Not Good: ISIS Seizes Ramadi City....300 U.S. Marines Trapped At Base (Will Obama Sacrifice Them?)

Even the boi wonder has to realize that if any harm comes to those Marines due to his inaction he's is totally and unequivocally screwed.
He'll be lucky to survive it...mmmmh,politically.

Au contraire!

His acolytes will applaud.

As usual.

True,true..but thousands of current and retired Marines along with any real Americans might have a problem with it.
The Al Baghdadi base is not surrounded, nor are Marines under direct fire. The area has been under attack for months. If in the event ISIS forces attack the base then and only then will hell break loose.

I agree. If they attack our marines then and only then should we respond.

Personally I could give a shit about ISIS or Iraq.

We left Iraq, at they're insistance. We left them with an Army, a Govt and the ability to take the country in any direction they wanted to. It took only three years for Iraq to fall once again.

Hope those Muslims all kill each other. I could give shit one.
Trying to airlift them out of there (with copters) will be extremely hard since ISIS will be waiting with shoulder fire rocket systems..

You should have typed, "ISIS will be waiting with US supplied shoulder fire rocket systems.".
Obama has asked for permission to send in troops..ball is in GOP's court...if something happens to those Marines its on the GOP's plate.
Obama is CIC and somehow this is the GOPs fault? Yolo Man has had all the war power he needs already.
Obama has asked for permission to send in troops..ball is in GOP's court...if something happens to those Marines its on the GOP's plate.
Obama is CIC and somehow this is the GOPs fault? Yolo Man has had all the war power he needs already.
He asked congress for a declaration of they are whining about it. They need to approve it and let us destroy ISIS
Not quite confirmation but stay tuned:

ISIS took control of town holding US Marines - Business Insider

Military & Defense More: Reuters Iraq Marines Islamic State
ISIS is now dangerously close to a base where US Marines are training Iraqi soldiers

  • Feb. 12, 2015, 2:23 PM

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Islamic State insurgents took control on Thursday of most of the western Iraqi town of al-Baghdadi, threatening an air base where U.S. Marines are training Iraqi troops, officials said.

Al-Baghdadi, about 85 km (50 miles) northwest of Ramadi in Anbar province, had been besieged for months by the radical Sunni Islamist militants who captured vast swathes of Iraq's north and west last year.

"Ninety percent of al-Baghdadi district has fallen under the control of the insurgents," district manager Naji Arak told Reuters by phone.
Trying to airlift them out of there (with copters) will be extremely hard since ISIS will be waiting with shoulder fire rocket systems..
Let's pray the President gets our boys out of there and we don't have another Reagan situation like in Beirut.
The idiot should never have pulled the troops and left 300! I swear if he had a brain he's play golf with it!
Even the boi wonder has to realize that if any harm comes to those Marines due to his inaction he's is totally and unequivocally screwed.
He'll be lucky to survive it...mmmmh,politically.
Really? Reagan allowed nearly 300 of our Marines to be killed in Lebanon, and you guys worship him.
And then he cut and run.
Look at the Right cheering ISIL on just so the Right can mock and belittle Obama. The Right are praying that the Pentagon is wrong when they say the base is safe and they hope the Americans at the base get killed, beheaded or burned alive.
Go fuck yourself if Obama was a leader we wouldn't be concerned about this. I remember when you're kind was counting the deaths of our great soldiers daily for political reasons. Your a piece of shit.
Obama has asked for permission to send in troops..ball is in GOP's court...if something happens to those Marines its on the GOP's plate.
Obama is CIC and somehow this is the GOPs fault? Yolo Man has had all the war power he needs already.
He asked congress for a declaration of they are whining about it. They need to approve it and let us destroy ISIS
Uh, no. President Obama did not ask Congress for a Declaration of War.
Obama has asked for permission to send in troops..ball is in GOP's court...if something happens to those Marines its on the GOP's plate.
It's Obama's fault they are in the position they are in. Anyway when has Obama ever followed the law when he really wanted something. He is commander in chief, so it is his decision, and his fault no matter what happens. Hopefully he will finally make the right decision.
Obama has asked for permission to send in troops..ball is in GOP's court...if something happens to those Marines its on the GOP's plate.
Obama is CIC and somehow this is the GOPs fault? Yolo Man has had all the war power he needs already.
He asked congress for a declaration of they are whining about it. They need to approve it and let us destroy ISIS
He is asking for a blank check with no plan as usual.
Those Marines are ground troops , so let them fight their way out,dropping a bomb is not the answer, we could kill our own. Send in more ground troops, WHY. These Marines are supposed to be the highly trained ones. I mean ground troops get killed and maimed and some want to send more in. Time for the Shia to start fighting , they are Muslims aren't they, Muslims are all butchers aren't they, I guess not.

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