Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

What rich person doesn't take advantage of the tax code ? Hell, im poor as fuck and I take advantage of the tex code as much as possible. When you dont get a tax credit for shitting out kids you kind of have to. Bet Hillery does it to. Wonder if she paied taxes on her clinton foundation money ? or the cash she gets for her DNC sales pitches?

Well it easy to find out... She released her tax returns... Where is Donalds?
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

If it's legal what do you care?

All should pay some. We all enjoy the benefits of our country. Nobody should get a free ride. Nearly 50% of Americans pay no taxes and these same people are the same people that receive the most support form the government. It should be "all pay some and not some pay all"

Nearly 50% of Americans pay no federal income tax, but they pay sales taxes, excise taxes, property taxes, SS and Medicare taxes, and so on. Quit lying by saying that 50% don't pay any taxes, because it's a straight out lie.

Then why should they get a pass on the income tax?

If its legal what do you care? *slaps knee*
So he obeys the law and follows the tax codes and that's somehow wrong

If D. Trump is following the law, why is he hiding his taxes?

Rich folk, like D. Trump not paying taxes? - No wonder our troops in Iraq were scrounging around in Iraqi garbage dumps for armor.

everyone pays sales taxes, the more stuff you buy the more you pay. The rich buy more stuff and pay more sales taxes. its really not very complicated.

The rich DO NOT buy more stuff as a % of their income, they buy LESS and thats even more true during recessionary periods, where their savings shoot through the roof and low income households still spend everything to make ends meet.

Do you have a link to your statement?

You seriously doubt that the rich spend a lower percentage of their income than the poor and middle class?


Do you know what 10% of 100 bucks is ?

What is 10% of a million dollars?

How come $10 bucks from a poor person and $100,000 of a rich person in taxes not fair?????

That's what I never get. Why can't everyone pay the same amount percentage wise in federal taxes since we all have one vote?[/QUOTE
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Hillary used to donate Slick's used underwear and take a deduction for them.

More like they donate 10% of the income that they pay the full 35% federal income tax on.

Yes, donating it to their slush fund is very thoughtful.

Explain how it's a slush fund.

slush fund: a reserve of money used for illicit purposes, especially political bribery.

Fine. Thank you.
Now if you could. Please outline how you believe the Clintons are doing so.

You can start by showing how they are able to access that money for personal use.
More like they donate 10% of the income that they pay the full 35% federal income tax on.

Yes, donating it to their slush fund is very thoughtful.

Explain how it's a slush fund.

that means "their own '''charitable"' foundation"

It's undeniably a charitable foundation. Please explain how it is not and how the Clintons could possibly profit personally from it.

Their cronies collect paychecks from the "Foundation" instead of the Clintons paying them.
And how do the Clintons personally profit from that? That is to say, how does that money come to be in their possession and please show that income in their tax returns.
Yes, donating it to their slush fund is very thoughtful.

Explain how it's a slush fund.

that means "their own '''charitable"' foundation"

It's undeniably a charitable foundation. Please explain how it is not and how the Clintons could possibly profit personally from it.

Their cronies collect paychecks from the "Foundation" instead of the Clintons paying them.
And how do the Clintons personally profit from that?
Dinners, Hotels, Vacations...all in the name of business ventures.
Heck, I personally know people who do it.
No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

And so you stiff America to? Do you take all your deductions?

Is this how you let everyone know that paying nothing in taxes is a net positive? By asking me questions instead of making statements of support?

You are the asshole that claims Trump is stiffing America by paying as little taxes as possible. I know why you won't anser the question honestly, it is because you take all the deductions you can legally. Just like Trump, however you want Trump taking deductions as bad. Pretty silly nutter crap.

Exactly. LEGAL deductions. He's probably fudging the living shit out of his taxes. On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes. Are you fucking kidding me?

And he wonders why he's under audit. He's a fucking crook and a sociopath and a serial liar.

On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes.

If I have $600 million in stocks and they double this year, how much do I pay in taxes?

Now dope, surely you understand the difference between what someone declares as income on their taxes and what they declare as a capital a gain.

You just disqualified yourself from the discussion. Go sit down.
Class division is what defines this nation.

It defines every nation.
It's human nature.
It's either that or displays of individual feats of strength.
Our human societal equivalent of the survival of the fittest.
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Because 10$ could mean a missed meal for a poor person. $100k is a missed payment on a 3rd mansion for a rich person. And before you accuse me of being a bleeding heart, understand that this is not good for the economy as a whole...unless you think Brazil should be our model.

....or, another example.........That $10 would UNDOUBTEDLY be spent on something rather quickly, thereby stimulating just a tiny bit the economy........Conversely, that $100K may wind up in some Singapore or Swiss bank stimulating ZERO.

$10 X 200,000,000= 2,000,000,000
That could be spent daily with a modest wage increase across the board.
Because 10$ could mean a missed meal for a poor person. $100k is a missed payment on a 3rd mansion for a rich person. And before you accuse me of being a bleeding heart, understand that this is not good for the economy as a whole...unless you think Brazil should be our model.

....or, another example.........That $10 would UNDOUBTEDLY be spent on something rather quickly, thereby stimulating just a tiny bit the economy........Conversely, that $100K may wind up in some Singapore or Swiss bank stimulating ZERO.

$10 X 200,000,000= 2,000,000,000
That could be spent daily with a modest wage increase across the board.
We HAVE $10.00 x200,000,000...
Adults and babies do eat.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

What did come out of debate last night is they did find two years of Trump's income tax returns he had to given to the state of New York, where he didn't pay any federal income tax. Owner applications for Casino licenses require that they show income tax returns.

Which is probably why he is refusing to release any now.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Well what did come out of debate last night is they did find two years of Trump's income tax returns he had to give to the state of New York, where he didn't pay any federal income tax.

Which is probably why he is refusing to release any now.
If I recall correctly your husband has tons of write-offs.
Donald Trump has generated millions in tax dollars with the buildings he has built and the projects he has built.....not to mention the real jobs he has created and the taxes generated by his business activity......

The clinton's made all of their billions selling her office as Secretary of State and hiding that money from taxes by putting it in their crime foundation........they even gave themselves over a million their foundation....had it taken off of their taxes and still kept it because it was in the foundation......

Of the two.......bill the rapist and Hilary are the actual tax cheats..........not Trump.
So he obeys the law and follows the tax codes and that's somehow wrong

Yes, paying nothing in taxes is wrong. Do you have a rebuttal?

47% of people pay no income tax so that is wrong?

Paying nothing in taxes is wrong. What say you?

Not if it is done legally no

If you have an issue with the tax code then that's a different thread

I said paying no taxes is wrong. Here's your chance to tell me its good. Annnd go!

The crony tax code, implemented by crony politicians, like Hillary Clinton is the problem. Trump wants to reform the tax code, Hillary wants more crony deals for her donors and special friends on wall street, which is why they are all supporting her

GE & Others Pay No/Little Taxes; Lobby For Loopholes But Not To Change Corp Tax Rate

Yes, donating it to their slush fund is very thoughtful.

Explain how it's a slush fund.

that means "their own '''charitable"' foundation"

It's undeniably a charitable foundation. Please explain how it is not and how the Clintons could possibly profit personally from it.

Their cronies collect paychecks from the "Foundation" instead of the Clintons paying them.
And how do the Clintons personally profit from that? That is to say, how does that money come to be in their possession and please show that income in their tax returns.

And how do the Clintons personally profit from that?

Well, if Hillary was going to pay Huma $200,000 to work for her, now the "Foundation" pays Huma $200,000.
Hillary just saved that salary.
And so you stiff America to? Do you take all your deductions?

Is this how you let everyone know that paying nothing in taxes is a net positive? By asking me questions instead of making statements of support?

You are the asshole that claims Trump is stiffing America by paying as little taxes as possible. I know why you won't anser the question honestly, it is because you take all the deductions you can legally. Just like Trump, however you want Trump taking deductions as bad. Pretty silly nutter crap.

Exactly. LEGAL deductions. He's probably fudging the living shit out of his taxes. On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes. Are you fucking kidding me?

And he wonders why he's under audit. He's a fucking crook and a sociopath and a serial liar.

On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes.

If I have $600 million in stocks and they double this year, how much do I pay in taxes?

Now dope, surely you understand the difference between what someone declares as income on their taxes and what they declare as a capital a gain.

You just disqualified yourself from the discussion. Go sit down.

Why won't you answer the question?
Exactly. When he said that, not only did it piss me off personally, but it makes you think, "How can someone run the country, take taxes from everyone else, and never pay them himself?" Some kind of true elitist asshole who has no right at all to hold public office.

How can a former president and secretary of state run a hundreds of million dollar "foundation" and pocket far more millions for themselves than the pittance they give to charity just to make it look good?

They didn't 'pocket' any.


And Bill did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky.
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.
Bullshit. Decent women, good women, MOST women, don't second guess what another woman should do when her husband is unfaithful. It is no one's business. She had as much right to stay with him as not: it's her personal right in her personal beliefs to do what she chooses. It is not up to another woman to judge her and tell her what to do. A woman who judges another woman for making her own choices about her marriage is a woman who is not a decent, good person. Who thinks her opinion about another person's marriage is the right one. NO it isn't. Mind your own business.
everyone pays sales taxes, the more stuff you buy the more you pay. The rich buy more stuff and pay more sales taxes. its really not very complicated.

The rich DO NOT buy more stuff as a % of their income, they buy LESS and thats even more true during recessionary periods, where their savings shoot through the roof and low income households still spend everything to make ends meet.

Do you have a link to your statement?

You seriously doubt that the rich spend a lower percentage of their income than the poor and middle class?


Yes,they fill warehouses and warehouses full of goods they will never use. One man had 6,000 pairs of pants.
You're an idiot. The rich spend a small percentage of their income on personal expenses. That's how they become rich.
How can a former president and secretary of state run a hundreds of million dollar "foundation" and pocket far more millions for themselves than the pittance they give to charity just to make it look good?

They didn't 'pocket' any.


And Bill did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky.
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.
Bullshit. Decent women, good women, MOST women, don't second guess what another woman should do when her husband is unfaithful. It is no one's business. She had as much right to stay with him as not: it's her personal right in her personal beliefs to do what she chooses. It is not up to another woman to judge her and tell her what to do. A woman who judges another woman for making her own choices about her marriage is a woman who is not a decent, good person. Who thinks her opinion about another person's marriage is the right one. NO it isn't. Mind your own business.

Twit...she led the effort to silence the women he attacked...she over saw the private detectives and sent her minions like Sydney Blumenthal to attack these women.........that is the relevance...she helped protect her husband from the women he sexually assaulted....she broke the law, and obstructed justice............
What did come out of debate last night is they did find two years of Trump's income tax returns he had to given to the state of New York, where he didn't pay any federal income tax. Owner applications for Casino licenses require that they show income tax returns.

Which is probably why he is refusing to release any now.

One tiny correction....It was New jersey and not NY.
Each person gets only one vote

So I say 10% is enough . $10 bucks on a $100 , $100,000 on a million

But you know it's not like that, the way it is now 0 on a $100 and what $390,000 on a million ?

How is that fair one person one vote

One pays zip zero in federal taxes

And one pays

$390,000 dollars

Bullshit.....NO ONE has ever offered ONE verifiable example that any individual or corporation ever paid the 39.6%....Heck, the stipulation is that Trump made $640 MILLION and paid ZERO on that yearly income......

I can ONLY be proven wrong if Trump released his tax returns....LOL

The crazy thing is, business get tax exemptions ALL the time from the government from the smallest parts of government, cities, all the way up to the top in the federal government. Seriously, and then as soon as the exemption ends, they move on to somewhere else and a new set of exemptions. Putting workers out of jobs and leaving nothing but an empty building a weakened economy behind. I'm so tired of hearing about business taxes, truth is they get treated well all the time.

Which of course is totally insane when you look at the components of GDP and think about what segment will give the largest return on investment.

Consumer spending is 60-70% while business investment is 15-17%.

90% of consumers, who spend the most of their income, make less than $100K.

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