with PR and Achmawackijob --


So -- you can't figure out an answer.

OH we ALL know where and how you lied. Show me the Robertson contracts again you dishonest Hack.


I have never claimed to have the contract, you dishonest hack. What I did was explain how it works. At least to some I explained while to others it sailed over your pointy little heads.

Lying fuck.

That's right bitch back walk your lies

tapatalk post
So -- you can't figure out an answer.

OH we ALL know where and how you lied. Show me the Robertson contracts again you dishonest Hack.


I have never claimed to have the contract, you dishonest hack. What I did was explain how it works.

If you do not have access to the contract you cannot possibly KNOW how it works, idiot.

Lying fuck.

Why do you sign off like that? We know you are a lying fuck already.
You and Robertson have an opinion about what the Bible says, and that opinion isn't shared by all Christians, obviously.

Your last sentence is a little confused, but I would apply it to the real damage that is done by discrimination against those who happen to be same sex oriented.

I'd point out that Robertson would have no problems today if he just followed the Pope's direction.

Does following the Pope's direction on this issue seem like too much of an imposition?

Where do you believe that Roberts contradicts the Popes opinion? You do know Roberts is a Baptist, right?

Phil said he likes vagina and not ass hole, something I would guess the Pope has no opinion on, but would say that vagina is natural and a preference for screwing an asshole is disordered.

Phil did not say these things to offend anyone, he just said he cant understand why anyone would have that preference of colon entry, which is consistent with the new normal of homosexual identity, wouldn't it? Arent heterosexuals supposed to be so 'in' to their kind of sex they cant find other kinds of sex appealing? And to my knowledge there is no evidence Phil thought his words would be published since his PR guy was not present. He got suckered into believing a lying journalist about being off the record, apparently.

When Phil listed what he considered to be sins, I think the Pope would entirely agree; which ones would Pope Francis disagree with Phil on?

BTW, people that call themselves 'Christians' that do not agree with the first chapter of Romans are not Christian, period, and not an Obama period, lol.

Here ya go Peewee:

I haven't vetted the quotes but these are at least as good as that one with PR and Achmawackijob --



None of those quotes are contradictory.

To say that God will judge us based on our behavior, and that we as people cannot judge a person who is of good will and searching for God is in reference to different groups of people. Few gays are of good will AND in search of god; there are some but they are few and far between like most people.

GLAAD's membership, for example, is neither searching for God nor of good will. They are spiteful, lying small minded fascists.
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OH we ALL know where and how you lied. Show me the Robertson contracts again you dishonest Hack.

But he will keep up with the's all he has.

Oh, and he negged me for pointing it out too, lol, stupid shithead.

I negged you for calling me a liar. And I'll do it again when the time comes. Thanks to your abject moronity the supply of raw material is endless.

You are still a liar, and not a very skilled one either.

You do use multiple means of lying, but they are all boring and predictable.
You and Robertson have an opinion about what the Bible says, and that opinion isn't shared by all Christians, obviously.

Your last sentence is a little confused, but I would apply it to the real damage that is done by discrimination against those who happen to be same sex oriented.

I'd point out that Robertson would have no problems today if he just followed the Pope's direction.

Does following the Pope's direction on this issue seem like too much of an imposition?

Where do you believe that Roberts contradicts the Popes opinion? You do know Roberts is a Baptist, right?

Phil said he likes vagina and not ass hole, something I would guess the Pope has no opinion on, but would say that vagina is natural and a preference for screwing an asshole is disordered.

Phil did not say these things to offend anyone, he just said he cant understand why anyone would have that preference of colon entry, which is consistent with the new normal of homosexual identity, wouldn't it? Arent heterosexuals supposed to be so 'in' to their kind of sex they cant find other kinds of sex appealing? And to my knowledge there is no evidence Phil thought his words would be published since his PR guy was not present. He got suckered into believing a lying journalist about being off the record, apparently.

When Phil listed what he considered to be sins, I think the Pope would entirely agree; which ones would Pope Francis disagree with Phil on?

BTW, people that call themselves 'Christians' that do not agree with the first chapter of Romans are not Christian, period, and not an Obama period, lol.

Here ya go Peewee:

I haven't vetted the quotes but these are at least as good as that one with PR and Achmawackijob --



A sin is a sin. sort of like bearing false witness is.
OH we ALL know where and how you lied. Show me the Robertson contracts again you dishonest Hack.


I have never claimed to have the contract, you dishonest hack. What I did was explain how it works.

If you do not have access to the contract you cannot possibly KNOW how it works, idiot.

Lying fuck.

Why do you sign off like that? We know you are a lying fuck already.

It's a sex position.
Over your head I have no doubt.

Oh yeah I know how it works -- this is another thing we have not-in-common: I've actually had jobs. Even ones in the entertainment field.
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I have never claimed to have the contract, you dishonest hack. What I did was explain how it works.

If you do not have access to the contract you cannot possibly KNOW how it works, idiot.

Lying fuck.

Why do you sign off like that? We know you are a lying fuck already.

It's a sex position.
Over your head I have no doubt.

Oh yeah I know how it works -- this is another thing we have not-in-common: I've actually had jobs. Even ones in the entertainment field.

Lol, another thing you think you know that you obviously do not. I have been employed all my life since the age of 14 and I doubt this is something you could honestly say, but then again, when has that ever stopped you?
The Bible is right, not your stupid bullshit ideology that justifies anything one of your Identity groups says or does, fascist, then goes after any who oppose using tactics of personal destruction to punish them.
You and Robertson have an opinion about what the Bible says, and that opinion isn't shared by all Christians, obviously.

Your last sentence is a little confused, but I would apply it to the real damage that is done by discrimination against those who happen to be same sex oriented.

I'd point out that Robertson would have no problems today if he just followed the Pope's direction.

Does following the Pope's direction on this issue seem like too much of an imposition?

Where do you believe that Roberts contradicts the Popes opinion? You do know Roberts is a Baptist, right?

Phil said he likes vagina and not ass hole, something I would guess the Pope has no opinion on, but would say that vagina is natural and a preference for screwing an asshole is disordered.

Phil did not say these things to offend anyone, he just said he cant understand why anyone would have that preference of colon entry, which is consistent with the new normal of homosexual identity, wouldn't it? Arent heterosexuals supposed to be so 'in' to their kind of sex they cant find other kinds of sex appealing? And to my knowledge there is no evidence Phil thought his words would be published since his PR guy was not present. He got suckered into believing a lying journalist about being off the record, apparently.

When Phil listed what he considered to be sins, I think the Pope would entirely agree; which ones would Pope Francis disagree with Phil on?

BTW, people that call themselves 'Christians' that do not agree with the first chapter of Romans are not Christian, period, and not an Obama period, lol.
I didn't say Robertson contradicted the Pope - I said he didn't follow the Pope's direction on the issue. The Pope wants to make progress with every individual. Robertson wants to drive off those he thinks God doesn't like. The result is a significant difference in approach between the Pope and Robertson. And, that has nothing to do with Catholicism. Every Christian religious leader is interested in saving souls for Christ, not in driving people away.

Let's say some guy is a Christian and is thus interested in saving souls for Christ. Is he likely to accomplish that through the Robertson approach of bigotry, hateful and really downright stupid remarks? Or would this person be more successful by following the Pope's approach of inviting all comers and expressing God's message of salvation without the bigotry and stupidity?

The catch here is that Robertson is just plain too stupid for words. His very comments label his whole belief system on the subject as just plain ignorant. He even says so, in his disgusting gutter-speak. As an ambassador for Christ, he is not just a loser, but an example of one of the more significant problems faced by the church today.

The rest of your comment makes no sense. Robertson made some stupid and bigoted remarks and he's highly likely to pay for that, as the entertainment industry doesn't always reward bigotry.

Why should anyone be upset about that? That is how our system has worked from the beginning.
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So, Christians should't tell anyone what a sin is lest they offend sinners?

That makes no sense.
So, Christians should't tell anyone what a sin is lest they offend sinners?

That makes no sense.
We don't make laws against sin. We don't consider notions of sin as justification for state sponsored discrimination. And, you'll have to admit that Robertson's disgusting descriptions of his own lack of understanding are highly unlikely to be attractive to those who are same sex oriented.

So, what's being accomplished?

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