Not laughing now, are you?

The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"
Yep.....for decades liberals poo poo'ed the premise of Russian spies in America.
Now, as with everything, Democrats have literally coopted the idea and expanded the premise exponentially.
This is what you can do if you control the media.
You can tell everyone the sky is red and even the most cynical person feels it's a possibility.
and NOW when the russians actually ARE infiltrated among you and are running the country, right wingers ignore it?

who would have thunk it?

We aren't ignoring it.

All of the millions Hillary took from Russia.
The backroom uranium deals.
Who do you think has been ignoring this?
Look in the mirror lady.
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"
Yep.....for decades liberals poo poo'ed the premise of Russian spies in America.
Now, as with everything, Democrats have literally coopted the idea and expanded the premise exponentially.
This is what you can do if you control the media.
You can tell everyone the sky is red and even the most cynical person feels it's a possibility.
and NOW when the russians actually ARE infiltrated among you and are running the country, right wingers ignore it?

who would have thunk it?

please tell us exactly and specifically what the Russians did to affect our election, how many votes were changed, what laws were broken, and who benefitted.

no matter how many times you say it, there is nothing there. You have been duped by the media and the dems. They are lying to you and you are too dumb to know it.
What the Russians did was release private emails from the Democrats
Trump repeatedly used these emails to support his Crooked Hillary campaign
Did this information change any votes? There is no way of knowing for sure one way or the other

What we do know is that Trump took Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin by less than one percent. This leaked information could easily influence one percent of the vote

It's a sad day when Democrat Americans are more Communist than Russians.

That day is today.

Yeah, just today I wrote an op-ed seeking a five year plan on pork belly and a plan to give to the homeless one square of 12'x12' of Golden Gate Park and a cup for a Moscow Mule. Heil Lenin

---Sarcasm Alert---
For someone who sees Russians everywhere you sure have a problem spotting them when it's the real deal.
It will all be fine


GOP National Anthem

and NOW when the russians actually ARE infiltrated among you and are running the country, right wingers ignore it?

who would have thunk it?
The soviets did so all during the cold war. We did it to them too. But by today's standards the Russians are right wingers compared to our American left. So you believe they are trying to make us more conservative?
This entire purpose of these attacks from the left is to delay Trump from keeping his campaign promises to voters, they attack him like a hive of killer bees so he spends most of his time swatting at them.
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

So, what you're saying is, that because the left think the Russians are trying to play games now, that it must have happened before? That's not logical.

Let me hear you say it: Senator McCarthy was right.
Senator McCarthy was nuts.
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"
Yep.....for decades liberals poo poo'ed the premise of Russian spies in America.
Now, as with everything, Democrats have literally coopted the idea and expanded the premise exponentially.
This is what you can do if you control the media.
You can tell everyone the sky is red and even the most cynical person feels it's a possibility.
and NOW when the russians actually ARE infiltrated among you and are running the country, right wingers ignore it?

who would have thunk it?

please tell us exactly and specifically what the Russians did to affect our election, how many votes were changed, what laws were broken, and who benefitted.

no matter how many times you say it, there is nothing there. You have been duped by the media and the dems. They are lying to you and you are too dumb to know it.
What the Russians did was release private emails from the Democrats
Trump repeatedly used these emails to support his Crooked Hillary campaign
Did this information change any votes? There is no way of knowing for sure one way or the other

What we do know is that Trump took Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin by less than one percent. This leaked information could easily influence one percent of the vote

First of all the leaks came from wikileaks, there is no proof that wiki got them from Russia. Some think the leaks came from someone inside the Hillary campaign.

Sure Trump used those facts against her, what is wrong with that?

second, you are saying that the truth about corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media may have caused some people to not vote for her. Funny how the truth affects people, isn't it?
But Communists interfered with your election, even though you've lived your whole life believing the "Red Menace" was a big joke.

Maybe you missed it but the commies aren't in power in Russia anymore, they went out of style together with the USSR some 25 years ago

Putin is KGB

Once KGB.....always KGB.
Come on now. I want to hear you leftists say it:

"You were right Senator Joe. We're sorry we didn't believe you".


I said that at the time when it was most appropriate: In the Fall of the year 1989, when the Communist Soviet Union collapsed.

Reagan showed the world what colluding with Russians can do.
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"
Yep.....for decades liberals poo poo'ed the premise of Russian spies in America.
Now, as with everything, Democrats have literally coopted the idea and expanded the premise exponentially.
This is what you can do if you control the media.
You can tell everyone the sky is red and even the most cynical person feels it's a possibility.
and NOW when the russians actually ARE infiltrated among you and are running the country, right wingers ignore it?

who would have thunk it?

please tell us exactly and specifically what the Russians did to affect our election, how many votes were changed, what laws were broken, and who benefitted.

no matter how many times you say it, there is nothing there. You have been duped by the media and the dems. They are lying to you and you are too dumb to know it.
What the Russians did was release private emails from the Democrats
Trump repeatedly used these emails to support his Crooked Hillary campaign
Did this information change any votes? There is no way of knowing for sure one way or the other

What we do know is that Trump took Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin by less than one percent. This leaked information could easily influence one percent of the vote

First of all the leaks came from wikileaks, there is no proof that wiki got them from Russia. Some think the leaks came from someone inside the Hillary campaign.

Sure Trump used those facts against her, what is wrong with that?

second, you are saying that the truth about corruption within the Hillary campaign, the DNC, and the media may have caused some people to not vote for her. Funny how the truth affects people, isn't it?

How dare somebody tell everybody what slimeballs they are.
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"

Regrettably, the prospects for a successful negotiation with Putin over the “unsatisfactory condition of Russian-American relations” are near zero for the following reasons: The Putin regime requires confrontation with the US for its very survival, while Trump must deliver “beautiful deals” that “make American great again.” If Trump were to sign a deal which does not yield real enforceable concessions by Putin on Crimea, east Ukraine, or the Middle East, Trump’s deal-making image would be shattered along with his presidency.

As Trump prepares to go head-to-head with Putin, he must understand what Germany’s Angela Merkel describes as Putin’s “parallel world.” In any negotiation, Putin will be fighting for the survival of his regime and himself.

Putin has remarkably turned Ronald Reagan’s “evil empire” on its head. According to the Kremlin narrative, it is the United States and its puppet NATO that are intent on dismembering Russia. The US has become the “evil empire” bent on imposing its corrupt political (after WikiLeaks) and civilizational values on Russia, the last great bastion of Christianity, patriotism, morality, and good will.
Time for some nice quotes from the Wisconsin Senator...

" The State Department is infested with Communists. I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department."

"Failure on your part will label the Democratic Party of being the bedfellow of international communism."

"The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because the enemy has sent men to invade our shores, but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest nation on earth has had to offer – the finest homes, the finest college educations, and the finest jobs in Government we can give."
The old dead white guy in my avatar once claimed that Russia was trying to infiltrate every aspect of the United States, from the school system, to the media, and clear up into the government of this country.

Up to and as recently as a couple years ago the left scoffed at that idea, calling him a paranoid right-wing extremist engaged in a "witch hunt".

Not laughing now, are they?

Say it: "We're sorry Senator Joe. Please save us"
Yep.....for decades liberals poo poo'ed the premise of Russian spies in America.
Now, as with everything, Democrats have literally coopted the idea and expanded the premise exponentially.
This is what you can do if you control the media.
You can tell everyone the sky is red and even the most cynical person feels it's a possibility.
and NOW when the russians actually ARE infiltrated among you and are running the country, right wingers ignore it?

who would have thunk it?

please tell us exactly and specifically what the Russians did to affect our election, how many votes were changed, what laws were broken, and who benefitted.

no matter how many times you say it, there is nothing there. You have been duped by the media and the dems. They are lying to you and you are too dumb to know it.
What the Russians did was release private emails from the Democrats
Trump repeatedly used these emails to support his Crooked Hillary campaign
Did this information change any votes? There is no way of knowing for sure one way or the other

What we do know is that Trump took Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin by less than one percent. This leaked information could easily influence one percent of the vote


We shall see how it impacts Crooked Donnie and the Republicans
Time for some nice quotes from the Wisconsin Senator...

" The State Department is infested with Communists. I have here in my hand a list of two hundred and five people that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department."

"Failure on your part will label the Democratic Party of being the bedfellow of international communism."

"The reason why we find ourselves in a position of impotency is not because the enemy has sent men to invade our shores, but rather because of the traitorous actions of those who have had all the benefits that the wealthiest nation on earth has had to offer – the finest homes, the finest college educations, and the finest jobs in Government we can give."

McCarthy was low life scum who destroyed hundreds of lives for political gain
Come on now. I want to hear you leftists say it:

"You were right Senator Joe. We're sorry we didn't believe you".


do you want to hear Trump say that?

Reagan colluded with Gorbachev. A dead Soviet Union was the result.

I say, let Trump collude with Putin.

Better to collude than collide, no?

A President acting as President is not colluding

Working with a hostile foreign power engaged in a crime in order to get elected President is criminal
It's a sad day when Democrat Americans are more Communist than Russians.

That day is today.

Yeah, just today I wrote an op-ed seeking a five year plan on pork belly and a plan to give to the homeless one square of 12'x12' of Golden Gate Park and a cup for a Moscow Mule. Heil Lenin

---Sarcasm Alert---
For someone who sees Russians everywhere you sure have a problem spotting them when it's the real deal.

I'll take a bowl of borscht along with the piroshki, comrade Trump [last ordered at a restaurant on 8th ave somewhere in the low West 40's or high 30's in Trump's Town].

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