Not Long Ago...

Are you saying you don't know the proper adjective (fewer), who the current president is (it's Biden), nor do you know what a non sequitur is (your post)?

Are you saying you don't know the proper adjective (fewer), who the current president is (it's Biden), nor do you know what a non sequitur is (your post)?

Are you saying you don't know the proper adjective (fewer), who the current president is (it's Biden), nor do you know what a non sequitur is (your post)?
my mistake .... thanks for pointing out the mistake .... faggot .
the left blamed Trump for covid ... the left should have blamed China instead ! but there is no way the left is going to place blame on their China communist ally .... we all know what caused the baby formula shortage ... the question is what is the Biden admin going to do about it ?? face it ! the country is suffering on many different fronts and we have no leadership competent enough in the WH to deal with it !
Wait, baby formula shortage, what caused it, because I know but I highly doubt you do.
You're welcome, crybaby.

Yes, Trump made it worse. That's why you squealing twats tried to downplay covid for 2 years. Marching orders, and all.

And it's the same reason you do the opposite now. Self awareness level: 0.
the right wasnt packed together in the thousands in the middle of the pandemic screaming spitting looting and burning for months in 2020 .
Wow are you a kook aide guzzling idiot.
Dispute my claims or STFU. Damn skippy, for college graduates it is the best job market, not in a generation, but in more than 100 years. Yes, we are more energy independent now than at any time during the Trump administration. And Republicans have called inflation a "gold mine". They have no interest in doing a damn thing about it. Like their dear leader, they are self-absorbed assholes that don't give two shits about you and laugh at you behind closed doors.
the right wasnt packed together in the thousands in the middle of the pandemic screaming spitting looting and burning for months in 2020 .
Yes they were idiot, at Trump rallies. Duh. And the entire state of Florida. You just kind of vomit any thought that fizzles into your colon, don't ya?
Yes they were idiot, at Trump rallies. Duh. And the entire state of Florida. You just kind of vomit any thought that fizzles into your colon, don't ya?
Proof you're an idiot, you loons put the Republican justices addresses online to go and riot. Hopefully, abortion will be outlawed in all 50 states. That's what you deserve, but the only thing it will do. Is let the states decide abortion.
Remember how many people in Trump's cabinet and administration either got the axe or quit?
If you think he was a good President you should reconsider.

President Trump’s “A Team” turnover is 92% as of January 20, 2021

Republican administrations are filled with wannabees and spies and sometimes democrat operatives. That's the nature of the black bag political world republicans have to deal with when the media favors the democrat party. Trump had a hands on CEO attitude and tried to find the best people for the job. Are you sure you want to open up this can of worms and compare Trump to the doddering old fool who doesn't have the cognitive ability to remember what day it is?
Republican administrations are filled with wannabees and spies and sometimes democrat operatives. That's the nature of the black bag political world republicans have to deal with when the media favors the democrat party. Trump had a hands on CEO attitude and tried to find the best people for the job. Are you sure you want to open up this can of worms and compare Trump to the doddering old fool who doesn't have the cognitive ability to remember what day it is?
I wasn't comparing Trump to Biden. You are.
Trump fires people who can’t do their job competently, like the US electorate will do to dims later this year and to biden in 2024.
Many of these government lifers are bullshitting parasites who play with the lives of citizens. For them.... It's good to be the king.

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