Not many supporters met Trump's call for his supporters to go to the streets in protest of his indictment

There's thousands of Trump supporters there. They even lined the highway where Trump was staying all the way to the courthouse. They'll also be there at the airport as he leaves to fly back to Bedminster to give his speech to the nation tonight.

I think we will know when the end has come, when leftist vermin stop lying to themselves.


The government fears Trump and the American citizens that support him.

If their entire relationship with Trump was not based of their fear, why are they trying so hard to kill him..................figuratively?

You don't hate something that you don't fear.

Not many supporters met Trump's call for his supporters to go to the streets in protest of his indictment and arraignment.
The Trump militia that showed up on Jan 6th are not showing up for his multiple arrests.
Trump has used the people who work for him and his supporters. More are finding this out as they are being prosecuted for illegal acts Trump has asked them to do.
Trump and his supporters are going down. Not as fast as we would like but they are going down.

Elmer you are just a lonely fucking retard.
None of your shit makes any real sense.
Go find yourself a man.
Is that english you just typed?

They created a system based on the previous overthrow of tryanny. I doubt they would be happy with the current level of control held by unelected idiots in the executive branch.
Exactly, the seperation of powers is key. Trump, more than anyone, before him has tried to override the seperation of powers. Our judicial system is being decemated by Trump. Trump focuses on the special council. Our legal system provides a trial where he will be judged guilty or not guilty by a jury of his peers. His case will be made by his lawyers in front of a federal judge. The majority of federal judges have been appointed by Republicans.
There is no discussion of this. Trump is trying to destroy the credibility of the courts in case he is found guilty. Just like he declared the election was rigged when he lost. He is attacking our institutions when they hold him accountable. He is a spoiled child who cannot handle losing.
Yet here the demofascists are vigorously doing just that.
The judicial system has never been more conservative. Congress is controlled by Republicans. The Democrats have the Predidency and the Senate.
It is working as intended. Trump is a whiner who will bring down our system to push his own power. It is so obvious.

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