Not paying taxes "makes me smart."

No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Dude, like 3/4 of your base doesn't pay taxes. Shut the fuck up
Guess that makes them all smart like Donald.
Trump has to earn it. They just sit there
So, if you're rich and don't pay taxes, you're smart. If you're poor and don't pay taxes, you're a societal leech?
If you are too lazy to work and prefer to collect welfare and other entitlements that may make you smart, but it also makes you dishonorable in many other ways of looking at it, especially from above. What Trump did was legal too, let it be on his conscious how he spends it.

(you still have the best avatar around : )​
We do not know how much he paid why do you assume it was 0 ?

Because Shillary speculated that it might be 0?

Because he didn't refute it but actually took the opportunity to call himself smart for it.

Yes, the very definition of hubris.

Gee a presidential candidate that's prideful.

Never seen that before

Do you know what hubris means? It isn't just being prideful.

I didn't think I had to list every synonym for you but here you go

hubris > synonyms
insolence n.arrogance, disdain, pride
presumption n.arrogance, disdain, gall
arrogance n.gall, disdain, nerve
pride n.disdain, arrogance, gall
self-importance n.arrogance, disdain, pride
conceit n.disdain, arrogance, gall
hauteur n.disdain, pride, arrogance
vanity n.arrogance, disdain, pride
gall n.disdain, nerve, conceit
audacity n.arrogance, disdain, gall
haughtiness n.disdain, arrogance, gall
pretension n.arrogance, disdain, pride
egotism n.disdain, pride, arrogance
loftiness n.arrogance, disdain, pride
pomposity n.arrogance, disdain, pride
disdain n.arrogance, gall, nerve
lordliness n.arrogance
nerve n.arrogance, disdain, pride
overconfidence n.disdain, conceit, assumption
pretentiousness n.arrogance, disdain, pride

Anyone with two cents for a brain knows that hubris is allowing your pride to be the cause of your downfall... I didn't ask for synonyms, I asked if you actually knew what it meant. Sense you decided to list synonyms instead of giving the definition of it, I now know not only do you not know what hubris means, you also don't know what "means," means.

Anyone with two cents for a brain knows that hubris is allowing your pride to be the cause of your downfall... I didn't ask for synonyms, I asked if you actually knew what it meant. Sense you decided to list synonyms instead of giving the definition of it, I now know not only do you not know what hubris means, you also don't know what "means," means.

It's excessive pride

That's all it is.

Anyone with two cents for a brain knows that hubris is allowing your pride to be the cause of your downfall... I didn't ask for synonyms, I asked if you actually knew what it meant. Sense you decided to list synonyms instead of giving the definition of it, I now know not only do you not know what hubris means, you also don't know what "means," means.

It's excessive pride

That's all it is.

No, so you have confirmed, you don't know what hubris is. Now that we have that established we can move on.
Anyone with two cents for a brain knows that hubris is allowing your pride to be the cause of your downfall.

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18

Anyone with two cents for a brain knows that hubris is allowing your pride to be the cause of your downfall... I didn't ask for synonyms, I asked if you actually knew what it meant. Sense you decided to list synonyms instead of giving the definition of it, I now know not only do you not know what hubris means, you also don't know what "means," means.

It's excessive pride

That's all it is.

No, so you have confirmed, you don't know what hubris is. Now that we have that established we can move on.

Really you know what it means and the people at Merriam Webster don't

Now that's ironic
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.

What rich person doesn't take advantage of the tax code ? Hell, im poor as fuck and I take advantage of the tex code as much as possible. When you dont get a tax credit for shitting out kids you kind of have to. Bet Hillery does it to. Wonder if she paied taxes on her clinton foundation money ? or the cash she gets for her DNC sales pitches?

what does 'shitting out kids' mean?. If you do have children-----get a nice dictionary. I credit my mom's old beat up WEBSTER (with missing pages, no less) with my ability
to spell---and also for VOCABULARY (I am probably missing
the words that got lost with the missing pages) My mother can
spell ANY WORD in the English language---(even now at age
97) but she always said "LOOK IT UP" when I asked her to
spell a word. Of course, now kids have the ON-LINE dictionary. For your first lesson----the past tense of "pay"---
is P A I D. ------If shitting out kids means that you envy the
tax deduction parents get PER CHILD-------forget about
the dictionary------nothing will help.

Anyone with two cents for a brain knows that hubris is allowing your pride to be the cause of your downfall... I didn't ask for synonyms, I asked if you actually knew what it meant. Sense you decided to list synonyms instead of giving the definition of it, I now know not only do you not know what hubris means, you also don't know what "means," means.

It's excessive pride

That's all it is.

No, so you have confirmed, you don't know what hubris is. Now that we have that established we can move on.

Really you know what it means and the people at Merriam Webster don't

Now that's ironic

No, hubris was defined LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before the Merriam Webster dictionary. If you were a little more cultured, maybe you'd know that.

Anyone with two cents for a brain knows that hubris is allowing your pride to be the cause of your downfall... I didn't ask for synonyms, I asked if you actually knew what it meant. Sense you decided to list synonyms instead of giving the definition of it, I now know not only do you not know what hubris means, you also don't know what "means," means.

It's excessive pride

That's all it is.

No, so you have confirmed, you don't know what hubris is. Now that we have that established we can move on.

Really you know what it means and the people at Merriam Webster don't

Now that's ironic

No, hubris was defined LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before the Merriam Webster dictionary. If you were a little more cultured, maybe you'd know that.

You have no idea how much education I have but you certainly are exhibiting that arrogance that comes with excessive pride and yet the irony escapes you

I find that hilarious

Anyone with two cents for a brain knows that hubris is allowing your pride to be the cause of your downfall... I didn't ask for synonyms, I asked if you actually knew what it meant. Sense you decided to list synonyms instead of giving the definition of it, I now know not only do you not know what hubris means, you also don't know what "means," means.

It's excessive pride

That's all it is.

No, so you have confirmed, you don't know what hubris is. Now that we have that established we can move on.

Really you know what it means and the people at Merriam Webster don't

Now that's ironic

No, hubris was defined LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before the Merriam Webster dictionary. If you were a little more cultured, maybe you'd know that.

OY VEY @ "cultured" Hubris is not actually an English word-----but it would show up in either an unabridged dictionary or a fairly comprehensive dictionary
Anyone with two cents for a brain knows that hubris is allowing your pride to be the cause of your downfall... I didn't ask for synonyms, I asked if you actually knew what it meant. Sense you decided to list synonyms instead of giving the definition of it, I now know not only do you not know what hubris means, you also don't know what "means," means.

It's excessive pride

That's all it is.

No, so you have confirmed, you don't know what hubris is. Now that we have that established we can move on.

Really you know what it means and the people at Merriam Webster don't

Now that's ironic

No, hubris was defined LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before the Merriam Webster dictionary. If you were a little more cultured, maybe you'd know that.

OY VEY @ "cultured" Hubris is not actually an English word-----but it would show up in either an unabridged dictionary or a fairly comprehensive dictionary

He's using the Greek literary definition where disdain of the gods was met with punishment.

But since Greek gods don't exist I stick with the more common definition
Anyone with two cents for a brain knows that hubris is allowing your pride to be the cause of your downfall... I didn't ask for synonyms, I asked if you actually knew what it meant. Sense you decided to list synonyms instead of giving the definition of it, I now know not only do you not know what hubris means, you also don't know what "means," means.

It's excessive pride

That's all it is.

No, so you have confirmed, you don't know what hubris is. Now that we have that established we can move on.

Really you know what it means and the people at Merriam Webster don't

Now that's ironic

No, hubris was defined LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before the Merriam Webster dictionary. If you were a little more cultured, maybe you'd know that.

You have no idea how much education I have but you certainly are exhibiting that arrogance that comes with excessive pride and yet the irony escapes you

I find that hilarious

I don't need to have to know how far you went in school to know that I asked you if you knew the meaning of hubris. You gave me synonyms. Then when given a second chance, you chewed up and repeated something from Merriam Webster. Knowing literature is a big part of knowing culture. Hubris is a main point of emphasis in literature, especially Greek literature like Sophocles. Oedipus Rex is a great example of this, and something that just about anyone who has taken a college literature or theater class has read.

Yet, here we are, you giving me synonyms you cut and pasted, a definition you quoted, and still, you don't know or agree with what it means. Then you try to reflect things back on me... so yes, I am making a statement about your education, because you have verified it with your actions.
Anyone with two cents for a brain knows that hubris is allowing your pride to be the cause of your downfall... I didn't ask for synonyms, I asked if you actually knew what it meant. Sense you decided to list synonyms instead of giving the definition of it, I now know not only do you not know what hubris means, you also don't know what "means," means.

It's excessive pride

That's all it is.

No, so you have confirmed, you don't know what hubris is. Now that we have that established we can move on.

Really you know what it means and the people at Merriam Webster don't

Now that's ironic

No, hubris was defined LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before the Merriam Webster dictionary. If you were a little more cultured, maybe you'd know that.

OY VEY @ "cultured" Hubris is not actually an English word-----but it would show up in either an unabridged dictionary or a fairly comprehensive dictionary

Show me where I said it was an English word?
It's excessive pride

That's all it is.

No, so you have confirmed, you don't know what hubris is. Now that we have that established we can move on.

Really you know what it means and the people at Merriam Webster don't

Now that's ironic

No, hubris was defined LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before the Merriam Webster dictionary. If you were a little more cultured, maybe you'd know that.

You have no idea how much education I have but you certainly are exhibiting that arrogance that comes with excessive pride and yet the irony escapes you

I find that hilarious

I don't need to have to know how far you went in school to know that I asked you if you knew the meaning of hubris. You gave me synonyms. Then when given a second chance, you chewed up and repeated something from Merriam Webster. knowing literature is a big part of knowing culture. Hubris is a main point of emphasis in literature, especially Greek literature like Sophocles. Oedipus Rex is a great example of this, and something that just about anyone who has taken a college literature or theater class has read.

Yet, here we are, you giving me synonyms you cut and pasted, a definition you quoted, and still, you don't know or agree with what it means. Then you try to reflect things back on me... so yes, I am making a statement about your education, because you have verified it with your actions.

I gave you the definition then I gave you synonyms.

But hey YOU know the definition but the editors of the Merriam Webster Dictionary or the OED don't

Do you know what Irony is? If you did you'd be laughing your ass off like I am
No, so you have confirmed, you don't know what hubris is. Now that we have that established we can move on.

Really you know what it means and the people at Merriam Webster don't

Now that's ironic

No, hubris was defined LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before the Merriam Webster dictionary. If you were a little more cultured, maybe you'd know that.

You have no idea how much education I have but you certainly are exhibiting that arrogance that comes with excessive pride and yet the irony escapes you

I find that hilarious

I don't need to have to know how far you went in school to know that I asked you if you knew the meaning of hubris. You gave me synonyms. Then when given a second chance, you chewed up and repeated something from Merriam Webster. knowing literature is a big part of knowing culture. Hubris is a main point of emphasis in literature, especially Greek literature like Sophocles. Oedipus Rex is a great example of this, and something that just about anyone who has taken a college literature or theater class has read.

Yet, here we are, you giving me synonyms you cut and pasted, a definition you quoted, and still, you don't know or agree with what it means. Then you try to reflect things back on me... so yes, I am making a statement about your education, because you have verified it with your actions.

I gave you the definition then I gave you synonyms.

But hey YOU know the definition but the editors of the Merriam Webster Dictionary or the OED don't

Do you know what Irony is? If you did you'd be laughing your ass off like I am

You didn't give a definition first, you just said that all politicians are prideful. You're such a dipshit. You've been proven to not know what you are talking about, and this coming after you jumped into the conversation with your little quip. All politicians may be prideful, but that doesn't mean that it will result in hubris. They are not the same thing.

Trump is so prideful of himself and thinks he is so smart, that when Clinton said he didn't pay any taxes as an insult, instead of defending himself, he took his vanity of being so smart, and admitted guilt through it. That's hubris to a "t."

I'm sorry you can't understand the difference. Pick up a book every once in awhile other than a dictionary, you'll learn something.
It's excessive pride

That's all it is.

No, so you have confirmed, you don't know what hubris is. Now that we have that established we can move on.

Really you know what it means and the people at Merriam Webster don't

Now that's ironic

No, hubris was defined LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG before the Merriam Webster dictionary. If you were a little more cultured, maybe you'd know that.

OY VEY @ "cultured" Hubris is not actually an English word-----but it would show up in either an unabridged dictionary or a fairly comprehensive dictionary

Show me where I said it was an English word?

my point is that it may not show up in some dictionaries. I will add------you would be amazed to know how many people never read those classics required in the ninth grade. Hubris
is a kind of word some people just never wanted to understand.
No Donald it makes you a rich asshole who takes advantage of the tax code.
Exactly. When he said that, not only did it piss me off personally, but it makes you think, "How can someone run the country, take taxes from everyone else, and never pay them himself?" Some kind of true elitist asshole who has no right at all to hold public office.

How can a former president and secretary of state run a hundreds of million dollar "foundation" and pocket far more millions for themselves than the pittance they give to charity just to make it look good?

10% is standard charitable giving.
Why don't you pull up the foundation's financials and the Clinton's returns and explain to us how that worked?
It's all available.
Fine. I will look at the financials and you read.(below)

If you are saying 10% is the standard for how much of a charity is used on the needy themselves you are living in a fantasy world.
You are an obedient soldier for the cause, admit to nothing.



Reacting to attacks on the Clinton Foundation, its defenders have cited the wonderful charitable works the organization performs. But an examination of the Foundation’s 2013 tax return, by indicates that only 10% of its budget went directly to grants tofulfill its charitable purposes.

According to the Federalist, the Foundation spent:


Charitable Grants 10%
Travel 10%
Rent 5%
Office Supplies 6%
IT Services 2%
Salaries, Benefits 33%
Other Expenses 34%

In other years, the Foundation spent more on grants. In 2008, for example, it spent nearly $100 million purchasing and distributing medicine to needy people. But, by 2011, those activities amounted to only $1.2 million and, by 2012 and 2013, the Foundation spent nothing on these activities.

According to, seven out of ten charities spend at least 75% of their funds on the programs and services they exist to provide. Nine of ten spend two-thirds of their funds on these purposes.The ten percent figure in the Clinton Foundation is absurd.

What do they do with the money? They underwrite Bill’s travel (and now Hillary’s). They presumably provide them with staff without their having to use campaign funds for it. They pay for all of the Clinton’s lavish Foundation events. By the way, one thing you will never see on the Clinton’s tax returns is entertainment expenses. They never personally pay for any of it. And the Foundation maintains a 4000 square foot apartment for the Clintons in Little Rock.

Of course, the Foundation revenue stream is quite apart from the personal funds that flow to the Clintons from their speeches, all of which goes into their joint bank accounts. But many of the Foundation donors also find a way to give the Clintons personal money by paying exorbitant speaking fees.

10% is standard for personal giving there Einstein.

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