Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

And so you stiff America to? Do you take all your deductions?

Is this how you let everyone know that paying nothing in taxes is a net positive? By asking me questions instead of making statements of support?

You are the asshole that claims Trump is stiffing America by paying as little taxes as possible. I know why you won't anser the question honestly, it is because you take all the deductions you can legally. Just like Trump, however you want Trump taking deductions as bad. Pretty silly nutter crap.

Exactly. LEGAL deductions. He's probably fudging the living shit out of his taxes. On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes. Are you fucking kidding me?

And he wonders why he's under audit. He's a fucking crook and a sociopath and a serial liar.

He never said he didn't pay any taxes on that income.
everyone pays sales taxes, the more stuff you buy the more you pay. The rich buy more stuff and pay more sales taxes. its really not very complicated.

The rich DO NOT buy more stuff as a % of their income, they buy LESS and thats even more true during recessionary periods, where their savings shoot through the roof and low income households still spend everything to make ends meet.

Do you have a link to your statement?

You seriously doubt that the rich spend a lower percentage of their income than the poor and middle class?


Do you know what 10% of 100 bucks is ?

What is 10% of a million dollars?

How come $10 bucks from a poor person and $100,000 of a rich person in taxes not fair?????

That's what I never get. Why can't everyone pay the same amount percentage wise in federal taxes since we all have one vote?
No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

And so you stiff America to? Do you take all your deductions?

Is this how you let everyone know that paying nothing in taxes is a net positive? By asking me questions instead of making statements of support?

You are the asshole that claims Trump is stiffing America by paying as little taxes as possible. I know why you won't anser the question honestly, it is because you take all the deductions you can legally. Just like Trump, however you want Trump taking deductions as bad. Pretty silly nutter crap.

Exactly. LEGAL deductions. He's probably fudging the living shit out of his taxes. On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes. Are you fucking kidding me?

And he wonders why he's under audit. He's a fucking crook and a sociopath and a serial liar.

He never said he didn't pay any taxes on that income.

Wanna bet?

Did Donald Trump Just Admit He Doesn't Pay Federal Income Taxes?
everyone pays sales taxes, the more stuff you buy the more you pay. The rich buy more stuff and pay more sales taxes. its really not very complicated.

The rich DO NOT buy more stuff as a % of their income, they buy LESS and thats even more true during recessionary periods, where their savings shoot through the roof and low income households still spend everything to make ends meet.

Do you have a link to your statement?

You seriously doubt that the rich spend a lower percentage of their income than the poor and middle class?


Do you know what 10% of 100 bucks is ?

What is 10% of a million dollars?

How come $10 bucks from a poor person and $100,000 of a rich person in taxes not fair?????

That's what I never get. Why can't everyone pay the same amount percentage wise in federal taxes since we all have one vote?

Because 10$ could mean a missed meal for a poor person. $100k is a missed payment on a 3rd mansion for a rich person. And before you accuse me of being a bleeding heart, understand that this is not good for the economy as a whole...unless you think Brazil should be our model.
everyone pays sales taxes, the more stuff you buy the more you pay. The rich buy more stuff and pay more sales taxes. its really not very complicated.

The rich DO NOT buy more stuff as a % of their income, they buy LESS and thats even more true during recessionary periods, where their savings shoot through the roof and low income households still spend everything to make ends meet.

Do you have a link to your statement?

You seriously doubt that the rich spend a lower percentage of their income than the poor and middle class?


Do you know what 10% of 100 bucks is ?

What is 10% of a million dollars?

How come $10 bucks from a poor person and $100,000 of a rich person in taxes not fair?????

That's what I never get. Why can't everyone pay the same amount percentage wise in federal taxes since we all have one vote?

Because 10$ could mean a missed meal for a poor person. $100k is a missed payment on a 3rd mansion for a rich person. And before you accuse me of being a bleeding heart, understand that this is not good for the economy as a whole...unless you think Brazil should be our model.

Each person gets only one vote

So I say 10% is enough . $10 bucks on a $100 , $100,000 on a million

But you know it's not like that, the way it is now 0 on a $100 and what $390,000 on a million ?

How is that fair one person one vote

One pays zip zero in federal taxes

And one pays

$390,000 dollars
And so you stiff America to? Do you take all your deductions?

Is this how you let everyone know that paying nothing in taxes is a net positive? By asking me questions instead of making statements of support?

You are the asshole that claims Trump is stiffing America by paying as little taxes as possible. I know why you won't anser the question honestly, it is because you take all the deductions you can legally. Just like Trump, however you want Trump taking deductions as bad. Pretty silly nutter crap.

Exactly. LEGAL deductions. He's probably fudging the living shit out of his taxes. On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes. Are you fucking kidding me?

And he wonders why he's under audit. He's a fucking crook and a sociopath and a serial liar.

He never said he didn't pay any taxes on that income.

Wanna bet?

Did Donald Trump Just Admit He Doesn't Pay Federal Income Taxes?

Read the third word in the article you linked. "Seemingly" is subjective.

But nice try buttercup
Yes, making a shit ton and not paying into the American system because you have slick lawyers is not a virtue

Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

You were "stiffed" out of nothing...nada, zilch......

Not me...All of us. And thats on Trump. Not any other person or people you want to throw in as a distraction
Any of you who think it's honorable or great to pay taxes then I invite you to pay mine. Or if you don't want to then you can always charge yourself the Woodrow Wilson level of 95% and pay that to the IRS. They will take your overpayment.

You're thinking of Eisenhower.

Taxes were high under Wilson to pay for the war. And the same goes for WWII. To pay for the Vietnam war a 10% income tax surcharge was imposed.

Since then we haven't paid for wars as they happened. That accounts for much of our current debt.

Wilson was fooled into signing the Federal Reserve Act, he was fooled into signing the 16th amendment that was never ratified and then he got duped into signing on America to fight in the biggest bullshit war of all time WWII was ANOTHER bullshit war because the very banking oligarchs and Wall Street that fund Hitler's rise to power also made tons of money when America entered it after goading Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. They made money from both sides. Vietnam was also another bullshit war that enriched the military industrial complex based on an incident that we now know never happened.

The debt that has been incurred by USA.INC does not belong to the people, it's a debt that USA.INC has ran up by their own volition. If you had a lawn mowing company that you contracted with to do your lawn and they filed for bankruptcy, does that mean you are responsible for their debt? USA.INC is nothing but a corporate entity and a successor to contract to provide the 19 essential/enumerated services of "gubermint" and they have fleeced us, made us sureties on their debts while profiting from it. When enough people finally wake up, then and only then, can we take back this country and restore this republic and it needs to happen fast before it is too late. Most people have no clue about the Bretton Woods agreement, the collateral accounts and how USA.INC became the world's reserve currency after WWII and this on the heels of them being bankrupted in 1933 and again in 1950. If you don't know your country's real history, you can't POSSIBLY understand how we got to this place, where we are heading or what the remedy is.

Wilson's foreign policies led to to the rise of Hitler's and communist Soviet Union.

Had he not forced the King of Rus to stay in WW1 as conditions on the loan from the US. Then Rus could have stamped out the Bolshevik revolution, but given their depleted military they were unable to fight WW1 and the Bolsheviks at the same time. That's why Lenin took over and that lead to Stalin and over 20 millions dead Russians.

By us entering the war, because Wilson wanted a decisive victory for America, to solidify his own foreign policy chops. Had we stayed out then WW1 would have ended because all sides were fatigued and heading towards walking away. With lands in tact and no real penalties with a surrender. With us entering the war we decimated Germany, took their lands, took their money, and left a situation ripe for the Nazi's to step in.... this message resonated.

They separated Germans into small minorities and pit them against each other..... much like the progressives have done here .... which makes sense considering the progressives were tight with the nazi's on eugenics and propaganda.

Funny how this video still stands today as a warning.

No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

Hillary used to donate Slick's used underwear and take a deduction for them.

More like they donate 10% of the income that they pay the full 35% federal income tax on.

Yes, donating it to their slush fund is very thoughtful.

Explain how it's a slush fund.

slush fund: a reserve of money used for illicit purposes, especially political bribery.
Hillary used to donate Slick's used underwear and take a deduction for them.

More like they donate 10% of the income that they pay the full 35% federal income tax on.

Yes, donating it to their slush fund is very thoughtful.

Explain how it's a slush fund.

that means "their own '''charitable"' foundation"

It's undeniably a charitable foundation. Please explain how it is not and how the Clintons could possibly profit personally from it.

Their cronies collect paychecks from the "Foundation" instead of the Clintons paying them.
Low income Americans who don't pay any income tax don't pay it because they don't have any taxable income.

It's that simple.

And a rich guy who takes enough LEGAL deductions so he doesn't have a taxable income doesn't pay income tax so what's your problem ?

That's because the rich guy is exploiting all those loopholes and schemes that the GOP keeps pretending they're going to get rid of when they once AGAIN cut the tax rates for the Rich.

You mean the loopholes hilary and her rapist husband took advantage of to become billionaires by selling her public office? You mean like that?
"Rapist husband"...when was he convicted of rape?
All these clowns defending billionaire Trump for paying no income tax are the same clowns who keep telling us that the poor need to pay at least some tax

for that having 'skin in the game' thing. I guess billionaires are what? Skinless?

USA.INC is awash in riches as composite "gubermint" is the majority shareholders in every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. USA.INC receives more in tax free income per their investments than times three the entire private sector GDP. Learn how to read a CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) and you will find their investments and what their net worth is or go to Dun and Bradstreet and pay 35 bucks per corporate entity you wish to review and they will give you their asset holding and credit rating. You idiots simply don't understand that you have been fleeced to the 9th degree. Your beloved federal "gubermint" has 285,000 subsidiaries and who owns USA.INC? The IMF...that's who...they take in the profits and hide them in offshore accounts (all tax free, of course) and then give us their corporate credit card bill to pay. USA.INC has investments in stocks, amusement parks, real estate, golf course, race tracks and even invest in foreign markets now. They make money when someone is kicked off of their land because they had mineral resources that could profit USA.INC. Some of you leftards are so fucking naive that it's beyond pathetic....I laugh at you and your indignant outrage over shit you have no clue about. The birth certificate was monetized and used as a negotiable instrument and when "da gubermint" made themselves the trustee of that bond, they used that credit to invest while passing the debt onto us even though it was OUR credit that they used to attain that wealth with the promise of "caring for you cradle to grave" which is just a penance of what they have stolen from us. Wake up, morons....sheesh.
Millionaires and billionaires should be PROHIBITED from running. They are not pro american worker supporters. They are corporatist anti american people.
Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

And so you stiff America to? Do you take all your deductions?

Is this how you let everyone know that paying nothing in taxes is a net positive? By asking me questions instead of making statements of support?

You are the asshole that claims Trump is stiffing America by paying as little taxes as possible. I know why you won't anser the question honestly, it is because you take all the deductions you can legally. Just like Trump, however you want Trump taking deductions as bad. Pretty silly nutter crap.

Exactly. LEGAL deductions. He's probably fudging the living shit out of his taxes. On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes. Are you fucking kidding me?

And he wonders why he's under audit. He's a fucking crook and a sociopath and a serial liar.

On live TV he said he makes $600 million per year. And he pays ZERO taxes.

If I have $600 million in stocks and they double this year, how much do I pay in taxes?
Exactly. When he said that, not only did it piss me off personally, but it makes you think, "How can someone run the country, take taxes from everyone else, and never pay them himself?" Some kind of true elitist asshole who has no right at all to hold public office.

How can a former president and secretary of state run a hundreds of million dollar "foundation" and pocket far more millions for themselves than the pittance they give to charity just to make it look good?

They didn't 'pocket' any.


And Bill did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky.
Using 20 year old gossip against a wronged wife is not going to win you any points with women voters, I can guarantee you that.

Women don't respect any woman who just takes it when her husband spends their lives being a liar and a cheater. The fact she has never left him for this behavior echoes with women. She looks weak.
Oh really? :lol: :lol: :lol: But they respect the serial womanizer running against her? Listen to you!
Then vote the SOBs that write the stupid laws out of office. I don't agree with the bullshit either but I'm not going to blame Americans for taking advantage of the tax code. Do you take legal deductions to cut your tax payment down? If you do, you are no different than Trump.

It is Congress that write the laws, they and they alone are to blame.

No dice champ. Trump pays nothing in taxes then its Trump who is to blame for stiffing the American people.

You were "stiffed" out of nothing...nada, zilch......

Not me...All of us. And thats on Trump. Not any other person or people you want to throw in as a distraction
Any of you who think it's honorable or great to pay taxes then I invite you to pay mine. Or if you don't want to then you can always charge yourself the Woodrow Wilson level of 95% and pay that to the IRS. They will take your overpayment.

You're thinking of Eisenhower.

Taxes were high under Wilson to pay for the war. And the same goes for WWII. To pay for the Vietnam war a 10% income tax surcharge was imposed.

Since then we haven't paid for wars as they happened. That accounts for much of our current debt.

Wilson was fooled into signing the Federal Reserve Act, he was fooled into signing the 16th amendment that was never ratified and then he got duped into signing on America to fight in the biggest bullshit war of all time WWII was ANOTHER bullshit war because the very banking oligarchs and Wall Street that fund Hitler's rise to power also made tons of money when America entered it after goading Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. They made money from both sides. Vietnam was also another bullshit war that enriched the military industrial complex based on an incident that we now know never happened.

The debt that has been incurred by USA.INC does not belong to the people, it's a debt that USA.INC has ran up by their own volition. If you had a lawn mowing company that you contracted with to do your lawn and they filed for bankruptcy, does that mean you are responsible for their debt? USA.INC is nothing but a corporate entity and a successor to contract to provide the 19 essential/enumerated services of "gubermint" and they have fleeced us, made us sureties on their debts while profiting from it. When enough people finally wake up, then and only then, can we take back this country and restore this republic and it needs to happen fast before it is too late. Most people have no clue about the Bretton Woods agreement, the collateral accounts and how USA.INC became the world's reserve currency after WWII and this on the heels of them being bankrupted in 1933 and again in 1950. If you don't know your country's real history, you can't POSSIBLY understand how we got to this place, where we are heading or what the remedy is.

Wilson's foreign policies led to to the rise of Hitler's and communist Soviet Union.

Had he not forced the King of Rus to stay in WW1 as conditions on the loan from the US. Then Rus could have stamped out the Bolshevik revolution, but given their depleted military they were unable to fight WW1 and the Bolsheviks at the same time. That's why Lenin took over and that lead to Stalin and over 20 millions dead Russians.

By us entering the war, because Wilson wanted a decisive victory for America, to solidify his own foreign policy chops. Had we stayed out then WW1 would have ended because all sides were fatigued and heading towards walking away. With lands in tact and no real penalties with a surrender. With us entering the war we decimated Germany, took their lands, took their money, and left a situation ripe for the Nazi's to step in.... this message resonated.

They separated Germans into small minorities and pit them against each other..... much like the progressives have done here .... which makes sense considering the progressives were tight with the nazi's on eugenics and propaganda.

Funny how this video still stands today as a warning.

Is that why the pre-WWII Republicans were so supportive of Hitler and Mussolini?
Because 10$ could mean a missed meal for a poor person. $100k is a missed payment on a 3rd mansion for a rich person. And before you accuse me of being a bleeding heart, understand that this is not good for the economy as a whole...unless you think Brazil should be our model.

....or, another example.........That $10 would UNDOUBTEDLY be spent on something rather quickly, thereby stimulating just a tiny bit the economy........Conversely, that $100K may wind up in some Singapore or Swiss bank stimulating ZERO.
Each person gets only one vote

So I say 10% is enough . $10 bucks on a $100 , $100,000 on a million

But you know it's not like that, the way it is now 0 on a $100 and what $390,000 on a million ?

How is that fair one person one vote

One pays zip zero in federal taxes

And one pays

$390,000 dollars

Bullshit.....NO ONE has ever offered ONE verifiable example that any individual or corporation ever paid the 39.6%....Heck, the stipulation is that Trump made $640 MILLION and paid ZERO on that yearly income......

I can ONLY be proven wrong if Trump released his tax returns....LOL

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