Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

I have had to deal with IRS situations a number of times. They were always wrong, but I provided the backup info to help them. The process took several months and we are only talking a few thousand bucks. Imagine what the corrupt bastards do to The Donald.

so true----my story is kinda trivial because my income was trivial-------I did something a bit "unorthodox" I was in great turmoil so I ESTIMATED and ---added a bit (ie --OVERESTIMATED)------and sent it off. For years I did not fill out the LONG FORMS---- THEY CAUGHT UP WITH ME-----as if I never paid. I got a HUGE BILL---------Fortunately some really sympathetic old guy in the local IRS office----spent SCORES OF HOURS with me-------fixing it all up and got me an ""APOLOGY"" from the IRS----and even a little refund.
Such people are rare in "government"
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Hillary used to donate Slick's used underwear and take a deduction for them.

yes----I hate her------I have shipped all kinds of stuff to the salvation army ------ALL KINDS OF STUFF---not just old rags---actual VALUABLE stuff------I got the blank forms------"for tax deduction" and NEVER USED THEM
The apologies from the Trump puppets is so funny. Donald's come back about taking advantage of the housing crash shows his lack of Americanism and demonstrates he is simply a snake oil salesman. A conman. But his followers don't care, partisan BS has blinded them for so long they have a hard time knowing which way is up. And the irony of all ironies is his team is whining today because Mrs Clinton was prepared. What a dumb joke the right wing has become, too stupid to know stupidly when it hits them in the face.

"My preview of the debate yesterday focused on the fact that Trump’s “serious” debates at the end of the primaries, when there were fewer rivals, gave us some clues about how he might perform in the main event. He was aggressively incoherent and sometimes completely unintelligible, proving repeatedly that he had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. This has actually been obvious from the beginning of his campaign if you watched his rallies and interviews. It’s just that his personality is so remarkably bizarre that I think the lack of substance is easy to overlook. (I confess I have been somewhat surprised that so many people find his rambling “braggadociousness” appealing enough that they fail to notice that he is ignorant about everything important to the job of president.)"

Hillary dominates — and Donald Trump gave the worst debate performance of any candidate ever

PS My wife and I have paid top rate for most of our careers so please dipshits leave that weak reply for your fellow morons. Donald pays none fools.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Where did he say he cheats? Hint: He didn't

Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont

You take any deductions on your tax's ? Why is it bad ?
The apologies from the Trump puppets is so funny. Donald's come back about taking advantage of the housing crash shows his lack of Americanism and demonstrates he is simply a snake oil salesman. A conman. But his followers don't care, partisan BS has blinded them for so long they have a hard time knowing which way is up. And the irony of all ironies is his team is whining today because Mrs Clinton was prepared. What a dumb joke the right wing has become, too stupid to know stupidly when it hits them in the face.

"My preview of the debate yesterday focused on the fact that Trump’s “serious” debates at the end of the primaries, when there were fewer rivals, gave us some clues about how he might perform in the main event. He was aggressively incoherent and sometimes completely unintelligible, proving repeatedly that he had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. This has actually been obvious from the beginning of his campaign if you watched his rallies and interviews. It’s just that his personality is so remarkably bizarre that I think the lack of substance is easy to overlook. (I confess I have been somewhat surprised that so many people find his rambling “braggadociousness” appealing enough that they fail to notice that he is ignorant about everything important to the job of president.)"

Hillary dominates — and Donald Trump gave the worst debate performance of any candidate ever

What's funnier and more sad is you assholes didn't get what he meant. Of course you loons struggle to tie shoes soooooo....
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Dude, like 3/4 of your base doesn't pay taxes. Shut the fuck up

Pay attention, You might learn something.

They don't OWE a tax liability on April 15 because they've already paid their fair share (out of their pay checks.)

Donald doesn't get a pay check -- so ask yourself how he gets out of paying taxes, or paying a smaller percentage than his employees.
The apologies from the Trump puppets is so funny. Donald's come back about taking advantage of the housing crash shows his lack of Americanism and demonstrates he is simply a snake oil salesman. A conman. But his followers don't care, partisan BS has blinded them for so long they have a hard time knowing which way is up. And the irony of all ironies is his team is whining today because Mrs Clinton was prepared. What a dumb joke the right wing has become, too stupid to know stupidly when it hits them in the face.

"My preview of the debate yesterday focused on the fact that Trump’s “serious” debates at the end of the primaries, when there were fewer rivals, gave us some clues about how he might perform in the main event. He was aggressively incoherent and sometimes completely unintelligible, proving repeatedly that he had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. This has actually been obvious from the beginning of his campaign if you watched his rallies and interviews. It’s just that his personality is so remarkably bizarre that I think the lack of substance is easy to overlook. (I confess I have been somewhat surprised that so many people find his rambling “braggadociousness” appealing enough that they fail to notice that he is ignorant about everything important to the job of president.)"

Hillary dominates — and Donald Trump gave the worst debate performance of any candidate ever

Not really. It demonstrates why the auto companies and banks and all those retards with "liars loans" had to be bailed out and Trump diddnt. Thats not called evil its called resourceful.
Conservatives believe that people should be able to keep their money, Progressives believe it all belongs to the government

It's a different philosophy that Trump needed to address

“The main difference between ourselves and the other side is: We see an America where every day is the Fourth of July. They see an American where every day is April 15th.” --
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Not for Democrat politicians, they just cheat on taxes. Rangle, Slick, Hitlary, Daschle, Baird, Geithner, McCaskill, ...

Then there are billionaire liberals like Gates, Buffett and Soros who lobby for higher taxes and take your tact of evading them by taking "advantage of the tax code."

Hypocrisy much?
Well look at the bright side. If a billionaire like Trump doesn't pay any taxes, his tax cuts for the Rich won't help him.

He wants to pass on his wealth to his children without penalty.

That's called a Monarchy. You know, what we fought a war against.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Dude, like 3/4 of your base doesn't pay taxes. Shut the fuck up

Pay attention, You might learn something.

They don't OWE a tax liability on April 15 because they've already paid their fair share (out of their pay checks.)

Donald doesn't get a pay check -- so ask yourself how he gets out of paying taxes, or paying a smaller percentage than his employees.

47% pay no NET taxes because they get everything deducted from their paychecks back as a refund

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