Not laughing now, are you?

The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

So, what you're saying is, that because the left think the Russians are trying to play games now, that it must have happened before? That's not logical.

Let me hear you say it: Senator McCarthy was right.

Senator McCarthy was very far right.
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

So, what you're saying is, that because the left think the Russians are trying to play games now, that it must have happened before? That's not logical.

Let me hear you say it: Senator McCarthy was right.

Senator McCarthy was very far right.

He also believed that Russia was trying to influence our elections.
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

So, what you're saying is, that because the left think the Russians are trying to play games now, that it must have happened before? That's not logical.

Let me hear you say it: Senator McCarthy was right.

Nope. False equivalency. Robert Mueller is not conducting grand-stand hearings and investigating Hollywood screen writers. McCarthy had absolutely no credentials for conducting his campaign either, which was mainly targeted at Jews, if you recall. Mueller has been FBI director for 12 years previously.'s not against the law to be a communist in the United States. But colluding with a hostile foreign entity to influence an election while having high level federal security clearance is.

You're welcome.
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

So, what you're saying is, that because the left think the Russians are trying to play games now, that it must have happened before? That's not logical.

Let me hear you say it: Senator McCarthy was right.

Senator McCarthy was very far right.

Back in those days Democrats loved communists, the more the better..
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

So, what you're saying is, that because the left think the Russians are trying to play games now, that it must have happened before? That's not logical.

Let me hear you say it: Senator McCarthy was right.

Senator McCarthy was very far right.

He also believed that Russia was trying to influence our elections.

Well, they probably were.

I mean, people who are often wrong in the main, will surely be right about some things.

However McCarthy is remembered for literally shouting out and then hoping he was right.
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

So, what you're saying is, that because the left think the Russians are trying to play games now, that it must have happened before? That's not logical.

Let me hear you say it: Senator McCarthy was right.

Senator McCarthy was very far right.

He also believed that Russia was trying to influence our elections.

What he fucking believed was that there were communists in every closet and under every bed. Turns out he was wrong. McCarthy went down in flames after the public realized he was a nut case anti-semite.
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

So, what you're saying is, that because the left think the Russians are trying to play games now, that it must have happened before? That's not logical.

Let me hear you say it: Senator McCarthy was right.

Nope. False equivalency. Robert Mueller is not conducting grand-stand hearings and investigating Hollywood screen writers. McCarthy had absolutely no credentials for conducting his campaign either, which was mainly targeted at Jews, if you recall. Mueller has been FBI director for 12 years previously.'s not against the law to be a communist in the United States. But colluding with a hostile foreign entity to influence an election while having high level federal security clearance is.

You're welcome.

But Communists interfered with your election, even though you've lived your whole life believing the "Red Menace" was a big joke.

How do you feel now?
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"
Only we just found out LORETTA LYNCH and the DOJ sent Natalia V to talk to Trump Jr. to create the Illusion of Russian Collusion. There was none, but the attempt is still entrapment. Same as when Obama was wire tapping The Trump team and doing shit like sending ambassadors to Session's office, and having ambassadors calling Flynn to congratulate him. NO one really took the bait. They surveilled the Trump team for 18 months, and GOT Nothing.

So now let's see if MUELLER is a piece of shit or not, because he needs to go after Loretta Lynch, Obama, The DNC, and Fusion GPS, as well as James Comey and anyone else who tried to impact the election through leaking classified Intel, unmasking, and committing Treason and Sedition.

And we should Levy Sanctions at The Ukraine, and now that we know that this was a hoax from The Beginning, Sanctions should be lifted on Russia if there are any in place for so called election interference....only those.
what most of you ignore in this discussion is that the USA has been trying to influence elections in other countries since 1776. This is nothing new for us, the Russians, the brits, the French, the germans, the Chinese, or anyone else.

The uproar over this is just an indication of the ignorance and lack of education of much of the American, and world, population.

the brainwashing and indoctrination of the masses is almost complete-------------welcome to 1984 and Atlas Shrugged.
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"
Yep.....for decades liberals poo poo'ed the premise of Russian spies in America.
Now, as with everything, Democrats have literally coopted the idea and expanded the premise exponentially.
This is what you can do if you control the media.
You can tell everyone the sky is red and even the most cynical person feels it's a possibility.
and NOW when the russians actually ARE infiltrated among you and are running the country, right wingers ignore it?

who would have thunk it?
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"
Yep.....for decades liberals poo poo'ed the premise of Russian spies in America.
Now, as with everything, Democrats have literally coopted the idea and expanded the premise exponentially.
This is what you can do if you control the media.
You can tell everyone the sky is red and even the most cynical person feels it's a possibility.
and NOW when the russians actually ARE infiltrated among you and are running the country, right wingers ignore it?

who would have thunk it?

please tell us exactly and specifically what the Russians did to affect our election, how many votes were changed, what laws were broken, and who benefitted.

no matter how many times you say it, there is nothing there. You have been duped by the media and the dems. They are lying to you and you are too dumb to know it.
We never envisioned the republicans would elect our president for us
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"
Yep.....for decades liberals poo poo'ed the premise of Russian spies in America.
Now, as with everything, Democrats have literally coopted the idea and expanded the premise exponentially.
This is what you can do if you control the media.
You can tell everyone the sky is red and even the most cynical person feels it's a possibility.
and NOW when the russians actually ARE infiltrated among you and are running the country, right wingers ignore it?

who would have thunk it?

please tell us exactly and specifically what the Russians did to affect our election, how many votes were changed, what laws were broken, and who benefitted.

no matter how many times you say it, there is nothing there. You have been duped by the media and the dems. They are lying to you and you are too dumb to know it.
What the Russians did was release private emails from the Democrats
Trump repeatedly used these emails to support his Crooked Hillary campaign
Did this information change any votes? There is no way of knowing for sure one way or the other

What we do know is that Trump took Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin by less than one percent. This leaked information could easily influence one percent of the vote

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