Not Long Ago...

The only point you have is on top of your head, dingus. But, yes, I’ll be around to help you not look like such an illiterate imbecile this evening.
No, you will just grab your ankles for the orange pile of shit. As you always do.

Trump fired them for incompetence.... hahaha, still laughing about that one, cultist.
No, you will just grab your ankles for the orange pile of shit. As you always do.

Trump fired them for incompetence.... hahaha, still laughing about that one, cultist.
Keep flailing, imbecile. It just reinforces everyone’s opinion of you being an ignorant dumbass.
So the Neo-GOP has to blame the President not only for the covid related supply chain issues but also for a bacterial infection recall from one of the major manufacturers of baby formula?

The Outrage Machine is working overtime. It has to.
the left blamed Trump for covid ... the left should have blamed China instead ! but there is no way the left is going to place blame on their China communist ally .... we all know what caused the baby formula shortage ... the question is what is the Biden admin going to do about it ?? face it ! the country is suffering on many different fronts and we have no leadership competent enough in the WH to deal with it !
Very true

Like supporting stolen election lies
Fake Hurricane maps
Not keeping quiet about Ukrainian phone conversations
Claiming COVID is real
You can keep your doctors.
Gun violence is a right in slums.
Welfare mothers having 10 kids.
The ultimate tragedy – among other countless tragedies – of the failed Trump ‘presidency’ is that initially there may have been some marginally competent administrators who at least wanted to engage in meaningful public service and promote responsible governance.

But because Trump was utterly feckless and incompetent, because of his ignorance, stupidity, and contempt for sound, responsible governance, he drove those marginally competent administrators away because they couldn’t function in the chaos that was the Trump ‘presidency.’
nice dodge on whats actually been happening since your vote helped put in the guy currently in the WH ....
And, by everyone, you mean your fellow squealing cultists on USMB. I am good wth that.

Cry it all out. Take all the time you need.
Lol, you’re not only stupid, you’re also pathetic. The only one crying here is you, chump.
You can have the last word now. I’m tired of juggling clowns.
nice dodge on whats actually been happening since your vote helped put in the guy currently in the WH ....
Those who voted for Biden had the choice to boot the fat assed con artist the MAGAtards call "Dear Leader"
Turned out to be a winning decision. Job well done.
Really now. Greatest job market in a generation. More energy independent than at any time in decades. Sure, inflation is problematic, but the Biden administration and the Democrat caucus has made several solid proposals that Republicans have blocked. Same for the supply chain.

You know what they say, it is the economy. Ask rather you are better off now than you were when Trump was in office. Sure, I pay more for gas and food, although the food price increases can be mitigated if you know how to shop. And believe it or not, they are on the way down and quite honestly, beef, pork, and poultry are not at the high they were at the beginning of the Covid pandemic, which was on Trump. But my income is up by more than 50%, actually, I am on pace to double it from when Trump was president and I am not alone. All my children, well five out of six, one is disabled, are showing the same level of income growth. And most of them make more than me.

I mean I am sorry you loser Trumpbots are having a difficult time, but that should not be unexpected. Uneducated, low-skilled, and many dependent on their disability check, I get it. But why not do what the rest of us are doing, put on your bigboy pants, strap on your boots, and adapt to the new reality.

Wow are you a kook aide guzzling idiot.

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