Not Long Ago...

President Trump was so horrible...voters are expected to obliterate Democrats this November to punish Biden for screwing up the awesome Trump economy. Oh wait...:eusa_think:
I paid a whopping $5.17 this week for Biden gas. The poor and working class are borrowing money for food and gas, will Biden give them food and gas loan forgiveness? Will Dems in congress pass government backed food and gas loans??

Only if they want to increase inflation.

This is why it's called a SPIRAL.
markets plummeting ,soaring fuel prices , soaring food prices , supply chain shortages, skyrocketing violent crime , Fentanyl pouring in causing record numbers of overdose deaths , Russia threatening to use nukes , the world inching closer to WWlll, and the Biden admin cant even get baby formula to the shelves ! Trump used the defense production act to crank out thousands of complicated ventilators and Biden cant even handle a baby food shortage ! face it ! this admin is a disaster ! and i'm afraid its going to get a lot worse and the left has no answers ! theres no captain at the helm and the ship is sailing towards disaster ! i'm not saying that because i voted for Trump ! i'm saying it because its the truth ! the current admin has no answer ! America is in deep trouble .
The ultimate tragedy – among other countless tragedies – of the failed Trump ‘presidency’ is that initially there may have been some marginally competent administrators who at least wanted to engage in meaningful public service and promote responsible governance.

But because Trump was utterly feckless and incompetent, because of his ignorance, stupidity, and contempt for sound, responsible governance, he drove those marginally competent administrators away because they couldn’t function in the chaos that was the Trump ‘presidency.’
yep. Bringing up almost 2 year old information because he cant make a thread congratulating biden on anything. Its sad really.
The cult runs deep :dunno:
I can't? I won't? I have my opinion on Biden but all the Trumptards take that on constantly. Just like you idiots are doing in this thread. So, STFU and pay attention. Trump is still barking and you poodles wag your tails.
Remember how many people in Trump's cabinet and administration either got the axe or quit?
If you think he was a good President you should reconsider.

President Trump’s “A Team” turnover is 92% as of January 20, 2021

People quitting their job cannot be looked at as a negative. People quitting had little effect on anything and nobody should stay on to help a business. That's blatant anti American stupidity. Tell the boss Buh BYE and walk out the door.
Remember how many people in Trump's cabinet and administration either got the axe or quit?
If you think he was a good President you should reconsider.

President Trump’s “A Team” turnover is 92% as of January 20, 2021

Here’s some reality for you…
If you don’t do what your boss tells you to do, you get fired.
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Here’s some reality for you…
If you don’t do what your boss tells you to do, you get fired.

Very true

Like supporting stolen election lies
Fake Hurricane maps
Not keeping quiet about Ukrainian phone conversations
Claiming COVID is real

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