Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

that means "their own '''charitable"' foundation"

It's undeniably a charitable foundation. Please explain how it is not and how the Clintons could possibly profit personally from it.

Their cronies collect paychecks from the "Foundation" instead of the Clintons paying them.
And how do the Clintons personally profit from that? That is to say, how does that money come to be in their possession and please show that income in their tax returns.

And how do the Clintons personally profit from that?

Well, if Hillary was going to pay Huma $200,000 to work for her, now the "Foundation" pays Huma $200,000.
Hillary just saved that salary.

Great. Now please show Huma's salary on the foundation's financials. They're publicly available.

Great, as soon as you admit that is one way the Clintons can personally profit from their "Foundation".
Low income Americans who don't pay any income tax don't pay it because they don't have any taxable income.

It's that simple.

And a rich guy who takes enough LEGAL deductions so he doesn't have a taxable income doesn't pay income tax so what's your problem ?

That's because the rich guy is exploiting all those loopholes and schemes that the GOP keeps pretending they're going to get rid of when they once AGAIN cut the tax rates for the Rich.

You mean the loopholes hilary and her rapist husband took advantage of to become billionaires by selling her public office? You mean like that?

Prove it dope.
Clinton laughed with glee after getting a child rapist off with time served after brutalizing a child to a point where she was in a coma. She admitted she knew he was guilty and laughed about it. That is your candidate.
Great. Now go through the foundation's financials and point to those payouts to the clintons.

I don't care. All I know is that the Hillary years have led us to where we are.

But you cared enough before. Why do you fold when asked to articulate you concerns with Clinton.

I never cared.
It's just that Liberals have one standard for Trump and another for Gates even though Gates is worse for America than Trump.

Really? How is Gates worse than Trump?

I mean, you haven't replied to my past post to you...
I only stated why 1,000 times but you're too much of a bleeding heart to care.
He gives to Africa and India...NOT to the US.
He is ONLY investing in the slave labor force of the future.
He has stock in Big Pharma in Africa that experiments on Black humans.
He lobbies Congress to replace all non-Indians with Indian Business Visas.
98% of MS is H1-Bs and their products have not evolved since 1998.

But you love him; I just know you do.

Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass.

Our taxes go to pay which bankers? Any specifics?
I don't care. All I know is that the Hillary years have led us to where we are.

But you cared enough before. Why do you fold when asked to articulate you concerns with Clinton.

I never cared.
It's just that Liberals have one standard for Trump and another for Gates even though Gates is worse for America than Trump.

Really? How is Gates worse than Trump?

I mean, you haven't replied to my past post to you...
I only stated why 1,000 times but you're too much of a bleeding heart to care.
He gives to Africa and India...NOT to the US.
He is ONLY investing in the slave labor force of the future.
He has stock in Big Pharma in Africa that experiments on Black humans.
He lobbies Congress to replace all non-Indians with Indian Business Visas.
98% of MS is H1-Bs and their products have not evolved since 1998.

But you love him; I just know you do.

Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.

He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.
It's undeniably a charitable foundation. Please explain how it is not and how the Clintons could possibly profit personally from it.

Their cronies collect paychecks from the "Foundation" instead of the Clintons paying them.
And how do the Clintons personally profit from that? That is to say, how does that money come to be in their possession and please show that income in their tax returns.

And how do the Clintons personally profit from that?

Well, if Hillary was going to pay Huma $200,000 to work for her, now the "Foundation" pays Huma $200,000.
Hillary just saved that salary.

Great. Now please show Huma's salary on the foundation's financials. They're publicly available.

Great, as soon as you admit that is one way the Clintons can personally profit from their "Foundation".
Less than 6% of her foundation revenue went to charity. More was spent on salaries, private planes, and marketing then on actual good works. It is a scam. She takes money from people that toss homosexuals off of rooftops for fun. Disgusting little pig.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass.

Our taxes go to pay which bankers? Any specifics?
Go back and review the billions Obama gave to foreign banks.
No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

You were "stiffed" out of nothing...nada, zilch......

Not me...All of us. And thats on Trump. Not any other person or people you want to throw in as a distraction
Any of you who think it's honorable or great to pay taxes then I invite you to pay mine. Or if you don't want to then you can always charge yourself the Woodrow Wilson level of 95% and pay that to the IRS. They will take your overpayment.

You're thinking of Eisenhower.

Taxes were high under Wilson to pay for the war. And the same goes for WWII. To pay for the Vietnam war a 10% income tax surcharge was imposed.

Since then we haven't paid for wars as they happened. That accounts for much of our current debt.

Wilson was fooled into signing the Federal Reserve Act, he was fooled into signing the 16th amendment that was never ratified and then he got duped into signing on America to fight in the biggest bullshit war of all time WWII was ANOTHER bullshit war because the very banking oligarchs and Wall Street that fund Hitler's rise to power also made tons of money when America entered it after goading Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. They made money from both sides. Vietnam was also another bullshit war that enriched the military industrial complex based on an incident that we now know never happened.

The debt that has been incurred by USA.INC does not belong to the people, it's a debt that USA.INC has ran up by their own volition. If you had a lawn mowing company that you contracted with to do your lawn and they filed for bankruptcy, does that mean you are responsible for their debt? USA.INC is nothing but a corporate entity and a successor to contract to provide the 19 essential/enumerated services of "gubermint" and they have fleeced us, made us sureties on their debts while profiting from it. When enough people finally wake up, then and only then, can we take back this country and restore this republic and it needs to happen fast before it is too late. Most people have no clue about the Bretton Woods agreement, the collateral accounts and how USA.INC became the world's reserve currency after WWII and this on the heels of them being bankrupted in 1933 and again in 1950. If you don't know your country's real history, you can't POSSIBLY understand how we got to this place, where we are heading or what the remedy is.

Wilson's foreign policies led to to the rise of Hitler's and communist Soviet Union.

Had he not forced the King of Rus to stay in WW1 as conditions on the loan from the US. Then Rus could have stamped out the Bolshevik revolution, but given their depleted military they were unable to fight WW1 and the Bolsheviks at the same time. That's why Lenin took over and that lead to Stalin and over 20 millions dead Russians.

By us entering the war, because Wilson wanted a decisive victory for America, to solidify his own foreign policy chops. Had we stayed out then WW1 would have ended because all sides were fatigued and heading towards walking away. With lands in tact and no real penalties with a surrender. With us entering the war we decimated Germany, took their lands, took their money, and left a situation ripe for the Nazi's to step in.... this message resonated.

They separated Germans into small minorities and pit them against each other..... much like the progressives have done here .... which makes sense considering the progressives were tight with the nazi's on eugenics and propaganda.

Funny how this video still stands today as a warning.

Is that why the pre-WWII Republicans were so supportive of Hitler and Mussolini?

They were great trade partners prior to them going crazy. Once they went full eugenics socialist the only ones who stayed with them were the progressives.
But you cared enough before. Why do you fold when asked to articulate you concerns with Clinton.

I never cared.
It's just that Liberals have one standard for Trump and another for Gates even though Gates is worse for America than Trump.

Really? How is Gates worse than Trump?

I mean, you haven't replied to my past post to you...
I only stated why 1,000 times but you're too much of a bleeding heart to care.
He gives to Africa and India...NOT to the US.
He is ONLY investing in the slave labor force of the future.
He has stock in Big Pharma in Africa that experiments on Black humans.
He lobbies Congress to replace all non-Indians with Indian Business Visas.
98% of MS is H1-Bs and their products have not evolved since 1998.

But you love him; I just know you do.

Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.

He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.
I laugh at the whole scam. People like Gates and Buffet pass money back and forth to each other's "foundations", but the libs seem to love it.
You were "stiffed" out of nothing...nada, zilch......

Not me...All of us. And thats on Trump. Not any other person or people you want to throw in as a distraction
You're thinking of Eisenhower.

Taxes were high under Wilson to pay for the war. And the same goes for WWII. To pay for the Vietnam war a 10% income tax surcharge was imposed.

Since then we haven't paid for wars as they happened. That accounts for much of our current debt.

Wilson was fooled into signing the Federal Reserve Act, he was fooled into signing the 16th amendment that was never ratified and then he got duped into signing on America to fight in the biggest bullshit war of all time WWII was ANOTHER bullshit war because the very banking oligarchs and Wall Street that fund Hitler's rise to power also made tons of money when America entered it after goading Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. They made money from both sides. Vietnam was also another bullshit war that enriched the military industrial complex based on an incident that we now know never happened.

The debt that has been incurred by USA.INC does not belong to the people, it's a debt that USA.INC has ran up by their own volition. If you had a lawn mowing company that you contracted with to do your lawn and they filed for bankruptcy, does that mean you are responsible for their debt? USA.INC is nothing but a corporate entity and a successor to contract to provide the 19 essential/enumerated services of "gubermint" and they have fleeced us, made us sureties on their debts while profiting from it. When enough people finally wake up, then and only then, can we take back this country and restore this republic and it needs to happen fast before it is too late. Most people have no clue about the Bretton Woods agreement, the collateral accounts and how USA.INC became the world's reserve currency after WWII and this on the heels of them being bankrupted in 1933 and again in 1950. If you don't know your country's real history, you can't POSSIBLY understand how we got to this place, where we are heading or what the remedy is.

Wilson's foreign policies led to to the rise of Hitler's and communist Soviet Union.

Had he not forced the King of Rus to stay in WW1 as conditions on the loan from the US. Then Rus could have stamped out the Bolshevik revolution, but given their depleted military they were unable to fight WW1 and the Bolsheviks at the same time. That's why Lenin took over and that lead to Stalin and over 20 millions dead Russians.

By us entering the war, because Wilson wanted a decisive victory for America, to solidify his own foreign policy chops. Had we stayed out then WW1 would have ended because all sides were fatigued and heading towards walking away. With lands in tact and no real penalties with a surrender. With us entering the war we decimated Germany, took their lands, took their money, and left a situation ripe for the Nazi's to step in.... this message resonated.

They separated Germans into small minorities and pit them against each other..... much like the progressives have done here .... which makes sense considering the progressives were tight with the nazi's on eugenics and propaganda.

Funny how this video still stands today as a warning.

Is that why the pre-WWII Republicans were so supportive of Hitler and Mussolini?

Hitler eugenics, Progressives for eugenics. Lol!

They were major supporters of the eugenics movement. Still are today.
But you cared enough before. Why do you fold when asked to articulate you concerns with Clinton.

I never cared.
It's just that Liberals have one standard for Trump and another for Gates even though Gates is worse for America than Trump.

Really? How is Gates worse than Trump?

I mean, you haven't replied to my past post to you...
I only stated why 1,000 times but you're too much of a bleeding heart to care.
He gives to Africa and India...NOT to the US.
He is ONLY investing in the slave labor force of the future.
He has stock in Big Pharma in Africa that experiments on Black humans.
He lobbies Congress to replace all non-Indians with Indian Business Visas.
98% of MS is H1-Bs and their products have not evolved since 1998.

But you love him; I just know you do.

Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.

He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.

Okay, he gives almost nothing, which is more than you give, and it's more than Trump gives.

The question is here, do you know how much he's given in America? Or are you just listening to what other people say, deciding you like what they say, and parroting what they say because it's convenient for you? Did you ever go look see how much he spends in the US?

So you tell me how much "almost NOTHING" amounts to.
I never cared.
It's just that Liberals have one standard for Trump and another for Gates even though Gates is worse for America than Trump.

Really? How is Gates worse than Trump?

I mean, you haven't replied to my past post to you...
I only stated why 1,000 times but you're too much of a bleeding heart to care.
He gives to Africa and India...NOT to the US.
He is ONLY investing in the slave labor force of the future.
He has stock in Big Pharma in Africa that experiments on Black humans.
He lobbies Congress to replace all non-Indians with Indian Business Visas.
98% of MS is H1-Bs and their products have not evolved since 1998.

But you love him; I just know you do.

Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.

He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.
I laugh at the whole scam. People like Gates and Buffet pass money back and forth to each other's "foundations", but the libs seem to love it.

How can a former president and secretary of state run a hundreds of million dollar "foundation" and pocket far more millions for themselves than the pittance they give to charity just to make it look good?

They didn't 'pocket' any.


And Bill did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky.
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.
Bullshit. Decent women, good women, MOST women, don't second guess what another woman should do when her husband is unfaithful. It is no one's business. She had as much right to stay with him as not: it's her personal right in her personal beliefs to do what she chooses. It is not up to another woman to judge her and tell her what to do. A woman who judges another woman for making her own choices about her marriage is a woman who is not a decent, good person. Who thinks her opinion about another person's marriage is the right one. NO it isn't. Mind your own business.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on how marriage should work. If Hillary wants a marriage where her husband needs other women to please himself because she is a failure at pleasing her own husband. Most women would look down at that because she is failing as a wife. Whether or not they voice that opinion is irrelevant.... the fact is they just don't respect that behavior .
Their cronies collect paychecks from the "Foundation" instead of the Clintons paying them.
And how do the Clintons personally profit from that? That is to say, how does that money come to be in their possession and please show that income in their tax returns.

And how do the Clintons personally profit from that?

Well, if Hillary was going to pay Huma $200,000 to work for her, now the "Foundation" pays Huma $200,000.
Hillary just saved that salary.

Great. Now please show Huma's salary on the foundation's financials. They're publicly available.

Great, as soon as you admit that is one way the Clintons can personally profit from their "Foundation".
Less than 6% of her foundation revenue went to charity. More was spent on salaries, private planes, and marketing then on actual good works. It is a scam. She takes money from people that toss homosexuals off of rooftops for fun. Disgusting little pig.

I never cared.
It's just that Liberals have one standard for Trump and another for Gates even though Gates is worse for America than Trump.

Really? How is Gates worse than Trump?

I mean, you haven't replied to my past post to you...
I only stated why 1,000 times but you're too much of a bleeding heart to care.
He gives to Africa and India...NOT to the US.
He is ONLY investing in the slave labor force of the future.
He has stock in Big Pharma in Africa that experiments on Black humans.
He lobbies Congress to replace all non-Indians with Indian Business Visas.
98% of MS is H1-Bs and their products have not evolved since 1998.

But you love him; I just know you do.

Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.

He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.
I laugh at the whole scam. People like Gates and Buffet pass money back and forth to each other's "foundations", but the libs seem to love it.
That's what happens when your brain can only absorb headlines.
Really? How is Gates worse than Trump?

I mean, you haven't replied to my past post to you...
I only stated why 1,000 times but you're too much of a bleeding heart to care.
He gives to Africa and India...NOT to the US.
He is ONLY investing in the slave labor force of the future.
He has stock in Big Pharma in Africa that experiments on Black humans.
He lobbies Congress to replace all non-Indians with Indian Business Visas.
98% of MS is H1-Bs and their products have not evolved since 1998.

But you love him; I just know you do.

Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.

He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.
I laugh at the whole scam. People like Gates and Buffet pass money back and forth to each other's "foundations", but the libs seem to love it.
That's what happens when your brain can only absorb headlines.

So if your brain is so developed, you'll be able to back yourself up. If you get past the headlines, you'll be able to back yourself up. So why don't you?
I never cared.
It's just that Liberals have one standard for Trump and another for Gates even though Gates is worse for America than Trump.

Really? How is Gates worse than Trump?

I mean, you haven't replied to my past post to you...
I only stated why 1,000 times but you're too much of a bleeding heart to care.
He gives to Africa and India...NOT to the US.
He is ONLY investing in the slave labor force of the future.
He has stock in Big Pharma in Africa that experiments on Black humans.
He lobbies Congress to replace all non-Indians with Indian Business Visas.
98% of MS is H1-Bs and their products have not evolved since 1998.

But you love him; I just know you do.

Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.

He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.

Okay, he gives almost nothing, which is more than you give, and it's more than Trump gives.

The question is here, do you know how much he's given in America? Or are you just listening to what other people say, deciding you like what they say, and parroting what they say because it's convenient for you? Did you ever go look see how much he spends in the US?

So you tell me how much "almost NOTHING" amounts to.
You are a fucking moron.
He's on talk shows all the time talking shit about Americans and he's always testifying before Congress on why we need to replace all non-Indian Business Visas with Indian Business Visas.
Are you an Indian H1-B or do you use them?
I can think of no other reason you completely skipped this fact.
Last edited:
I only stated why 1,000 times but you're too much of a bleeding heart to care.
He gives to Africa and India...NOT to the US.
He is ONLY investing in the slave labor force of the future.
He has stock in Big Pharma in Africa that experiments on Black humans.
He lobbies Congress to replace all non-Indians with Indian Business Visas.
98% of MS is H1-Bs and their products have not evolved since 1998.

But you love him; I just know you do.

Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.

He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.
I laugh at the whole scam. People like Gates and Buffet pass money back and forth to each other's "foundations", but the libs seem to love it.
That's what happens when your brain can only absorb headlines.

So if your brain is so developed, you'll be able to back yourself up. If you get past the headlines, you'll be able to back yourself up. So why don't you?
What the hell are you babbling about now?
Really? How is Gates worse than Trump?

I mean, you haven't replied to my past post to you...
I only stated why 1,000 times but you're too much of a bleeding heart to care.
He gives to Africa and India...NOT to the US.
He is ONLY investing in the slave labor force of the future.
He has stock in Big Pharma in Africa that experiments on Black humans.
He lobbies Congress to replace all non-Indians with Indian Business Visas.
98% of MS is H1-Bs and their products have not evolved since 1998.

But you love him; I just know you do.

Did you not read my post? Either you did and you chose to ignore it, or you just skipped over the first few lines.

He doesn't just give to Africa and India. He's given far more money to charity in the US than Trump's given to charity anywhere.

You can come on here making up bullshit you believe, but until you start proving it, then you'll never find the truth.

He gives almost NOTHING to the US.
You don't actually know the mechanics of how his "Foundations" work?
He uses them mostly for tax write-offs and as interest bearing instruments.
He's a complete scumbag.
I watch his interviews and he has nothing but contempt for the US.

Okay, he gives almost nothing, which is more than you give, and it's more than Trump gives.

The question is here, do you know how much he's given in America? Or are you just listening to what other people say, deciding you like what they say, and parroting what they say because it's convenient for you? Did you ever go look see how much he spends in the US?

So you tell me how much "almost NOTHING" amounts to.
You are a fucking moron.
He's on talk shows all the time talking shit about Americans and he's always testifying before Congress on why we need to replaced all non-Indian Business Visas with Indian Business Visas.
Are you an Indian H1-B or do you use them?
I can think of no other reason you completely skipped this fact.

Ah, insults.

I ask you to back yourself up, and you turn to insults. What a surprise.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Perhaps everyone should stop paying taxes to show him how smart they are.

Great idea!!!!! The income tax has ALWAYS been unconstitutional and has never gone towards funding this services corporation that you call "gubermint". It goes to pay interest on money created from extended credit that the international bankers pulled out of their ass. We have been CONDITIONED like good little slaves to give up part of what we earn from bartering our time. It's way past time that the people take off the blinders.

How has income tax been unconstitutional?

Article 1 Section 8: The Congress shall have power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises....

Proportional taxes and taxes that are within the confines of the constitution.

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