Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

ROFL! So you believe people should pay more taxes than they are legally required to pay?

Moron....the only TWO years we have Trump's tax returns he paid ZERO.........Why don't you send him one of your welfare packages for the poor baby?
So abiding by the Tax Law and using it to your advantage is somehow "wrong".
The search for intelligent Left Wing life forms goes on.

So this begs the question, is breaking the law or pushing the envelope ok as long as you don't get caught?

Show me where any of that has happened, pretend I'm from Missouri.

I'm just asking you a hypothetical question. Take for example OJ. We all know he is guilty, but he was found not guilty in his criminal lawsuit, but found responsible for the deaths in civil court. So though he was found not guilty in a criminal case, is it ok that he killed them?

I mean this with respect, I don't normally engage in hypotheticals. It has always seemed a bit silly.
I don't know of any tRump malfeasance , tax or otherwise.

I'm just asking an honest question, if you can knowingly push the envelop on a law, or even break the law in a way without getting caught, is it still ethical? Would you do it? I ask because one of Mark Cuban's comments was that he tells his tax lawyers ever year on his audits to follow the laws and pay the taxes he needs to pay.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Same tax code that conservatives complain about when a family of four making $20,000 doesn't pay taxes

Is Trump going to demand food stamps next?
Maybe we can get his 10 year old son into a Charter School
You mean you don't complain about the tax code, douche bag?
Without those illegals businesses will have to at least double the wages they pay illegals to working Americans....and rightfully so.
ROFL! So you believe people should pay more taxes than they are legally required to pay?

Moron....the only TWO years we have Trump's tax returns he paid ZERO.........Why don't you send him one of your welfare packages for the poor baby?
He paid zero taxes, or his company paid zero taxes? I'll bet you don't understand the distinction.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

I cant wait to hear republicans now say that tax cheats, people who dont pay taxes etc are good people unless they're poor tax cheats. Those tax cheats are bad tax cheats.

Where did he say he cheats? Hint: He didn't

Where do you think paying no taxes is fair? Hint: You dont
If your company makes no money, then it's perfectly fair.
ROFL! So you believe people should pay more taxes than they are legally required to pay?

Moron....the only TWO years we have Trump's tax returns he paid ZERO.........Why don't you send him one of your welfare packages for the poor baby?
He paid zero taxes, or his company paid zero taxes? I'll bet you don't understand the distinction.

Pretty sure it was his personal taxes because it was to get a gambling license.
Yes, how to play Trump saying "it makes me smart" about not paying taxes. So a self-proclaimed billionaire says he doesn't pay taxes, yet a middle class worker making $40k has to pay thousands in taxes. What would any normal middle class worker think about a 'billionaire' who brags about not paying taxes? It's such a mystery.

Oh, you are late to the party. You're like Paul Revere riding through Gettysburg during the Civil War yelling the British are coming.

Thank you judge of the Galactic Empire. Be sure to critique all my other posts here, I'd love to hear your faux historical contextual verbage on various other nonsensical calamities.

Paper or plastic?

Will do, but first can you give me the cliff notes of you 7,487 posts? It'll make it go faster.

A clever fellow like you, I'll leave it to your excellent skills at discerning what a post needs and what it doesn't need and where they can be found.
Yes, how to play Trump saying "it makes me smart" about not paying taxes. So a self-proclaimed billionaire says he doesn't pay taxes, yet a middle class worker making $40k has to pay thousands in taxes. What would any normal middle class worker think about a 'billionaire' who brags about not paying taxes? It's such a mystery.

Oh, you are late to the party. You're like Paul Revere riding through Gettysburg during the Civil War yelling the British are coming.

Thank you judge of the Galactic Empire. Be sure to critique all my other posts here, I'd love to hear your faux historical contextual verbage on various other nonsensical calamities.

Paper or plastic?

Will do, but first can you give me the cliff notes of you 7,487 posts? It'll make it go faster.

A clever fellow like you, I'll leave it to your excellent skills at discerning what a post needs and what it doesn't need and where they can be found.

You underestimate my sneakiness Sir.

If Obama's administration was REALLY "corrupt", the so-called audit of trump's taxes would be declared FINISHED a couple of weeks before the election....LOL
ROFL! So you believe people should pay more taxes than they are legally required to pay?

Moron....the only TWO years we have Trump's tax returns he paid ZERO.........Why don't you send him one of your welfare packages for the poor baby?
He paid zero taxes, or his company paid zero taxes? I'll bet you don't understand the distinction.
Nate is too gutless to answer. He knows I will eviscerate him. That's why he gives me those "laughing" awards. He avoids having to prove his point.

Its simple...just release the tax returns....problem solved. Every other candidate has. Its not that complicated
So abiding by the Tax Law and using it to your advantage is somehow "wrong".
The search for intelligent Left Wing life forms goes on.

So this begs the question, is breaking the law or pushing the envelope ok as long as you don't get caught?

Show me where any of that has happened, pretend I'm from Missouri.

I'm just asking you a hypothetical question. Take for example OJ. We all know he is guilty, but he was found not guilty in his criminal lawsuit, but found responsible for the deaths in civil court. So though he was found not guilty in a criminal case, is it ok that he killed them?

I mean this with respect, I don't normally engage in hypotheticals. It has always seemed a bit silly.
I don't know of any tRump malfeasance , tax or otherwise.

I'm just asking an honest question, if you can knowingly push the envelop on a law, or even break the law in a way without getting caught, is it still ethical? Would you do it? I ask because one of Mark Cuban's comments was that he tells his tax lawyers ever year on his audits to follow the laws and pay the taxes he needs to pay.
Not paying taxes is always ethical for the same reason it's ethical not to hand over your money to a mugger.
Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

And so you stiff America to? Do you take all your deductions?

Is this how you let everyone know that paying nothing in taxes is a net positive? By asking me questions instead of making statements of support?

You are the asshole that claims Trump is stiffing America by paying as little taxes as possible. I know why you won't anser the question honestly, it is because you take all the deductions you can legally. Just like Trump, however you want Trump taking deductions as bad. Pretty silly nutter crap.

Exactly. LEGAL deductions. He's probably fudging the living shit out of his taxes. On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes. Are you fucking kidding me?

And he wonders why he's under audit. He's a fucking crook and a sociopath and a serial liar.

And you have no proof that he is lying or cheating on his taxes. Unless you can provide a solid link that is from a credible source, you are nothing but a partisan whackadoodle.
No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

And so you stiff America to? Do you take all your deductions?

Is this how you let everyone know that paying nothing in taxes is a net positive? By asking me questions instead of making statements of support?

You are the asshole that claims Trump is stiffing America by paying as little taxes as possible. I know why you won't anser the question honestly, it is because you take all the deductions you can legally. Just like Trump, however you want Trump taking deductions as bad. Pretty silly nutter crap.

Exactly. LEGAL deductions. He's probably fudging the living shit out of his taxes. On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes. Are you fucking kidding me?

And he wonders why he's under audit. He's a fucking crook and a sociopath and a serial liar.

And you have no proof that he is lying or cheating on his taxes. Unless you can provide a solid link that is from a credible source, you are nothing but a partisan whackadoodle.

He's audited every year, so he must be complying with the law.

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