Not "me v you"

Not a chance. the nation has been going to hell because of the hard right ripping up the constitution

To assist some people in the distinction between "facts" and "opinions," I would suggest that the highlighted part is mere opinion.

Yet more mere opinion. Not a "fact."

Not a fact. Just more mere opinion.

MORE mere opinion.

You guessed it. MORE mere opinion.

Yet more mere opinion and anything but factual. Contra-factual, in fact.

Mostly mere opinion (even if there happens to be some small kernel of underlying truth or validity to a portion of it).

Non factual. Pure mere opinion. Silly, too.

The constitution and lady liberty are nothing but garbage to them.

Pure (erroneous) opinion, but not even remotely factual.

Would you care to refute any of the facts i've posted, or is "no you're wrong" all you can offer? :eusa_think:

What "facts?"

I have just identified that your entire post was the mere reiteration of your opinions.

Again, since you seem unfamiliar with these notions, let me help you out. IF and when you offer an alleged fact, your counter-part can admit it, deny it or possibly even refute it.

But when all you offer are your mere opinions, those are not subject to refutation. You remain free to believe anything you choose to believe without regard to actual facts or logic.
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Do you have ANY facts and/or data to support a thing you have said?


It's pretty much common knowledge, I'm surprise you would ask that kind of question :eusa_think: If you for some reason think anything I've posted is not factual, by all means provide me proof it isn't and I'll remove it.
Then you have nothing to support anything you have said?

And, why would it surprise you that I ask for support? I mean, this IS a DEBATE zone, right?

And, as it IS the DEBATE zone, the burden is on YOU to support what you say. Otherwise it's still cheap talk (or bullshit, either word will do in this case).

You're right, it is a debate zone. When a fact is provided to you, and you feel it's not a fact, you need to show how it's not, and provide proof for your reasoning. Simply saying to the extent "you're wrong" isn't any kind of rebuttal.
Not a chance. the nation has been going to hell because of the hard right ripping up the constitution

To assist some people in the distinction between "facts" and "opinions," I would suggest that the highlighted part is mere opinion.

Yet more mere opinion. Not a "fact."

Not a fact. Just more mere opinion.

MORE mere opinion.

You guessed it. MORE mere opinion.

Yet more mere opinion and anything but factual. Contra-factual, in fact.

Mostly mere opinion (even if there happens to be some small kernel of underlying truth or validity to a portion of it).

Non factual. Pure mere opinion. Silly, too.

The constitution and lady liberty are nothing but garbage to them.

Pure (erroneous) opinion, but not even remotely factual.

Would you care to refute any of the facts i've posted, or is "no you're wrong" all you can offer? :eusa_think:
You're not getting it. The burden is ON YOU - you made the claim, you back it up. It does not stand as true until someone disproves what you say.

That is the basis of debate and the basis of our judicial system and logical.

Otherwise, I could say you are a moron and until you prove that you are not a moron, the fact would remain that you are a moron. See how that works?
Every word of it. If you don't or can't refute to any of the facts I've stated, please move on :up:

I have a fact I'd like you to state...

Please tell us what specific policy, initiative, action, law, etc. Obama put in place, is responsible for the pathetic job growth you give Obama credit for. Name the policy, and cite HOW specifically it affects job growth.

After losing 3/4 of a million jobs a month under W and the GOP, the worst the nation has ever seen next to the great depression, to creating 28 straight months of positive job creation and 4.5 million jobs, I'd hardly call that pathetic.
Much of the near instant bounce back in jobs was from W simply being out of office and a democrat at the helm. Obama's stimulus package also was quite successful and holds most the credit. Obama has done other things as well such as the "hire heroes act" to give struggling veterans much better opportunities to find employment.
If it wasn't for GOP obstruction, the unemployment numbers would likely be significantly lower by now, but all in all considering, Obama has been doing a pretty damn good job.

Now tell me, what has the GOP/tea party done for job creation? I remember the GOP/tea party in 2010's main chant was "Job creation is #1!" So where are those jobs? :eusa_think:

The first bolded point above is an opinion, not a fact. That fails to answer my post.

The second bolded point is also an opinion, and directly conflicts with your first bolded point. If MUCH of the credit wnet to W being out of office and a Dem being in office, that would preclude the 'most of the credit' comment. That also fails to answer my post.

The 3rd bolded point... please link to a credible source showing exactly how many jobs the 'Hire Heroes Act' has created. According to this source... President Obama Signs VOW to Hire Heroes Act... it was signed on 11/21/2011, so your cited source can only deal with jobs created after it was signed into law. Also, I would imagine you applaud the GOP for this as well, as it was a bi-partisan effort.

Essentially, every time I ask you for fact, you provide opinion. That isn't debate.
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It's pretty much common knowledge, I'm surprise you would ask that kind of question :eusa_think: If you for some reason think anything I've posted is not factual, by all means provide me proof it isn't and I'll remove it.
Then you have nothing to support anything you have said?

And, why would it surprise you that I ask for support? I mean, this IS a DEBATE zone, right?

And, as it IS the DEBATE zone, the burden is on YOU to support what you say. Otherwise it's still cheap talk (or bullshit, either word will do in this case).

You're right, it is a debate zone. When a fact is provided to you, and you feel it's not a fact, you need to show how it's not, and provide proof for your reasoning. Simply saying to the extent "you're wrong" isn't any kind of rebuttal.
No, the burden is on the one making the claim to support it; claims do not stand as true until someone disproves them.

See, I could make the claim that you are clearly brain damaged. You might ask for evidence that you are brain damaged, and I could respond that until you prove you are not brain damaged, then you remain brain damaged. Just an example.
Would you care to refute any of the facts i've posted, or is "no you're wrong" all you can offer? :eusa_think:

Stating that the nation is going to hell because anyone is ripping up the constitution is pure opinion and nothing but because we know, for a fact, that the constitution is still intact.

Petition to issue a strike against Black Label. All he's been doing in this thread is baiting.
It's pretty much common knowledge, I'm surprise you would ask that kind of question :eusa_think: If you for some reason think anything I've posted is not factual, by all means provide me proof it isn't and I'll remove it.
Then you have nothing to support anything you have said?

And, why would it surprise you that I ask for support? I mean, this IS a DEBATE zone, right?

And, as it IS the DEBATE zone, the burden is on YOU to support what you say. Otherwise it's still cheap talk (or bullshit, either word will do in this case).

You're right, it is a debate zone. When a fact is provided to you, and you feel it's not a fact, you need to show how it's not, and provide proof for your reasoning. Simply saying to the extent "you're wrong" isn't any kind of rebuttal.

When you provide what you claim is a fact, it is YOUR responsibility to provide verification of said fact. It is not a fact, simply because YOU claim it is a fact.
Would you care to refute any of the facts i've posted, or is "no you're wrong" all you can offer? :eusa_think:

Stating that the nation is going to hell because anyone is ripping up the constitution is pure opinion and nothing but because we know, for a fact, that the constitution is still intact.

Petition to issue a strike against Black Label. All he's been doing in this thread is baiting.

Would you care to refute any of the facts i've posted, or is "no you're wrong" all you can offer? :eusa_think:

Stating that the nation is going to hell because anyone is ripping up the constitution is pure opinion and nothing but because we know, for a fact, that the constitution is still intact.

Petition to issue a strike against Black Label. All he's been doing in this thread is baiting.

I second that

fine..... i third that.
I have a fact I'd like you to state...

Please tell us what specific policy, initiative, action, law, etc. Obama put in place, is responsible for the pathetic job growth you give Obama credit for. Name the policy, and cite HOW specifically it affects job growth.

After losing 3/4 of a million jobs a month under W and the GOP, the worst the nation has ever seen next to the great depression, to creating 28 straight months of positive job creation and 4.5 million jobs, I'd hardly call that pathetic.
Much of the near instant bounce back in jobs was from W simply being out of office and a democrat at the helm. Obama's stimulus package also was quite successful and holds most the credit. Obama has done other things as well such as the "hire heroes act" to give struggling veterans much better opportunities to find employment.
If it wasn't for GOP obstruction, the unemployment numbers would likely be significantly lower by now, but all in all considering, Obama has been doing a pretty damn good job.

Now tell me, what has the GOP/tea party done for job creation? I remember the GOP/tea party in 2010's main chant was "Job creation is #1!" So where are those jobs? :eusa_think:

The first bolded point above is an opinion, not a fact. That fails to answer my post.

The second bolded point is also an opinion, and directly conflicts with your first bolded point. If MUCH of the credit wnet to W being out of office and a Dem being in office, that would preclude the 'most of the credit' comment. That also fails to answer my post.

The 3rd bolded point... please link to a credible source showing exactly how many jobs the 'Hire Heroes Act' has created. According to this source... President Obama Signs VOW to Hire Heroes Act... it was signed on 11/21/2011, so your cited source can only deal with jobs created after it was signed into law. Also, I would imagine you applaud the GOP for this as well, as it was a bi-partisan effort.

I've already provided you throughout the day with countless links and information on how the Obama administration has created jobs. To say "gimme this" then when you get it "ok now gimme that" and so on and so on tells me you should really spend some time on google going though information on the topic to become better informed. A simple link or two can't explain to you what you are seeking.
Taking some time to read through numerous articles and information will put you on the right track to what you seek :up:
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I've reported him three times already. Its pointless.

With regard to action taken in this thread or others? Cause the "Politics" forum might as well be named "The Primary Flame Zone." This forum though is supposed to be different.
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If you're going to treat conservatives different from liberals on this forum, just put it in the rules right up front.

Who are you talking to, and please state specifics that led you to the above conclusion.
Would you care to refute any of the facts i've posted, or is "no you're wrong" all you can offer? :eusa_think:

Stating that the nation is going to hell because anyone is ripping up the constitution is pure opinion and nothing but because we know, for a fact, that the constitution is still intact.

Petition to issue a strike against Black Label. All he's been doing in this thread is baiting.

I second that

fine..... i third that.

Eek...after a motion is seconded, we take a vote. All in favor say 'aye', all opposed 'nay'.

Boop-hope this works out, it has great promise.
After losing 3/4 of a million jobs a month under W and the GOP, the worst the nation has ever seen next to the great depression, to creating 28 straight months of positive job creation and 4.5 million jobs, I'd hardly call that pathetic.
Much of the near instant bounce back in jobs was from W simply being out of office and a democrat at the helm. Obama's stimulus package also was quite successful and holds most the credit. Obama has done other things as well such as the "hire heroes act" to give struggling veterans much better opportunities to find employment.
If it wasn't for GOP obstruction, the unemployment numbers would likely be significantly lower by now, but all in all considering, Obama has been doing a pretty damn good job.

Now tell me, what has the GOP/tea party done for job creation? I remember the GOP/tea party in 2010's main chant was "Job creation is #1!" So where are those jobs? :eusa_think:

The first bolded point above is an opinion, not a fact. That fails to answer my post.

The second bolded point is also an opinion, and directly conflicts with your first bolded point. If MUCH of the credit wnet to W being out of office and a Dem being in office, that would preclude the 'most of the credit' comment. That also fails to answer my post.

The 3rd bolded point... please link to a credible source showing exactly how many jobs the 'Hire Heroes Act' has created. According to this source... President Obama Signs VOW to Hire Heroes Act... it was signed on 11/21/2011, so your cited source can only deal with jobs created after it was signed into law. Also, I would imagine you applaud the GOP for this as well, as it was a bi-partisan effort.

I've already provided you throughout the day with countless links and information on how the Obama administration has created jobs. To say "gimme this" then when you get it "ok now gimme that" and so on and so on tells me you should really spend some time on google going though information on the topic to become better informed. A simple link or two can't explain to you what you are seeking.
Taking some time to read through numerous articles and information will put you on the right track to what you seek :up:

No, you have not. Not a single link was provided by you, to me, in response to my MANY requestes for SPECIFICS on policy or action by Obama that affected job numbers. The above post where I bolded three parts was your first actuall attempt, and it was nothing but unsubstantiated opinions.

You are flat out lying, and that is not an attack, that is a statement of fact.
Eek...after a motion is seconded, we take a vote. All in favor say 'aye', all opposed 'nay'.

Boop-hope this works out, it has great promise.

I'd suggest reading the forum rules, going off topic and trying to hijack the thread isn't allowed,...
Eek...after a motion is seconded, we take a vote. All in favor say 'aye', all opposed 'nay'.

Boop-hope this works out, it has great promise.

I'd suggest reading the forum rules, going off topic and trying to hijack the thread isn't allowed,...

perhaps if you answered direct questions with facts and links to back up your claim of fact, you wouldn't need to worry about threads veering off track. You are being seriously challenged to provide facts, and to debate civily, yet you utterly refuse to do so.

I think this is the wrong forum for you.
Stating that the nation is going to hell because anyone is ripping up the constitution is pure opinion and nothing but because we know, for a fact, that the constitution is still intact.

Petition to issue a strike against Black Label. All he's been doing in this thread is baiting.

I second that

fine..... i third that.

Eek...after a motion is seconded, we take a vote. All in favor say 'aye', all opposed 'nay'.

Boop-hope this works out, it has great promise.

Oh, SO me too. :)

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